Games that actually capture the "generic JRPG" feel that a lot of anime references?

Games that actually capture the "generic JRPG" feel that a lot of anime references?

I just wanna kill bosses, explore a neat world, get cool loot and costumize my character.

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Final Fantasy IV, the most generic of generic jRPGs possible

Dragon Quest

I played DQ9 back when it came out and yeah it captured that feeling pretty well, but i could never get into the other ones.
They should do more games where you can costumize your character and party.

4 has no customization

never finished it but Shining Resonance Refrain seemed generic enough.

They’re almost always referring to Dragon Quest.

octopath traveler

You'll never find it because what anime references is never a single game or franchise, but an aggregation of tropes from many games and franchises.

Is there news on that konosuba blobber i read a shitton of time ago?

SAO Hollow Fragment is probably the best

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The RPG from the Game Center CX DS game.

Dragon's dogma but it's not turn based.

Give me a game where I can be a majestic water godess

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super mario sunshine and a bit of imagination

Konosuba and its ilk are referencing MMOs moreso than JRPGs

Dragon Quest and Wizardry, both being the grandfathers of the genre are pretty generic
Breath of Fire, with the exception of Dragon Quarter ofc
And unironically MGQ Paradox, being it's a homage to DQ and other JRPG classics

Give me a game where I can lewd the great light, that is Aqua. Praise Aqua.

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This is now a thread about the Konosuba megaman ripoff
Which stage was the most kino?

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>Wanting to stick your dick in a literal retard

Fuck you, I know what I'm doing.

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Tales of series

post lalatina

>breath breath
>you wish...

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>wanting to fuck a monkey
That's how humanity got AIDS you fool

Would an Isekai rpg work well? Has it been done?

>you fool
some things are simply inevitable. deal with it. faggot

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How would you even define an Isekai rpg?

WOW i want to fuck aqua and marry megumin


dragon quest. the most generic jrpg of them all.

>quads wasted on this fucking post

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that's a pass for me

Ironically, the best dragon quest blow the fuck out 99% of JRPGs out there.
Yes I'm thinking of DQV

Based. I like those too a lot.

God I fucking love Konosuba. Aqua best girl.

games with mommy young girls?

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Yes, and yes. Isekai is pretty common in rpgs, actually. For fucks sake, Ultima is an isekai. The PC is stated to be a normal human from Earth.

This is now a Yun yun bullying thread.

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Most isekai are just about MMORPGs, but a lot of MMORPGs owe themselves to Dragon Quest.
I'd say go for DQ3, since it has a literal generic archetype party, whereas DQ4 onwards has parties with actual characters.

Today I'll remind them

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When's the fucking movie gonna get subbed niggers?

The PC being from another world. What else would it be?

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>Girl has a body like that
>No friends

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i want to be her friend so bad.
>rich girl
>mommy behaviour
>can cook

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Didn't those guys get a game like last month? It's not translated but surely there are people here for whom that doesn't matter. How good is it?

>Yunyun has no friends
>Not even sex friends
Fucking how!?

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Any good Yun yun doujin?

Unironically WoW classic

The Legend of Heroes series

They're all basically referencing Dragon Quest, so just play those

too pure to have sex friends, too pure even to have friends

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This, the SAO hollow games are amazing RPG.
I don't even like SAO but since the game have their story I can enjoy it.

That's not Dragon Quest though.

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mugimuncels coping.

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how did you fuck up "megumincels"

unironic celibate

>some autist actually took the time and effort to make this image and thought it was funny or clever

I think dq9 was made for autistic people like me who could happily create personalities for my custom party even if they actually had none.


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Fire Emblem Fates

This whole comic makes my heart hurt really bad

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Tales of... games actually perfectly fit that generic anime rpg fix I sometimes crave.

I hear the last true tales of game was released years ago.

The same way you do any RPG really.

Ni No Kuni

same desu
I'd have been happier if I could at least give them a set voice and "personality", by which I mean, a battle stance named after a personality trait.

I had an edgy bastard monk, a cowardly Priest and a boisterous, jovial black Warrior.

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As with most roguelikes though, you'll have to use your imagination to make your own story.

this if you don't count turn based combat as necessary for a generic JRPG

If you're going to try to accurately imitate an artstyle why would you pick the worst drawn frames/episodes as your practice reference? Jesus...

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The Last Remnant, but you'll have to pirate it if you hadn't bought it before.

Dragon Quest 3 is specifically what most of them are referring to. Japs love that shit. Try the SNES ver.

>People will never draw the other clan members

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I would but I'm a mediocre person and not that good of a friend. She's not even old enough to be a drinkmate to drown the loneliness together with. not that it's stopped me before

You're right it's not :^)

SAO without Reki Karahawa fucking it all up is actually pretty good. SAO Alternative was a great show.

Whose the semen demon in the middle

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>no game lets me properly RP as Megumin

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That's Konosuba, and he's gay.

If she's old enough to kill things she is old enough to drink and fuck.

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Sinjid mana bomb build is the true Megumin experience. Not only is it viable I think it's the strongest build in the game.

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That's The Guy.

Canon gay or delusional fandom grasping straws gay

Official 100% flaming homosexual.

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Alright then where are the doujins

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You're wrong, but I'm curious why you would even want this to be the case.

Neither, he's shitposting
He fucks the twelve year old in red there because she has the least baggage attached to her

>not doing aqua every night in the pooper
>not slapping dankness around all day long
>no secret meetups with yunyun to trade secrets about the midget for dirty deeds
one hundred percent absolutely totally fucking flaming homosex gay. there's not a single ounce of doubt.

nah it's just pic related. coincidentally pic related is also why you don't get it either.

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The girls just suck far too much
Why bother when the succ brothel is RIGHT FUCKING THERE

>coincidentally ad hominem
because you don't have a single argument.
>The girls just suck far too much
not his dick, so much is certain

but user I just became a wizard at the start of this week I haven't even gotten a chance to use my powers

Lmao loser


What would be the closest type of game to the fake Glory game in The King's Avatar?

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shhhhhh my wife is sleeping

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