Friendly reminder that Death Stranding is still coming to PC

Friendly reminder that Death Stranding is still coming to PC.

>Sony referring to Death Stranding as "Console Exclusive"

>Press release where Kojima said DS will be coming to PC

>Sony removed the "Only on PlayStation" label from press releases that feature Death Stranding

>Guerrila games giving out Decima Engine to Kojima without any contractual obligations

Sooo... are you going to be smart and wait for the superior version or will you sour your experience immediately?

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Other urls found in this thread: Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc. / UNTIES


>Epic exclusive

Death Stranding is an intellectual property owned by Sony. Yes, you can delete your misinformation thread now fren.

You mean like Detroit: Become Human or Helldivers?

the collective mind of Yea Forums. try to decide if it's shitty game or great game. it all seems to depend always on if it comes to pc or not. lol @ you Yea Forums. so many whores here. so much hippocracy that not even tumblr can compete :D fucking gays that what you all lads are haha

T-those don't count. Delete your post please.


Who cares? The game looks boring as fuck.

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>Friendly reminder that Death Stranding is still coming to PC.
maybe. maybe not. It might be like P5, it's not "Only On PlayStation" but it's still only on playstation.

Huh? My copy of P5 says "Only On Plyastation".

Those weren't made by a closed source proprietary engine fully owned by Sony.

>are you going to be smart and wait for the superior version or will you sour your experience immediately?
you can't be that smart if you think you can go a whole year without getting the whole game ruined for you

>be me
>GTX 960
>death stranding would run better on gaystation pro than on my pc

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The video in the OP literally has kojima saying he recieved the engine before he even made a contract.

I'm not going to play this console trash movie at all.

heavy rain and detroit. both games used sony motion capture technology

Those don't count either. Guess you can't come up with a single game then.

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>Huh? My copy of P5 says "Only On Plyastation".

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which implies they made a contract afterwards, which they did.

>Sony fanboy outing himself as an Epic shill yet again

Attached: console gamers shilling epic.jpg (1858x1646, 587K) Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc. / UNTIES
Sony Japan loves Steam now. They publish shit there.

They gave him the source code without any contractual obligations. What is so hard for that to understand?

Nothing is hard to understand. They made a contract afterwards. What is so hard to understand?

Even if it did, I don't think i'd play it. It looks fucking boring.

>which they did.

Mate, I'm just pointing out what Valve_drones are scared of most about DS.

And nowhere does it say he's not allowed to use the engine when he's going to release his game on PC.

So sony owns decima engine right? Then it just means they allowed the use of it on PC.

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We got it, Sony-kun.

MGS Legacy PC confirmed?

How else are you gonna put in custom music into your safe room? Just like in MGS5 it only works on PC

Makes sense, PC is the home of walking simulators.

Actually quaking lmao

Keep seething, fanboy.

If its on PC I'll play it, but like anything that doesn't come to this platform I won't be giving it much thought. Its entirely whatever. Great, I guess. If not, meh. I'm still hopelessly addicted to much older, shittier no graphics-tier games. There isn't anything these people could release that would bait me into buying a console. Never will be my thing.

Dark Souls runs on Phyre Engine or some shit and that's owned by Sony.

I'm not the one screeching at reality, bitchtits.

It was Journey that used it, And that game is on PC now, and sony still owns the engine.
Oh and Flower also used it and that game is on Steam.

I love threads like these. Seeing arrogant sonyfanboys get BTFO is exhilarating.

enjoy my sloppy seconds years after i buy this game for $10

How would you explain the game confirmed to not be exclusive anymore?

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Because it's on PS5 as well


The last of us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima is still on the list.

So is every other game on the Playstation 4.

i would've cared if it looked any good

replace that logo with the steam logo friend

Shush now.

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can I get a TLDR of what the fuck this game is even about, I either want to be part of this or stay as far away from this as possible and I cant do that without learning another language and watching the walking dead actor piss for five minutes.

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You are either mentally retarded or you lack reading comprehension. I literally said "sonyfanboys get BTFO" and for whatever reason you are asking me about the game not being exclusive.

use google, you lazy fucking quadruple nigger faggot

You walk around a massive world with enemy encampments, various landmarks and ghost monsters, your goal is to travel from the east coast of America to the west to negotiate with terrorists while also connecting various isolated settlements of people to this "chiral network". While people say it's going to be empty there's obviously going to be various secrets and easter eggs and interesting things all over the place.

There are mechanics that come into play while travelling like shifting your weight when you're unbalanced to regain balance, placing ladders, climbing rope, and using other tools (that you don't have infinite amounts of) to traverse the terrain safely, along with exoskeletons that either let you carry more and move slower, or carry less and run at super speeds, possibly other ones that we haven't seen yet. The game world is affected by a rain that speeds up the time of anything it touches, including your packages which can be damaged by the rain and also by getting hit by enemies or losing them. There's also the ghost monsters called B.Ts, which the baby you carry around with you can sense. You have to make sure your baby isn't too stressed out or else you might not know whether or not you're around the monsters. When they catch you (you can kill them too), they hurt you and drag you to a mini-boss fight. There are two things that happen when you die:
If you die normally, you get transported to this ocean realm where you have to find your things in a first person view (and probably do other things)
If one of the monsters eats you, you get transported to a realm in constant war where you have to fight your way out, we know there is a WW1 environment and a WW2 environment, but it's speculated that there's a Vietnam one as well. If you die to one of the monsters, a giant crater appears where you died as well. And for all we know, there's more to the game than any of that.

>Obsessed Sonyfag and Kojimadrone

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>death stranding will be on youtube
No fucking shit?

>cared enough to find a reaction image to respond to the thread

heres your (you) poor lonely creature

So its an open world exploration game with building features, far cry-ish elements of clearing out compounds while also worrying about weather and managing stealth using a baby radar? Also whats the deal with the mushrooms growing after taking a piss?

Touched a nerve, I see. Ask your bull for some release.

Gamescom 2019. Right top corner.

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Kojimadrones loving being cucked again and again

>germans reuse old promo material

That's dumbing it down, but essentially yes.

>Also whats the deal with the mushrooms growing after taking a piss?
You could ask that about Norman Reedus making funny faces in the mirror or punching the camera for looking at his dick, the only answer is "Kojima".

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Shit i am retarded. Didn't realize you were btfoing snoys.

>playing the game months after all the secrets are revealed


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>too internet addicted to stay away from spoilers for 3 months

too bad


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Why would Sony commit sudoku like that? The ONLY reason consoles still exist is that they despertely hold games hostage. DS and Bloodborne are the only reason to get a ps4 so they won't sacrifice 50% of what makes it worth to get a console for.

i actually dont care about this game, i like metal gear but this looks boring.

>tfw PC player
>tfw not excited at all for this despite loving most of Kojimbo's previous work

It honestly looks fucking retarded

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>play on pc
>everyone on PC already knows where all the neat stuff is from ps4 spoilers
>when you get there its shitted up with a bunch of signs and bridges
nah im good, ill be playing day 1 on the playstation 4 :)

the Batman vr game is on PC too you dunce

They've been pulling that shit for a couple of years now and they're on track for the best selling console of all time. What suicide are you talking about? On Yea Forums? Oh no.

I still don't believe he's shown everything
He's not that retarded that he would copy MGSV's gameplay and call it a new genre

Cloud edition lol

That's the exact point of the picture, you dunce.

your both seething retards

Oh... Carry on then. I thought you didn't realize the batman vr game is a Ps exclusive.

you mean a decade when they can finally emulate

Stop seething pc trannies. Keep playing for early access, indie pc gotys, csgo, mobas and pubg. You faggots cant handle real games anymore since the 10 year long game drought on PC

This. Enjoy either getting spoiled on the story (the reason why you're playing it in the first place) or enjoy your internet blackout for an indefinite time.

Just play it on PS4, everyone.

I'm playing for comfy hiking and to shoot ghosts and WW2 skeletons, not purely for the story.

Who cares? The important thing is it will never ever appear on the Nintendo Switch.

I will play it as soon as I can and if it's a great game i'll rebuy it on PC

Don't worry, I'll make sure to spoil the game in-depth, and even tell you all the ways to cheese it.

>implying anyone will read your posts before you get range banned


it'll be an epic exclusive
imagine the pissbaby tears, it would be great, they should do it

Also on PS5 :)

It says Sony Interactive Presents in the intro. A contract was signed for that to happen.
You don't know that. An off-hand comment on a stage in front of a crowd of hundreds of people doesn't mean that there was no contract surrounding the engine. In fact that would be Sony's call in the end anyway. Even if they get a hold of the engine, that doesn't mean they have the right to use it commercially which is a right that has to be given by Sony. The same reason why you can't just sell software using Unity or Unreal without having a contract with them. You can get the engine (and even its source code) but it you would still need to pay royalties.

unless the PC version is coming this november, I'm playing it on the californian console

That shit means nothing lmao and that LOU cover isn't even official

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I wouldn't even pirate it. It's literally just a walking simulator. Only reason why the drones are gonna buy it is because Sony is backing it with a few kojima fanboys who still believes he knows what he's doing

It sure means something when piled with mountains of other evidence. Also Joker is in Smash so it's entirely possible Persona will come to Switch eventually.

>Also Joker is in Smash so it's entirely possible Persona will come to Switch eventually

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I don't think timed exclusivity is an impossibility.
but it's obvious why pc players have to wait longer for the game. cheaters would place the best buildings or generate craters everywhere within minutes.