Without spoiling shit, please answer me one question:
Do I have to kill this fucker straight up or is there a trick to it?
Without spoiling shit, please answer me one question:
Do I have to kill this fucker straight up or is there a trick to it?
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you gotta reduce its HP to zero hope this helps
The trick is to git gud, scrublord.
The more materia you have equipped the more damage his aoe does.
Why is there no Sapphire Weapon?
This is key
Its Aitre Tam Storm attack deals damage 1000 x number of materias the character has equppied. It's easy with multiple Counter Attack Materias, 4xCut and multi hitting Limit Breaks. Dont bother with multiple KotRs and Mimes. You can get underwater materia that removes the time limit
>tfw I beat Emerald without the underwater materia, mime, KOTR when I was a kid
Wow, I wish I was as cool as you. Maybe then I'd still be a virgin.
You need to kill him straight up
The "trick" is working out the most broken materia build possible
Have fun spending ten hours lvling the materias up. You could just take the wasy way with Counter Attacks abd Limut Breaks
I think everybody is missing something here.
OP, you're NOT meant to kill him as soon as you can fight him. He's an endgame challenge.
Pussy detected
That's the one that got shot in the face by the Junon gun as it was coming out of the sea
Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
Good thing the Weapon chose to attack Junon exactly from the front of the immovable cannon. The cannon sure paid itself off
>You have to get lucky to beat the boss.
That's just shit design.
When did Yea Forums become THIS casual and afraid of little challenge?
>be like 6 or so
>flying around the highwind on my brother's save
>literally just doing that, flying arounmd the world and seeing the sights
>spot some red thing moving in a crater
>decide to investigate
There are some tricks, like making Barret's damage overflow error by equipping him with Missing Score and 8 Knights of the Round materias. Or give someone Final Attack + Phoenix so you can never really lose.
But really what you're supposed to do is realize how Aire Tam Storm goes and just duke it out with only a handful of materia, whereupon he's not that strong.
quadra magic/demi 3/mime
easiest boss fight in the entire series
He's literally impossible when he becomes available without special preparation.
I hope he makes you happy user
based strategy guide cockblocker
That is a very figurative use for a literal word such as "literally". You can get Underwater materia by morphing the ghost ship at Underwater reactor and trade the morphed item for the materia. No time-limit anymore and you can kill emerald EAZY-PEAZY, my casual friend.
>believing shitty guide
There's a sure way to kill the Weapon with no luck involved
Kys casualshitter
i got u
Racism isn't funny.
Post a video of you beating Emerald weapon then go get the Key to the Ancients or fuck off.
I have no reason to play the game AGAIN to that point to post you a video of it for you but you are more than welcome to watch for example Youtube videos showing the thing being done, my angry casual friend
>is there a trick to it
Use slots
final attack linked to phoenix materia, also knights is not time effective compared to spamming limit break.
I would have never made it without the item w bug exploit.
Fuck, really? Must have played this game 10 times but I never knew. I don't really understand Ruby either but things always work out somehow as long as I summon Hades
I thought Putin forbid russians from using international web sites
DPS race
>ten hours
>not duping elixirs for the pots
You get more AP from Movers, friendo. Even with Elixir duping it takes lotsa time to master KotR and Mime and in battle KotR takes too much time compared to multiple Counter Attacks and Limit Breaks
wrong country
Wew looks like someone refuses git gud, ya fukken pussy
>Not just 1 shotting him
Movers spawn in the same area though. Having elixirs means you don't waste the encounter
I know. Everyone and their mother knows the W-Item trick. Even with infinte Elixers the levelling up takes too much time when you can do it more cost efficencely and not sit through multiple KotR animations
It's more efficient to just watch youtube
The move name is literally "Aire Tam" Storm, which is Materia backwards
Naturally. If you wanna cheese the fight with overlong KotR spam, do it. It's your choice.
>lmao just cheat bro
There's a glitch that kills him in one hit.