Are there any video games that feature white male and asian female relationships?

Are there any video games that feature white male and asian female relationships?

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About as many as actual vidya related topics on Yea Forums

>Original Cloud and Tifa were both white from the same town
>Now they are white and asian
What did they mean by this...

Cloud is asian.


Maybe if you are retarded

cloud is asian too.
they're both nibelheim natives.
enjoy your retcons

>cloud is asian
Aznmasculinity kys.

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>Cloud Strife
Totally an asian name.

well if cloud isn't asian then tifa is white

>Tifa Lockhart
Totally an asian name

nah she monky

Indeed, Tifa isn't asian either. Only Yuffie Kisaragi is actual asian.

in the original FF7 before compilation retcons kicked in

No ones asian because in FF7 world Asia isn't a place you fucking sperglords. Go outside.

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Yeah, Wutai is a totally not an asian place.

A female will never grab you like that

Asian inspired but that doesnt change the fact Asia doesn't exist in ff7 or the fact that you need to bathe.

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Thank god only original is canon
Everything else is not canon

Europe doesn't exist in FF7 world, so characters aren't white either.

Dance, user

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man, her redesign is so busy

That goes without saying? Garbage race bait threads should be banned outside of /pol/. This is not video games.

they're not in a relationship. cloud doesn't give a shit about her at all.

This looks so good. Why do people hate nu tifa again? Just cause her tits?

>Are there any video games that feature white male and asian female relationships?

Plenty of them.

The idea that WMAF is desirable is deeply installed in the Japanese mindset.

Their men are natural-born cucks.

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White isn't a country it's a color of skin, that argument could stand unless you wanted to claim their European, which goes back to the original argument.

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>going for misha ever in ar tonelico
Shurelia is the obvious choice.

>Tifa Lockhart

Reminder that the sex between Cloud and Tifa will not be shown again.

Honestly to me she doesn't look white.
Natural brown eyes and black hair

Stick figure, smol tits, shit nu costume, changed to asian.


>changed to asian

when has she ever not been asian?

But they are both German though


Oh shit I forgot her eyes are RED lmao

they've always been red though, AC turned them brown for reasons

Why does Cloud look so bored here

Simple. Cloud is a race traitor.

Tifa is White

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you have to go back