Give me just one reason why a female game character should be anything but a virgin
Give me just one reason why a female game character should be anything but a virgin
If it's a game made for western women, there is an argument for making the characters whores, since most IRL western women are whores and would feel inadequate against virgin characters
If the female character is a veteran prostitute the concept of her being a virgin kinda breaks character
a game doesn't need to be your escapism fantasy, incel
Why would you want to play a game about a veteran prostitute, sounds gross
That could delude some people into thinking they died and went to Paradise and are surrounded by houris.
>muh realism
how about you go outside?
OP didn't specify that it was the main character at all.
>mothers and grandmas are not allowed ingame
>pokemon backstory become even more fucked up.
how about YOU go outside, celibate?
i...i cant
it's a bit hard to be a mother otherwise
can't commit crimes outside
where do you think I am?
take a photo of where you are atm
because it triggers roasties
this obviously it needs to realistic how am i supposed to self-insert as an unrealistic virgin-slut when im not even a virgin irl
guy btw
For the sake of realism
a phone because you haven't learned how to hide your i's
She's a mother? How are you going to get ara ara or oyakodon with a virgin?
>inject sperm or ivf
>not wanting a double defloration oyakodon
>bunny ear size=boob size
when I fap to oyakodon I imagine them to be virgins tbqh
Being the protagonist's mom.
>dox yourself
>remove nuclear families from videogame in favour of strong single mothers who need no men
I wonder who could be behind this post
This but unironically. I've noticed all people that defend used goods tend to be hardcore cuckoldry fans and their comments even look like "if hentai replaced politics" liberals.
>at wedding
>grandmother and uncle come over
>uncle tells me how my grandmother couldn't recognize me across the room when he pointed me out
>grandma has 20/20 vision
>she kept saying "user can't be that ugly"
>they came up to prove it's me
>they walk off laughing
>tfw been called ugly my entire life
>tfw never had a date, kiss or gf
>tfw even my family think I'm ugly
This is why god invented rape
I know that feel fellow ugly user
>back in high school on Valentine’s Day there was a girl who was going through every guy who was lined up outside the classroom and hugging them
>she got to me and she shakes her head and says “ew, no” and walks off to the next guy
>everyone laughs
>mfw that memory will be with me forever
>mfw now a 21yr old KHV
testing if i can post because some faggot mod nuked my 100% on-topic vidya thread and i wanna see if he had the audacity to fucking ban me too
please ignore
literally correct
not every woman in a game needs to be fuck material for OP you gamer
Because it makes incels like yourself seethe
Doublethink isn't healthy anons
what a bitch. i remember a similar situation but the girl hugged the class retard as well, made the guy's day and everyone thought she was nice for being nice to everyone
>lying is a good thing!
Ugly people should be told they are ugly so they can work on their problems
>give everyone a goodbye hug during graduation
>leave out one guy because you cant be bothered
and its not like he doesnt know hes the class idiot. There are times when youre critical, and there are times where you juts relax and dont care.
Virginity is a outdated meme. Nobody here cares.
Why not? Why have ugly women when you could have something you can fap to?
All men want to marry a virgin, if they don't, they are mentally ill
Marriage is an outdated meme. Nobody here cares.
>still wanting to marry
Enjoy getting #metoo'ed
based but oldpilled
I want to be kurisus first
Remember this at her funeral, and smile the whole time.
You can't fuck them anyway so who cares
Because it triggers otaku and ironic weebs who like to larp as ones. Which is really funny.
>tfw the annoying rich kid went into flying school, got fucked over by the insane loans and then terrible work conditions and washed out before hitting the moneyload of intercontinental flight, and his rich dad doesnt want to save his ass
This. It's biological. They're able to pairbond much better than roasties, and make better partners. Deep down, all men want a virgin. Only leftist cucks lie about this.
"Deep down" all men want a harem, too, but that doesn't make it reasonable or healthy.
Actually it is rather reasonable and healthy. The best men should be having a lot of sex with a lot of women. That would ensure the best future for humanity.
I like virgins. I also like sluts who are experienced and know how to please. I also like mom's and I like their virgin daughters. Variety is the spice of life.
found the roastie
How does you complaints about harems relate to men wanting virgins, because they make better partners? Men wanting virgins is a very healthy and reasonable thing.
have sex
stop having sex, roastie. Too much of a good thing and all that
seething neckbeard.
Have sex.
>ensure the best future for humanity.
What is the best for humanity?
Money? power?
The abillity to just bee your self?
seething roastie
That chlamydia and black baby arent going away anytime soon, sweatie
anything's better than your sad life, fag.
Have sex :)
My wife was my High school best friend.
We took each others virginity and have been together ever since.
And even I am not retarded enough to think all video game girls should be virgins.
Ah, I understand. Let them eat cake, you say?
that doesn't condition the goyim to think it's normal to feel Tyrone's cum surround their dick while fucking their waifu user. you racist.
There are none
I am not use to this saying.
If it means let them do what they want, then sure.
>zoomer doesnt know basic history
no surprise given the state murican education is in
>murican education is in
Im not american.
ever heard of the french revolution
Heard of it. But never looked into it. And school never taught it.
jesus what shithole do you live in
Virgins are boring people.
>Implying the best girl isn't someone that's had mediocre sex a few times and then you blow her mind with amazing sex.
Because not everything needs to be fuckable you horny retard
Gets incredibly boring seeing the same 5 characters over and fucking over again in Japanese stories because anything else is basically off-limits for being too uncomfortable for NEET otaku
One way of expressing variety in characters is in a variety of sexual experience and maturity
When every female character has to be a kyaa baka-hentai pure maiden it gets fucking old
It's not even the biological fact of their virginity so much as the attitude that gets old.
they unironically do
marriage is for suckers
>never read up on the french revolution
But I'll bet you know all the intricacies of the gender spectrum, right?
>the absolute STATE of western society
also, try using google for once in your life to learn something of actual value
Freedom of expression? Not everyone in the audience is an incel?
Worst sex is with virgin girls
>their comments even look like "if hentai replaced politics" liberals.
I'll bet you know all the intricacies of the gender spectrum, right?
No idea about them really, and I work in a bank.
Also, why would I look up the history of another country that has no involvment in my country nor I am every going to the country in question.
>one of the biggest beta uprisings in history, felt even today
its called common knowledge. People like you is why democracy is a mistake
>why would I learn about the mistakes made by our forebears so that I dont repeat them myself?
Gee, i have no idea
>People like you is why democracy is a mistake
> mistakes made by our forebears so that I dont repeat them myself?
Giving what I have seen, it seems that the "french" revolution was going to happen anyway.
So again, please go back to my first point. and try to explain it.
>Giving what I have seen, it seems that the "french" revolution was going to happen anyway
Except you know nothing about it, you stupid fuck. You admitted so yourself earlier
>Why should I learn about something everybody else knows about
Jesus fuck you zoomers are so fucking revolting
>One way of expressing variety in characters is in a variety of sexual experience
How interesting. You're a thot, right?
Except you know nothing about it, you stupid fuck.
Time has passed since then, I followed the so called advise about googiling it.
>Jesus fuck you zoomers are so fucking revolting.
And we are here to stay. Now again, ill ask, what does "let them eat cake" have to do with what I said?
>cant greentext properly
>reddit spacing
>cant read google results properly
>admits to being a zoomer
I cant believe I'm going to spoonfeed you
When Marie Antoinette, the queen of France, was told that her subjects were starving due to abject poverty and shortage of food, her response was 'let them eat cake', showing off her complete disconnect with the reality of the situation her subjects were in, because she literally had everything she ever wanted at her fingertips since birth. It was this event that sparked massive public outrage that evolved into the french revolution that had her beheaded
Pay attention to the reason why she said 'let them eat cake'. Let's see if you're smart enough to figure this out