PlayStation 5 Has the Potential to Kill the PC Gaming Industry


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mmMMmMmm yummy I love recycling the same two dozen types of articles every time a new console gen roles around

did you hear? the PS5 will have a GPU stronger than PC and run games in 4k res!

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>tfw ywn have supercharged pc architecture

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bruh... imagine having an enhanced PC gpu!

oh no! I'm worried about this!

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okay, retard

Can't kill what's already dead.

I got constant dns related timeouts on my ps4 and it's driving me nuts, is there a fix to this shit?
Every other device works perfectly with the internet but teh ps4 keeps on timing out

>falling for marketing hype

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>amd cant compete with nvidia and was btfo by intel for like 7 years
>somehow consoles which are made by amd will kill pc gaming
something doesnt add up.

>PlayStation 5 Has the Potential to Kill the PC Gaming Industry

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Well, to be fair, a legitimately decked out PlayStation console might at some point be more powerful for gaming than any PC since Windows is a huge fucking mess

>This trhead again

When the fuck is pc 2 coming out

RDNA looks alright, Nvidia still got the lead but it's a giant leap from Vega or Polaris.
i do hope that the ps5 will use RDNA2 tho on 7nm EUV which would greatly improve yields and hopefully a performance upgrade going from gen 1 rdna to gen2 rdna
variable rate shading, AMD's impressive upscale sharpening and overall good performance will be enough for 4k

If there was one thing to convince me we were in some fucked timeloop it would be gaming journalism articles.

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post yfw PCs will never be obsolete, whereas consoles will likely stop being produced within the next decade

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The PS3 was supposed to kill PC gaming.

don't they say this every time a console comes out now

Pcbros like nvidia. Consolefags like anything

>Sony supports epic because it is driving people back to piracy
>They're probably the ones spamming Yea Forumswith egs threads
My God it all connects

>AMD's impressive upscale sharpening and overall good performance will be enough for 4k
for current graphics? maybe
for "next gen graphics"? hell no


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> x86 CPU

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I feel like you're telling me they lied with THE POWER OF THE CELL and BLAST PROCESSING but I can't be sure.

off with this crypto shit website

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Never forget

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Sony showed that image in their 2013 presentation, I'm just reposting it.

And for newfags, here's POWER OF THE CELLLLL, the PS3 version of their usual bullcrap

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>Censored everything
>Killing PC gaming industry

"current graphics" never came close to fucking Crisis on PC like a decade ago. everything AMD now throws at Snoy will be a giant leap forward, especially when first party devs are used to scrap every single dip of performance for graphical fidelity.
the real upgrade lies in the MASSIVE cpu upgrade with Zen2, might even with SMT, the AI for next gen will be amazing.

Remember when they used to say exactly the same thing back in 2012 about ps4 and the all mighty 8gb gddr5?


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Realistically speaking, what's the chances the next gen still struggle to do 1080p/30p.

don't@me brainlet. you are too stupid to take part of the conversation, go watch some porn

>He believes consoles will be able to hit 60fps with 4k and the Raytracing meme

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90%. Eyecandy > performance , gotta have those cool trailers

go read about Bulldozer CPU and Zen2 CPU, brainlet


This is you

not this shit again
cant wait for the faked cinematic trailers

Lmao delusional sonegro faggot

>DRM box
>Ever competing with, or even touching PCMR
just kek.

>technical understanding of a homeless nigger in LA
i am shocked

>Beliving Ayyyymd
>Believing Sony
Silky smooth 30fps for 7 more years

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so we are going to have the same garbage threads until PS5 release and find out PS5 will be shit in term of power in less than 2 years after release?

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why would they stop being produced

My PC from 2012 has fucking 16 GB, there is no excuse to have less than an almost 10 year old rig.

What? Another one for the collection?

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>PlayStation 5 Has the Potential to Kill the P-

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Cant wait for ps5

>why yes, i love heb*ew cock up my ass all day, how could you tell?

Pc gaming is already dead since 10 years. Look at the most played games on steam and tell me with a straight face that early access garbage, indies, mobas, brs and csgo mean an alive gaming platform lmao

they do this every year OP. remember when they said the ps3 was gonna be more powerful than pc for years to come? yeah, that lasted maybe a year before new gpus came out and ps3 got left in the dust for the rest of the gen.

its just sony feeding buzzword bullshit to the masses like every gen.

Its confirmed, PS4Shills on twitter shit on Steam and praise EGS because its better than the Nintendo eshop according to them, even though the eshop has atleast wishlists and a fucking cart, don't ask for logic when it comes to these cretins, they just love to start shit with anyone everywhere

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yeah just like the ps4

How many times will you spam this thread?

Every. Time.

Can you do everyday things on your PS5? No.
Can you play whatever you want on your PS5? No.
Can you play games with a keyboard and mouse on it? No.
Can your PS5 match a PC build from 2016? Let's hope you can.
Can you upgrade your PS5 incrementally? No.
Can you play online without paying? No.

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>say this for the 7th gen
>not true
>say this for the 8th gen
>not true
>say this for the 9th gen

Can you emulate other consoles and apply mods to games?
In the case the game launches broken can you fix it?

>8 gb of ram
>Still using a Hard drive instead of a 2.5" SSD or M.2 drive
Yup, this will kill the PC gaming industry for sure

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They won't stop being produced as long as normalfags keep buying them, which they're going to keep doing for a while because they don't want to spend $1000 to play FIFA and whatever capeshit games come out

We're literally back to the age of blast processing, can't make this shit up

Ssds were expensive back in 2013 i don't blame them for HDD but they sure should've put a bigger battery in the ds4

Are they allowing porn games on the system or something?

Commiefornia would never allow that

nu-sony will never let anything that would offend the californian metoo approved feminist sensibilities, you have a much higher chance of getting ecchi and porn games on the Switch than ever seeing non censored stuff on a Sony system nowadays, what the hell happened?

Im assuming most of us were shitposting here instead of getting into the industry

More like has the potential to flop in Japan

They hate any kind of force online except gacha

why the fuck do these garbage threads even get replies