is this worth 20€ ?
Is this worth 20€ ?
not worth even if they paid you+ bj
of course not
>le epic black female soldiers
absolute cringe. hell no
you can just take a month of origin basic access if you want to try it, I honestly doubt your interest will last longer than a month of playing it
>WORLD war 2
>2 faction for months, only 4 faction right now
It's shit. Even BF1 beta had more factions
Fuck no, get pic related for like 2 bucks instead.
>giving money to EA
post your us boy
If you just want to goof off for a month or two. You'll run out of shit to do by then. It's the same fucking maps and modes ad nauseum. They released it a year early to push out the stupid fucking ring of fire mode so the other modes were gutted.
>t. lvl 63
No. Even for free it would be too much.
No. I would buy it if the "Firestorm" aka BR mode was good but it was dead on arrival.
if you've ever played a game with a BR mode you'd know being in the top 10 is the most intense feeling you can get these days
>implying BR games are good
>while posting game of cucks image
>sit in a bush while the competition goes from 64 down to 8
forced meme cock sucker
zoom zoom
based RS2 bro
Winning a BR is fun you dork. The fun comes from the win.
I'm gonna wait a year, like I did with BF4
The constant recon/scout radar shit ruins this game unfortunately, but for 2 bucks it's alright.
Don't. Just wait for the Pacific update, it could salvage this game.
>man I can't stop sucking all these dicks on a Chinese basket weaving forum
If you really want to try it, get one month of Origin Access. The game likely won't last you a month and then you can at least spend the rest of your time playing Peggle.
BFVagine could've been good if the studio didn't waste their time and resources on this gimmicky gamemode that has no place in a Battlefield game.