This is so sad. Let's stop the hate! Hook up with a tranny now!

This is so sad. Let's stop the hate! Hook up with a tranny now!

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I honestly want to get gays and tranny;s suicide numbers higher.

trannies are disgusting and are inherently horrible people.

Off topic thread?

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This, also fags. Can't stand any of lgbt.

not high enough

Gay men are based. They hate trannies more than anyone and don't put up with female bullshit.

The 2% btw is closeted gay men to anyone who's wondering.

It's not a human it's a fairy halfbreed.

Not gonna lie. I would kick gay people's brains out if it was legal. Might be something wrong with me but I have an irrational hatred of gays.

I lol'd

You have a mental illness. You should probably be behind bars.

you're in the closet probably. there's no legitimate reason to dislike gay men. you're either mad because their relationships are better than yours or you're closeted.

>a fag saying anyone has a mental illness

>trans rights campaign
but they have the right to be date, just like the straight men have the right to refuse dating them, what rights are to be campaigned for?

He should have surgery to increase his anger and cut his hands off and replace them with guns. This is 2019, stop being bigoted to the transfurious.

fags are more mentally sound and capable than straights. you literally have to bend over backwards and do mental gymnastics to put up with having women in your life. gays are the only ones smart enough to say fuck that shit.

I tired to convince my childhood friend to kill himself when I was 16 because he came out as gay and told me he had feelings towards me.

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>highest suicide rate
>100% of pedophiles have homosexual tendencies
>highest carrier of aids

You must be so proud.

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Literally 99.3% of pedos are completely straight and AIDs has always been and continues to be primarily a black problem. There are more black straight people with AIDs than gays on earth, and white gays have extremely low STD rates.

>They found that only two out of 269 individuals accused of child sexual abuse identified as gay, lesbian or bisexual — that’s 0.7%. That means that 99.3% of the time, the pedophile was actually heterosexual.

Gay men hate trannies and would agree that all trannies are scum that should die. You don't even know what you're arguing do you?

Whatever mental gymnastics you have to do to convince yourself that you're normal. My advice to you is put a .45 in your mouth instead of a cock and pull the trigger,

Nice fanfic, go on Wattpad and publish it.

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>government statistics are mental gymnastics
The only one pulling mental gymnastics here is you though. What they said is true, you're just mentally ill.

Trannies, faggots, same thing. They're both parasites ruining the world.



Not nearly high enough. Why can't one of these maniacs go on a killing spree against faggots instead of innocent people?

They're polar opposites, actually. Gay men are men who love men. Trannies are just straight scumbags with autogynephilia who hate men and want to encourage men to mutilate themselves to fulfill their disgusting fetish.

>disgusting fetish.
That's what being gay is. Fucking disgusting degenerates.

gay is vanillia and pure, actually. straights are literally all abortion fetishists and braap posters though.

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True, heteros are vile and have the worst fetishes on earth.

Do what your parents secretly want you to do.

What's funny is that MOMMY CASSANDRA posters from Yea Forums play female characters at a far higher rate than normal people.

Gays are better than normal. They have higher IQs and better relationships than straights ever could desu.

I'm unwilling to date them, because I don't fuck dudes

>playing female characters makes you gay

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This. Is that so hard to understand?

>because of Hatred
factually wrong, Not Important was my very first mancrush