>be yesterday
>playing wow classic
>doing lvl 30 quest as alliance that happens to involve a cave full of horde
>can't barely get a few quest items because horde keeps killing me and everyone else over and over
>literally type in the general chat: looking for hero to slay horde scum
>a goddam 55 level rogue whispers me and says he'll come help
>comes and wipes the floor with all ~100 horde that were in the cave ganking everyone
>literally stands guard at the entrance of the cave for half an hour to kill horde scum so us low levels can collect quest items in peace
>thank him and finish quest in no time
You lied to me Yea Forums, classic is a strange and wonderful experience
Be yesterday
>decides to roll on a pvp server
>complains about pvp
woe is you
I'm not really complaining, but when you walk back to your body for the 100th time in the same hour it kinda gets old
horde infestation is serious
data says 55-45 on my server, but holy fuck STV and arathi is horde central
This is why you make an alt. If you notice you're completely outnumbered in a contested zone and don't want to be killed at every turn, you either move to a different zone or quit for a while
I made a horde alt on another server, and I fear with my luck I rolled on a alliance dominant server
imagine spending a whole hour trying to do one 2k experience quest
if only you had realized it was futile at the start, you could have gotten 10x the exp in the same hour just grinding mobs
there are no alliance dominant pvp servers (on NA anyway)
>imagine spending a whole hour trying to do one 2k experience quest
It's about the adventure bro
>another day
>another alliance screeching about getting thwacked
Literally everyone told you to roll horde. You ignored the advice and are now doomed to get thwacked all the fucking time until 60, where you will continue to get thwacked. Enjoy.
>doing lvl 30 quest
>lvl 30
ahhh, ye olde STV gangbang
>questing in stranglethorn vale on fucking friday
it's like you want that genuine Vietnam experience
OP isn't complaining you retard, that's actually what happened on old vanilla WoW PvP servers
>player gets ganked by group of players repeatedly, can't fight back on his own
>calls in a high level to save him
In the best case scenario, then the other players call in their own high level and then more high levels pile on one by one until it becomes an epic back-and-forth PvP battle in some random low level cave.
>spend my days lurking around fellow Alliancebros playing alone or in twos
>just waiting for them to get ganked by some faggot hordecucks that think they're safe because they've got an extra player or two with them
>crush their spirits one by one
>players call in high levels for help
>still rape them sideways
I saw a lvl 47 warrior wipe the floor with about 10 level 40 hordies
7 levels in classic is like, a lot
>there's already a level 19 Horde twink parked in Redridge ganking people 24/7 for the few days on my server
Makes me want to start a twink too but I only twinked in wotlk and cata
Best part is when you're deck out in full arena gear and high levels show up with wearing fucking greens
Needs only one good shot from Fear and that warrior would get fucking assraped.
>be me yesterday
>questing at stv
>some 55 rogue starts killing allies at camp
>they form a raid and start killing lvl 30s
>we form a raid and take back the camp
>general chat spamming for more recruits
>ally backup arrives, bunch of ??'s
>no horde backup
>at this point the place is a warzone
>get wiped out by high lvls
>cant take it back since no high lvls on our side came to help
>55 rogue nowhere to be found
fucking horde niggers why wont you help your kind?
I'd thought the twink crowd would make a solid comeback in Classic since the PvP didn't award experience again.
There's already a huge twink community on xpoff that's preparing on a bunch of the classic servers
In vanilla, level 39 twinks seem to be the meta.
Stv is always a warzone but god help any poor soul going there on friday, then its just holocaust
>quest mobs all dead
>npcs are all dead and camped as well
>player corpses everywhere
>basically anything killable is dead
OK ok, don't turn this into wallmart vs yrope shitfest
Sounds more like him praising the community aspect. The situation he mentioned would never happen in current wow.
It was in Hillsbrad, wasn't it? The whole place is this weird combination of lowbies trying to quest and gangs of high players protecting/hunting them.
I love when those blow up into an all-out war and raids on each other's camps.
Friday was yesterday user.
>tfw playing on an RP server but really like world PvP too
>RP-PvP servers are all underpopulated
>regretting not rolling on a PvP server
Feral druid or rogue, lads?
>lvl 39
>a video of a retarded orc literally autoattacking people
feral druid only if you're ok with healing at 60
rogue is fun
grobbulus has an ok pop
So they Horde finally accept their nigger tactics? Only fighting when they vastly outnumber the enemy. Fucking pathetic, no wonder you faggots still live in mudhuts and walk barefoot
You don't minmax, do you user?
Feral/resto hybrid druid is the best PvP class in the game if played correctly
They do top-tier DPS if you gear a specific way, there's a lot of weird shit that's considered BIS for a feral druid.
ofc not, I will be wearing the judgment set only no matter my role, once I get it that is
This is why you don't quest in Stranglethorn Vale on a PvP server.
>twink community
Where does that word come from? I only ever knew it as a synonym for faggot.
Twink's also a term that's been used in MMOs since the 90s to describe people who gear out their character before max level for PvP purposes
But back in the 90s it was called tink (short for tinkering).
>a huge community of slender young faggots playing WoW together
I went on a cross-continent stealth mission as a lvl 18 night elf rogue trying to get to Ironforge from Menethil. Along the way I saw literally all fucking horde dudes just camping the roads, patrolling the questing areas, killing any Alliance NPC's and quest givers. I killed a couple of lvl 20's by sneaking up on them while they fought mobs. I would go up to a quest giver, talk to them, then run to hide in the hills as 5 horde dudes came over to kill the quest giver immediately afterwards. My server must be at the very least 25 Alliance 75 Horde.
It was yesterday user
>in wetlands
>killing quest npc's
>horde in wetlands to begin with
>If you notice you're completely outnumbered in a contested zone and don't want to be killed at every turn, you either move to a different zone or quit for a while
nice interactive gameplay
Its the fastest way to run through to get the Kargath FP, if you go from Arathi
You'd really have to go out of your way to kill quest NPCs though
Fuck you FAGliance nigger. You deserve to be on the ground and watch the undead rogue or troll Shaman rub their nutsack all over you after getting ganked good. And if you cry to some fagliance high level I pull out my reserve level 60 near the woods and make them fuck off so I can go back to ganking fagliance trannies.
I'm playing Warrior just because mortal strike feels so fucking good to press
But that's what classic is all about, the endless ganking, quest NPC dead and rerun to corpse for next 100 over time
not him, but horde and alliance on the server im on, skeram, are constantly invading low level zones. killing npcs to meme on the other faction. Phase 2 can't come soon enough.
An undead rogue camped the Murloc quest giver in Elwynn for 6 hours straight.
It's mainly just my server. Ashenvale is also entirely horde controlled aside from Astranaar itself. The roads are literally all lvl 30's travelling back and forth. Stonetalon Peak was also all horde.
>Calling for backup is complaining
Nice. Fuck Fagliance trannies, horde should keep up the good fight and make them rage quit or kill themselves. Every gank and every teabag session after said gank is a victory.
My account already has 2 warnings on it. Can I just transfer my character to a new account and duck those?
On Herod its relatively chill despite being a PVP server. I think people still just want to get on with leveling unmolested, and starting shit on such a crowded server is a one way ticket to getting corpse camped for the next hour
how about you stop being a nigger
this shit happens because alliance let it happen. it's the same reason why in retail alliance has massive bonusses for warmode.
>be a 41 shaman ganking in desolace
>make the Gelkis camp my playground (i'm neutral with them for extra convenience)
>4 alliance grinding there
>kill them 1 at a time
>none of them ever think to team up
>alliance are unable to quest here for an hour until I get bored
What did you do to get warnings user? Mpdern blizzard is staffed with trannies so you can say F*g anymore. Especially in trade chat.
sorry I'm on a shitty server and I hate everyone, and everyone hates me
maybe I'm just too antisocial for classic
>rogue opens on me
>press retaliation
>rogue pops evasion
>press overpower
feels good dabbing on these elf fucking shits
My server is horde heavy and it's the worst.
I can barely get anything done in the mixing zones without being ganked by someone five to ten levels higher than me.
As soon as you fight back, you get fucked by the rest of them.
Stop being a Fagliance tranny and you wont be ganked. Notice how this isn't a problem to Horde chads in Durotar or Mulgore. Gank squads only role up to Elwynn and Goldshire. I wonder why....
>babby has to cry for help on a PvP server
>thinks a high level wiping out all the low level other side is a "wonderful experience" rather than removing an obstacle so his babby self could go play pattycake with NPCs
Go play on a PvE server, you faggpt carebear.
First I got mass reported for banning people from world chat cause I was tired of seeing it get spammed by "spell/meleecleave" and "inv to new layer"
Then a few days later I felt like quitting the game and wanted to get banned so I just shouted "KILL N.IGGERS" in world chat
I made a ticket complaining that the first silence was a false report since I didn't do anything wrong, but the incompetent GMs said "no you were silenced due to racist comments" even though I made the ticket BEFORE I even said nigger.
So not only are the GMs completely incompetent, but you can get silenced for doing literally nothing wrong.
He did exactly what you are supposed to do.
You are a faggot.
This doesn't happen to be Hillsbrad Foothill yeti cave? Had a similiar experience, where it was swarmed with alliance for some reason, alliance are much higher level when they quest there, so I gathered a strike force after a few deaths (if you kill a lower level player and additionally have lot's of players, don't taunt him, you won by default). The horde army was big enough to win against the level cap and we celebrated, truly magical moment.
It's a horde heavy server you goober.
wow is has the most boring design where you cant win when outnumbered and blizzard never did anything to even out faction imbalances.
ultimately classic servers will look like all the retail servers, with 90% faction domination on one side.
Or you ask for help?
>getting mad because he's the one getting camped instead of getting to camp someone else
pvp servers are for actual literal retards. have fun letting another man dictate whether or not you are allowed to enjoy the product you pay money for, cuck
>start a fight in open world with someone my level
>they just spam /sit to get it over with
Why even fucking roll on a pvp server
>the real world is for actual literal retards. have fun letting police dictate whether or not you are allowed to enjoy the guns you pay money for, cuck
>banning people from the most used chat channel
You deserved it. I quit reading there. A bunch of fags on my server turned world chat into a dead channel because they wouldn't let anyone post anything that might be semi-offensive. They're guild keeps control over it too, making sure to change the moderators themselves before it auto changes.
Fuck you ZEROS, you fucking tranny
I'm speaking in general you faggot. Notice how the Horde NEVER experiences gank squads in their starting zones but fagliance trannies cry way too much about Elwynn, Goldshire and even Loch being swarmed by based Horde Gankers?
>mfw I roll through stv as a group of 3 warriors, a priest and a shaman
>mfw some faggot called his lvl 60 friend then watched him get obliterated by windfury procs
I banned literally everyone indiscriminately, hundreds of people. Seethe you tranny freak
Come Mister Pally Man, [Tel'Abim Banana]
Bubble come and he hearthstone home
I will shit you not, last week after questing there, I saw a nightmare where I got ganged by rogues in there in an endless loop.
Played so much wow that I'v had a lot of dreams about wow though.
There are a lot of people who think they aren't "real gamers" unless they play on the hardest version of a game, and then get butthurt and hate the experience. There's no shame in being a faggot carebear as long as you can admit you're a faggot carebear. Wannabes are well below carebears.
Imagine banning people. You're basically a janny.
I actually had a pretty decent time levelling in my server until I got to the mixing zones.
fuck windfury dude
>be 42 shaman
>start fight with paladin
>12 auto attacks, windfury doesn't procc once
>he procs SoC 7 times despite me spam purging him in the same time span
>roll a lock
>use VW all the time
>even if a rogue opens up on me i can sac
>win 90% of all fights because i know how to play my fucking class
>play one of the easiest classes
>"wow im so good"
>implying getting some faggot to do your dirty work for you wouldn't earn Kreia's approval
>Why yes, I do roll the minority faction on PvP servers
>Gank squads? Yeah, they need to group up to beat me.
>I'm an open world raid boss
>things that never happened
warriors are fucking pussies until the late 50's
>tfw huntard
>tfw fucking people over with traps and then wing clipping them
>tfw watching them struggle to reach me then realizing they are already dead and struggling in vain to get away
It's not as easy as ganking with a rogue, but that just enhances the thrill.
Holy fucking based
maybe you should play a warrior if you want a real challenge then. that leveling experience turns boys into men
Dude just specc BM at 40 and watch your pet solo clothies. it's so much fun
Leveling a rogue is harder than warrior in my opinion. Warrior leveling is honestly pretty easy if you can keep your weapon relatively up to date
>doing quest where i need lots of low droprate items from low spawnrate mobs in a tiny area with poor mob density
>alliance player comes along and starts killing the same mobs
>do him from behind because rogue
>he comes back with another alliance player and together they clear the entire area for mobs
>meanwhile i'm stealthed up and shit just watching them until they get careless and split up
>manage to get the warrior first before i restealth and then kill the hunter
>2 minutes later they're mad as fuck and start aoeing and spamming flares until they find me and kill
>come back and don't see anybody so i just respawn
>tfw they were hiding behind a hill and jumped me as soon as i sat down to eat
>repeat x5 but still managed to score some cheap kills on them
>during all of this i saw 5+ horde players either pass me by while i'm fighting 1v2 or take the opportunity to farm the mobs while i'm busy getting raped
zug zug...
>its not as easy as ganking with a rogue
>when all you do is walk backwards and spin around to autoshot/arcane
>maybe a viper sting
Don't kid yourself, you're not any good just because you're held up by training wheels the class.
>doing that quest in badlands where you have to kill 2 lvl 50 elite drakes
>get there with my full group and 5 alliance are also gearing up to kill em
>we wave to em, point out one drake for them and one for us
>respawn and switch drakes, everybody wins
>we even help each other kill drakes if one group finishes early
>heal up after and gank them when they least expect it, killing them all
fuck i love this game
>Tfw huntard
>Went Beast Mastery, forgetting how much it is actually Bore Master, cause half the interesting pets aren't in the game at this point and the spam talents
>Pet barely works in vanilla
Just wanna respect to Marksman/Survival hybrid fun mode
Rogue leveling is nothing but suffering and misery
>pull more than 1 (one) mob
>welp time to vanish
>oh right I don't have it yet
>warrior leveling renowned for being a massive pain in the ass
>so far separated from the other classses its the dark souls of wow leveling
>"nah user its easy"
>battle with alliance on a road
>one horde runs by and doesn't even slow down to help
>later on he asks in general chat if someone can come kill the guy ganking him
>call him a pussy in /1 and people agree with me
>he throws a shit fit and leaves while yelling about transferring servers
Warrior leveling is just slow, not hard.
Helps that you level cooking, first aid.
And have either mining/engi or herb/alchemy.
Rogue leveling is aids, only advantage rogues have is being able to run away if things look bad.
Alliance is full of literal moms and trannies that spend all their time crafting and chatting.
Horde is full of people that want to pvp.
Even if a server is close to even Horde-Alliance numbers, a good 50% of Alliance high levels aren't interested in fighting. Even on a pvp server.
>not training wheels
>indefinite sap
>can execute anyone in 1v1 with a level 1 dagger
In PvP, rogue is training wheels.
In PvE, hunter is.
I say this with my main in vanilla/TBC being a rogue.
Have you ever leveled a warrior to 60 or are you just repeating things you saw online?
Warrior leveling isn't hard if you play with a brain. You kill mobs fairly fast, have options to cleave mobs down and your high armour and Hp lets you survive a fair amount. Even if you fuck up you have 3 big cooldowns that will save your life
I find leveling rogues and paladins to be much less enjoyable and harder.
>warrior leveling easy, just spend 10 hours every 5 levels to work on your professions bro
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I dinged 60 first of my class on the entire realm, and I've been involved in numerous ganks on STV, and I have over 3000 confirmed pks. I am trained in stunlocking and I'm the top ganker in the entire Classic WoW. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will corpse camp you the fuck out with the precision the likes of which has never been seen before on the Azeroth, mark my fucking words. You think you can Hearthstone away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the realm and your character is being /who'd right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your character. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can gank you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only amd I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of my guild and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking fingers. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will teabag all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
>t. neckbeard
us alliance stick together. this isn't the mid 2000's anymore bucko, real pvpers roll alliance now since horde has been overrun by 12 year olds
God damn horde
If you can't keep first aid up to date while leveling you might have brain damage. Also your class skills are pretty cheap so its easy to kit yourself out in decent gear
had this happen while testing on a one shot combo for my paladin
>walk up to some horde guy fighting a mob
>help him kill it
>sit and eat with him
>immediately smack him with a Hi-Explosive Bomb+Gnomish Death Ray+HoJ 6 second stun+Holy Shock
>/spit and ride away
>call someone a retard
>silenced for 3 days
I'm out
>biggest pvp zone in vanilla
>not expecting that , to end scaling to fun levels
>that Chad charging to the rescue
>Try to do this in game
>It's a fucking ghost town and nobody cares
hahaha....yeah....vanilla is very cool...
>that one warrior in the corner charging straight ahead into a group of six people
>warrior charging into his death
>in stonetalon for my fire hardened mail warrior quest
>Constant horde rape
>Nobody wants to do RFK
>Can't get my quest done or my Corpsemaker
>Cant get WW axe because the charms are like 1 gold each on my server
It's supposed to be a funny image you sperg, I don't care about being ganked, that's why I chose a pvp server
Is it just me or are feral druids secretly pvp gods?
Faction Pride makes my dick Dark Iron Hard. All Alliance should charge horde on sight no matter the level
He killed one and shouted away the others and didn't die. I managed to blink away and didn't die either
Join a guild. Time to make some friends
I have leveled one to 60 before you shit, and grinding single mobs one at a time and not having a way to escape if things go south makes it a pain in the ass. are you sure you're not just playing retail and confusing it with classic or something
Druids were universally panned in vanilla and thought to be underpowered in PvP
But people found out years ago on private servers that ferals are god-tier with good macros.
Druids are fucking pains in the ass in PVP
>Massive armor
>Can shift between meatshield and ghetto Rogue
>Can stack HoTs on themselves any leftover mana
>Top tier flag carriers in WSG
What's a good east coast PvP server to roll on with faction imbalance favoring horde?
I want to wreck some green niggers.
All servers are horde majority
Exping in STV during prime time were some of the best times I had in WoW.
Skeram. Its not overly skewed, but everyone on world and trade will say its 70 : 30 horde alliance. The pvp is good and thats all i care about
>You feel normal.
Without reading the rest of the thread or the replies... I am going to guess this is the Yeti cave in Hillsbrad.
>not being able to escape
Just hamstring and run away you literal brainlet. You can also just int. shout if things get hairy
>Helps that you level cooking, first aid.
Didn't know those were warrior only skills.
How do I survive STV as a lock if I don't know anything about other classes or what they can do to me?
if a big scary guy gets close use fear, and keyboard turn to watch him slowly die from dots. there u go, u win everytim
>first time playing vanilla
>roll rogue because i want to fuck with people
>everyone is saying its one of the most painful classes to level
>didnt start using poisons outside of dungeons until i was lvl 30 because there was no need for it
>got first aid and more bandages than i can use
>almost no downtime between mobs and no need to spend money on food because see above
>managing just fine with gear i got from quests and dungeons so never had to waste money on buying from ah
>can solo most elites at my own level without problems as well as deal with 2 (sometimes 3) normal mobs at a time if my cooldowns are available
im having a really good time but im starting to question everything ive heard about vanilla wow from all these elitist boomers over the years
>questing in desolace
>bumfuck nowhere, naga island, 10 minute swim
>nuWoW spawns 2 naga on me in Classic (tm) fashion
>5D chess the mobs, 11 hp, soulstone just expired, used everything, create a clutch soulstone, now 0 mana, mobs advancing
>1 sec from casting it on me, out of the fucking blue human warrior charges me, 176 melee overkill
>go on a rampage, red is dead all day
>finish questing
>walk down road to shadowprey village to leave desolace forever
>meet said human warrior on the same road
>Warlock fears me
>watch as he applies every known disease on Azeroth
>finally get out of it
>fears me again
Can someone tell a PvP baby what I'm supposed to do against this?
just pvp trinket lmao
>you either move to a different zone
The strong have claimed that area, I see nothing wrong with this.
it was hard back then because no one knew about the game. and it didn't help that every popular Vanilla private server since Nostalrious used the same overtuned base game. The overtuned version of Vanilla is much more fun imo, which is what sucks. Things feel way to easy in Classic. Leveling speeds the same, but mobs are too easy. Even most elite areas can be duo easily. No need for a dedicated 4 or 5 man.
Be undead
i expected the zones to change to horde or allianced owned if that happened at vanilla
i also expected the zone to change base on that , like the losing faction town being gone and winning faction bigger presence of trops
Which one of the RP servers is most populated.
>get distracted from questing in STV because there are alliance EVERYWHERE and I instinctively attack every single one I see
>form a posse with 2 other dudes who are also chasing alliance to kill more
>kill 20+ alliance while running through the troll area in the northwest
WoW never had good world pvp objectives like that.
They tried with those EPL towers and the Silithus ore shit but it was all around pathetic.
Bloodsail Buccaneers.
>sell stuff
>accidentally sell my scarlet tabard, didnt even notice
>2 days later, notice its gone
>cannot recover it since its a white item
Your post ticks all the signs of a bad player who thinks warrior leveling is bad.
>grinding single mobs
>when you have cleave, whirlwind, sweeping strikes
i know , i expected that before playing the game
till we took over ashenvale and nothing happened
>Private servers have population problems, glitched mob damage and spawn rates, chink goldsellers running amok, donations for benefits, realm instability, and broken scripting
>Official Classic is a modified retail engine and has weird inconsistencies from retail like merchants that repair not having the anvil symbol, bright as fuck soulless night time, and the vanilla setting graphics are all fucking brightened and shiny for some reason, no wallhopping, layering, obviously altered spawnrates that can assfuck you by spawning 3 mobs on top of you shortly after they die
That feel when neither version gives the true experience
I understand that you can't control things like the communities reliance on addons, or twitch, or the general increase in knowledge and proficiency in the playerbase. But the lack of mechanical parity disappoints me.
I'm still having plenty of fun though because the quests and the social systems were unaltered and still encourage cooperation and interaction, but fuck we were so close to perfection.
>mfw tank chad
Redpill me on PVP servers. I started playing a few weeks ago on a normal server and never tried PVP because it seems like it's all about ganking or just having a higher level. Is there something actually fun about it or is that pretty much all?
>hurr durr I like to spend 8 hours a day ganking people who pose no threat just to disrupt their questing
>reeeeeeeeeeee calling in someone who can actually pose a threat to me is playing the game wrong, I want to just stroke my micro penis and pretend I'm powerful
This is you. KYS Gaylord.
The only ones that attack me in a group and when I'm busy are always shamans for some reason.
Are they the asshole class or something?
It's good when you have nice, peaceful interactions with the opposite faction
>Kill or be killed
thats really all their is, if that doesn't sell it to you. Then nothing will.
How much do you want to bet you're over exaggerating.
The game is practically built around it, I can't imagine playing without it. In contested zones both factions are given quest in the exact same area to create conflict. PvP in itself is fun even though there's no reward for it.
You guessed correctly
>wasting a CD for absolutely no reason
you're a shitter
>people still complain about pvp on a pvp server
go take another loan out from your gnomish banker friends
will be barefoot bare chested ugly monsters that get the job done wating to patroll your alliance twink ass at every turn
>im jokeing have fun but alliance lmao
>The game is practically built around it
Oh yeah it really i-
>nothing changes no matter how much your kill the other faction
>there's not even honor implemented yet
>most towns have guards way over the zone level to prevent players actually conquering it
>Be chad alliance level 45 human warlock
>be running through The Barrens
>encounter countless low level horde quivering in fear
>/wave to show sall good man
>a select few wave back
>fucking level 40 orc shitstain warrior wants a fight
>Set him on fire and cast Fear
>Watch his bitchass run away through a field, still aflame
>nearby level 20 shamans chuckle
It doesnt always have to be war, anons. We could have peace if we want it enough
That's just fucking boring.
No one fucking attacks each other because they're too busy leveling. The only ones that attack are always hordeniggers when they're in a group. And then you get ganked and the other cucks from your faction just run or watch.
I rolled Alliance for a change but this faction is full of pussies.
I hope Angwe rides again
>see group of 5 horde
>approach them and wave
>3 of them wave at me
>rogue orc stealths and comes behind me to sap me without killing me
>kisses me and starts to dance
Sounds like something an alliance would say. Fucking ugly boomers and women
>fearing alliance I don't plan to kill just to assert dominance
Yes, this has never happened before or after in any MMO ever, only in WoW and only in Classic.
>want to start shit
>too autistic to actually attack first
w-what to do
I attack on sight if we're in an alliance place, dumb green-niggers arent getting anywhere near goldshire.
But in contested areas i dont really mind too much, especially if its lower level people, i just let them get on with it
Wait till they talk to an npc, itll buy you an extra second or two to get some abilies off. Particularly useful if youre a warlock, you can slam some DoTs down before you fear them
who /pvp mischief/ here?
>my face when hunter's marking someone far away and hiding to watch them panic
then its even more kino
based judge
Read the actual first line of the OP
>want to do instance to get quest rewards
>can't because I have no aoe spells to farm trash mobs with
nice game.
>alliance gnome in shimmering flats turning in quests
>mind control him and walk him away from the raceway
>/shoo at him once mind control wears off
>when the RNG gods bless you and you get 4 bag drops before level 6
Why would anyone play a night elf that isn't a Druid?
If youre a warlock, you get a little AOE later, but you can just focus on getting DoTs on all the enemies for now. If youre a warrior or something, you could always offtank. Even pulling away one or two mobs will help the main tank out a lot
>finish farming Shinbones in Wetlands
>start Hearthstoning
>hunter mark'd a quarter of the way through
>RPPVP Server
>Stealth trick horde in /pvp me
>/giggle at them and stealth
>Sap them
>/kneel in front of them and nod at their groin
>/shock after 30 seconds
You shall all fear the naughty Night Elf bj Queen.
Is this what guys who were raised by single mothers become?
Warlocks are one of the two DPS that always have a place in classic instances because of hellfire and rain of fire. If you're a rogue, feral druid, ret paladin, warrior without a ravager in their inventory who isn't tanking, shaman, shadow priest, or a hunter under level 40 you're shit out of luck until you hit 60 and can do raids where trash mob farming isn't as important.
>when you just barely make it
>>can't barely get a few quest items because horde keeps killing me and everyone else over and over
that isn't surprising
alliance are dogshit at wpvp unless they out level their opponent considerably
I love polymorphing allies and booking it away
>i know how to play my class
>uses a vw
t. one of the many no shoes corpses I have left at Scarlet Monastery
more like t. someone who has leveled to cap on multiple servers multiple times
>be mage
>out gathering herbs
>see warrior trying to kill a mob
>polymorph it
>regens a ton of HP
>watch warrior run away trying to hamstring kite it and guzzle down health potions before dying
based warriorchad charging in a 1v6
I don't even have a 60. Average horde player is keyboard turning tard so I don't even have to outlevel them to shit on them when they go out of their way to attack.
>spot 2 gaylliance players running away from myzrael in arathi with 20% hp
>cheap shot one and kidney the other
>loving every laugh irl while i just stand there watching her kill them both
Everything on this screencap si perfect.
I always stall around level 14 because I just get bored of the game. What do?
Stop playing the game.
>leveling in STV
>run past group of 5 horde
>warrior hamstrings me
>rogue gouges me
>warlock's succ seduces me
>priest fears me
>mage polys me
>all run off and I never see them again
Never felt so bullied before in my life.
Its the equivalent of being raped by a gang of street thugs.
Take your lumps.
Bullied? Those niggers violated you.
Have a nice day
This screenshot is goddamn perfect
The same shit happens in regular wow
Berserker rage nigger
I wish there were battlegrounds already so I could practice pvp with my warrior since I die most of the time in world pvp because I don't know how to mess around with stances and stuff.
i was walking through booty bay and a piece of shit rogue distracted me so I fell into the water
If Blizzard ever brings back Screenshot of the Day, this needs to be submitted
>MFW Me and me brother literally killing and camping 60's that have no business out in the middle of Arathi highlands
Sleepyrogue if you're here we will find you and make your scrub ass quit, you piece of shit molten core geared ass.
Sounds like OP is summarizing a fun part about faction-based MMOs, though. You have the higher level players help develop the newbies by reclaiming questing and grinding spots from invaders from the opposition, and in doing so possibly help get more higher-leveled players in the long term to do the same thing.
Definitely a lot more fun of an idea than being a single player MMO or something like BDO's PvP server basically being a FFA clusterfuck over grind spots.
>practice with my warrior
just duel . they are there for that
I like the tense feeling when ally and horde are standing around a neutral questgiver and it only takes one misclick for all hell to break loose.
>Be Ally questin in Hillsbrad
>Go into the water since 10+ other alliance are farming the camps
>all the Alliance are dead,
>see Kodos and Undead Horses riding off in the distance
yeah... a "misclick"...
>Yeah, I do level in Stranglethorn Vale. Alone.
>Me, afraid of ganking? I love ganking! You should see the look on those poor groups of horde's faces.
>Purging SoC
That shit costs like 5 mana and he has nothing else to spend his GCDs on, you're literally doing nothing but wasting your own mana.
Op is a crybaby faggot
>alliancefags complain about pvp mechanics again
>he considers getting carried a magical experience
a retarded rogue just opened on me
a fucking frost mage lmao
why are horde so retarded?
>See Undead anything trying to start shit with me
>Send invis Succ to Seduce them
>They immediately burn WotF to get out of it
>Can now freely fearlock them and pile of the dots without a care in the world
God they're all so fucking stupid and I'm so thankful for it.
>I only ever knew it as a synonym for faggot.
Seems like you figured out why its used in such a manner?
Unless you're undead or have a pvp trinket (which isn't in the game lmao)? Nothing. Enjoy that third fear btw
OP proving once again that allyqueers are a bunch of babs that need to be coddled all the way to max level. I bet you only got killed once by like one hordie that you probably tried to attack while he was dying. Then you proceeded to rage on general till you annoyed some high level rogue enough to come help you out. I've seen this shit all the time. Ally players are all subhuman scum.
>see an enemy
>attack regardless of level, number of enemies or cooldowns being up
>have fun even if I die
>plays arguably the most retard proof class ingame
>whys everyone else so retarded lol??
>Pass by Horde on the road
>Cast amplified Curse of Exhaustion just as they're about to leave range
t. rogue seething
>see an enemy
>act like nothing and go about my business, same as he does
t. everyone on my server apparently
I love the human interaction in this. No other mmo seems able to do it.
This but Redridge
Here's the plan
>roll fury warrior
>hit deathwish
>watch the retard hardcast 2 or 3 fears wondering why sword hurt
>promptly die to almost every other class unless they're painfully retarded
And you'll also die if the lock is smart enough to press the sacrifice button on his voidy, but that's rare.
>lvl38 Aff lock
>Full round of dots (with amp) does like 1700 damage
what the FUCK
Fucking based, hordbros dabbing on allytrannies.
>pop stealth which can be heard from the other side of the world
>trying to move into position at reduced movement speed when you already know im nearby
>alternatively pop a 5 minute cd to compensate for my short legs
>finally catch up 15 minutes later after watching you from a distance trying to dodge all your aoe spam
>use *literally any ability* on you
>Try huntard class trial
>guns sound like watered down pea shooters
It's so bad that i can't stand using them. The sound physically pains me. The only options to me for playign a hunter is a class that would use polearms and crossbows, since unlike classic those are the only fucking weapons you're allowed to use. So ironically, the best hunter is the least likely to BE a hunter, which is a goblin with an auto crossbow, engineering bombs, and robot pets.
I'd use a nelf for bows but nelfs wouldn't use polearms. ...would they? Maybe if there was a double-ended polearm or a spear.
>this is an MMO u cant interact with other people!
>comes and wipes the floor with all ~100 horde that were in the cave ganking everyone
and then everyone stood up and clapped, the name of that rogue ? varian wrynn
All that text just to say you pop stealth and get near me lmao.
God forbid there's a class you cannot permastun to death you shitter.
You don't need to be given rewards and goodboy points to do things. Taking over Ashenvale is fun because you've taken over Ashenvale. Then it won't be taken over and everyone moves on.
The amount of people I see playing on PVP servers who hate PVP is astounding
>failed at world first 60
>failed at world first raids
>can't even get world first on any server
Nt, hordelet.
aoe farming in dungeon groups... layer hopping for materials... discord servers... home..
>playing on streamer zoom zoom servers
opinion discarded
>this is my screenshot
brainlets.... home...
Hopefully it takes a while, twinks are going to be faggier than ever if private servers are anything to go by. Faggots chase off everyone who isn't a twink, then get bored when they don't have anyone to 1 shot, and if by chance you and 4 other people get them down to low HP, they just start popping every cooldown and a healing potion to ensure you get as little honor out of the bg as possible.
>posting someone else's screenshot of a streamer zoom zoom server is proof of anything but your own retardation
>gooodboy points
where i said i wanted shitty points for taking over zones?
>Taking over Ashenvale is fun because you've taken over Ashenvale.
only because you dont take over ashenvale . it stays exactly the same
Imagine playing on a pvp server
Not him, but rogue is overpowered sure, but hunters were literally designed to be an easy class that anyone could play.
hunters have a high skill ceiling though
> it stays exactly the same
So what should be required to 'take over ashenvale' and what should change when you do?
What good boy points should you get for taking over ashenvale
imagine being you
How so? Just keep aspect of the cheetah up, keep mana sting going because it's fucking bullshit, and let your functionally immortal pet slap them to death. Bonus points if you're not one of those mouth breathing retards that doesn't know to jump when they place a trap to hide the kneeling animation. Bonus bonus points if you have the kneel emote bound to a key to place false traps.
desu server imbalance is a huge issue
hunters are bugged in classic, you cant feign death -> Trap anymore
No one has ever cared about low level PvP. It's a sandbox for the same retard autists that talk shit in these threads over PvP stories nonstop to feel like winners in.
>playing with friend new to WoW on PvP server
>good fun times up until around level 30
>sending me messages multiple days in a row about how he's getting ganked and camped non-stop by Horde and spends more time running back to his corpse than playing the game, considering quitting, hates it all
>feel really bad for convincing him to play on a PvP server for me
>get on the next day
>he's spent the past hour sitting in Dun Garok fearing and MCing Horde and preventing 3 separate groups from killing the elites there
>asked him if he went to STV yet, he hadn't
>went down and immediately started a group to lock down Nesingwary instead of questing
Imagine not enjoying PVP. Imagine spending thousands of hours in an entirely predictable game world
Without faggot twinks, people could rep grind pvp factions on their alts, then when they're finally ready to level them, they'll always have gear every 10 levels or so. But yeah, those twink faggots fuck that up for everyone. I might honestly try to get a non-twink low level guild started on my server and see if I can't get some alliance to join in so we can do just that.
>Just keep aspect of the cheetah up
already messed up here
>it's like you want that genuine Vietnam experience
>he thinks I wasn't excited to ship out
>went into STV day 2 of the server
>literally just me and my leveling group
>clean all the quests out in 1 hour
Best feel
Horde was always stronger in pvp.
Alliiance was always stronger in pve.
Change my mind.
Maybe I'm just better at not getting hit? Also I preferred pigs to cats for the charge snare.
This is how it always starts
>one guy calls his pal to help
>the other side calls their pals
>everyone calls even more pals
>an hour later you have an all out war going on
fun times
This is how it actually always starts
>one guy calls his pal to help
>he can't make it
>the other side calls their pals so they can have 8 people ganking instead of 5
>an hour later the first guy logs off
The point is to dance between stances when you know you're going to get hit 100%
for instance, when the intercept CD of a warrior is up you switch stance to something else to not get dazed
Go Gob and fight the pvp only player menace with lame RP
why is horde so overpopulated? In 2006 they had to introduce fapbait race just to keep them from dying out
Well, I thought that was implied. It just depends on what class you're fighting.
>his pal
>calls their pals
Use general chat you dummy dum
I somehow managed to kill a warlock as hunter and then he got right back up and I had to run into town. The priest just jumped around and it said absorb...
>be skinner
>find tons of anime corpses
>whoever killed them hasn't looted them
Who the fick wants to play alliance? It's a faction of manlets, generic humans, and the trannies that play belf.
>a shaman and a mage set up an ambush while im going through the main stv road in mount
>think im gonna get ORCed when another mage comes in and gets down his mount to help me
>destroy them together
this is actually fin
for the first time, I feel like am... home
The fake $20 of WoW
>anime corpses
That is LITERALLY what you’re supposed to do on a PvP server. You’re not supposed to take on the whole enemy faction yourself.
>be me
>waste another weekend on meeting with tinderthots instead of enjoying classic
I feel like I'm missing the best moments of this year bros, what do
apparently everyone back in vanilla
maybe it was because of post lotr hype
My wife Chino makes a cute rug!
>Go to BB
>On level so I appear in stealth relatively fast
>Stealth on a neutral goblin quest giver
>alliance run up and right click just as I appear to them
>Get melee'ed
>Guard's response
everyone worth their salt played horde back then so now plays alliance to get something new
at least that's my experience, all my friends were horde but now literally all of them rolled alliance
>mad becuz ded
stay mad
stay ded
plus years of horde wanking in retail makes them seem like the true Warcraft faction. Blood and thunder!
Damn this picture is kino
Granted, I'm not very good at wpvp, but from experience leveling as feral, they only stand a chance if the feral is the one that engages, but if they do, it's a very good chance. They're superb at escaping, though, root+travel and you're free to go.
You heard the man, user. Back to retail with you
>Text auto spam
Is there anything more faggoty?
>gnome mage is gathering pearls in stv
>wait for him to start going up for air
>entangling roots
>entangling roots again
>he ice blocks, the fool
>roots again once he's out
>he just barely makes it to the surface before he dies of drowning
mages are so fucking garbage without ice barrier lmao
why didn't he just use escape artist + counterspell
why are people so bad at a 15 year old game jesus christ
>tfw I damage aoe farming mages until they're at very low health and then letting the mobs kill them so they also take durability damage
I also do this in Swamp of Sorrows, since they seem to think they're safe there.
playing a male gnome mage with pink hair
>reach lvl 40
>only got 33g
>haven't even learnt lvl 40 spells
God I wish I were a streamer having random retards hand me their hard-earned gold
No there really isn't. There was a tauren running from some ally in hillsbrad spamming his macro in /yell "HELP IM BEING ATTACKED BY ALLIANCE!". I hope that kid gets badly bullied irl.
>being stuck in low level because of gankers
south park made a tutorial for this
>Can do pick pocket runs in multiple branches of SM while grabbing a few herbs and chests
>5 instance resets per hour
I got 10g at level 31, am I doomed?
>haven't bought lvl 40 spells
I've only been buying battle shout, heroic strike, and rend for over 15 levels now.
no but you should start saving now, then you can probably afford a mount at 45
So back at the start of vanilla WoW, they didn't have that whole CC resistance mechanic that made your crowd control get weaker with each cast. Also, for whatever reason there was very little difference in effectiveness of CC across level gaps.
I was probably in the mid 40s at the time, and there was this level 60 ganking the shit out of my party. We couldn't beat him and no one would help us, so I lured him into the water and dove down deep then rooted him with whatever that druid snare was called. Back then there was no recast so I kept him snared at the bottom of the ocean until he drowned. While he respawned we finished our quest and moved on. Still one of my favorite memories.
>mfw I see someone lvl 40+ walking
you should stop buying heroic strike and rend because they become useless soon.
>8 different races to choose from
>picks human
There's no reason to use rend if you have mortal strike?
There's always these fucking retards in the general chat too. You ask for help because you're getting pvp'd over and over, and some big brainer is like "PVP HAPPENED ON A PVP SERVER Y R U COMPLAINING??"
It's like fucking clock work for these retards. They can't tell the difference between complaining and asking for help.
you are ragestarved when you have both whirlwind and mortal strike so rend has no room there.
at least while leveling.
rend is good if you want to stop a rogue from fucking off though, but you dont need levels for that.
Someone honestly answer this
Why is horde so bad at pvp?
Ive never lost to a hordie 1v1
They always run away and come back with like 5 more
>Lvl 42
At least I have ghost wolf so people don't laugh at me too much
horde are all niggers
Imagine going any further in arms than impale and being a ragestarved slamlet because of streamers.
Get more INT brainlet
Whats the first dungeon with hit chance items for a warrior?
>he rolled on a pvp-server because of peer pressure
You fucked up. World pvp is a meme. There is never a fair fight.
>lvl 30
Might be worth to reroll, I don't think phase 2 will drop for a while.
femhumans have the best casting animations in the game
unironically right after i made that post a warrior and a druid tried ganking me
i killed both of them
horde are fucking SHIT lol
Isn't that good enough? When you have improved ghost wolf it actually is faster to get to places within a certain distance because you're moving while mount users are still casting.
If you are travelling longer than 17 seconds, mount is better
For short trips for questing etc in an area, ghost wolf is better
I can tell you play a nelf huntard just by the way you type
human warlock
Female I bet
>people actually have trouble making gold
You have to be mentally ill to play horde. That applies to some of alliance, like some guys who reroll female characters and all the roleplayers in goldshire. That's like 10% of the alliance. And that's all the horde can point out when complaining about alliance because they're fucking retards. Rest Is Master race material.
To like to play horde AT ALL, you're either mentally ill or a fucking nigger. 100% of horde players are sub human with mental issues. Who else in their right mind, while choosing characters as a teenager back then, would go, oh yes please, I'd love to play as niggers and corpses
>alliance gnome
Hillsbrad gave this alliance cuck PTSD
fishing hat
horde have gypsy and nigger mentality, they only attack you when they outnumber, severely outlevel you or otherwise you're at 10% health. Then they laugh like monkeys because that really shows how superior they are.
Seething gnome alert
Help me choose the correct face and skin colour for my female orc
They arent a master at anything but they are very versatile for it.
Just becareful against hamstring mortal strike warriors around 40. Or rogues that knows how to ambush spam you.
If you are not a female IRL
you're seething because you know he's right and now you can't cope with being a nigger
they look the best in gear, and i picked the manliest faces possible
>leveling as enhance
never met an enhancer that didn't regret it
Jesus Christ, I did not expect to laugh at some WoW screenshot today.
I know he's right
But I'm alive and he isn't
Lok'tar ogar faggots
Why is when anyone tells a pvp story of any kind you fucking faggots come out of the wood works saying
>"if you dont like pvp why are you playing on a pvp server"
Go play alliance
You're right, it's impossible to walk back to your body 100 times in an hour. It usually takes 5 minutes to walk back to your corpse so it's actually only 12 times in an hour. More likely 10 because you spend a minute before respawning trying to see if there's any gankers nearby even though they're always waiting just out of sight.
You're wrong, you know why? Your explanation, you can't use those arguments in the real world. saying the horde are like N words will just make people hate and make fun of you, and then go create horde characters
>blocks your path
you need to ambush mages mate, or ambush,backstab, thistle tea, backstab and just use vanish if he cc's you and blinks away while you catch up with a sprint.
Better yet just stalk until he tags a mob then ambush and backstab spam.
Oof the trannies really are out today, this is why we shouldn't have wow threads in here
>Disgusting gnome retard approaches me and starts to cast frostbolt
>Run up and one-hit WF crit him in his deformed circus freak head
I bet his mutated uncle over in gnomer felt that one
Underrated screenshot.
>90% of screenshots of classic wow on reddit are alliance characters
rogue gameplay, everyone
All I'm getting from this post is that horde is bl*ck
How the fuck are there still people who think that paying a 15 dollars subscription for a videogame is acceptable?
Mages have low health pool that can avoid most stuns.
You also need to be specced into assassination for high crit chance on daggers.
if you want a good example of high skill rogue gameplay, watch them fight paladins or warriors.
Any other class is just as braindead stupid if you are fighting classes you counter dipshit.
Because there's maybe 2-3 games released every year worth playing.
How do I pvp as mage? Seems like any class other than warrior kills me instantly
>high skill rogue gameplay
>high skill rogue gameplay
rogues aswell as mages have a higher skill ceiling than most classes, yes.
>not a single EU pvp realm has more alliance than horde
they really are just like migrant niggers
You gotta go there for some jank warlock quests.
Leave me the fuck alone I'm just trying to get some rods you jackass.
stupid stupid cunt
Oh no no no no....
>And Mages
>questing in tanaris
>don't want to sit down so I'm REEEEEALLY pushing lifetap to perpetually kill mobs
>some paladin catches me with 10% hp and mana killing dome bandit
>after thinking about it for a full 5 sec he dicideds to try and kill me
>stuns me and trys to dps me down
>can't do 10% of my life in the time it takes his stun to expire
>death coil fear
>finish my mob
>then simply walk away
Is paladin the most pathetic class of all time?
Mages are literally the highest skilled class in the game.
I don't think you understand how far ahead the skill cap of the mage class is from all the other in PvP.
>Is paladin the most pathetic class of all time?
Yes, simply by virtue of being part of the alliance - not because of the class itself
>Have to kite warriors that have dangerously high dps, armor and health pool.
>one mistake or even trying to learn this will ultimately end up with the rogue dying
>Being opend up or caught is an automatic loss in an equal fight.
guess you got outplayed more than once by simple ambush spams like a shitter.
maybe try gearing up for rogues in wpvp.
no shoes nigger
>literally able to kill r14 warriors with starting weapons
>b-but it's very hard
Kill yourself nigger.
name any other class with a higher skill cap.
Otherwise this is just shitposting.
because any other class requires less spells and skills to use.
Guaranteed these are males playing female characters
>everyone roll hordes
>no more pvp
I swear horde fags are the most retarded people on earth.
>all of thier levels are green
Gee i wonder if theres a reason 6 of them ganged up on you
>Highly skilled
>All of them go frost and never step an inch out of the meta
>Start to lose a fight,they drop all their frost cooldowns and ice block to wipe all debuffs
>Cold snap and reset the fight
There's a reason they add hypothermia to the game, frost mages are OP as hell the moment someone with more than 3 braincells gets their hands on one. I bet you don't even counterspell rogues and warriors to put them in combat, fucking scrub. Maybe I can write a guide for you to read like it's scripture.
seething warrior hands typed this post
He's right though
Wrong, I'm a jew rogue who uses stealth to pick my fights so I never lose. The difference is, I admit my play style is cheap and easy. It's the rest of you tards pretending all this shit hasn't been figured out over a decade ago.
He's not.
All mages go frost because mage with ice barrier or ice block gets instagibbed by everyone.
He's saying "drop all their frost cooldowns" as if they were available 100% of the time and not, you know, cooldowns.
>cold snap and reset the fight
Cold snap is not vanish, it doesn't reset the fight, what a retarded statement.
Rogue is the class that can reset the fight with cooldowns.
ya , this. On my server pretty much all horde are questing solo, always run into some healer +1 group of ally who are 5 levels above the zone probably doing green soon to be grey quests who KoS, then we just band together in general to get our quests done and murder those SOB
Are you retarded? Vanish doesn't restart the fight, they know you're right there, all it takes is 1 rank 1 AOE to reveal you again.
you're still paying almost 200 dollars a year for ONE game. I can pay 7 bucks for a catalogue of films and series that I'll probably wont be able to finish in a lifetime
Because its possible does not make it easy.
a group of 5 level 10 hunters can kill a bad warrior with enough kiting.
How the hell does that not sound skillful to kill a fully geared warrior as a naked rogue, have you even done it before?
>Cold snap is not vanish, it doesn't reset the fight
Imagine playing semantics this fucking hard, you know what he meant
No, Granis Swiftaxe
they're zoomers just regurgitating shit they've read before to fit in
>do a rank 1 aoe trying to guess where the rogue is going
fight reseted, dont be a predictable retard
No i don't fucking know, how the fuck does cold snap reset the fight you fucking retard?
>OP shares a fun experience due to being on a PvP server
>OMG stop complaining about PvP!!!1!
>don't be predictable
Do I really have to explain that you mover slower in stealth? It's not the rogue's job for you to know how to reveal them again.
>No i don't fucking know
You don't know what he meant by "reset" in the context of a mage using the skill Cold Snap? And you have the audacity to call other people retards? Or is it just run of the mill autism this time?
imagine rolling on the always overpopulated tryhard races with overpowered racials and then pretending like you're better than, more experienced than, smarter than, and more skilled than anyone you gank. Lmaoing @ ur lyfe
>Play on normal RP server
>Be dorf priest
>Doing Stromgard stuff solo as level 40 something
>Meet a lower level Horde lock trying to solo the quests
>Help him out with some kills
>He starts helping me
>We take turns tagging mobs and helping each other kill stuff
I love when we can cooperate as a team with zero communication
You should've gone to the Asmonlayer. There are no problems in the first place there.
He's at least early to mid30's seeing as he's got a WW weapon. If he's late 30's he wipes the floor with all of them, and even if he's only lv30 he's still taking some with him.
>pretending like you're better than, more experienced than, smarter than, and more skilled than anyone you gank.
It's not pretending if I am in fact all these things. This goes for literally everyone who plays horde too. Remember that next time you're staring at the "release spirit" button while your eyes become a nice JUST tier hue
Do I really have to explain that you're invisible when you're in stealth? So the mage has to guess which direction you're going to cast blizzard.
If you're a retard that enters stealth and keeps going in the same direction he was before you're a shitter and you deserve to get killed.
I don't know what he meant by "reset the fight" with cold snap, you huge fucking imbecile.
Get some gathering professions dude. At the very least skinning
Even if you have a shitty server econ you can sell leather to vendors for decent money
thats funny because i can own both 1v1 with right pet out,
mages and locks and rogues, easy to learn, hard to master. gotta time trinkets and grenades with other stuff
>i'm not gonna accept your invite or invite you for a quest boss and make you wait 30 minutes for it to respawn
What's with so many faggots doing this? It's always some nigger with a gay meme name too. Barely happened to me in private servers but this now it happens every time I play.
>I don't know what he meant by "reset the fight" with cold snap
That's because you're low IQ
Does not compute
why tf would u play classic if u already burned out on privates?
>another horde thinks he's hot shit for tryharding and outnumbering
You went the one profession that's designed to give you extra cooldowns and stuns in pvp and you're pretending this makes you good? Do you farm magic dust too?
>another horde thinks he's hot shit for tryharding and outnumbering
Every horde player is in fact better than you
When did I say I was burned out on privates?
world chat on my server is filled with shit posting except that instead of funny offensive things like barrens chat, there are tons of furries and sjws
>just roll horde lmao
Horde's full of AIDS and niggers. Alliance is chill as fuck. Also your questing zones are shit and boring. Enjoy running from desert to desert lol.
>Alliance is chill as fuck
*Does a fat rip on a bong*
Hahah yeah, that's my favorite streamer too!!
engi is NEEDED for pvp, wether 1v1s or premades.
you are retarded and prolly some noname retail noob
Is it even viable to quest in STV at 30? Ignoring that the place is a constant warzone during prime time hours. It seems like there's only a couple quests at 30 to do and they're all at the northern most point of the country so they're a pain in the ass to get there. I never go to STV unless I'm 35+.
Same thing happened to me, asked for a group invite for the boss and they just laughed at me. So I tagged it with my bow and refused their group invite.
Those zones are contested but heavily horde favored with better flight path placement for horde in STV.(Alliance doesnt even have a flight path yet besides BB and the one they get is practically in duskwood. While arathi is close to horde zones that see significantly more traffic due to easier acces for level appropriate hordies.
Alliance gets better SG and Blasted labds for end level farming along with slightly easier acces to felwood and winterspring comparitively speakin
>LFM 3 mages for spellcleave xp farm
Looks like I had you pegged right from the offset.
>ignores shitty spellcleave groups and does fun shit instead
Spellcleave is the most retarded term I've seen. Where did this zoomer shit name come from?
Not him.
But being able to land a grenade on someone thats running away or chasing you requires some skill.
and a good player knows when to dodge them.
if a profession requires both sides to think on their feet then yeh thats a skillful profession, encourages the enemy to dodge and encourages you to time your stuns or predict where your grenade will land.
>be priest
>only get attacked while fighting mobs
fight with honor cowards
>Level 50
>425g from getting Boots of Avoidance and Cassandra's Grace while questing
It was a term for 3s groups consisting of warlock mage shaman or derivates (ranged magic dps with a shaman for bloodlust) in WotLK
WotLK was also the exp where the meme of saying "somethingcleave" to everything began
It's so easy to get your account silenced, why are there so many onions drinking cucks playing this game?
never played retail, and am playing with a large group of friends on bigglesworth as alliance.
all i can say is fuck everyone. most alliance do deserve this hell we're stuck in, they don't group up enough, and i've had ally outright knock stuff out of poly because they think they deserve the mob.
Where the fuck is honor? I don't want to kill faggots from other side for free. When will they finally give my me rightful points?
holy shit hahaha
You literally have to be the most cancerous fuck to get your account silenced. Herod is literally everyone shouting about killing commies and lefties and nobody ever gets silenced.
I've seen people go fucking wild on general chat on the OCE servers and have nothing come of it, not sure if it's like a blizzard-wide policy or the "mods" from different regions have different leniency levels. I guess it does depend on report numbers too.
>DPS lfg
I think it's cause the GM is in barrens, I got banned instantly for calling someone a faggot on Barrens
>Ambush people killing mobs.
>People claim rouges have no high skill ceiling and just claim its a auto win class.
>See people so visibly upset and cry out how unbalanced they are.
Lmao imagine not being a rogue / mage / priest / druid / warlock
the big brain classes.
lolk, have fun in your pugs and getting raped by EVERY class 1v1
>priest / mage
I saw that term today and cringed a woeful sigh, fucking cunts
>mage rogue
>uses fap
Whats now, lil cc cuck?
>warrior without a healer
>killing more than 2 lowbies before they kite him to death
youre a druid aren't you?
>deathcoil you
my retail character was created in 2014 at the beginning of vanilla, why can't I transfer him to a classic realm as he was? Makes sense to me.
I know this feel
>2014 at the beginning of vanilla
have never even came close to losing a fight to a warlock lmao
t. undead spriest
>He can't comprehend supportive teamwork in wpvp.
none existant threat.
CC the other dude while I help fellow faction members like a chad bro does.
I can only speak for myself here but all my friends play on pvp realms so I need to play on a pvp realm even though I would rather not and I just usually give up when somebody attacks me because their experience in pvping is much better than mine or I try to escape if there is a possibility.
Next thread >
>Death coil
>Against a class that will open up on you and never let you fight back
>Against another class thats one of the top 1 v 1 classes and will dispel your void bubble and dots.
You have my respect for being a warlock tho, I will give you that.
This is the most pussy post I've ever read in my life.
You're a goddamn disgrace. I bet you play a human/night elf female.
>cant 1v1 a druid as a lock
I was trying to collect venom sacs in highperch at the thousand needles and kept getting ganked by a stealthed horde Druid who kept camping my corpse. I asked in /1 and a rogue guy came and helped me finish the quest and fought off the horde for me. I gave him 50 silver for the help. Classic is awesome bros!
No I play a tauren druid and it's also one of the biggest reasons it's my favorite race, because of the fact that they're peaceful unless driven into a corner and I've taken that aspect even further by just trying to avoid conflict altogether.
I was implying both rogue and shadow priest can bully warlocks.
I think I misread the replies.
weaklings like you should not be able to resurrect
My poor level 35 night elf priest gets constantly raped by every horde character I meet
Im new to the game but it feels like priests cant really do shit if they get attacked in world pvp
its really frustrating. I'm okay with players my level attacking me, thats a fair fight. lets go.
but when skull level horde go out of their way to chase me down (sometimes for several minutes) just to kill me, for no honor points, its kinda lame
you just know these neckbeards have been losing sleep grinding dungeons JUST to be able to do that to other players for some superiority complex
but each to their own I suppose
God I love murdering taurens.
The bigger they are the stronger the fall.
Just sit down and accept the gank, that shows them you don't give a fuck and they go away
because they all saw that one PvP video.
God I fucking hate mage players
All they do is le epic aoe farm in pve and in pvp they just blink suicide bomb groups and kill all fun
You need to keep your bubble prepared and pull with a bubble up.
Priests are one of the toughest classes to fight.
but the downside to being hard to kill and good pvping is that they can't chase people for shit.
the only way you can chase someone without using items is rank 1 dot spam for a proc chance to stun someone running away.
I'm terrified of tauren fucking druids
lol moms and trannies dont play classic, retard.
Druids are quite a fucking pest as a mage.
God I hate them.
>dont wanna sit in a 5k queue everytime I log in
>dont wanna play on a dead realm
what do
I’ve had a few people whisper me about members of my guild ninja looting. I say just kick them out lol then they start threatening me saying my guild will get a bad rep. Has WoW always been populated by these threatening nerds?
I'm having a lot of trouble as well user. I get attacked by multiple horde, or horde that are a way higher level than me.
Most of the time I find my shield gets blasted and I end up healing myself to keep myself from dying. Sometimes I get pretty lucky though.
Medium realms are FAR from dead. Most of the time I'm fighting for spawns and trying to move to an area with less people.
Roll on a RP server and bother everyone by talking about your waterfall studies
This is exactly the kind of interactions that happened all the time in classic and in MMOs of the era in general and what completely disappeared in nuMMOs (aka MSO, or massively singleplayer online games) with their gacha ADHD garbage "game""play".
There is nothing more chad than playing the anti-reddit faction.
Where's all the action in Thalnos nowadays?
>heroic speech followed by buffing himself on the frontlines
fucking kino
Priest is hardest character to kill. Unless you fighting ud fagot rogues. But in that case fap gives autowin. Spam dispell/sp/renew/shield and wand em to death.
I also spend alot of time ganking lowbies. You are stupid if you thinking I am gonna throw out my hard earned advantage in gear/levels and just sit in dungeons like an retail retard instead of helping my faction to assert dominance over mudhut niggers.
If you dont want pvp, play pve or bfa. Pvp is never "fair".
I like to run around as a mage polymorphing hordies and /patting them and running away.
Sometimes the humiliation is too much and they attack me afterwards forcing me to put them down.
>you will never play wheelchair cleave again
You fucking suck. Stay off my class
how do you lose your mind over this horde player?
They were probably retarded, I did a deadmines run as horde at level 26, rest of the group was 20-22, met a group of three 29-30 alliance and ended up beating them with only one causality, and the 20s did all the work, I just healed.
/shock doesn't do anything, what command are you talking about
You can sprint or gouge or kite with slow poisons you DINGUS.
you also have evasion.