What went so horribly wrong?

What went so horribly wrong?

Attached: Gravity_Rush_2_boxart.jpg (1200x1500, 1.2M)

not enough lesbian sex scenes

No Ape Escape crossover

Low budget, they outsource sidequest also shit combat. Good setting.

>they outsource sidequest
Did they?

Gravity Rush 3 when?

Sony didn't advertise it and wanted you to forget about it after
It has cute girls which the west hates.
It's a good game which the sonyfanbase hates.

no anime opening tier OST with a song by a popular group as the main theme

a nintendo style of game on snoy garbage

it would have been futa on female[\spoiler]

who has the dick?

Sounds awful.

first game was on a dead console.
Remake and sequel were barely advertised and the former had so few copies made that it has become rare in north-america.
The artstyle of gravity rush doesn't really attract an audience. Too cartoony for mainstream audience and not anime enough for weebs.

it's what makes every atelier a financial success

who should have it?

Sony. The game itself was fantastic aside from talisman mining.

Did you unironically like the side-missions, including the stealth ones?

How do we fix Sony?

The first game was already a disappointment. How bad was the second one?

anal sex followed by forced impregnation from a community seed pool

More like what went right? Except the jupiter stage.

Behind the Scenes 1


They’re both mediocre games that people try to pretend like are hidden gems only because of Kat
Kat’s cute and all but not worth buying a shit game for, just look up porn online for free

If the best of the ps4 is a mediocre game it's no wonder why sonyfags are such brand warriors.

it's not """""free""""" on ps+ yet

no yuri ending

I got really horny playing this game. They made Kat way too cute.

It’s not even the best except according to waifufags
Horizon, Spiderman, Bloodborne, and even Infamous Second Son are all much better games

Hi Spike

>try demo
>have fun falling around
>get to boss
>press X for cool finisher
>home button
>delete application

>What went so horribly wrong?
Story doesn't make sense and most of the plot happens in the last three hours
Game is streched way too thin and drags on too long
Sidequests are pure trash, with idolshit on top
Gems farming is necessary to unlock all the (mostly useless) abilities, which makes getting the platonium an absolute torture
They changed the music for the timr trial which is a shame because it was one of the best tracks
Overall it's a average - below average game and one of the least impressive first-party Sony game this gen

You sure?

Kat smells

>Infamous Second Son
It's fucking trash

Prove it

>Horizon, Spiderman, Bloodborne, and even Infamous Second Son are all much better games
From a brand warrior perspective.

Kat isn't sitting on my face right now

>the game failed because sony didn't advertise it!
t. autistic weeaboos

Totally not because the game itself is boring garbage. Every time I did a mission I ended up browsing Yea Forums for about five hours before I could muster up the motivation to do another mission. Incredibly boring game, took me just over a month to platinum this tripe.

Too Japanese. No mainstream appeal.

Hi Raven

>Totally not because the game itself is boring garbage.
If that were the case games like TLoU, GoW 2018 and Spiderman would have failed for the exact same reason but they didn't, know why?
Sony gave them huge advertising campaigns everywhere, billboards, TV, YouTube, game shows, everwhere.


friendly reminder psv is actually a japanese handheld for japanese people

>Too Japanese
Persona 5.

GR has better and more inventive gameplay than all of those combined. It's almost like a lost Nintendo game.

Epic but Gravity Rush has a lot more filler (and worse combat) than all those mentioned games. Seeth more, weeaboo.

ps4 users might be a bunch of westacuck casuals. ps5 will be a horrible console.

ps4 exclusive games suck shit. i only play gd 1 and 2 and bb. have zero interested in western garbage.

Needs like 900% more Cecie

What it lacks in combat it makes up in movement.

Should've been a nintendo game for a bigger target audience

Movement is only worth a damn with levels to make use of it. And no, fucking around in the overworld doesn't count.

>Epic but Gravity Rush has a lot more filler (and worse combat) than all those mentioned games.
Not really no, if you want to measure filler that would have to go to spiderman and the mobs of npcs you just mow down on a regular basis at the tap of a button. Hell it was so bad they even nerfed Web blossom.

>Alternate realms lost a lot of the mystique of the first game and besides the bubble zone were generally less interesting too. It might just be that the low fidelity of the vita let them sell the mysterious other world feeling better with less and the PS4's high fidelity made the artifice of it stand out, but they never got me excited the same way.
>Throws out a lot of the interesting lore and teases from the first game to focus on grounding stuff more, introducing stupid retcons to amend things, or having shit be solved without explaining how. Examples include Raven's entire dlc existing to write out Zanza and get her closer to Kat when simpler methods could be used, Kat's past being a fairly straightforward upper kingdom with only time compression mixing things up, the three Gods disappearing with no explanation for their origin, Electricitie in general being rushed and underdeveloped, the mysterious couple being fine in the DLC without any signs as to how, and the tease about Kat and Raven being "one soul" never getting explained even when their guardians can now fuse and we have tons more teasing for it.
>Ending is rushed to shit (easily could have been another arc with how much is rushed through), doesn't give meaningful resolution to Syd and Kat when they're built up more as friends than her and Raven are by this point, is based off emotional beats it doesn't earn (the citizens singing Kat's song with no way to know it beforehand and after treating her like shit again), and ends on a fucking cliffhanger with the king escaping for no real reason.
>Performance is subpar and it has really bad pop-in on the LOD if you go too fast between districts of the city
>The entirety of the zone where you get Jupiter mode for the first time was a fucking mistake
>No secret na'vi bossfights like 1 had

Still very fond of the game but man it wasn't the followup to 1 I wanted it to be and didn't resolve a lot of the shit it set up or inherited properly

Except Nintendo games have good gameplay.

Stop trying to star a console war.

What's so special about the movement? Look here to fly here? Top tier gameplay. Especially since most of the traversal is through empty nothingness for about thirty seconds to get to the next area.

Also if you want to boost about movement then you definitely shouldn't of brought up Spider-Man as an inferior game, kiddo.

As opposed to gravity kicking everything in Gravity Rush? The Spider-Man combat wasn't anything special but at least it was mediocre compared to Gravity Rush being offensively bad.

>more inventive
I'll give you Bloodborne and Spider-Man but infamous and horizon did some really neat shit

Not as good as the first two games I agree but the gameplay is fun and powers are creative
The story while not great is serviceable, much better than Gravity Rush’s attempt at a story

>As opposed to gravity kicking everything in Gravity Rush?
That's not even the best method of dispatch in the game.
>but at least it was mediocre
Mediocre is pressing one button to win? Not even gravity rush was that bad and it isn't a combat based game.

You can press one button to win in Gravity Rush too, it's down to the player to experiment in both games, difference being GR's combat is shit even if you bother to experiment with it's boring moves.

I prefer webswinging and neon running to Gravity Rush’s simple falling traversal mechanic that loses it’s wow factor very quickly
Combat, world design, exploration, side content, story, etc are also all much better in the other games

I don’t know. I do know that the movement in this game is top notch. Switching forms to get around quicker was awesome.

really soulless console. console business outside nintendo is becoming very similar to hollywood. nothing but a wasteland.

also lets be real, euros and mutt casuals eventually dont buy games where foreign or non whites are protags. thats how siren nt went to shit and why garbage like the last of gay, unchartard sell well.. fuck snoy anyway. they are virtually anti diversity and very pro west..

I still don't understand why chapters 1 and 2 exist in GR2? Why didn't Japan Studio just focus on the storyline of chapter 3 and properly expand on that?

>You can press one button to win in Gravity Rush too
Except for the fact that
1) gravity kick requires you to be floating in the first place
2) doesn't take out every enemy in one shot
You haven't played GR2 or pre nerf Spiderman have you.

Gameplay (combat and traversal) is incredibly shallow and boring.
It's pretty as fuck though and the story is interesting at least.

Like zero advertising
Sequel to a game that didn’t sell

“New hardware” at the earliest

Wrong as fuck, game would be fun as featureless boxes. The setting and characters are just icing.

Plenty of garbage sells with advertising, consumers aren’t that savvy.

Also you have shit taste.

reminder that Kat is straight and only likes pretty boys

Spikat canon

Says that guy who loves a game that's nothing but garbage clunky combat and press X to go here.

Wasn’t a game for everyone, especially because the combat was dumb

why are snoys exclusives chock full of white protags and do they only push and market such garbage games hard despite being sjws. i know Yea Forums is anti sjw, me too, but gotta say its pretty awkward that nobody points this out. siren was cancelled and now gr is most likely.

tsushima will sell like shit too. fuck this garbage console. it really shows their true colors.

imagine the cute one fucking the hot one
she starts as submissive and calm while the other is begging for more before she suddenly dominates the fucking so hard, her partner gets the biggest orgasm and pleasure in her life

It's weird but it's also just dishonest marketing

>but infamous and horizon did some really neat shit
Jesus fucking christ. Now THIS is definitely by far the worst opinion I've read all day. I pray to god you were baiting.

It was a terrible sequel to an excellent, but niche, video game. Sony players generally like sports games, shooters or games with good movie-like trailers. Gravity Rush doesn't fit in any of those.

Not on vita

I want to marry kat!

Horizon's robot AI is genuinely fantastic and the weapons make for some very creative, frantic, and exciting combat.

Infamous had the best openworld locomotion on a console until GR2 dropped and still has some really fantastic powers that make it very fun to play despite its massive shortcomings.

Both did shit you straight up would not find in a game released before them, at least in terms of gameplay.

Anyone who says these games are fun is a lying shitbag.

Sure Kat is cute and flying around is pretty cool but everything else, literally everything else is dogshit

>1 removed PS TV support in the West despite there being no issues with it
>2 was PS4 exclusive to begin with
And that's why I never played either of them

Only ps4 game i care about, looking forward to emulate it in 10 years


Models properly rigged when?

>and the weapons make for some very creative, frantic, and exciting combat.
Yeah, shooting the glowy weak spot with auto-homing arrows sure is creative and exciting

It was on Playstation.

It is unironically the kind of game that would do very well on the Switch now, but its stuck on Vita/PS4 where no one gives a shit. PS4 owners overwhelmingly want western AAA garbage, Vita owners don't exist. People love to pretend the Vita was some huge success in Japan but it only sold like 5 million units there.

>auto-homing arrows
you haven't played the game, tnx for contributing your worthless opinion

They rushed the ending. Tried to fit too much plot in.

But mostly, the problem was that Sony shut down the servers and now the best part of the game is gone forever.

>Lock on
>Arrows fly to the spot you're locked on to, literally just an animation

Compare to BOTW where the arrows are actual physical objects subject to the game's physics

three words:

Still loved the game though. Very charming 7/10.

>Lock on

Attached: 21354575324.png (225x225, 4K)

Kat is flat
That's the issue

>lock on
Thank you for further confirming you have not played the game

as worthless as your shit game

Play Horizon on a PS4pro and a 4k screen. It set the benchmark for graphics in a big budget game.

Yuribait drove off any interest from anyone who isn’t a weeb

Just feed her.

+grinding for skills is ridiculous
+flying to talk to everyone in the city takes for fucking ever
+waits too long to unlock other gravity modes
+puzzle sections are very short
+best enemies to fight come up very rarely
+story pacing is awful
+stealth is horrendous
+that fucking ending when they fucking knew they were lucky to get a sequel at all

I enjoyed the game, but I really wish they had smoothed out these wrinkles. I'd watch an anime adaptation of the games, but I'm never replaying them

Attached: kat_2b_koyoriin.jpg (1600x1600, 201K)

First game was on a dead handheld. Not sure why the second game didn’t do a whole lot better than the first did. Both games were present at trade shows (E3, etc) before release so it’s not like they had zero advertising. The games fetch decent review scores. I feel like the problem is that there isn’t a whole lot to say about them, even though they are halfway decent, and because of that, they are forgotten about. Threads on Yea Forums usually revolve around negative shit like the servers being shut down and the locked cosmetic content. If not that then the threads devolve into waifufagging which is a dime 2 dozen and I think people stay away from. I mean, just look at this thread.

not weeb enough and not sjw enough and not tumblr enough and not aaa enough.

western audience wants pretty much extreme stuff now. being extreme becomes normal.