Fuck monsters

fuck monsters

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck animals

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I need an adult



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I'd love to.

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based lee

Fuck off, Tycho

haha yeah

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that's one hell of a deepthroat


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it seems like the zookeeper trained her well

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based lindybeige

God, I'd love to

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sounds dangerous, are you sure?

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Fuck humans.

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>Liking the corporate bitch

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That's half the appeal, innit?

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She's best girl by far, fagget.
I raped and murdered your waif

the fuck you say?!

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Good luck with that

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I miss the trash threads. They were the comfiest i've felt in Yea Forums in forever.
Can't wait for v3 to come out

>usually don't really get attracted to video game characters, don't understand what people are talking about when they have "waifus"
>see her

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I know she's a literal prostitute but i can't help but find her cute too

Fuck monsters.

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HUmans dumb so are monsters and animals aliens like grey aliens and blobby monsters and other alieny things are cooler

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Wati I mean blobby aliens not monsters.

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Kulve mommy is way, way better

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They were fun.

Haven't played teraurge since those initial threads. Much changed since that first release?

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Truth be told I prefer the lazy hikikomori.

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>Monster thread
I love these threads, they’re always so pleasant.

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Dab on dragonfags.

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There was an update that added some more content and a couple new girls but nothing too much iirc
They were so much fun, i still have the fanart some dudes made too

thanks for making me feel normal

I wish.

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Stop this instant. Tobi is too cute to be lewded.

Attached: tobi_kadachi_by_sparoapple_dc44kf8-fullview.jpg (1024x725, 71K)

There was some really good fanart on these threads

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I wish

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>ow hehe, quit it I'm tryin' ta sleep

oh no nononono dragons btfo

>mods let these threads live
>any and all Elder Scrolls threads are deleted or autosaged
Why though?

Attached: 42ItopA.jpg (1500x937, 850K)

guess mods are based

post female cats then

What if it ticks the other 2 boxes except the middle one, however, the monster CAN understand your language and respond accordingly through action, although incapable of speaking verbally?

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The very millisecond someone was to do that this thread would effectively end. Do you want that to happen?

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It literally explains that in the bottom you borderline zoophile.

>fuck monsters
Some people are into that you know.

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if it can understand you then you are free to fuck it

Generals belong on /vg/.

I would also fuck that lioness.

That's wrong user.

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Why is crocomire so cute Yea Forumsros ? youtu.be/ONxKm8uApSc Find a cuter monster I dare you

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What's wrong about it?

I see that, but it doesn’t make sense. What if we were to hypothetically come in contact with a highly intelligent species of alien with extremely advanced technology and society, however their means of communication aren’t through a conventional method? Do we still err with caution as if they were just simple minded beasts in spite of their capabilities simply because they cannot speak conventionally, although can still understand audibly?

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Beast? You call me a beast!? Hunters are killers, nothing more.

That's forbidden love.

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I want to have a pet like that and rub that belly

>Actual Zoophiles on my Yea Forums

Why not get a cow?

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I just find them cute.

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>a janny made this post
Explains a lot, really.

That's right

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what a lewd girl

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According to whom?

looks like she is having a cowgasm

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>fuck monsters
If only.

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>Cat posters
>In a monster thread

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How many people need to make this joke in this thread? Next you'll say: JOKE?!?! HAHA IT"S NOT JOKE!!!

you know what I mean.

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Monsters can be cats too.

Then post monster cats.

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How about demon catgirls?

Attached: ara ara.webm (690x1270, 647K)

too much girl, not enough cat.

I already did

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How monster are we going?

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That’s fine by me.

Why does a female have a mane?

Maximum monster

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how you like that silver?

Stop, stop, stop just fucking stop Jesus Christ in heaven please stop.
Anime girls in Halloween costumes are not "monsters" for fuck sake.
Take this normie shit elsewhere.
If you don't see your post here you have based taste.

I couldn’t really begin to tell you. I’m guessing it’s some form of “feline creature” that doesn’t take into account of reality. I mean it has black fur, white striped forearms, empty eyes, and a very unnaturally bright colored mane.

you guys need psychological help

>I would _____ Emilia Clarke

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we are the enlightened

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Just say you're into bestiality user.

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The best kind.

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Humans > Monsters >>>>> Elves > Scalies

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you need to get off this website new nigger

But the monster hunter girls I posted were fairly monstrous in appearance.

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i wanna fuck some scalies

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What's it like being a faggot user?

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>come into monster fucking thread
>posts anime girls
>gets mad when people say they prefer monsters

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don't even confront the an*me brain fungus carriers, they cannot help it, they are no longer in control

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please do not upset your monsters

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Don't reply to them.
They're useless.

Just say "I like letting horses fuck me in the ass". We know that's what you like.

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Me too.

Attached: swiggity swooty scaly booty.webm (400x926, 2.86M)

you jest but you forget what board we are on and your probably actually right.


>that slightly tubby pussy puff

Isn't Xeno technically a toddler?

>That hip sway in the female model walk
They really knew what they were doing.

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Or would try to, certainly.

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i mean most here'd say you're wrong.

Well of course not, I'd like my monster to be shorter then me, have mostly anime features and be basically human in visage.

is the game good?


I would die trying

Not even that. She's a newborn when you get to her.

>people say they prefer monsters

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she'd just swallow you, fly off to fuck the dragon in the valley next over
>'I love breeding with a full stomach'

What game

>That hip sway
>The tail in junction with the movement of her hips
Lord. Help me.

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Joke's on you, vore turns me on.


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Imagine getting your entire body stuck in a dragon vagina and slowly turn into an egg.

That's just full-body throatfucking.


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imagine her warm soft moist throat muscles sliding and pulsating on your cock


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>drowning in dragon cum
gross lol

are elves considered animals?

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I like her ”what the fuck is this thing” expression

Auroth is the best mommy


Can't we like both?

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t. urist

I haven't actually gotten that far into it yet. Need to pick it up again eventually.

I like it though. Game has some fun little details in the dialogue you don't see in many other RPG's.

Divinity Original Sin 2.

Furries ins Gas

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All races if not Human are to be considered filthy animals.

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source please good lord

>fags on Yea Forums: "I wanna fuck a monster"
>monster is just a human with accessories

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furtards, how do i lower my standards low enough that i'll pay for porn
there's some characters i want to bang but they have no art and will never get art, so the only hope is commisioning

I want to fuck that goat

GOAT taste

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Oh gosh

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you're in luck then because the goat wants to fuck you too

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gonna print this out HD poster and stick it in my home gym thanks user

u got any more???

post in the trash /scalie/ if you do

Think of all the social standing you'll get by premiering it for (you)s.

imagine the sulfuric fragrance

Is that Breath of the Wild Link? Blue clothes and ponytail? Come on it has to be Link. Also how come Zelda has never done bipedal dragon species. They make their own creations like Gorons, but not something expected like dragons (note I'm not talking about feral beast dragon types like Baloo from Windwaker).

>people on Yea Forums just want to fuck but have to imagine sex with a fictitious race because they can't "get the girl"
no I'm shocked

Is that Naigad in a frilly dress?

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yeah i don't think that's going to happen since its this thing i want art of

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Indeed, why? Do you intend on doing immoral things to these filthy animals? I hope not.

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i'm planning to chop them up to bits and using them for the family stew

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I hate this overly shiny furry art but that's a nice pic

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Ah good, if you’re hunting these creatures for nourishment, then this is fine, carry along.

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A lizard that just shed its skin is very shiny.

>Fish mommy
Pretty pleb taste when Craver breeding wives exist.

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Your other option is learning to make it yourself, or a different similar skill so you can trade labour for labour, I.e. "I'll write a story about your favourite monster if you draw a picture of mine"
The thing is though, unless you're already good at a skill that trades work easily and is in demand in the kind of circles that can provide what you're looking for, it's going to be more efficient to just spend your time working and exchange that cash for art

>tfw monster won't fuck you because its smarter.

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fuck kaiju?

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>there are aliens out there that think fucking humans is bestiality to them

Nah, she's the adult form of a Dodogama after incubating in a Chrysalis in the Elder's Recess.

artist is mrease
that dragon is from the furry comic made by markiplier's brother