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Other urls found in this thread:


Wasn't the cyberdemon in 2016 though?

The new(old) cyberdemon is returning in Eternal as a semi-rare mimiboss

It was, but they’re bringing back the classic design for Eternal.


Doom 6 better be called Doom 666

Technically, this is Doom 6.

This is DOOM 5 you retard.

The updated designs look shit

Ultimate Doom, Final Doom, Doom 64, Doom 3, DOOM, and Doom Eternal.

Fixed it for you OP.

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343 has yet to do anything redeeming

>key staff already leaving before game is even out


Eternal will probably have microtransactions too bro. Literally skins.

Titanfall 2 already did.

>reach still isn't out
>we wont get the enitre mcc until 2021
343 are a bunch of hacks

Doom 2016 was terrible so I don't see why people are so invested in this

doom 2016's arcade mode was really fun
I haven't been following the development of doom eternal, will it be including other game modes like this?

nuDoom is trash


>Ultimate Doom, Final Doom, Doom 64

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Titanfall 2 couldn't save itself...

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I prefer waiting for a decent port instead of getting a shitty one or something worse than MCC in the release.

thank god, after the dumpster fire that's BL3

cope, pleb

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>loot boxes
Fucking yikes.

please be joking

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wrong, they look more like classic doom designs

the hype for nudoom was fabricated in a bethesda lab and abused the good will from fans

Imagine being excited for the future of Halo after 4 and 5

>implying nuDoom wasn't developed with plebs in mind

You think cyberdemons would be less cranky if they had someone to hug?

well shit son

I'm not a consolefag sorry, also it's not my fault if you're braindead and can't aim using a mouse :^)
Now stop projecting retard.

the hype for any game is fabricated according to Yea Forums shitters
small dev make a breakout hit that's actually way better than anything else that's been available on the market for years? nope, nobody would be excited for their next project, it must all be shills


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It seems that according to nuDoom lore the demons are just bioweapons to whatever is ruling Hell, which is just interdimensional expansionist empire with a knack for cruelty.

Based. Can't wait to see Halo Infinite selling more and being better overall than nuDoom!

How do i create a GOOD FPS game similar to those of the 90s? making one right now, cant decide on if the weapons should change depending on the theme of the episode or stay the same throughout the entire game

I think I remember them saying Arcade Mode wouldn’t be out on launch, but it would be a free update like last time.

I think that the weapons changing based on the episode would be neat, but that’s just my opinion.

Just look at Dusk or Ion Maiden. Don't make it play like Doom 2016 though, that game is shit.

they said there isn't going to be arcade/snap map

If you change how the weapons look, I would expect them to function differently.

Really just a lot of it depends on the fundamentals. Key hunting with secrets and mazes. If you wanna try making a classic fps but dont got the skills you I would strongly advise you to try out quake or doom mapping because it might be enough to satisfy your needs for tinkering.

>doom is zoomer
zoom zoom

Even if D55M is fun like D44M and Ion Fury was fun it doesn't really save much. Shooters are still consistently slow as molasses and after one of these came/comes out 101 shitty ones just come out before the next. No one learns no genre is saved.


nuDoom is zoomer, you retard.

>dusk or ion maiden
im basing it more on duke nukem or quake rather than the new shit.

>changed how weapons look
I was thinking more of having completely different weapons that work differently depending on the theme of the episode

If you cant change that shitty hud and arcadestyle i'll not buy this time. If i want a Flipper i would play Fortnite like a ultrafag

That would only be possible with open source modding.

>stop projecting retard
>your a console babby

I played the demo, it was all right.


>nuDoom is zoomer you retard
user you are literally too dumb for words but i will try.
how can a game going back to its roots with classic gameplay be zoomer. Do you just spout meaningless buzzwords

Try harder next time

Don't forget to check if the aim assist is on, because you're going to need it.

>going back to it’s roots
>ebin press x to awesome kills
Try harder, Todd.

no, it wasn't

cope lol

what kind of list is that? where's DOOM II?

because it doesn't really do that, the map design is nothing at all like classic doom and it has a number of new mechanics like glory kills

Final Doom bro :/

I'll take what is Quake since 1996 for $25.

The classic gameplay still exists as a seperate entity you sophomoric retard.

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*makes Doom a shitty zoomer game (again)*

A different game

>Making Doom violent and fun is bad
>jumping was added to many doom source ports before this came out. at least try to act like you have played before
i know i am just harrassing tards who hat nuDoom because it isn't just a direct port of 1. I thought the game was fun even with the new mechanics. not perfect but fun

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Doom>modded Doom>this

One big problem is that they thought Doom is powertrip fantasy when its actually survival

Doom 2 is hell on earth. Final doom is more like a/two expansion/s. right?

>going back to it's roots
no it isn't. it's a great game, but it's vastly different from the 90s

Final doom is not doom 2 you fucking idiot

New brutal Doom is pretty rad tho

>Doom 2
>Final Doom
>Doom 64
>Doom 3
>Doom 2016

We're at Doom 7 now.

doom isn't survival, what are you talking about? are you saying every game with resource management is survival? because that makes the genre extremely bloated and pointless

Yeah you're right, corrected me.

>he left out DOOM RPG

glory kills and cutscenes is like the only problme, I'm not going to call it nit-picking but if those are the only two things it's at least moving in the right direction.

yeah until you get loaded out then its a powerfantasy. Its honestly both. It is survival until you get loaded out, then a power trip til ammo runs out or a Cyber demon comes, then survival


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Doom 64> Doom> Doom eternal [estimation]> Doom 2>Doom 4

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Take a lesson from Amid Evil, it's fucking fantastic

Cry harder, puritan bommer-tard

with a console shooter?

but if we're gonna count 64 as main-line I guess plutonia, evilution and resurrection of evil also are. Eternal is no9 then

>retards calling nu-doom slow

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Reminder that the first Doom experience of every nuDoom apologist was Brutal Doom and that's a bad thing.

Speaking of brutal doom what do we think of vietdoom.

>reminder that [unproven strawman]
show me the thorough study you conducted to find this out

>retards calling nudoom fast

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>going back to its roots
In 1994 it was called ‘Doom’ because you’re going to get your ass kicked. Just look at this poor fuck on the cover, he’s seconds away from getting torn to shreds. Doomguy was fast and carried a lot of guns but wasn’t so much towards building a power fantasy - that was more with Quake with a character who was faster in every way, who could jump + look around + switch weapons far quicker.
NuDoom and NuDoom2 are aping after the Brutal Doom buzz, while picking up all the power fantasizing nerds who were wandering around aimlessly without Master Chief.

go to hell grandpa. i have never touched brutal doom. Everyone who has a hateboner for doom is a retard who thinks jump in source ports is blasphemy. If you do not like the game that is fine though. Just do not be a flaming faggot about it.

brutal doom is actually good, unlike new doom

forgot pic, hope it’s not needed though

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Probably playing it through a source-port too. pffft!

it is fast if you play on nightmare

Not really.

Reddit game

Fuck off todd

Jump and freelook objectively do break many maps.

It's slow

I think so, at least the combat. if course there are faster shooters, but that doesn't make nudoom slow

It's slow when you're not comparing it to shit games.

It's slow because it's a console shooter. You don't have to have fast reflexes or dexterity to aim because it's designed for a controller. You just move from canned animation to canned animation, while shooting guys 5m away from you you can't possibly miss

user the game literally isn't designed to be played with jumps, it changes the game
what exactly does freelook break?

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and thats a fair point. does not mean they can not be fun
same as before. this is also not including any wads who include jumping.

Any trap with monsters on a ledge below you, the Icon of Sin, maps with enemies in towers off at a distance where your autoaim won't activate from.

I'm not comparing it to anything, I'm saying I don't think it's slow. you're just saying your opinion, and so am I
you obviously haven't played it on nightmare, trying to constantly pull glory kills is going to get you killed so fucking fast

It really won't. You're already invincible while doing them, and once you get runes that literally teleport you to staggered enemies they becomes trivial.

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>You're already invincible while doing them
you literally aren't, you're straight up lying at this point and proving you didn't touch nightmare. the AI also changes and becomes much more agile and aggressive. an imp can twoshot you on nightmare while you're pulling that shit

depends on if you want a competitive CS like game, or a "fun" FPS. people would be much more lenient to change on a non-competitive type game

I have played it on Nightmare. Doing glory kills doesn't get you killed. The enemies always sit around waiting politely for you to finish no matter what the difficulty level

If you do glory kills in nightmare, you're going to have a bad time.

>you literally aren't
You literally are, even the devs confirmed this.

no they don't you fucking liar

>what exactly does freelook break?
Rocket launcher for one. Turning on freelook and turning off autoaim makes it insanely safer.
Freelook also gives you the ability to snipe and attack enemies outside of their ‘attack’ range.

>worst level design is best
Yeah, no.

prove it. post a video

just a fun FPS, nothing realisitc

can't wait to play it

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I have been killed doing it on nightmare tons of times, it's absolutely difficulty based
you made a claim first, prove they stand around and wait in a video

They do. You CAN die during a glory kill, but enemies won't start a new attack on you during a glory kill, so it's probably an attack that started before you started the glory kill. Overall the enemies have alot of ridiculous bullshit they do to make the game easier. Like they won't attack you if you can't see them, they will deliberately aim to miss if you are moving (no matter the direction) so that if you just keep moving you will never get hit, no matter what the direction is

It's not, because I do the same shit in arcade mode. Ultra-Nightmare, loaded up with all of the glory kill runes. It's a free Slayer medal.

>no u
thanks for proving my point. you can not prove it so now you are forced to ask me to Boundary Break.

>its just Serious Sam but made for fags
When did the Doom series turned into furries and trannies bros?

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You’re not invincible. It’s usually far safer just shooting them in the head when they’re staggered, they’ll still drop health and you won’t be stuck in an animation. One bullet or two for health on nightmare is always a good trade, and you should be decent on ammo anyways because there’s no reason to level health or armor above it.

Fuck this bullshit. They just lost my preorder.

Doom 2016 was the first modern FPS game I actually enjoyed. Yes, its not as good as Doom, yes the arenas are kind of stale and the game forcing you to play in a certain way to get upgrades was a real drag, but it still felt great to play. Then Shadow Warrior 2 came out a few months later and was basically better in every single way. Still, those two are the only modern FPS games I can stomach playing and hopefully I can finally add a third.

can you really not see how much of a hypocrite you are? why am I the only one with the burden of proof when we both made a claim?

good luck on your game user, but DUSK is heavily influenced by quake and Ion maiden is heavily influenced by Duke so you're not making any fucking sense

>You’re not invincible.
You are.





>Shadow Warrior 2
Get the fuck out of here.

skins is whatever, but locking content behind preordering is fucking cancer

>Shadow Warrior 2 came out a few months later and was basically better in every single way
>Shadow Warrior 2

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they're both trash

how can you say i am a hypocrite when you as well will not post a video.

When spectacle and instating a new ‘master chief’ became more important than skipping fucking cutscenes - I blame console incompetency more than that.
Did they patch it, or change the invuln window? Either it was the glory kill or the situation the animation put me in that’d get me killed on nightmare - REGARDLESS, just shoot instead. Until the rune upgrades than glory killing is crazy OP.

>ammo is shared between weapons and their upgrades
>no reason to use the plasma rifle or combat shotgun outside of extremely niche situations because the upgrades are plain better
Actually the worst thing about Doom 2016. In classic Doom, the chaingun being a straight upgrade of the pistol was fine because your equipment would regularly be reset at the start of a new episode and finding a chaingun wasn't easy. And the super shotgun didn't make the regular shotgun obsolete. In 2016, you have these cool weapons with cool upgrades but they are power creeped in the first 1/4th of the game. I can handle glory kills but I can't handle this shit design. Also, the chainsaw was really poorly implemented. Is it still the same shit in Eternal?

Just because they're based on 90s games doesnt make them 90s games, which is what im basing my games from, makes no sense to take inspiration from new shit

No, the entire game was designed that way. Maybe you just suck at video games and stand still after every cutscene, but the game gives you every opportunity to watch the canned animation and escape unscathed.

Compared to what

Not in every, no. I liked SW2, but it relies too much on stat system, and if you are not a turboautist like me, you will have a boring time with it.

They both are damn good though, so fuck you.

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because you accused me of "no u"ing. we're both in the same predicament, you just refused to acknowledge that you're doing the exact same as me

It has faster movement, better gun variety and a chainsaw that actually worked like a chainsaw. The levels are a bit worse than Doom but the core gameplay is faster and more intense. The bullet sponge shit was only a problem in higher difficulties post a certain patch.

yes but a good game is a good game

Link to a video where a guy who interviewed the people who worked on Doom 5 talking about how enemies won't attack you during a glory kill

It's objectively slow. They could make it twice as fast without glory kills and if the enemies just popped in instead of warping in or whatever the hell they do

more like painkiller in space

Super Shotgun didn't make the regular shotgun obsolete in Doom 4 either. The cluster bomb upgrade and burst fire upgrade are stronger than it.

>They both are damn good though, so fuck you.
I said they are both good you illiterate retard. But one has a shit chainsaw and the other has 3 really satisfying chainsaws. That alone puts SW2 over Doom 2016.

Oh, how could i forget! Unlike doom, shadow warrior 2 had an expansive COMPETITIVE ENDGAME BITCH SWAG RPG rebalance patchtime post-relise, which made it fucking suck a giant dick.

>The cluster bomb upgrade and burst fire upgrade are stronger than it.
Actually false. Double tapping with a super shotgun has a much higher burst and dps than both.

No, Plutonia and Evilution are from Final Doom, while RoE is just a Doom 3 expansion.

>Oh, how could i forget! Unlike doom, shadow warrior 2 had an expansive COMPETITIVE ENDGAME BITCH SWAG RPG rebalance patchtime post-relise, which made it fucking suck a giant dick.
What are you talking about? The higher difficulties were just there to scale with your gear. You never had to go higher if you didn't want to and the "RPG" mechanics aren't even real. You just put elements on your guns and match with weaknesses. The other stats don't really matter.

Doom *L4D edition*

RE4 and 5 did this too. It'd be cheap to be attacked during an unskippable animation sequence.

>start a NEW animation
so they can still attack you and they don't stand still, thanks for clearing it up

Isn't Final Doom just a Doom 2 expansion in the same way?

If only nudoom had even half the modding capability of L4D.

show me the objective and accurate method you used to find that out

It'd be cheap not to
fucking console gamers

It's standalone.

did you watch the video? you're also invunerable, but continue moving the goalposts

I guess you could compare it to other FPSes and judge whether or not it comes of comparativly slow or fast for the genre. I don't think the result would be that 2016DOOM is slow though.

It breaks puzzles that are based upon you having to be horizontally aligned with a button that you have to shoot to activate.

Who gives a shit about jumping, crouching, freelook or whatever as long as it doesn't break the map itself, I have been playing Doom for almost 15 years and not even once I have given a shit about what retarded purists say, just let these autists circlejerk each other with their Chocolate Doom and Odamex until they die of old age.

Also Brutal Doom is shit because all the mouthbreathers who get into Doom only want to play that instead of the hundreds of other gameplay mods.

Hahaha oh no no

>Also Brutal Doom is shit because all the mouthbreathers who get into Doom only want to play that instead of the hundreds of other gameplay mods.
thats because it's the best gameplay mod by a significant margin
retards always jump in at this point recommending demonsteele or any other boring weapon replacement mod

nigger YOU just moved the goalpost. you said they won't attack you during a glory kill and that was false. you can immediately die if an enemy is attacking you during a glory kill and it's still going when you're done. you said they won't attack you during the animation and you proved yourself wrong

The average human reaction time is something like 120ms. If you give some room for the standard deviations, all humans should be able to react in under 200ms or something. Any game that lets you react slower than 3 standard deviations from 120ms reaction time is objectively slow.

Do not lie to me.
>oh we thought that it was a good idea to take away skillpoints for quests in NG+, we also took away all the skills you got from quests in NG+ because it is more fun to get shards you can find in drops as rewards!!!))))0 oh and we also fucked up stats so guns without elements are almost useless against elemental enemies who were made spongier.
Fuck that. I played the game on a weak laptop in 10-30 fps and enjoyed it on min settings, but this shit made me drop the game two hours later.

this, for AAA shooters it's hopeless, Doom 2016 was only like that because of its heritage, AAA shooters will continue the be slow and shitty because cinematic and pretty graphics will be what the suits and marketers want to push to normies. fast paces shooters seem to me like they are a niche and will thrive in the indie market

>when you're done
so you're no longer in the glory kill anymore
these fucking mental gymnastics

Fair enough.

Do you think they're going to attack without an animation? Attacks in progress don't matter because you're already invincible.

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I don't care about your opinion, show me the OBJECTIVE measurement you used
do you know what objective means?


>in DOOM
I'm cool with that.

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but you said they're standing still you retard, and they literally aren't
user they can start an attack before you start the kill and be still going when you're done. see the mancubus and his flamethrower

No it was just some faggot design

I am basing my objectivity on the averages of human reaction time. I'm too tired to think it through but it's objective.

I liked the 2016 design

I didn't say they were standing still, someone else did. It wouldn't matter if they were or not though, the enemy is not attacking, it's functionally the same. You are invincible during a glory kill and you use these glory kills strategically during combat to pacify enemies because it stops them attacking. It's retarded as shit

Halo is a shit series that's worse than every before

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Arrest yourselves

>it's objective because I say so
proof? how do you objectively measure a "slow" game? where does the line go and who gave you the authority to decide that?

I guess if you're actively retarded and launch into a cutscene kill when a Mancubus is already using its flamethrowers you'll get hit, but that is the same retardation that would drive someone to punch a Cacodemon in the eye while over a bottomless pit.

so they aren't standing still, good to clear that up
I'm not even a fan of glory kills

In your example, they are. The Mancubus is stationary while using its flamethrowers.

A game that lets you react SLOWER than average and get away with it is SLOWER you fucking dumbass. You're just pretending to be retarded so you don't have to accept that your shitty game is slow as fuck.

new doom felt good to play, if it wasn't for the fact that those stupid melee epic kills didn't grind the action to a complete halt. Also I fucking hate cutscenes and stories movement based shooters, arcade mode doesn't really fix anything because it just makes the levels look disjointed as fuck because the cutscenes and story is too integrated into the game, they need to go back to self contained levels like the old games but I'll be damned if modern gamers will accept that

>Reach getting Delayed till 2020
>343 halo

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I don't like Demonsteele because it doesn't play like Doom at all. And gun-wise, Complex Doom feels better than Brutal Doom.

It sucks that half the people on this board are trying to make it where you have to like old school Doom or new Doom when I love both

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Brutal Doom still has the best gunplay.

>all these posts
>still no blue text with a study and accurate method
so it isn't objective, it's just your opinion
>is slow as fuck
proof? I don't have a problem with that opinion, but you're claiming it's hard fact. I'm interested in how you found that out

It did once you maxed out the Super, having two one shell shots instead of one two shell shot and being able to pierce through targets made it the go to weapon for most engagements along with the Assault rifle and Plasma rifle

>nerfs the fuck out of the difficulty like the other op weapon packs
I’m not sure what they’re getting out of ‘Doom’ at that point but it’s likely why NuDoom is getting as much traction as it is.

t. Mark

Brutal Doom has stronger enemies to make up for the stronger weapons

Look at all that SOUL

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>best gunplay
Hideous Destructor by a fucking landslide. Brutal Doom tricks you with smooth animations, decent sounds, and feedback.

>smooth animations
>decent sounds
Those are the most important things for gunplay.

When it comes to finetuning classic gameplay, I prefer Babel. BD is too retarded at this point. I haven’t checked lately but do HKs still do that dumbass ‘roar’ animation when aggroed?

Had a song made for this milestone of life


You movement is slow as fuck (feel like OG Doom walk speed), but it's fine because projectiles and arenas are balanced around your speed and you also have vertical movement.
OG Doom turns into easy mode shitshow in open spaces (unless you are niggered by hitscanners) while in tight corridors your speed doesn't make much difference because either you start encounters at safe distance or can't move at all because you're instantly getting surrounded and blocked by niggers.

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the only demons who do roar animations in brutal doom are cyberdemons to the best of my knowledge
It's quite well balanced if you stick to the default weapons, but they keep adding in new shit like railguns and new BFGs that make things too easy

Wrong as fuck oh god. Give all those things to the starting pistol and it still sucks dick. HD has the best feeling guns in Doom, bar-none, no contest; just change the sounds if you cant stand classic.

>unironically playing bloated shitshow that is Brutal Doom

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Can you turn hitscanners back on?

better guns != better gunplay mechanics
Put those guns in brutal doom and they'll be 10 times better.

or when you love those games, hate modern FPSes and love brutal doom even more because with the exception of sprinting (which can be turned off) the changes isn't any of the things that suck about modern games

i dont think so

I want a doom game where he's just at home taking care of his 20 pet rabbits living a comfy life he needs a break from all this demon shit anyone would after 25 years

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Duke Nukem

Make them rabbit lolis. No lewd shit though.

It's still the best AAA shooter in 10 years

I like doom.

>better guns != better gunplay mechanics
>implying we havent been talking about gunplay mechanics
You proved you’re an idiot. Every time I try to give BD another chance and ‘hear someone out’, this happens.

>not enjoying both classic DOOM and nuDOOM

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goddamnit my shoes look like this too

If they aren’t leading their shots then that’s some crazy casualization.

Making so many weapons is very risky and resource-consuming.
Because making them GOOD is hard, and the more you have to make the higher the risk of them being lame, unless you spent enough development resources on them to make sure they aren't.
A game that had different weapons similarly to what you describe is... Daikatana.
So, just focus on making a good conventional-sized arsenal, and use the resources for something else (level design, enemies).

>forgetting about HDoom

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Have good maps and interesting objectives -- which means NOT having key quests.

Think about weapons later.

And Doom RPG

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Based post, just look at the nuDoom fags that still can't cope with it. Absolutely hilarious.

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This, based

>wanting the worst Halo game in the series
Just like a PC nigger.

It will also get better reviews. 2D Metroid 5 will also kill it.

Would you buy one.

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Already got one. Best part is it plays music. Looking forward to Eternal because apparently it's going to be all the demons turned into little collectibles.

Any FPS games that could use a spiritual successor?

It’s better than 3, worse than 1 and 2. It’s not really saving it as preventing it from dying completely.

Only game that I am actually looking forward to

But leftoids love Doom's story since
>The whole thing started because Doomguy refused to fire on protesting civilians, thus getting sent to Phobos as punishment, setting the stage for everything that happened
>The nuDooms portray the UAC as an explicitly evil corporation that he needs to stop at all costs
>the smarter ones didn't give a shit about the "mortally challenged" line since it can be interpreted as a commentary on corporations using woke rhetoric to distract from all of the horrible shit they do

Honestly Doomguy does seem like the type of person who wouldn't trust corporations. Not because "capitalism bad", but because their hunger for power could put the world in danger.

Well, yeah. That’s just the kind of guy he is.

...Does that mean he's a jew that hates his own kind?

>make the game full-on powerfantasy
>keep his height at 6ft
just make him 6'5 or something to go all the way, the cutscene where he walks around the station and everyone were scared of him looked underwhelming when they were eye-level

>worse than 2
2 wasn't very good at all, the level design did a nosedive and it was already starting to get behind tech-wise

If you have to ask that question on a mongolian basket weaving boards let's just say I won't keep my hopes up on your success.

I HATE the fact that weapon classes have shared ammo, it limits gameplay variety

He’s the great grandson of the original Wolf3D BJ, who was never actually stated to be a Jew.

Not when the shitty 2016 design is about to be thrown out.

64 is canon. Doom 2016 even acknowledges the fact.

I thought that was Keen. And then Doomguy is Keen's grandson.

This, I never used the super shotty or gauss cannon at all because of this shit

Doomguy is Keen’s Son. Which means the Billy Blaze from Commander Keen mobile is the Machinegames version of Doomguy.

"Doom for halo fans 2"

>halofags trying to get some relevance

>343 are a bunch of hacks
As opposed to just shitting out the MCC again and "fixing it later" like every other developer? At least they're working on it.

It's got like 10 different game engines in it, it's going to take time.

>still no Switch footage
also, is Doom 64 exclusive to Nintendo?


I just want some feedback to make sure im on the right track and dont fall for shit that will ruin the overall game, I have 2 FPS games im working on that adhere to 90s/early 2000s FPS standards, with one being almost done but the other still stuck in the planning phase

>walks in a straight line to arena spawn room
>demons spawn in, hold right click to bring up my iron sights to shoot
>enemy starts to glow
>i press a button to see something awesome and also become invincible for the duration of the animation while also healing a quarter of my health per F press
>monsters defeated, follow quest arrow to end of straight line hallway
>I did it! Level up and start assigning my skill points
>Ahhh... FPS is saved

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Project Brutality.

an easy solution would be making two different types of ammo for each class and making ammo packs split the value in two. so each shotty would receive 50% the value of a shell pack each

who/what are you quoting?

His schizophrenic hallucinations

but after the titanfall fiasco i doubt anyone would put an AAA budget on it.

Are you seriously listing the ability to jump in a fucking video game as a bad thing?

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Is this nigger for real

The amount of mental gymnastics boomers have to go through to defend their shitty 90s shooter as better than the current installments is fucking hilarious, im actually with the zoomers on this one.

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yuruposters are retarded

I'm a boomer and I like both. But og Doom is simply outdated, while Doom 16 actually has some design flaws.

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>become invincible for the duration of the animation
this would actually make the game a lot more playable on nightmare.

of course he isn't, he's a lonely faggot desperately looking for the slightest bit of attention
don't respond to shit like that

I recently replayed doom 2 and about half the levels are complete shit
like map 12 through 28 are mostly all bad.
I mean it's a good game still but what the fuck were they thinking
doom 1 has a much tighter, better design
plutonia and tnt do the difficulty thing better

Dusk and Amid Evil are better.

Doom is one of those games where it's steller gameplay saves it when the levels are mediocre at best. Probably why I still love Doom 2 so much, even when a lot of maps are pretty weak.

>better than an unreleased game
lmao how the fuck do you know?

Because Doom 2016 feels like a console game

not on nightmare, which is the only way to play 2016

Did you play on PC, or watch people play on PC?

We’re talking about Eternal.

I finished it on nightmare.

1 > 64 > 2016 > 2 > Plutonia > TNT > 3

>no multiplayer


I didn’t asked if you played Nightmare, I asked if you played on PC.

Why would I play an fps on console? lmao

There is.

>he doesn't know how to go into the settings and turn off the hud
lmao, must suck being legitimately retarded

>asymmetrical darksouls ripoff


These are the only FPS games to have a review score of 97 or higher, Doom is not one of them because it was always shit
> GoldenEye 007 (1997) (Nintendo)
> Half-Life (1998) (Valve Software)
> Perfect Dark (2000) (Nintendo)
> Metroid Prime (2002) (Nintendo)
> Half-Life 2 (2004) (Valve Software)
> Portal (2007) (Valve Software)
> Bioshock (2007) (2K Games)

there literally is you retard


do you even know about battlemode? since when did dark souls MP consist of 2v1 matches where you play as monsters?
also you're moving the goalpost you faggot, you said they're was no multiplayer when that's objectively false

>Can get the base game for $37.99 at best buy or the Game and DLC for $61.99

What to do? Both come with a steelbook for free and you get a $10 credit back after purchase

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then good news, it does.

how is this not multiplayer?

That's not moving goalposts, I do not define multiplayer as a shitty asymmetrical darksouls ripoff.

>A multiplayer mode isn't multiplayer because I say so.

Okay retard.

I don't care about your arbitrary and retarded definition lmao, multiplayer is literally when multiple people are playing the same game at once

again, what the fuck does a dedicated asymmetrical 2v1 mode have to do with DaS?

I beat the game on nightmare, hard but fair. Definitely not unplayable

>At least they're working on it

Stop. Stop defending 343. They're incompetent.

No just some alien faggot with a rocket launcher

I think he’s talking about the Invasions,