Death Stranding

>absolute kino environment
>unique mechanics such as staying balanced while traversing in any situation, game overs not stopping gameplay, weight/loadout management far more in depth than any game ever before, and giant craters appearing on the map wherever you die
>souls multiplayer on steroids, after a few months the game will be full of cityscapes, that you can also destroy
>world war 1&2 realm where you have to kill a bunch of skeleton soldiers and survive tanks and airplanes to escape back to life
>game has extreme level of detail, from the (mostly) superb movement animations to having hundreds of possible things to do in just a hub room, let alone the full game
>absolute kino story
>mass murdering terrorists are literally called homosexual demons
Why haven't you pre-ordered the comfiest game of the decade yet bros?

Attached: samporterhyde.png (715x428, 266K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes. Next question?

Attached: drinkermads.gif (367x396, 2.91M)

Where os the new gameplay

I can't find the 49 minutes trailer, is it actually just a trailer or does it show majorily gameplay?
Does someome have link?
It's gameplay. Goes over inventory management, exploration, some stealth infiltration, combat, a boss fight and how multiplayer sharing works.

The game looks like one of those shitty indy games where you do nothing besides mundane tasks because it's so SUBVERTING to make a game where killing or defeating someone else isn't the primary goal. The only difference is that Kojima does it with scans of B-list actors instead of 16-bit pixels



>first page when you search death stranding gameplay
>can't find

it's basically "what if metal gear was more like journey"

Lets be honest Madds is the only B-lister in it.

Everyone else C or lower.

Del Toro is the closest to A-list. Reedus is only known for TWD and Boondock Saints, but he's not as popular as he used to be when the show was actually relevant. Refn is only known by Yea Forums autists who pretend they're Ryan Gosling from Drive or Only God Forgives. That one girl was in the latest Tarantino flick, but still a litterally who. Wagner is entirely irrelevant, only your parents knew who she was.

>death stranding has shit anim-

Attached: kinorunlq.gif (600x449, 3.94M)

Mikkelsen was in Star Wars and the MCU. I'd say he's A-list. Qualley was in the newest Tarantino movie, which is at least something.

literally a casual clone of metal gear survive made with higher budget and more develpment time, kojima just can't stop leeching on his former konami colleagues work and taking credit in their place.

>clone of metal gear survive
>literally nothing even remotely suggests that

>Why haven't you pre-ordered
>in 2019
Also it's a kojima production. No thanks. If I want a cinematic experience, I'd play Quantic Dream productions

As one-dimensional side characters, yeah. People still recognize him more from Casino Royale or Hannibal than Dr. Strange or Rogue One.

You summed it up perfectly.

post invalidated.

>kojima is a genius

>>absolute kino environment
I didn't know Unreal Engine demo vistas were considered good now.


Attached: DEATH STRANDING Open World, Combat, Boss & Vehicles Gameplay Demo (TGS 2019)-wG0iFysW-kc.webm (1390x790, 1.09M)

Imagine buying it now and not just waiting for the definitive remaster on ps5. This board is full of niggers.

Haven't seen anything that remotely appeals to me.

>>absolute kino environment
o yeah, the unreal engine tutorial map used by mario and pokemon remakes, totally kino

>not speaking the lingo of your culture

The unreal engine demo shit that i've seen is just ugly and unrealistic, while this game's world is absolutely beautiful. And not even close to all of the game's world even looks like that.

yeah i started laughing my ass off when i saw that. What the fuck

Attached: 90988875.jpg (590x350, 35K)

both survival games with basic movements taken directly from metal gear solid V, limited resorrces and spawing crafting tools to modify the invironment, both stories are about parallel dimensions named like hell populated by monster black goo creatures, your intent to to take people back from said hell dimension into reality, yeah this must be totally a coincidence,

GOTY right here

Attached: 1568445995377.jpg (412x297, 30K)

>>unique mechanics such as staying balanced while traversing in any situation, game overs not stopping gameplay, weight/loadout management far more in depth
You mean, the shit that's standard in 90% of RPGs?

Look at his legs dumdums

not him but
>basic movements taken directly from mgsv
find something like that in mgsv shill

Attached: kinowalk.webm (650x658, 1.24M)

At least out of the other Japanese games upcoming this is the one with most gameplay

I can't tell if this is this ironic or post-ironic anymore

he's gotta be wearing some special shoes or exo suit or something. the jumps are ridiculous, and when sam hijacks the car in the gameplay demo he runs as fast as the car to get up beside the driver to pull him out. honestly everything else looks great but some the jumps look like such jank it is the only thing making me scared

How am I a shill going against something you must be a shill defending this game at all costs, I was talking about the crowching steath mechanics and so on, yeah this hiking stuff is literally the only "original" thing in this game, but then again also survive had melee attacks that weren't in MGSV, this game has been sold for years like something totally new that would have revolutioned the all gaming industry and what do we have is just a slow version of assassin's creed parkour lol.

>And not even close to all of the game's world even looks like that
Sure thing, drone.

Attached: 1541264346350.png (620x830, 772K)

Are you people retarded? why do you keep screaming this as if people don't already know it? It's the animation and trajectory of the jump that looks fucking abysmal, we know that he's wearing an exoskeleton that allows him to jump far and run fast, that doesn't change the fact that it looks fucking dumb.


>Why haven't you pre-ordered the comfiest game of the decade yet bros?
I already have.

Attached: 1558266655426.jpg (361x472, 40K)

The animation still looks bad, retard.


Hey Hackjima shill faggot.
You still have to answer this.

yeah man my english sucks whatever.

This, speed skeleton makes you able to run faster and jump farther, weight skeleton makes you able to carry more.
Maybe there are others but kojima only showcased those two. They both need battery juice to run so you better carry some.

Won't all the shit people leave around kind of trivialize the experience for players? I mean there will always be a path laid out for you by other players, because everyone has done those same missions you have. So you'll never have to use a ladder yourself, you'll never have to use the grapple rope, etc, it'll all just be there already by other players.

You can only see the stuff other players left behind once you connect a new area, so until you reach the goal in a mission you won't.

My answer is no

Weight balance, game overs not stopping gameplay and that kind of depth in inventory management isn't in 90% of RPGs

Any player can pick up the item and keep it for themselves preventing all the other players to use it. So if you come across a cliff with a ladder you can climb it then turn around and pick it up for raw materials cause fuck anyone slower than you.

>both survival games with basic movements taken directly from mgsv
Not only is this impossible due to mocap, are you really implying that MGSV invented walking, running, and crouching? There's a shit ton of games with "limited resources" and crafting
>modify the environment
>both stories are about parallel dimensions named like hell populated by monster black goo creatures
Death Stranding's story isn't purely about the afterlife in it, and not only are there multiple dimensions, but they aren't even remotely similar to survive's
>your intent is to take people back frmo said hell dimension into reality
Not even fucking implied by one single thing in any of the trailers, or even a single word that Kojima has spoken, let alone actually stated.

>balancing mechanics that depend on the terrain you're on, the weight you're carrying, the arrangement of the weight you're carrying, and the buttons you're pressing
>90% of rpgs
>seamlessly going to alternate worlds when you die instead of having to load a checkpoint/save
>90% of rpgs
>the weight of your items and the ability to place them anywhere from your back to your shoulders to pouches on you affecting whether or not you'll fall on your ass like a faggot
>90% of rpgs

is completely right, but not only that, he's wearing a "speed skeleton", not the "power skeleton", so how in the living shit can he make a jump like that without any sort of speed buildup?

Sure thing, drone

Attached: 1568440532357.jpg (5040x7478, 3.91M)

You have to get through an area and link it up to the network before other players' stuff appears.


no caramel is the schyzo who thinks it's silent hill

You say that but kojima didn't have to do that in the demo, once he linked the magicians hideout he could see multiplayer stuff until the port he actually had to go to.

Sounds like bullshit to me lol. Its a MGSV re-skin but with an extra scoop of nothing to see or do.
>A hole in the ground with a door
Here's your mega city bro.

You didn't even prove me wrong, lmao. Kojima drones are a fucking riot.

You can pick up or destroy stuff other people leave.

kojima develops walking sim, gamers keep their shit, more news never

>cheers! to lisa and you
What did Cliff mean by this

But that way you won't get any likes.

>despite all of this information being readily available in trailers and gameplay
>ignoring that they beelined straight to the bunker in the gameplay video, when there was visibly a giant city to explore

I'm assuming you're the "90% of rpgs" guy. Yes, I did.

>I'm assuming you're the "90% of rpgs" guy.
Nope. You just posted a collage of images that looks like they were w=ripped straight out of an unreal engine tech demo, congratulations for proving me right.

imagine actually taking David Cage seriously

>Why haven't you pre-ordered the comfiest game of the decade yet bros?
I am a little intimidated by it. I've only played MGS2, 4, and 5, and I gave up all of them part way through. Can't really remember why for 2 and 4, but for 5 it was because of those fucking supernatural soldiers. I hate running away helplessly from enemies in games, particularly if i don't have a vehicle or something.

I am worried Death Stranding will be a lot like that. I want to experience it at release, but I might have to wait for a week or two after before I buy.


Attached: 1568451164223.png (760x526, 141K)

>Yes, I did.
No you didn't, have you played Shit Stranding to prove that?

Wake me up when its on PC.

I assume that was just for the demo so they could show off everything. Earlier on with the music guy the other player's ladder didn't appear until after he connected.

>I don't pre-order games
>not on PC yet

I was looking forward to this game but after tgs gameplay I lost all interest. Really disappointed. Where's all the cool creepy scifi shit that was in the first trailers? Literally nothing but mundane walking around empty fields and mountains.
What happened to that ww2 limbo place? Mads's character? And those creepy shadow things are fucking pathetic and not scary at all now.
This has got to be the biggest downgrade in vidya history.

but you can defeat the skulls. the sniper fight with the skulls is actually really neat

should say "make america states again"

Does Hideo has any children? Is he even married?

Attached: 1543816829037.jpg (1616x931, 292K)

link literally does this when he's climbing in 90 degree corners.


Attached: btfo.webm (688x378, 667K)

>kino envinronment
>kino story
>kino mechanics
>kino levels
>kino music
>kino kino
>kino kinoish
>kino to the kino
>kino keeko kinu kakeno

Shove your unfunny overused Yea Forums meme up your ass already. Fuck.

yes and yes. actually, i think in between mgs4 and peace walker there was an interview with him where he said his son told him all of his games suck and all of his friends loved monster hunter, and that is why peace walker exists the way it does. because he wanted to please his son.

Anybody else concerned with how slow the shit was moving inside of the base/room? I mean the animation resets Sam on bed after everything you do, if you wanna eat 2 bugs you have to wait for him to sit back down so you can get back up. I think it'll get really fucking tedious.

>he wanted to please his son.
>by making a shitty psp grind shit
Yep, he's a hack alright.

>You just posted a collage of images that looks like they were w=ripped straight out of an unreal engine tech demo
Imagine actually typing that with a straight face.
Oh wait, you didn't.

>implying i need to play it to "prove" something literally shown in gameplay reveal
Whatever you say...

Just because none of that was touched on doesn't mean that it's not still there. It's incredibly obvious that he wants to show as little of the game as possible, I wouldn't doubt that one leak some user keeps mentioning where after a few hours it becomes a heavy action game where you hunt down those 5 figures in the sky.

Attached: ue4terrain.jpg (1280x720, 452K)

>all that shilling

Getting PS4 for this soon, Bloodborne will also be a nice bonus

Well this better be on PC. No way am i gonna pay PS+ to use the online component.
Not to mention, how else are you gonna put in custom music into your private room to jam to and sip your monster. Just like in MGS5, it only works on PC.

If i'm a shill then you and various other people in this thread are shills as well because we're both spending our time heavily defending and attacking this game.

Yeah, maybe you can skip it.
I also noticed that when he does his little idle animations like pointing somewhere the button prompts disappear, so I'm worried you'll have to wait those out too.

>No way am i gonna pay PS+ to use the online component.
Same, maybe you don't need it. There's some other single player games that don't require it.

Nice jokes.


Attached: 1561054006898.png (261x215, 19K)

Calm your autism and filter the word you retard


I'll go even further and say that it looks like Kojima learned nothing from MGSV in terms of open world design. He's once again separated two worlds here, we have the "interactive" space where we take on missions and watch cutscenes, and then we have the open world and the two are not connected. This is terrible in terms of creating a world that feels cohesive and alive.
Look at how GTA does things, the games have shit mission design, sure, but they do a great job at making the worlds feel like actual places, you interact with it and the missions are out there in the world, not in this disconnected realm from it all where you go after every mission.

I also am concerned with these mini-cutscenes that play out, we've now seen Sam deliver 2 packages to 2 different people, and they play the same exact cutscene both times, him levitating in the air after he syncs his weird usb sticks and the packages going in and out, greeting the bad looking holograms. It's just the same shit again as MGSV with the helicopter, repetitive little minicutscenes you have to be put through again and again and again.

Attached: 1.jpg (3840x2160, 3.3M)

The game not using PS+ would be the ideal way but no way in hell is sony is not gonna monetize the online component. Especially with how robust the whole thing is.

I was putting in "trailer" instead of "gameplay" and got a bunch of reaction videos.


How do you know it's a "Kino Story" when it isn't even out yet

This. FPBP.

You retards will buy anything with Kojima's name on it and lap it up as the second coooming of christ, even if the ""game"" is nothing but a shitty walking sim

first kojima game i am considering buying user

>"walking sim"
>ignoring everything else in the op

What did Kojima mean by this?

Attached: file.png (1330x1051, 1.27M)

I'll agree with you on Kojima open worlds but not with GTA. There is a reason with RDR2, 5 years after GTA5, people were calling RDR2 outdated design. The story and world are separate. Missions take place in the world but the world doesn't react to those missions and the story doesn't take into account your progression.

The problem is every open world game ever released is flawed, and not a single one blends meaningful story, world design and progression together.

Pacing is my big concern at the moment.


Make american great again is a pretty good and quotable slogan

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Litterally out man uniting murica

Seething soi child

because you're clearly trying to dehype me for Death Stranding so I'll give my money to Borderlands 3!
I know your stench Randy!

So basically you only see stuff other players have left once you no longer need them?

>Monster Energy Drink
Game for boomers, by boomers

>There is a reason with RDR2, 5 years after GTA5, people were calling RDR2 outdated design.
That reason would simply be that there are contrarians on Yea Forums desperate for validation in the form of (you)s. RDR2 was universally praised for its insane dedication to detail. No shit that video games have not reached the level of dynamism that exists in real life.


The ironic thing is, people have understood this game since the very first gameplay trailer, it is just that literally everybody assumed there would be more to it.

Where is the mads gameplay

Why spoil all the fun bits

Fortnite doesn't need PS+

Attached: 1568445114935.png (491x474, 567K)

Define "need".
The ladders maybe, the battery chargers, bridges and shelters next to an optional enemy base are probably welcome.

What he hasn't shown is how you build this stuff with the 3D printer or what resources you even need to do so.

Detail in immersion, not structure, mission design, or player freedom. The gang constantly pretends to be poor when big dick gambling machine Arthur is walking around with 10k. Literally the basic premise of the story falls apart the moment the player gets control.

They wanted to tell a story, but didn't design a game that was structured to wholly represent that story. They made a great story, and a great world, and slapped them together with cornerstore glue.

Where the fuck is the new genre he was creating then

>seething mustards

Because it's a multiplayer only game.
What's your point?
Monster Hunter World and Dark Souls need PS+ to use the online bits.

I guess it depends on how much there is actually to do in an area. If it's just about getting there there, making your delivery and then moving on to another one it doesn't seem like there's much use to support items once you've already made your delivery.

The crafting seems pretty straight forward. It's not really clear what raw material you need for which items and how likes as currency figure into it but it seems like you craft items using ressources you either find all over the world or you scavenge from enemy bases. Chances are you'll also be able to buy them in various cities and checkpoints.

>The gang constantly pretends to be poor when big dick gambling machine Arthur is walking around with 10k.
When at any point in the game does Arthur get 10k? You would either have to abuse a duping glitch or grind like a motherfucker to make that money. You get like 2k after the bank heist, and are immediately shipped off to a tropical island. The way the characters and the game world handled the consequences of the story was very solid, better than just about any open world game I've seen. The gang has to move several times in reaction to the story.

Like I said, you can't expect real world dynamism in a video game. You only notice weird things like characters bitching at you for not donating even though you've contributed 90% of the camps funds because everything else is so consistent, believable, and dynamic. RDR2 is still head and shoulders above a vast majority of open world games.

When he raided MULE's outpost, he also equipped a "speed skeleton".
Much like the power skeleton that was shown before, it's a support system than can enhance Sam's abilities, at the cost of using battery. While the power skeleton let him carry a lot more cargo, the speed skeleton allows him to sprint faster and make longer jumps.

Fuck I mean now that I'm remembering it, there are countless TINY interactions that a vast majority of players are never even going to see. If you try to maintain a "daily life" in RDR2, you will notice some really cool stuff. After every mission, different interactions happen between characters in the camp, sometimes directly relevant to the mission you just did or 2-3 missions ago. If you go to a particular building in Saint Denis at a particular time of day and particular day of the week, at a particular point in the story, you will hear Trelawney visiting his family. Rambling at this point, but god damn did they really max out the detail on this game. It feels like a living, breathing world.

>Why haven't you pre-ordered the comfiest game of the decade yet bros?
Because I don't want to support stupid shit like this.

Attached: Capture.jpg (1644x654, 76K)

So what's the point of this woman?
> repeats what Kojima said
> reacts on it with dumb expression
> almost no questions or very simple one 6 y.o. child can come up with
> annoying voice and sounds
She's fucking sucks both as support and narrator. Why are they paying her?

Attached: ffs.png (320x233, 102K)

>purely cosmetic items when you preorder the game
>in contrast with RDR2 where you get an entire mission and head starts for preordering

But that clashes with how little the player is involved in a lot of these events. It's the opposite of the problem games like Skyrim have where important events only happen when the playersi either around to see them or interact with them. I technically like how things in RDR2 happen, wether the player, or rather Arthur, is around to see them or not but at that point it starts to feel like a stageplay that's happening around zou where you can never transcend the limits of your role.

it a Japaneses thing, leave her alone

where is it

It's annoying that they don't mention this anywhere. The game's official site and store page don't even say a word about online.

Hosting the event and kissing the guests ass. At the end of the day shows like these are marketing events.

I speak jap and watch their media/streams pretty often.This girl in particular is very dumb and complete shit at her job. I don't understand why they're hired her for such a BIG event. She's completely lacks experience. It's like talking to a wall.

In the game

My biggest concern is that the plot looks like it's going to be a complete mess.

japanese love the hai hai hai wow sugai ect.....
if she lack experience well today she gained sum, anyway she was fine in the ff7 event.

Nah, I think it'll be pretty straightforward post-apocalyptic sci-fi stuff with the usual "someone who you thought was on your side actually isn't" plot twist.

Kojima was never especially good with plot. I'd hesitate to say that the Metal Gear games individually have good stories but the series as a whole is pretty damn bad, even by the standards of long running video game series. Important events happen between games, rather than in them, plot points are dropped on a whim because Kojima didn't know what to do with them, characters don't properly develops or, again, get their development between games. I mean, I know Kojima was mor or less strongarmed to add to the series way beyond the point where he actually wanted to continue it but especially from 4 onwards it felt like he stopped giving a shit.

>"someone who you thought was on your side actually isn't" plot twist.
It's gonna be miss president love interest for the ultimate bittersweet ending

Attached: death-stranding-image-06.jpg (1920x1080, 216K)

*game of the year

There's now way you watched the same trailers as the rest of us, or played previous Kojima games

what's with this trend of making these obnoxious faggy posts about really bad/average looking shit and saying kino a thousand times?

Attached: 1528540711883.gif (480x270, 2.03M)

even by the standards of long running video game series

do you even know what the standards are for the video game industry? no other games told it story it like the metal gears series

Every Kojima game is always set up with a basic objective which steadily becomes more complicated as the game opens up. Watch the Homo Demons end up being not the straight-up villains they're currently portrayed as. Mads is a total enigma right now as well.

Play MGS2. It's GODjima, there's nothing to fear

Reconnecting the US is only the first chapter. You have to connect every continent in the world.

>Mads is a total enigma right now as well.
And the BB you're carrying is his kid somehow?

I assume that Mads was either a scientist or some government or military official that worked on the technology behind Bridge Babies and somehow cause the Death Stranding by breaking the boundary between dimensions.

Even the Moon

The physics even when considering exo seems inprobable , at least the landing animation should account for not only the momentum of the jump but the extra weight the player carries

No, you won't. If they're gonna do anything outside of the USA they'll leave it for the sequels or DLC. Don't hype up the game to be something it's not.

Guess all we can say for now is that he used the name Lisa again after PT, but do you think it's a clue? That little nightmare where the BB smashed out of the pod was strange too.

Attached: Mass Stranding.jpg (818x481, 182K)

Garbage tier game

It looks like the USA on the map, sure, but its your regular Japanese empty open world game with hotsprings.


Looks incredibly life-like

you dont even know what a fucking walking sim is you fucking idiot. a good example of a walking sim is stanley parable or *gasp* gone home

take your stupid ass brain to the meat grinder and do us all a favor, off yourself

is this all the stuff they are showing after 3 years of nothing ?? what an awful marketing strategy

I have a feeling there's not going to be much exploration, at least nothing significant. No way you can render worlds like that on a console without it all being fairly linear/smoke n mirrors

>Balance """mechanic"""

Attached: 21d.jpg (680x408, 44K)

At least those are more of a game than whatever death stranding is supposed to be.

Japanese people love this type of games.
They are showing this off at TGS for them, not for you.
The international marketing strategy were all the cinematic trailers they had before, because that's all westerners care about seeing before hitting a pre-order button.

Game is coming to PC.

it's funny that people actually call that shit, they're that assblasted over mgsv


>Sony referring to Death Stranding as "Console Exclusive"

>Press release where Kojima said DS will be coming to PC

>Sony removed the "Only on PlayStation" label from press releases that feature Death Stranding

>Guerrila games giving out Decima Engine to Kojima without any contractual obligations

It looks like Kojima played the Mako sections of Mass Effect 1, and said "Lets make an entire game of this"

It will be playable for exactly 1 day on PC before cheaters take it over

Nice. Man, these timed exclusivity deals suck.

Sidoux was in blue is the warmest color which is constantly spammed in gif on the celebm threads,it's a reasonable cast regardless. I wouldn't call madds B tier, especially if you've watch the foreign film "the hunt" the only actor that grinds my gears is......frickin Baker.......

If I wanted a running sim I'd rather playing Mirror's Edge thank you very much

Attached: 1540151741634.webm (1440x508, 1.75M)

Not when the chick that's playing Mama is there.

>Breath of the Wild creates a gamey world with fun movement mechanics and lots of combat encounters and puzzles
>REEEE Nintendo fell for the open world meme! What a bland Ubisoft clone!
>Kojima makes a mostly empty open world where you carry luggage around slowly
>N-no it's not a walking sim! It's uhhhh... comfy!
I hate this site so much

>Refn is only known by Yea Forums autists who pretend they're Ryan Gosling from Drive
B-But he's literally me...

The only one you mock with these kind of posts is you, user.

Why is mama just randomly bathing in a pool with you on nowhere?

It's in a dark place, next to the shame you feel for your words and deeds towards Quiet.

Kojimafags are really trying to shill his snoy movie huh

And when they officially announce the PC port it will be paraded as the best game again.

And, to the susprise of no one, it is a walking and token biking simulator as expected.

Attached: hahahaohwow.jpg (562x437, 40K)

Let's make the Mako sections a entire game but remove the Mako and give you a bike you'll likely get much later

Think the game is playable offline?

What? It's a singleplayer game with light online mechanics.

Only by your retarded normalfag brethren.

Nice, I liked the Mako from ME1

Actually, Yea Forums is saying the exact same thing about this game and they're wrong.

I don't get how you can praise Breath of the Wild and call this game a walking simulator when it's essentially what BOTW wished it could be.

Sure, maybe you'll have to create all the stuff yourself and farm/explore for longer periods.
Or when you play offline there will appear some set facilities by kojima productions staff, akin to set pvp invasions in souls even when you play offline.

Breath of the Wild is normalfaggotry, what are you talking about?

Happened to mgsv

>Has a easy mode for jornos which literally turns the game into a movie

If it's not based upon whether or not it's good or not, it's based upon which comes first. Discount on ps sale or free exclusive on PlayStation plus.?

so you're a nincel? from an idorts perspective botw is a highly praised game on Yea Forums, just like bloodborne.

Rent free

This looks almost exactly the same as MGSV. Not perfect but it doesn't looks worse (yet)

BotW wished it could be a UPS sim?

>game that will make Yea Forums seethe 24/7
Honestly MGSV times were much better. Crazy theories, fun posting. All gone

Attached: 1568383781809.png (1667x1269, 147K)

Pretty much

The truth is both are shit games and only consolewarriors pretend they aren't.

Gonna play it on youtube

BOTW wished it could be the ultimate exploration game with fully detailed traversal mechanics.

>absolute kino story
Oh, so you already played it?

I think Kojima may have a crush on Norman Reedus.

>OP's wall of text absolutely destroyed by a single word
Yep, this is most definitely based.

Attached: 1545760686466.jpg (667x670, 30K)

Attached: lookism.png (1749x402, 95K)

The fact that you can build bridges should tell you everything you need to know about the gameplay.

You need to keep making the same trip back-and-forth to find it necessary to invest in making shortcuts. Then you'll do a run to simply scout for possible shortcuts. As you find your shortcut, such as bridgeable crevice, you then go to fetch the building materials, which might be more than one trip, since you can carry only so much. Maybe before you even get to start on the bridge, you have to build lockers and shelters at the building site to store the building blocks.

And then hours or days later you have a shortcut that saves you a lot of time. The fact that you can build more permanent support infrastructure into the wilds and that you are the sole means of transporting equipment between outposts and cities, means that most gameplay sessions are going to be hours of carrying packages from point A to B and back, giving necessity to going through building projects.

>California deleted
>confirmed where the trouble started

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>Seething Xcuck with no games

whats the difference between balance mechanics and sneaking mechanics?

youre doing the same actions. traversing things slow to not lose progress

The building can be vastly sped up by having multiple players contribute, by the way.

The biggest crater is most likely where it started, and judging by the full map it definitely isn't in California.

these threads could still be fun, but when people bring up the fun of what might be, 70% of the thread goes "fuck off caramel, kill yourself, WHERE'S MY MONEY"

He still haven't killed himself?

when is it coming to PC?

So it's not just a walking sim. It has elements of a sitting sim also.

Climbing sim and shooting sim too, you can pick your poison.
But then it's back to good old walking.

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Not gonna lie, super excited for this

Must be a tranny, a 12yr old or a fat mexican. Every woman I know seems to find him really attractive.

Why would he say he's making a new genre if he just copied everything from MGSV? I don't believe Kojima's revealed everything

Take out Kojima from this tweet/game development listing. Yea Forums will shit all over it. These retards really will eat the most casual nonsensical boring drivel as long as it comes from a source that is regarded as "elite"

Wow, the Metal Gear Survive sequel is already coming out? Cool!

Remember the whole head transplant thing?

same tbf

Maga 2020

Kojima’s plan is to make a game as non-coherent as possible so you idiots will try to dissect it for years.

>because it's so SUBVERTING to make a game where killing or defeating someone else isn't the primary goal

tons of games like this existed before the artsy indie stuff. do you have to defeat anyone in rollercoaster tycoon or theme hospital? idiot

What the fuck is wrong with this board. I dont think it will but even if this game sucks balls at least it is the most original game to come out for a long while. What other big studio would take a gamble on a game as unique as this? Would you honestly rather another safe generic action shooter that feels familiar and doesnt try anything new? You ungrateful faggots are like those people who live off fries and burgers and hate trying new food

whether he has or hasn't won't stop people from calling other people caramel, despite them not even sounding like caramel. see

>>not speaking the lingo of your culture
That’s Yea Forums, a place where you so(n)yboys should be.

Red dead runs just fine.

For your information i've never owned a playstation, and if for years people have been saying kino here to describe good games, i'd say it's apart of our lingo now.

It looks like the most generic boring shit rather than unique.

>DS is it's own genre
>Kojima believes he invented a genre

So what would that be?

Postal sim

In all honesty aside from the expected Kojima quirks it looks like a boring open world game.

i like hiking in the alpes so i want to play this fantasy hiking game. Looks fun, i hope i really have to plan my itinerary.

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Strand genre

I wish I had the planning tools sam has in real life.
Putting markers on a virtual map and then seeing them in real life is awesome.
Too bad google glasses never came out.

Absolutely based.

>thousands of gamer threads
>couple of monster ultra boomer threads
*this thread has been pruned or deleted

Slit your wrists mods. Literally all Yea Forums mods should kill themselves. Especially those faggots over at Yea Forums giving me a month-long ban because a faggot got triggered I said "faggots" and claiming it's because "all discussions must pertain to anime or manga" while pedoshit fills up the entire catalog.
Fuck off to Tumblr or Reddit or the suicide store you fucking homos. You shouldn't exist. You should all be genocided in nightmarish ways.

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Holy based

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also buying any kind of game without imminent access is cucking yourself and getting ripped on cash.

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Mods are fine for removing spam and advertising.
Whether other threads thrive or not should be entirely dependant on the boards intellect.
That's the beauty of this website, if a thread is shit it will die on its own. if not people obviously want to discuss something and that alone is justificaiton for the thread belonging here.

Seeing the character animation of him finding good footing in: is so cool because i can relate to the intense state of mind you enter while making your way across slippery rocks. Analyzing the ground before you and making quick decisions of where to put your next foot, it really washes away all other thoughts.

No point to pre-ordering, but I'll be picking it up
It looks way better than GOW or Spiderman honestly. Looks like it'll actually use its environment for a purpose.
And it also fills out my latter-year schedule quite nicely
>June: MM2
>July: 3H
>August: Astral Chain
>September: DXM and Iceborne
>October: Luigi's Mansion 3 and Indivisible
>November: Death Stranding
>December King of Cards

Yeah, that looks like Death Stranding. Thanks for conceding.

Get your eyes checked. There is nothing like it

>implying that low quality horseshit looks anything like it
To larp good you have to be believable.

They are still challenging because they're management games, on of the oldest genre of games.
Walking sim is a modern genre.

You're unironically giving jizzbrain faggots way too much credit

>the open world isn't interactive
But you literally collaboratively create persistent, shared infrastructure in the whole world how the fuck is it not interactive
>Look at how GTA
Oh I see you're a retard.

I know it's hard to admit that your paragon isn't infallible, but it's time to get used to the notion.

Dumbest threads on the board.

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>But you literally collaboratively create persistent, shared infrastructure in the whole world how the fuck is it not interactive
Yes in that sense obviously it is interactive, but I meant in terms of story, in creating a world with the story.

GTA is trash, don't get me wrong, they haven't evolved in 20 years, BUT I like how Rockstar breathes life into their open worlds, sure their missions suck and all, but at least you get a sense of place from it all.

Using "kino" unironically doesn't validate any points you wanted to make, and using it twice makes you sound like a retard.

I thought that looked awkward too. He should have had a longer running start. Just nitpicking though.

Thats going be annoying in gameplay though. If you need long run ups. I think it looks fine if you know its the exosuit powering it

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Fuck off shill

Shill replying to his fellow colleague, fuck off all of you

dude looks like aphex twin


>RDR2 was universally praised
People were calling out RDR2's bullshit from day one, retard. Not everyone is blinded by hype like you are

>insane dedication to detail
>video games have not reached the level of dynanism that exists in real life
Well which is it? You praise RDR2's detail and then say games can't do that. Pick one and stick with it

Those who don't get paid either to attack or defend the game has the right to argue intensely for their hard earned money, I know your boss told all of you that your primary opponents here are other shills from Nintendo or Microsoft but that's just a lie to let you do your job properly.

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> The gang has to move several times in reaction to the story
Oooooh I guess that's the next-gen gaming I've been hearing about. The gang moves! WOW . If only they'd put as much thought into mission design.
On second thought, the mission design is great. Who doesn't love endless escort missions?

>anyone who has a different viewpoint only has it because they're being paid to have it
ok retard

how the fuck is it that the effpeebeepee rule is actually true around 80% of the time?

>he jerks off in the shower
Enjoy your clogged drains.

I feel the same. In real life I walk long distances everywhere so the game kind of resonates with me. Same happened with Kenshi.
I hope there's a hard mode where if you don't plan accordingly you end up literally stranded in the wilderness

It's called product shilling

nice gif

because I make 80% of all first posts on Yea Forums

>walking/running simulator


That's kind of wholesome

Just accept you delusional snoy faggots, this game is fucking shit, boring and generic

So many seething Zoomers.
This will truly be Game of the Century

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his son was also the reason why he wanted snake in melee iirc.

Imagine being this mad. Seriously. Imagine having this kind of life
God bless kojima. Everyone will be having fun while this autist will seethe like crazy

you must be dumb

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Literally what I think Sam looks like with all of his equipment on.

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op btfo


more monster ads than DS ads


>mass murdering terrorists are literally called homosexual demons
Yeah, fuck Kojima, that piece of shit uninspired homophobic hack, Kojima has been described by some friends and colleagues as racist. Colleague David Hayter described him as "Nazi-esque", saying: "Every once in a while there'd be something about Jews and I'd be, 'But Hideo, I'm Jewish,' and he was like 'Yes, yes, I don't mean you.' He had a definite racialist streak, [the belief] that he was physically, spiritually and creatively superior", a view he appears to have continued to maintain throughout his later years. According to Konami executives, Kojima once attacked a mixed-race woman in a restaurant with a smashed wineglass, saying "I hate black people". During a conference at the 1998 Tokyo Game Show, the audience rioted after the trailer for Metal Gear Solid included the German national anthem "Deutschlandlied", including a verse omitted since 1945 for its nationalist associations.

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