What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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not enough porn

Microsoft doesn't give a flaming shit about Rare's original properties and effectively gutted the company, then buried all the ips in a shallow grave.

Is it even playable anymore?

gamers failed him

Should Conker even come back? Back then it was pretty much a poopoo peepee joke about platformers. It's not like platformer parodies would be funny today, since no one cares about them anyway.

Well, maybe things will change if the banjo dlc of smash gives them a lot of money, Microsoft has changed because they now have a new head of Xbox (Phil Spencer) if Don Mattrick didn’t get fired, we would all be fucked

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The story of Conker’s other bad day was finished before the game got cancelled, maybe if one day they finally decided to make a proper sequel, they could just grab that story

Big Reunion Chapter 1 was literally fine. If you dislike it, you didn't play it because you were still butthurt from that E3 trailer. And for that reason, kick rocks because you ruined it for Conkerfags that weren't fuckos.

My only real problem is that the animations didn't look that great but everything else was just ok

Rare should make Conker as a practice run before making Banjo-Threeie

Yep and I ran into 1 or 2 glitches but still for what it was, shit was fun.

Sure thing meme man (lol). Go floss somewhere else kiddo.

Spencer has been in charge almost since the launch of the Xbone, user. It's not like he just took over.

All of Rare's original developers are gone, and replaced by a bunch of nu-male faggots.

All of you never learn. No matter how much you cry and complain about how these Rare games need to come back, they will never sell well. The only one that sold decently was Banjo Kazooie's 1st game and the rest of his games tanked, conker tanked. All Rare IPs sell like shit. If they brought back Banjo Kazooie for a remaster that shit would sell like 500k copies. Conker would probably do half of that. These IPs are dead for a reason and it's not because Microsoft are trying to be bad guys.

No, it's dead along with the rest of Project Sparks

Super Mario Odyssey 14 million copies as of June
Put that shit on the xbox AND the nintendo STAT

A banjo remake would probably sell 500k if it was a xbox xclusive, but if they put it on switch it would sell a shit ton of copies


At least we can all agree that this is better than young conker

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Yeah, because that's Mario and it was made by Nintendo. If a multi plat Banjo game came out that shit would NOT sell. Only people who like Banjo are in their mid to late 20s and most of them grew out of video games.

It'd sell more, but not enough. Nobody gives a fuck about Banjo except for a small very vocal group of people in their mid to late 20s. Everyone else on the planet would not give a fuck and continue playing literally ANYTHING that's not a game about collecting music notes.

Fuck off seething Stevefag

I'm not a Steve fag, I actually grew up with an N64 and played BK and BT. You dumb faggots just aren't being realistic. The IP is dead for a reason.

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Zoomers now love crash because of his remakes, you're stupid if you think a remake on multiple plats wouldn't call the zoomers attention

If Don Matrick was so bad why was the 360 such a success?

The least selling console of the generation + millions lost on red-ringing does not indicate a success. Sorry.

It sold the most out the any Xbox though

You're just dumb
The YL Kickstarter should be enough proof that there's a high demand for 3D collectathons, especially Banjo Kazooie since their whole marketing stunt was just "We're making new Banjo games! Googly eyes!"
BK wouldn't sell like shit lad
Jet Force Gemini no one's gonna care about
Conker had shit sales because it was at the very, very end of the N64s lifecycle and expensive as shit everywhere, if you remember it
Of course no one's gonna buy a game for a fugton of bucks for an old and dead console anymore if parents can buy cheaper games for the platform or save up to get their kids a new console

What are you talking about? It captured the same feeling of how depressing a High School reunion is

It lost steam during the last half of the gen as Microsoft went for the "We're #1 so why try harder" approach which let Sony catch up with games with Demon's Souls etc

Conker... expansion? (I guess?) What do you expect? Gore and humor... an M rating... expansion gets T rating.
That's when you know it's fucked.
Why is he is Smash then? It's not like he made it in out of thin air with no justifiable reason. If he was a Nintendo property this whole thing would be a different story.

>animal protagonist
>shit games
>protagonist has a crude personality
>terrible jokes that are just constant references
What went wrong with Conker boys?
pic not related.

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Can we get Craig Duncan fired? Only way that's gonna happen.

Doesn't matter, Nintendo and Sony ended up making more money in the end, and the red ring pretty much damaged all the money made from the inital 360 sales. Even though it was real close, although Sony had the hack that did just as much damage.

You can't recreate something if times have changed, after too long, you'll barely just copy paste what was
First of all, you can't have Conker without British creators, this is clearly an Americanised recreation
British humour and crude culture like Viz has been long since replaced with politically correct bullshit culture. The type of humour of Conker was replaced years ago, along with the standards of what you can, and can't put out media wise
The studios that produce games are also far too big in this generation to allow for the tongue in cheek banter and stupid shit they added all the time in small teams to injoke eachother
Without the core culture that molded it, you'll just get a hollow fake recreation, and thus, Conker will never come back, and neither will classic rare. This is what Yooka Laylee was

This, also another reason behind conker's sales is because Nintendo didn't even mention the game in nintendo power and they didn't even release the game in europe, but the game did sold about a million copies in the usa

Taking notes from EA?

>a pop culture meme lizard when the internet wasn't big enough to run every reference into the ground
I don't think Gex could ever work as well again without changing his personality.

Yup and the only reason that YL wasn't an even bigger success was they didn't fix a few game design issues. I'm sure a Banjo game in the same vein as Mario Odyssey would be a homerun, big worlds populated with collectibles.

>Game made in the UK full of UK references not released in Europe
How dumb are Nintendo?

They should do a remaster of the gex games where a bunch of shit is censored or changed in the trailer to stir up controversy, then in-game reveal that the changes were cosmetic and satirical.

It just needs to pull a southpark

Well, live and reloaded did get released in europe and even japan

It was released by... THQ of all people in Europe though.

Bong here it did I have a copy on my shelf right now THQ published it instead, it's almost as if people are wrong on Yea Forums 50% percent of the time

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>”Upon release, Banjo-Tooie was critically acclaimed and sold more than three million copies worldwide.”
Why even make this post if you’re just going to lie about things that can easily be verified?

Oh shit, I didn't know that

I said it earlier though.

Are you serious? You actually believe Tooie sold 3 million copies? You fucking retard. Kazooie only sold 1.8 Mill and that's the one everybody remembers and played. Those numbers are false. Tooie actually sold a little less then half of Kazooie.

You mean North American sales were 1.8 million. Look up your facts and not just the first thing that pops up on Google retard. You just made yourself look like a clown.

Both banjo kazooie and tooie sold more than 3 million copies WORLDWIDE, you are just counting the USA sales

I think the user mean't Kazooie. Tooie sold 1.5 million though.

Clown doesn't even reply back. What a joke.

(Not counting European sales in pic related)

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Fair enough, I didn't have a N64 I ended up with a PS1 (I wanted a Saturn!)
Thinking about it though a friend of mine had talked about playing Conker when they were younger so I should have been skeptical

You smashfags are zoomers who only care about a character and legacy when they’re in le epin crossover bing bing wahoo

If that was the case, nobody would have rooted for banjo before he was announced

Is there ANY way to play this at all? Anywhere this could be stored, any website with this still working in any way, shape or form, that could be playable offline?

I think Conker’s big reunion is lost in time

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Conker died with the 64. He's just kinda irrelevant today, nobody cares about 3D platformers so he can't really serve as a mockery of them.

agreed. let bad fur day remain as a cult classic. there's no need to reboot or remake everything

I'm reinstalling it on my eckbok as I type this but i'm 99% sure it's P.T. status

Conker ran but it's kojimbo'd dawg.
Servers are down so you need both PS + Big Reunion to have been in your account before shut down.