Local Yea Forumsirgins consider this ugly

>local Yea Forumsirgins consider this ugly

Attached: Control_DX11 2019-09-14 13-57-44-72.jpg (1920x1080, 202K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>at wedding
>grandmother and uncle come over
>uncle tells me how my grandmother couldn't recognize me across the room when he pointed me out
>grandma has 20/20 vision
>she kept saying "user can't be that ugly"
>they came up to prove it's me
>they walk off laughing
>tfw been called ugly my entire life
>tfw never had a date, kiss or gf
>tfw even my family think I'm ugly

I also think Christoph Waltz looks very good for his age


based uncle

Horse face

>"dude Christoph Waltz lmao"
>"dude this game flopped because mc's ugly"
Based retard.

she's ugly, deal with it

You're ugly. She cute.

Looks like the chick from Better Call Saul, only ugly.

Post a picture, uggo. Also you’ve got shitty family.

i to am sexually attracted to manfaced women

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Attached: 1551394965395.gif (320x240, 130K)

More like "I too have facial blindness".

Is that a dude?

You're gay for Christopher Waltz

>americ*ns so obese that they find this attractive

Why base your women off women when you can base them of men and make sure no woman ever gets the credit.

I stand for Palestine

Attached: bgh.jpg (205x246, 19K)

>flopped hard
So this is the power of nuRemedy?

fuck me i didnt think she was that ugly but at certain angles she really is an uggo

It looks like an alcoholic chain smoker who's on testosterone. Op is a brain damaged twat. Glad you aren't working in design.

Have sex


Attached: qJxETvL.jpg (515x515, 55K)

>Control didn't even make the Top 20 sales chart for the month
Jesus Christ, Remedy is finished

not with manfaced trannies

I wonder if they'll later reveal that xhe was actually a transgender woman ?
(hence a character that looks transgender)

They haven't made a financially successful game since max payne 2

This game suffers from the same syndrome that killed Remember Me
Trying too hard to push the strong female protagonist that is essentially just a reskinned man

She's a 4/10 at best

I don't think she's ugly. But she's definitely not pretty.

Blame those fuckers on focusing on shitty cinematics first and gameplay last.

Funny since control is the exact opposite. It's literally max payne without shoot dodging.

Passable for a tranny. Not my fetish, though.

bend over

>OP defends trannies

Its time to come out of your closet, boy

I want to believe you made this is up cause thats how you interpreted the situation in your mind

I still haven't played the last one they did after Alan Wake.

you obviously never had sex with a real biological woman.

Reminds of me of Andromeda

Attached: control this.png (1328x1178, 1.92M)

ah landa!

>no make up vs make up

bottom right is still ugly. Absolutely CAKED in make up

Even RTX ON looks like a man.

>not being gay for a true aryan
Into the gas chamber with you.

local Yea Forumsirgins also consider this ugly

Attached: 1568461599461.png (1920x1080, 2M)

dios mio

this is what women look like past 18 retards
a man is prettier

La Creatura...

To be honest its all relative. Shes not ugly if you live in Britain or US. US is just fat so i can see a slim tranny being considered attractive. Britain is not only fat, but has inbred facial features so pretty much anything remotely human should look attractive to them.
If you're from Italy, Russia or Brazil theres no way in hell you would see this man face as attractive, virgin or not. Because you could just go outside and most women walking around will be prettier than this.

Nice mods and makeup you have there, tranny

No man wants to look at ugly/average people, let alone play as them.
I know because i'm a fat ugly fuck.
Its not a difficult thing to understand, may not be very pc but its the truth.

i mean
its not ugly but not appealing either
she looks boring

Real girls wear makeup though? And her face model is default

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she looks like a model

>be me
>ugly and deformed
>girls around don't even consider me a human being
>my grandma keeps telling me how handsome I am
She's a nice lady, but she knows I'm fucked.

Attached: what a story.jpg (480x360, 9K)

she does look ugly but i think that's more from the skin texture rather than the face itself

Anyone that worked on Andromeda should be banned from working in the gaming industry for life. Jesus Christ what an abomination.

and the color grading. Women don't look good in washed out green

jesus christ her overbite is absolutely disgusting

>when a diversity hire is in charge of importing your model into the game
Thanks Patel

they dont look alike at all

Attached: asdasd.png (581x630, 504K)

I think it's cute and just like the original face scan model's. It's the opposite of a manjaw

Attached: PrincessGothic.jpg (1226x1080, 321K)

i agree with you btw

Its coz they hired people like this.

Attached: bioware montreal.jpg (1690x1412, 634K)

here with less cake.

Attached: andro.jpg (540x277, 21K)

there's something too manly about that face

Wow did they do that on purpose? It’s to close to be an accident