FF14 Stormblood

About to reach Stormblood, what am I in for?
Any kinos inbound?

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Not until the very ending and Shadowbringers haha. Get fucked.

Crossing the tail in Shinryu EX for the first time was a very kino experience, I still reccomend it if you can find a group that doesn't want to unsync it.

tsukuyomi and the drk questline are pretty good, otherwise no stormblood isn't all that great storywise

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Wish she would suck my cock until her jaw aches!

it's one of the first times you will feel powerless
doma is kino


Man. I miss Eureka. I haven't capped tomes in weeks becuase I don't feel like running expert. Eureka made doing tomes an afterthought because I would max out without even realizing. Sucks people cried so much about Eureka that it will be dramatically changed if it returns.

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Live Letter soon, what do you guys think they will show besides the Nier Raid?

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i want to level dancer but at the same time i don't want to do the 60-70 slog

Live letter in 16 hours

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they better tease the ultimate and give a release date
5.0 feels like it's been out for a year already

Cringe kino maybe.

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Why would you post the end screen retard, the guy is just starting the expansion. At least spoiler it.

>Implying anything in SB is worth spoiler tagging

Nice opinion, let others form their own.

what now?

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Base story kind of sucks, 4.1 onwards is fine. The content at the time was a bit mixed too. I'm still unhappy with how 4.55 ends, even if I think Shadowbringers is fantastic.

What should have happened:
Fight happens
You beat NotZenos like normal
He rises up again like the cutscene in the fight
You do it again much to Elidibus' dismay
Goes to cutscene with you standing over him about to strike him down
THEN the Exarch mind-fucks you, letting him escape

This would have even set-up Zenos beating his ass since it turns out Elidibus wasn't all that hot shit at all. Denying us our moment like that and making us look like beaten cucks was so fucking lame, "win in game, lose in cutscene" is a trope that needs to fuck off and die.

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They haven’t done anything with grand company stuff. They most likely don’t have anything to reward people with yet.

>they should have wildly changed their implications of character strength to fit my autistic disdain of a gameplay trope
Shut the fuck up

We were winning until that bullshit faggot


hunting with your frend and L I T T L E S U N

I'm trying to get the achievement for playing 92 NPCs in Triple Triad and there are 2 who are tied to Eureka content.
I can't fucking do this fucking achievement until they rework Eureka aaaaaa I want my Ardbert card save me Yoshida-san aaaaaaaaaaaaa

>people who didn't do eureka while it was current now complaining that they can't do eureka

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>[16:12]Duty registration complete.
>[16:13]Duty Finder pop: Castrum Meridianum
>[16:13]Your registration is withdrawn.
this is quite nice ngl

honestly its a step down. not a huge one but HW and ShB are both like an 8/10 and SB is a solid 6.5. The villains are great, some of the zones are nice and the dungeons are good but they tried to take two expansion ideas, cut both down to fit the same resource time of one and it shows. You won't hate it but Its something like FF12 where you will have memorable moments but you wont really consider it one of the best parts of the whole.

But then you get to Shadowbringers which is the best Final Fantasy has been since FFIX so its worth it.


Stormblood is actually pretty terrible, only the parts with Zenos are nice and he doesn't appear as much as you'd think. You'll spend over half the campaign doing Ala Mhigo liberation campaign, though some of the parts in Stormblood like Doma and what not aren't bad. The Japanese aesthetics is nice/comfy.

I didn't care for Gotetsu, honestly a lot of the cast members in Stormblood weren't that great. Yugiri was alright I guess. I did like Hien.

>I didn't care for Gotetsu

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TGS is later today, he's in.

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I wonder how taro will act and how far he is into ff14.

haha 50 minute dps queues xD

>Yfw Soken cover of Song of the Ancients

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Why is eden savage so boring?

Zenos is super sexy enjoy

Which melee DPS is the best

samurai for big damage
ninja for weeb damage
monk for shit damage
dancer for wishy washy sometimes melee sometimes ranged party buffing hunting horn damage

>monk for shit damage

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Go "mumumblemumblemuhgreasedlightning" in the corner pleb.

Monk is great damage now that they rarely don’t have to move at all in fights.

You have no idea how any of the fucking classes work and it's obvious

How will Hades Ex top it?

take the samchad pill

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>Played only healers since the start
>No queues ever
>Decide to level a DPS class for once
>Give up after a few queues

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10/10 made me cry

There's bits here and there, some of it gets ruined later on though

>DPS queues
That's when you level crafters/gatherers and do your daily hunts.

>I didn't care for Gotetsu
Behold, the man with no taste

I miss instant pop for tanks. Now I have to wait like a dirty dps for a dungeon.

It has literally never been longer than 5 min for me

Kino is over until the Stormblood patch quests I'm afraid

>waiting at all

eat a book or something retard

>yda takes off her mask
>hot as fuck

live letter is an hour right?

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>its actually not yda

in an*

Stormblood is pretty terrible. Worst story content you'll slog through, but, post-stormblood is alright.

Gosetsu was the only character I gave a shit about, except maybe Zenos since his VA did a great job. I don't understand why they made Hien a second fiddle to Lyse and even without that he still pales next to the superior husbando Aymeric

Doma is fun. Azim Steppes is one of my favorite zones too. Especially if you're into reading about unique cultures.

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>join an e2s double flare prog party
>takes 40 minutes to fill the rest of the slots
>party only makes it to first flare after 3 attempts
>party leader disbands
>an hour I'll never get back

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Post ARR XIV has good voice acting in general

I should go back and do all the side quests there, it's my absolute favorite zone in the entire game

Why's the adventurer in every opening cinematic a white male? Not very reflective of the gameplay. Should be an ugly catgirl or a lala.

makes going back to X and the calm lands a bummer though.

Have you just not played since Stormblood?

>forgot to pay sub
You better to show me something interesting this time Yoshi. Give me better Eureka

I wasn't playing when Eureka was current

I never understood this 'argument'
It's never the [new] players' fault that SE is too incompetent to keep 90% of their game's content relevant.

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thought it was am, thanks

>monk for shit damage
Monk is retardely strong right now, dumbass

I've seen someone say that the next set of Eden bosses already had been leaked somewhere, yet I've never actually see any images posted like when the first 4 bosses had been datamined.
Does anyone have whatever content that supposedly had been posted or was it just someone mistaking speculation for a leak?

Just read the new tales of the shadows. Bros....

pretty sure they'll add some more TT NPCs in 5.1 anyway

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Stormblood is a lull between Heavensward and Shadowbringers, but it isn't as bad as ARR. There are some good moments scattered about, though the best stuff is in the patch content.

Was interesting that they confirmed that Omega is still alive.

She's a machine he was never alive

You know what I mean fucker.
Omega supposedly shutdown entirely at the end of the raid. It was ambiguous about why the mini omega wanted to follow Alpha.

>wait 30min for full party
>we choose our marks in macro
>someone said M2 before party leader
>party disbanded
>join again
>"what the fuck are you doing"
>"me m2"

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Are Moogle, Loisouix and Omega the worst fucking servers of the entire game?

Every fucking time.

i think about swapping to Light, but i don't know the situation there

What the fuck? I know M1 is danger for retribution cycle but what the fuck? This is still best spot

Explains a lot

Ragnarok is bad too because of raidtrannies on alts


Alphinauld is quite cute here

Stormblood is great, but not that interesting until the second half.

Fucking retard go do leves or crafting or gathering DPS leveling is max comfy

How's Red mage?

It’s not the best caster dps but it’s easy.

wait how so? I'm busting my ass learning positionals right now, you telling me it's all for nothing once I hit 80?

>get praetorium
Wish me luck..

Read what riddle of earth do. And check your true north

>leves or crafting or gathering

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What mask is this?

Crafting is fun.
Fishing is not



Who the fuck cares where your position is? Unless you are a black mage it doesnt matter just true north. Its not like your 500 potency loss from missing a positional or two will make a difference.

Entertaining autistic villain
Very good trials and OST
Average story with a few good moments
OK dungeons
Good 24-man and 8-man raid
Pretend Eureka doesn't exist

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Thanks homie

Maybe next year. Stay unsubbed there is nothing to do right now.

Any potential market crashes we can expect from desynth being unrestricted?

Hope they hurry up and nerf it so I can start getting some of the outfits.

maybe with diadem haha jokes

Can you still be play it?

metallic dyes i hope

Please respond

youre in for an ok story, some fun dungeons and trials, very weeb style armors. Much better than arr and hw but no kino. All of shadowbringers is kino though.

ramuh garuga ifrit and shiva i guess

>Very good trials
*performs a one minute weeb cinematic attack*
Yeah no

Fishing is maximum boomer entertainment tho i love watching youtube while listen to the pole it's like i am really fishing

Wow just like the majority of trials in the game

>playing weeb game
>upset about weeb kino
what the fuck?

There's nothing particularly good anymore besides the minion from FSH.

They haven't added any new demimaterias you need to actually desynth for that you can't just buy another way. If you're looking for something to liquidate however, get rid of your field materias.

>1 hour into ShB
>already like it more than the entirety of SB
How did they do it absolute madmen

how many 80s did you end up by the end of SB

>finishing ShB FSH questline
>"it's not over look around! Someone probably will need your help!"
>actually no wait for 5.2/5.3
Barebones of game. Fucking Yoshi.

What's going to happen in 5.2 or 5.3 that has something to do with fishing?

This was such a great scene honestly. More Warrior of Light actually being a character with emotions, less MUH Ala Mhigo shit please.

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The what?

*nods in agreement*

Fordola's smile

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Quietus cycles are fucking me up...

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How did people play BLM @ 50? Shit is so gay Literally just spam fire

Was BLM the worst class in ARR pre heavens?

No that was SMN.

>Was BLM the worst class in ARR pre heavens?

just skip them lol

A lot of the classes used to have more shit at level 50 but SE insists on nerfing/removing skills resulting in the early game being fucking horrendous
BLM used to be more fun but the mana pool nerf also hit it hard at the low stages

You really need to drop everything else you're doing and just focus on not getting hit.

YoshiP here, we're going to do an anime collaboration for 6.x

Pick which anime you want for the 24man raid

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RWBY :^)


worst expansion but every scene with Zenos is certifiable kino

I just wish WoL had more presence in scenes. If we block an aether attack, it's because someone already did it first and we're assisting.

I just want more small scenes like if someone is in trouble, WoL is the first one to run there or if a Scion is about to run into a trap we stick our arm out to stop them. They've done great giving them a character in 1 on 1 scenes or solo scenes but group settings, we're just a concept or plot device.

Gurren Lagann

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SB being shit wasn't a meme.
For me ShB was the first time game felt like a proper JRPG.

Fuck anime, I want a Paper Mario collab, Shy Guy's Toy Box raid would be cool

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>Not an anime
Don't care, junkyard here we come.

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So the xiv community is actually retarded and can't read, huh.

>Post meme question
>Act surprised when you get meme answers

I don't think you know what a meme is.

No your question was shit
So we gave it not shit answers

Fordola let's her guards have their way with her in her cell. She's used goods.

>"This day we shall write a new legend, my friend! This battle shall echo in eternity!"
>"The heavens are too small a field for our dance let us transcend this mortal coil"
Lyse dragged it.
Zenos carried it.

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>No fun allowed

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It's impolite to tell porky pies

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>this skirt

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Oh yeah? What are you gonna do, use some sort of not-Sharingan on me or something?

Why do I continue to grace frontline with my presence? When will I learn that it's never worth the queue time?

Fuck off and don't queue. I have a ton of fun in there. I hate retards who don't bother commanding or helping than complain that we lost. Stop bitching if you're not going to out the effort.

It's more interesting than the same PvE content you've been doing for years. At least for me it is.

You mean this?

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There's a fundamental difference between the two bottoms and the fact that you think that is better makes me think you're a shit taste faggot.

Here's a hint:

Care bear faggot.

Yes because I just want to hear you bitching and whining the entire time. Get a diaper you shitposter.

No, just wishing for Yotsuyu to step on you. Stormblood is very much a "we've been needing to do this shit, so we're doing it" expansion and most of the areas are pretty boring. Especially the Ala mhigo part. Doma's slightly more interesting but also has awful maps. Doma has most of the post expansion story and bosses for a reason though.

The 4.1-5 story is pretty good though and sets a higher standard for storytelling that Shadowbringers is going to crush entirely with how good it is.

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Fuck off Mhigger

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I wish Ala Mhigo had more color like the trailer implied.

It's funny that the first desert area in ShB is 100% more inspired than the entirety of Ala Mhigo

What do I spend poetics on if I don't need gear or relic items?

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Can I be one of those rabbit ladies in this one?

unidentified seeds/ore I think, trade for them for shroud/thanalan soil then sell for shekels

Unidentified ore, which you exchange for soil and then sell that.

Should I fantasia myself into a Fem Roe mommy tank

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Those two dudes then proceeded to mate with both Lyse and Fordola. They both clearly are just asking for it, never trust any woman from Ala Mhigo.

forced meme

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not him but I still don't know what the fuck I should be buying with my gil almost 800 hours in, I don't give a fuck about houses

You really gonna post something like this and not post sauce? I wanna see both these sluts getting railed stacked on top of each other

do it

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You all keep talking shit about her, but words cannot describe how much I want to fucking NUT inside Lyse

Make sure you call everybody little one especially since only male roes can be taller than a max height female

Might give it a go.
Do they start with bow and arrow?

Those pale tits gotta be bigger if she's gonna be a mommy.

You should buy a gun and shoot yourself in the dick.

>Yoko Taro
I can't fucking wait.

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If you start as archer, yes. Also you have to buy Shadowbringers if you want to be able to play as a viera.

if you go Archer
you can pick between Gladiator (Sword and Board), Marauder (Axeman), Pugilist (Unarmed/Fists), Archer (Bows), Lancer (Spears), and a couple of interchangeable magic users.
Around lvl 10 in the story you can just swap classes too, but you can't access the ones outside your starting area until lvl 15~ in the story quests.

Might be ok if you go tin-can mode. It's the glamazon types that I don't trust.

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yes, too lazy to take new pictures and no sub right now

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I am still on Heavensward, would like to know if it’s unplayable now or just obsolete

I’m sick of losing in pvp and I just want the garo mounts before 5.1 hits. If I switch grand companies to mael, do I lose all progress in my old GC and have to start over in the new one?

Eureka is beyond obsolete



Positions and inside are always back to back, so when you go inside just already be in your position. Or if positions are coming up step inside too. The danger is getting hit by guillotine since you have like 2 seconds after the previous move to get the fuck out while dodging the flyguys. Just try and instantly skirt east or west inbetween two asap. If you're in a safe spot from the first set then the next ones going out won't touch you either. Then you just have to keep an eye on the line group ones and make sure one isn't moving on your safe spot.

And also pray the healers are keeping up and you have some shields. My group's sch wasn't preshielding for double flare/stacks and chain quietuses so we'd wipe for no reason other than the healer just standing there not using gcds at the important moments for a week. Swapped them out for another sch with a lot less experience but knows to keep gcds rolling and healing wasn't a problem at all.

You keep progress for your old GC but you have to start grinding from 0 for your new GC

Join the club

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Elidibus gets his ass beat in both timelines, so I don't know what you're talking about.

what GC and data center do you keep losing in?

I was in the middle of grinding moonstones and shit for crystal sand and 2.0 end game crafter weapons. How long does it take to unlock the third tier of seals? It’s been so long I don’t even remember.

>kinda want to try life as a rabbit
>my midlander hyur is just too cute that I can't settle on a rabbit I think looks as good

I don't even try to glamour for a cute appearance and I get attention in eulmore from people running by. On excal even, not an rp server.

requesting urianger memes

Probably Flames. They always suck.

'til sea swallows all, cunts.

Just run Leveling Dungeon as tank/healer (adventurer in need bonus) and go around oneshotting the Hunting Log to unlock higher tiers
Once you unlock the second tier of seals you can just trade in SHB/SB obsolete dungeon gear for seals instead, which is like 500x faster

aether and freelancer/flames

A spell without parallel...

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I completely forgot you can’t even turn in gear until a certain rank. This is fucking gay but 5.1 is soon so I guess I have no choice.

yea im in aether flames as well and only a handful of people know what they're doing
You should decide asap before other bandwagonners do the same and clog the queues up

Gil is most pointless if you’re not crafting or buying gear. I’m just using it when I need to buy dye/ gear for the weekly fashion show.

Freelancing makes it a crapshoot unless you have a premade party. Companies are almost completely irreverent now. Have fun rolling the dice dude.


Thing is flames are great at zerging people down but never get objectives and will fight anyone they see. If they had someone tell them what to do they would win every match.

Whats the least expensive way to level a crafting job without having to gather shit yourself?

Based SAM femroes. Just about done getting to 80 myself.

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But you can still play it?

>least expensive
>without having to gather shit



Up to 50 you can buy stuff from MB as it's usually not that expensive and then from 50 do beast tribes and custom deliveries. It will take you few months like that though.

Yes you can still play it, it'll be slow unless you can wrangle some other fellow slowpokes though

No way. Just bite the bullet and level a gather.


It says here you haven't kept up on your Manderville quests. Care to explain?

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>samurai for big damage
>monk for shit damage
Spotted the crown.

>Really want to keep playing ShB.
>Just finished those pretty bad Nights Blessed quests.
>Friends used to play XIV with me, but they're all old wow heads and we're crazy excited for classic
>Friends all beg me to play Wow classic with them
>Acquiesce and play wow.
>It's so much fun playing with my friends.
>But the story is absolutely nothing and it's too boring to play on my own.

Help me bros. It's heaven or hell. Play wow and be pretty bored besides BSing with friends. Or play ShB and enjoy my time, but be lonely

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I want confirmed weapon stories goddammit.

Hurt me Taro-san.

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Specific fate needs to be done and I'm not waiting for that

You mean the one that spawns when you go there?

I'm saving them for a rainy day.

I never even started them because I heard they're way too long

>playing Classic

Get better friends.

Didn't spawn for me. It's the second quest thanalan

Like I said, they all played beta and vanilla in their formative teenage years. Guess you cant account for taste though. I'm a bit younger and missed the wow train completely

>I'm not waiting for that
>spawns constantly with little to no wait
I dont think I've seen that fate absent for more than 5 minutes.

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>healer thinks you're not behind a meteor boulder and "rescues" you by dragging you under the meteor from a across the room

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Oh, the Gentlemen Dead FATE, it doesn't take too logn to pop, worth doing it all honestly.

What sword? I don't recognize the Tsuba

Stupid frog poster

>undyeable armor without dyeable alternatives
>only 1 dye channel for any armor. can't dye metal parts and fabric parts separately
>if you want a different color look you can only hope that it has a shared model with different base colors
>glamour dresser limit of 400
>dresser is agnostic to carrying two different items with an identical appearance
>have to physically place the armor in the dresser/armoire. not simply a matter of binding/consuming item = unlock skin
>no sorting or favorite options in the dresser
>no armoire and dresser in houses/apartments
>more jobs than available glamour plates
>glamour armor can't be a higher level than the item being glamoured
>glamours can only be changed in town. if a job is linked to a glamour plate, switching to the job outside of town will not update any glamour changes
who designed this system and is he still employed

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It's Odenta for DRK

>implying I haven't


>Cat humans
>Giraffe humans
>Roid humans
>Potato humans
>Lizard humans
>Rabbit humans

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you have a human wrapped around your skeleton RIGHT NOW

I'm a human fetishist and i don't mind this at all.

they're literally called the races of man

I did though

Despite this, there are people who get into slap fights over what race they play.

I did them all in one go shortly before ShB. I'll wait until the end of 5.0 so I can do the next round all in one go again.

>animu eyes
>knife ears+long necks
>Hustle muscle
>actually different+animu eyes
>skin cancer+the downs/autism
>plastic surgery barbies

There's differences.

What would Varis' master race look like?

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mystery niggas

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Don't forget that trial also drops a card.

who are they?

I don't like triple triad

Those who walked before.

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Are they going to lead those who walk after?

dead game


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Classic? Yeah...



The Amaurotines you dingus, he wanted to turn every original soul back into an Amaurotine, and then use their power to protect the other life from the Ascians.


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>missing the point of why the ancients failed
Hydaelyn uses death as a method of growth and evolution. The immortal ancients couldn't lead anyone, they had no one to look to before them.
The theme of Shadowbringers, and really the game as a whole, is that when someone dies we're meant to carry on their memory and have it propel us forward into a better future. Alternatively, watch Gurren Lagan.

>not recognizing the lyrics to Answers

No, I recognize the lyrics and my point is that you're attributing them incorrectly to the ancients.

Then do the next part of the song nigga, we weren't actually carrying a discussion. I'm actually playing right now so don't expect much other than shitposts

Just got done winning the Naadam and watching the different tribes talk about the sun, moon, and finding their lovers was pretty poetic and the reincarnation beliefs of the Sadu and her tribe being juxtaposed to those of Gosetsu and the way of the samurai was probably the nicest moment so far

Does it get better than this questline?

Everything involving Gosetsu is pure kino. It should come as no surprise that his story arc is Ishikawa's work.

Not until Shadowbringers


>PLD still the best tank

how do we do it, bros?

>BLM caster dps
>WHM healer
>can't make RDM my melee dps because it's also a caster
>no mage tank ever
>BLU is not a real job
>we've run out of color mages
>will never be a mage of many colors
I will be eternally upset about this.

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>best tank
>can now pose as a true chad with an invisible shield
ho no no no no bros, how do they keep winning like that, it's unfair !

Boy will it ache.

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Green Mage is a thing, but the only people asking for it are redditors who want to seem like true hardcore fans by asking for an obscure nothing job from a single spin-off entry in the series that they only know about because they dug around the ffwiki looking for exactly that.

>in this riddle all souls are tied

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You shouldn't have to wait more than 10 min for it to spawn, and it's the only fate in the entire series so far.

Go do it, it's worth it. Well I guess how worth it it is is based on your taste. The entire series is a massive farce in tone. It clashes pretty horribly with the rest of the game, but that's part of why it's funny. At first I didn't care much for it, but then eventually I just let the stupidity of it wash over me and then I started laughing.

It's barely a real school of magic, though. It just took bits and pieces from white and black magic and tried to pass it off as its own thing, like red magic but with even less effort. They could maybe reinvent it for XIV if they ever bothered to implement it, but why bother? It'll be another healer or even caster dps.

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Who were the 10 cast aside?

PLD, WAR and DRK are just clones of each other anyway.

But speaking of tanks. What is some fending gear that colors well in black and red? I want some ow the edge tier glam

It's status magic, which is basically Arcanist's specialty. SMN and SCH are even both themed around the color green.

It's a Biblical reference. "The days of our years are three-score and ten."
>the days of our years gone
>three-score wasted, ten cast aside
Just a poetic way of saying people are fucking dying, and ties into the Biblical themes of the expansion.

Nah, PLD is fun definitely the most unique and fun. The rest are clones though. Switching between spells and using shield oath abilities to maximize 0DMG 0DMG 0DMG 100% BLOCKED 100% BLOCKED is fun. It's really the only tank job when you think about it. The others are just DPS that can take damage.

the game literally has a time mage in it, you can pretty much do anything you want with time magic, even beeing melee
But I don't give a shit, I just want to play as a Judge


What if you want to get a pyros weapon

WoL is Jesus and she'll sacrifice herself for the Sins of people, but will be revived in the end

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Yeah you get a few more buttons but ultimately it's still combo that gives you a timer, combo that does damage, window where you use the same ability 5 times.
They just copied SB paladin to all the other guys
Yoshida is a hack

>tank dps
>dps dps
>heal dps

good fucking luck lad.

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I like this edgy shit with the chains but I'd lie if I remember what it's called (you get it from one of the post-ARR questlines and you can buy it for allied seals then upgrade it at North Shroud, someone else can probably help)

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all the aoes have a 5 meter radius 0 range, so you basically have to be right up in there to aoe

They weren't lying when they said glamor hunting was the true endgame

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Had you hunted it when it was current content, would've been no problem. But now nobody is going to be doing that shit, especially with a new eureka being put in for 5.1

>especially with a new eureka being put in for 5.1

>Want to catch up so I can play new content
>Don't want to catch up too quick because then there's no content

Whats the easiest crafting/gathering job to level? I want to unlock the namazu quests.

Coming to this game from Mobius I'm genuinely suprised that they haven't re-used a single asset from it. I wish FF14 got the fight against Chaos as a trial

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it wasn't really ambiguous because the absolute madman sends you the Savage initiative before it dies, so it's consciousness being sent to a backup wasn't far fetched

I wasn't a huge fan of the Stormblood story, had some okay moments like the Azim Steppe. Villains were a tad too cartoony for me coming off HW and the allied NPCs acted like fools for the most part.

It also runs out of the workshop entirely on its own to join Alpha despite Biggs saying that it's just a toy and can't do anything on its own. Feels good to be right again after months of people calling me a headcanon retard when I tried to tell people this.
t. G'rahafag

gatherers are all extremely easy to level. Pick one of your preference and go wild.

miner or botanist

The savage initiative was a message, not it's consciousness. It even states in the message it sends you that it must be dead and is giving you the data as a gift of sorts, since it wasn't able to improve itself to overcome you, maybe it can at least help you improve yourself.

Hades Ex would have to basically reinvent the fight, since the latter half of the normal version is too limited and would be boring as shit mechanically.

>they show you that it sent data out in the milliseconds before its death
>Omega toy runs to join Alpha on his adventure entirely on its own
>shown exploring with Alpha, not just following him
Imagine being so fucking braindead you didn't pick up on this the first time you saw the scene.

What anime is this?

Brave Exveus (or however it's spelled) may get a chance before Mobius because I think the first game is complete. Mobius may need to reach a conclusion of some sort.

Male only original Wol outfit please.

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They yoinked the FF7 spidermech from Mobius, which Mobius grabbed from Type-0. Don't worry, they'll start dipping into the pool of assets it has once they finish ripping what little remains from XI.

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>Feels good to be right again after months of people calling me a headcanon retard
same here, I'm the lorefag of the group and being right feels good

Did Mobius ever reach a point where the game doesn't play itself? Stopped 'playing' it after a few hours due to dying of boredom.

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Yes I am

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Disciple of War/Magic Achievement Set:
1: Complete 1,000 dungeons, raids, or trials.
2: Receive 300 player commendations.
3: Complete any level 80 tank role quest.
4: Complete any level 80 healer role quest.
5: Complete any level 80 melee DPS or ranged DPS role quest.

Disciple of the Hand/Land Achievement Set
1: Gather or catch 300 collectables.
2: Synthesize 100 collectables
3: Reach level 80 in any Disciple of the Hand class.
4: Reach level 80 in any Disciple of the Land class.

>he doesn't have the mentor crown

>Smiling, the Lalafell replied, “Sorry, but no one will ever compare to her...”
>These were his final words.

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I just need to level a tank for it but I don't give a shit about babymode nutanking

i don't know if i want to level boost my alt or just level monk on my main
fucking sucks wanting to play and gear everything with these weekly caps

Lyse said it's my turn to be the Warrior of Light

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I haven’t seen Alpha yet but I heard someone say they seen him in the sylphs.

It is literally impossible to not get it if you actually play the game, unless you are some retarded metacuck or wagecuck.

>start reading it with the idea that the narrator is The Tycoon
>it was fucking Omega re-discovering what feelings are

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i have over 5x the requirements in every category and i don't wear any of the crowns

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Mentor crown is pretty much a "shitter trying to show off" tag these days, i don't want to be seen with one.

I want Omega to become a companion.

>Mentor Crown
>Ultimate weapon
>Performs half as well as the group
Sometimes I wonder if it's a person trolling or if people really buy clears to that content.

I'm really sorry for you user

>these days
Since forever you retard.

You're an ESL tranny, aren't you?

Mentor is the shitter icon.

>ESL tranny

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Then hurry up and put it on.

>Just read the new tales of the shadows.
>Oh cool! More information on the Calamity!
>it keeps getting worse
I wasn't ready.

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>Literally just a screenshot of randos next to some of the main characters from 2.0 yell out loud like a dumb faggot that its the end screen
>Call the other guy a retard
what sort of big brain powermove was this?

accurate despite what anyone with extra chromosomes will say

You can find him in a bunch of places. I've seen him in More Donuts (pic related), Outer LaNoscea and I think it was Gyr Abania.

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I saw him in the sea of clouds once

I've had the crown right when they added it. I never use it.

>Achievement set
what? Is this a proposal to put something into game?
3, 4, and 5 are already covered and you get awarded Living Memory title for it and extra lore on Adbert's friends

tbdesu famitsu needs to have strumbad in a garbage can on fire.

based retard
those are the requirements for getting the mentor crown now

what changed?

Weren't the mantis enemies in ff14 ripped from mobius?

Those are from FFXII

there were requirements?

Oh shame. How is XII anyways?

Kimetsu no Yaiba

Great game, but gets a lot of flak for being a different type of presentation than most JRPGs. Definitely play it if you like XIV since XIV is heavily inspired by the Ivalice series. If you're interested in playing it then go for the IZJS version or the remaster.

Likely the other way around, I mean what DIDN'T they rip from FF14s assets?
I think the bigger travesty is that they didn't even copy his hairstyle into 14, I'd change into that in a heartbeat
desu not really. They've made the hard-mode harder now but the story's really boring now so not much point in bothering.

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cat haet echo

Any moron that's played for a couple of months already meets these requirements, are you really trying to brag about having played the game longer than a sprout?

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>tfw fucked my circadian rhythm and waited seven hours through the early morning to almost noon to get a house and actually managed to buy a plot literally ten minutes before the time i decided i would go to bed
>mfw because was so focused on actually getting the house i didn't do any research yet on interior decorating

I honestly didn't expect to get this far
Where do i go to learn and get ideas on how to furnish my cottage?

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Anyone fluent enough in moon runes to read those descriptions?
All I can get is caring for Yshtola, sexy for Radlia, and stupid kid for Lyse.

what PS1 game is this?

Yshtola is cool not care

Ah, always got ケ and ク mixed up

Why Pyros, though? It just the Pagos step with a dumb effect slapped on top of it.

Getting weapons from Eureka isn't really possible anymore. The amount of crystals you need is still a huge amount solo and NMs are a huge pain in the ass to deal with, which are the only means of getting those crystals.

Minimalist for upstairs, all out downstairs. Or become a glitch god and proceed to learn Japanese fuckery with the marble partitions.

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>modern style homes in a fantasy setting

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>advanced robots
It's Final Fantasy not LotR, dumb frog poster.

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Some links i used when i decorated my pad
Having crafts and gatherers maxed with master books unlocked is super super convenient

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You can walk around all the city-states and see exactly how they live you Korean-tier immersionlet.

After Amaurot all bets are off
>mfw wander into home with a bar and the Akademia Anyder theme playing

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>Having crafts and gatherers maxed with master books unlocked is super super convenient
This. Without it it took me 7m or so to furnish a small. But less than 3m for a medium with just all crafters at 50-60.

>DUDE Amaurot could make anything so that means Eorzeans have flat screen TVs and frigidaire brand appliances xD

Fuck off and let people enjoy decorating their house they way they want retard. You dictate nothing. I bet you also cry when seeing lizard tanks in bikinis.

just play the real thing bro

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Thank you kind anons
And yes i've gone full autism and already maxed out gathers and crafts, that will be very helpful
still need to get the lower master manuals though

>flat screen TVs
We literally have tomestones which are flat screens. Level Checker was outdated.

The council of fourteen are named after Greek gods. WoL is almost certainly Prometheus.

It's allagan technology i aint gotta explain shit

why do you have to be such a stick in the mud user

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>one dark future no-one survives...

a score in this context means 20, so it's "sixty wasted, ten cast aside". You could argue that the 10 stands for the Ascians that got sundered as well, but that is pretty far fetched

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I'm craving some MMORPG but am a poorfag atm. Is the f2p ver. Worth playing? (Last time I played FFXIV was like 4 years ago)

May aswell try it and see. It’s free until level 35

F2P lets you play any classes to level 35 without restrictions except some chat options and the marketplace and I think housing.

learn basic information before giving advice

It's just a Biblical reference to a human lifespan, user. See

>worth playing
well, you can get access to nearly all the content available to paying customers up to lvl 35, but no retainers
DRK, AST, and MCH open up at lvl30 but im not sure you can get those as a free trial

this has to be a fucking joke

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Yea you have to do the story quests to get them.

can i just use ilvl 400 all the way to 80 as a dps?

Yea but you get free gear from quests.

Oh right, you have to have cleared ARR and actually gotten into Ishgard to get classes that are introduced to you in Ishgard

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You need to complete the ARR MSQ to do those classes unfortunately.

t. fag whose level 40 and just wants this shit to end aaaaaa

>he doesn't know
user, you're in for a suprise after you defeat Dilatima

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Thank you.

Light has fuck all french now moggle is in chaos. Germans are the new shitters but it's just mild autism. They are no way near as bad as french.

Also as raggy is in chaos, fuck all annoying Italians as well.

>Start crafting/gathering to fill DPS queue wait times
>End up ditching the DPS leveling to focus on crating/gathering
I understand now.

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>tfw am bad too

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You guys gonna buy Kodaka's new game?

Definitely got put on my list desu

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The only difference is that you are improving

I want better Eureka, and Anemos was a step in the right direction.
Give me non-instanced dungeons and puzzles and shit.

Wait for 5.48 when they're scraping for things to keep people subbed.
4.1 is the worst it's been since "STOP HER."

there's 100 missions after the main story before you can play kinosward.

Explain further.
I'd like to know which I'm getting in advance.


How fucked am I as a war main, but want to play as other tanks, but have to share gear with pld/drk/gnb?

You're in the good quests right now.
Enjoy 60 filler quests.

>There are a total of 100 quests in the Seventh Astral Era questline.
why would they do this

dont worry, they said they were going to prune it down

next year

I need a better answer than that, user.
Castrum Meridianum is poison.
That's the opposite of fucked, they're doing you a favor. Level one job to max then level all shared gear jobs in tandem. If you wanna main war shove all your old tank gear on a retainer until you need it.

2.1 is the worst shit in the world
2.2 and on is actually very fast paced primal-hunting and politics and preparing you for Heavensward + Stormblood with setup ahead of time so you actually care jury's out on the Stormblood part but the Heavensward setup is kino
2.5 has a cutscene that's 2 hours long and it warns you ahead of time that you should probably get a big tub of popcorn and some drinks
all in all, once you drive past 2.1 at lightning speed, it's actually pretty well-paced for ARR (and much better than MUH BANQUET OF HEROES before Titan/the shit around lvl 45)

They added 20 quests per patch because they wanted to go "look, content! Please don't unsub!"
They realized this was a mistake just as HW launched and they started planning Stormblood.

>unironic burger king

2.2 is shit and people only pretend it matters because of exposition that's repeated later. Also because Levi is the shitter quitter.
2.3's quests are the absolute goddamn worst. You forget how nothing about 10 of those quests are.

it's even better that almost all but the last ten aren't important to the story if i remember correctly

2,2 and 2.3 are good and you beat them fast

>here's your e2s clear party, bro

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Fuck me in the asshole.
Alright... I guess I'll just fuckin breeze through shit.
Is there any like specific sections that I shouldn't skip cutscenes for or whatever, shit thats actually story relevant?

I swear even just now, everytime I get a cutscene with two npcs turning to eachother and nodding or bowing for 10 seconds makes me want to kill myself.

Were the localizers of this game Gene Wolfe fans? I already know about the metric fuck-ton of other references they put in every quest and FATE name but it's surprising to me that they'd actually reference some older sci-fi series.

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2.3 is not fast. It keeps stopping you in place to pad for time.

Yoshi approved all those changes in quest/fates naming, And I heard japs like them too. There is tons of references. Even obscure ones

It's all story relevant, it's just that you won't care. Your best bet is to skim the dialogue and slow down as you see things that seem important.
It's 100% foreshadowing, not "plot." If you're good missing buildup you don't need to read a goddamn thing, just don't be surprised when the game starts talking about Asians you thought you never met or recapping how ascians work like you already know.

Only a few hours left till live letter


Square hires actually literate people to translate. They're all nerds with English degrees who like JRPGs.
You do the math.

what's the liveletter, is it just a dev stream or is it just a forum post?

The director/producer talks for a while about upcoming content.
It's short for "Letter from the Producer Live", which was what they called video versions of YoshiP's forum updates.

So the skill speed and crit I put on for war won't hurt me on pld/drk/gnb?

ah then i'll stay up for that then.

Yoko Taro is a guest this time too so it's going to be kino.

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fuck off with this faggoty word we're not in vegas



Because there was a lot of content added between ARR and the first expansion. It's not like WOW where you can skip all content as soon as you hit cap.

Minmaxing before endgame is so non-existant the devs removed custom skill point allocation and deities giving you elemental affinities because it didn't do anything and scared new players.

XIV is more like a cooldown based beat em up than an RPG. Your materia will not matter unless you get on the grind treadmill and try to do the poopsock content.

You won't. It's fine. Normal stuff is balanced so you can still clear with a retard wearing gear waaaaay out of range.

>skipping cutscenes
lmao fag it takes like a day to get through them all

They have recordings of them, don't worry about staying up to listen to Asian men ramble. You can catch it tomorrow. It's never anything you won't see in patch notes.

Mouthbreathers clear the game, you're fine.

I haven't skipped any cutscenes yet. I do actually like the games story. I just don't want to watch a bunch of shit that isn't related, which was my question since people were claiming its mostly irrelevant for some of the patches.

>nin and dnc in party
your fault for not leaving

Is Omega really that bad? I just picked a server at random so I don't have a way to compare. My FC is pretty comfy, is it really worth it to switch worlds?

>Carrying the shitters and not just gimping your output so they stay stuck on the fight

Will he try to take off Yoshi's clothes like that one tshirt promo?

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It's content akin to the Costa de Sol section. Busywork. There's nuggets that matter, but the point is don't worry about paying close attention to what the kids are saying when they ask you to play hide and seek, for example. Character writing for most NPCs doesn't really exist until just before Heavensward and doesn't get good for most until Shad

He won't clear if the other dps are that low

Join a casual FC


I took a month break to play Classic, pretty much done what I wanted to do now so gonna get back into XIV.
How's it going?
What have I missed?
When's Nierraid?
Who's buffed, who's nerfed?
When's Eureka 2?

should i get some shit for these? my highest crafter is 62

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We're still in 5.0 jackass

i thought shadowbringers was supposed to be epic but i just beat titania and its only been ok so far

Buy master books since most crafters need one for their 60 job quest.

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If you're not feeling it now you never will.
70-71 is one of the high points. It gets praise for having actually competent writing, but it's no Proust.

Shit is there really nothing going on?
I need something to pass the time until Cold Steel 3.

>I'm still in the beginning of the story so why isn't it filled with le epic marvel moments yet???

i just buy items from market

Your taste hurts me, and I play an MMO.

You might have autism if other peoples likes give you physical discomfort, get it checked.

I was having doubts for most of the story but the last few hours sealed the deal for me.

I thought it was pretty consistent, whenever the story got a bit dry they threw something into the mix, usually at the right time. Like the first time Emet shows up, things were getting a little boring before he did, but then you're interested again.
I'd say they got the timing and pacing just right. It's consistently good with some very high highs. The slow parts don't last too long (for an MMO at least).

Start buying Handking gear.

Currently in 4.0 content, it's kinda a step down compared to Heavensward, a lot of "Hurry up and wait" feeling in the pacing.

Stormblood is considered pretty cringe compared to HW. Boring premise, generic villain and predictable plot.

I thought HW was pretty cringe at times aswell with all its >why must we le fight :( war bad [piano]

Most of that is correct, although I do like Zenos, makes me feel like I'm fighting a proper villain for once.

Get ready for SAM to be the absolute top melee, and wanted in every group, in 5.1, when MNK inevitably gets nerfed and SAM recieves its rework.

Azim Steppe and everything in that zone is great.

Problem with Zenos is that he's pretty flat as a character, he just wants to fight strong dudes and constantly kills his underlings.

To be fair, Nidhogg was pretty flat too.

"Argle bargle kill all humans."

>dancer doing less than 10k
literally how
this job is fucking braindead

Oh boy get ready to roll your eyes a lot in SB

Nidhogg was butthurt for a pretty good reason, we don't know why Zenos does what he does.

Everything in weebland is fine. The second you're in ala mhigger territory is when everything goes to shit.

Barely arrived at the new area and already am
hope the setting's fun and comfy at least, not expecting much from the story

>check the dps mains in my company
>all of them have maxed out crafter classes


Yeah, I'll agree with that.

Zenos does what he does because he's basically Goku. Maximum fight autism with little regard for anything else.

Japland story is pretty decent, especially with Yotsuyu and Asahi.

>we don't know why Zenos does what he does.
Zenos is like us. Max level, wants new glams and housing and has to farm to get new shiny things to hold his attention for a few hours.

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Othard and Kugane are great, Gyr Abania and Ala Mhigo can fuck off though

>got my amaro
fuck this game until 5.1 now

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Another 30 minute e2s attempt with some new party members. A solid 2k damage increase.

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See you in a month

i tried to pug it for the past 10 days now
i gave up at this point, when you find party with around 70k dmg, someone WILL fuck up and the rest will leave

Holy shit.
What DC?

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He has depression

>tfw I was already ready for 5.1 after I finished Eden normal

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Do you have glams for every job? No? YOU STILL GOT JOB TO DO!!!!

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i will bother with glams when they add catalogue like in WoW, instead of this 400 slot bullshit


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at least the warrior is 8k

For me it kind of felt like until you get to Innocence the story is just going through the motions. There's some fun character moments but not a whole lot in the way of plot progression. You get into a basic story "loop" pretty early on of > go to new location > find scion > find lightwarden > slay lightwarden > repeat. There's some light exposition sprinkled throughout but it doesn't feel like the plot is really moving until you start getting towards the end.

For an MMO which has to pad out a good 30 or so hours of playtime I think they did a great job, but I was also expecting the story to be amazing considering how much emphasis they were putting on it in pre-release. And it was amazing, just not until the end.

>or if people really buy clears to that content.
No one tell him.

i have glamours planned for classes i havent even started yet
i have a problem

>Tfw want to glam old crafter sets but decide against it because no space and all glam slots are used

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>intentionally fantasia'd into the midlander for shb
>completely justified at shb's finale
>not sure if I want to go back to elezen

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Nigga how will you use 499 slots?

>You get into a basic story "loop" pretty early on of > go to new location > find scion > find lightwarden > slay lightwarden > repeat.
I agree, Holminster excluded, which was definately more impactful by being the first and also the event to show you what you're truly up against (also having you put down Tesleen with little fanfare).
I think that basic loop, was good, it was always enough for me to feel happy with.
Then there were extra twists on top that kept me interested - Emet Selch joining your party, the nature of Zodiarc and Hydalin, Minfillia meeting Minifillia. Then the final stretch obviously takes the whole thing up to a different level entirely.
I didn't think any part was bad, it was always fairly interesting at the least.

I didn't have internet when Eureka was relevant due to my job taking me out to bumfuck nowhere.

It's not that it's a loop, but that every "arc" is essentially introducing one of the five Grecian concepts of love referenced within the Lightwardens save for Titania who is unclear and Innocence who is rather clear (Philia, love for your friends, then Eros in the Greatwoods, love for beauty, then Storge in Amh Araeng, love for your family, followed by Innocence/Agape in Kholusia, love for your God-- also agape is a type of bread given out in charity meals in Christianism, just like meol).

So essentially, while yes it is arcs following one another, the plot is also moving forwards, and every reveal leads into another, like any good thriller. The wheels keep spinning until the climax at the end of Innocence, followed by a break, followed by the buildup into Amaurot, which leads into the final climax. Shadowbringers is a character driven story up until the end of Innocence, at which point it shifts gears into a more conventional JRPG plot, if that makes any sense.

Do you work for the Bureau of Land Management?

>Level healer to 80 for bonus exp for other classes in like a few days
>DPS queue times means taking a DPS from 70-80 takes like 2 weeks+

I have never seen dps queues at 30+ minutes

You might be autistic if hyperbole triggers you. Coldsteel's nearly as low as you can go.

Stormblood copy paste's HW's story outline, it's weird.

They'll keep BLU relevant by letting it access Eureka and basically making it Eureka Mage.

FL winning is just being on the right team at the right time. And by team I mean having a premade with you.

I finished all DoW/DoM jobs now, and I want to start on crafting and gathering. Which ones should I do first?

all of them simultaneously
I'm not joking


Based FSHchad.


Seconding this
literally all of them at once
maybe level all the gathering classes a couple of levels ahead of the crafting classes so you can get the materials for quests easier

Level all gatherers to max.
Then level all crafters in tandem.

All of them at the same time. You don't really have a choice unless you want to get jewed hard by the market.

So I shouldn't take a crafter and gather to 80 first?

Is FSH profitable?

Any gather and crafter I should start first?

Make sure to not bother trying your crafter quests until you're way over level, otherwise you waste money.