Reminder that he's in as the next Smash DLC fighter

Reminder that he's in as the next Smash DLC fighter.
Autistic waifufags who never played an RE game will seethe over his inclusion.

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Based and Redfield

>CERO-Z game.

Dead on arrival. Poor REfags.

>saying this when RE characters were in MVC
>RE7 and REmake 2 got CERO D versions

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Do Smash fans get more excited over characters than the gameplay itself?

>Highest CERO rating is D.

Try again, idiot.

>Uncensored is CERO-Z.

Sakurai will never allow kids to play violent games. You lose again, REfags.

Attached: jillfag.png (1500x1000, 1.55M)

>never allow kids to play violent games
>Bayonetta as a whole
>MGS with the vast arsenal you have

You gonna piss your pants and cry once Leon gets in? You gonna kill yourself?

i would be really excited about a resident evil rep. i think jill would be cooler especially if they use her REmake design but make her ore stylized sort of like how she is in MvC. with the spencer mansion as a stage. re4 leon would also be neat, don't know what the stage should be though.

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Heh, so sure your shit character is a lock.
Imagine having hope for a never were seen miles away.
If I wanted to kill myself, I'd do so for an actual meaningful and valid motive, lmao.

Again, you stupid fuck.
All games you mentioned are CERO-D at best.
Those were added because they are for 17 and up.
CERO-Z is strictly prohibited to sell to those of 18 and below of age.
Sakurai will NEVER allow Resident Evil shit in his game. Screenshot my comment.
I'm actually confident of their exclusion you can do so, I don't really mind.
It's ok to hate the truth, after all.

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Nice try. Still CERO-Z.

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It would be Jill/Leon/Chris/Claire

Why include just one. Stage would be Spencer mansion

>b-but chris is too buff
Theyd either use pre-roid Chris or just make him slightly bigger (see Ike)

Moveset would be a mixture of all of them.

Ignoring the CERO-Z shit, Leon won’t get in because Joker literally has his entire moveset already. Grappling hook, pistol, kicks/knife tilts, dash attack, and smash attacks, etc. Snake also has grenades and a rocket launcher that would work in the exact same way. RE doesn’t even have much going for it when it comes to music because anything they put in would be absolutely butchered by it being made more upbeat per Sakurai’s dumb new rules. I love RE but Leon would honestly work better as a mii gunner.

>claims he loves RE
>proceeds to claim Leon would be a Joker clone
Yeah ok buddy

Lol, even their own people know that Resident Evil is absolute shit in Smash.

Jump ship. Join another Smash character group. Reimu needs help ;)

>side tilt
>dash attack
>jab combo
>back air
>neutral b
>up b
>up smash
>down smash
>side smash
>up air
>forward air
>down air
Now let’s put in Snake moves
>neutral b
>side b
>dash attack
>up throw
>back throw
>forward throw
>side tilt
>down tilt
>up tillt
>jab combo
>forward smash
>down smash
>neutral air
>back air
>down air
>up air
So yeah, my mistake. He’s more of a Snake clone.

Attached: LeonNPCS.png (720x686, 403K)

You "people" are worse than that CEROfag and should be executed in public.

>wanting a copy-paste character just because you think re is cool
Enjoy your mii costume

A source told me it's Jill in her RE3 Tank top. we will also get Junko Enoshima and Crash, screencap this

Attached: 694940094001_5806301767001_5806320518001-vs.jpg (931x524, 62K)

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I’d rather them make a new character with a unique moveset than a legacy character that just rehashes what’s already here. Snake already fills in the archetype of “realistic gun man that doesn’t fit in smash,” we don’t need two.

Why the fuck do I never see an RE character in fan polls yet RE is more popular than almost everyone topping the polls?

Because even REfags know that a character from it wouldn’t work in Smash

Fanpolls are infested with just Nintendo fans. As in the hardcore "Everything must be baby game" people

Yeah but we also have 40 Marths lying around that's okay right.

No, the game would be better if the 40 marth clones were removed. There’s so much roster bloat right now and most of these characters should’ve stayed cut because they brought nothing to the series.

Don't speak for everyone faggot. I want to see another badass gun user. If you want to play with more cereal mascots then the roster is bloated with them.

Personally, I think Mr. X would make a pretty good addition if Leon or Redfield didn't make the cut.

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>used to think leon was a meme pic
>as time goes on the idea gets hyper and hyper
Dudes it's either him or phoenix.

Attached: Regina1.png (500x891, 298K)

>implying they would end on a anticlimax like leon for the pass
>implying the RE rep wouldn't be nemesis

It could be Jill with Nemesis as a Final Smash

Attached: uz.jpg (640x726, 61K)

>copy-paste character
Up-B is Hookshot
Side-B is the suplex (would not function like Incineroar's, Leon would kick up after his, hitting opponents near him and the knock-back from the suplex wouldn't be as great)
B is the backflip, can be used to dodge melee and projectile attacks
Down B would allow you to change the weapon you are using
Neutral Attacks would involve using knife swings, or could use dual-wielding with his knife and a handgun
Final Smash is the Rocket Launcher (Special)

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