Yakuza is now a turn-based RPG with a class/job system like FF5 including, Samurai, Hostess, Dancer

>Yakuza is now a turn-based RPG with a class/job system like FF5 including, Samurai, Hostess, Dancer
Fukken based, what do you think anons?

Attached: yakuza_7_job_system.jpg (640x822, 165K)

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mite b cool, mite b shit. At least they're willing to experiment (since they have Judgement to continue the mainline drama shit now)

This is exactly what will happen now.
Yakuza will become their prime turn based series as a cousin to Persona and Judgment will become what Yakuza used to be since it sold well both in Asia and abroad.

FFV and X-2 are among my most beloved final fantasy titles, so I‘m stoked, especially after seeing VIIR‘s shitty gameplay.

I think this should've been what Judgment was. Still not getting this game.

What are the classes?
I can see Dancer and Host?

Attached: yakuza_job-system-screen.jpg (1909x945, 334K)

7R looks great. You can even still play it turn-based in Classic Mode.

Attached: 1568435807333.webm (1518x872, 2.92M)

it would be perfect if it wasnt turn based :(

But FFVIIR looks absolutely phenomenal and you can play it entirely turn based.
Judgment 2 is a lock, Judgment will be the new brawler, please buy this for me user.

Japan hates it, and so do I. Yakuza was one of the very rare brawlers still around, and now it's just a generic turn-based game.

Yakuza is one of the very few series left in gaming that still have soul. It will be sad when the sjw's get a hold of it and eventually kill it like every game series.

shut the fuck up you illiterate faggot

A bunch of faggots on twitter does not reflect the buying habits of the large amount of people in Japan and what they like.

the lack of tgs views are a dead giveaway

Go ahead and provide a valid source for past Yakuza games and their TGS views and then the same for this one and I'll concede there is less interest in this one.

I can kinda read the katakana for dancer and host but what is the first class? I'm reading it like "Fu-rii-taa" and I can't think of what it corresponds to.

Bodyguard (Youjinbou)

it sounds unimpressive so I'm thinking it's his base job

I like that they are experimenting because I feel like they didn't have any good ideas, but they didn't just churn out the same ol' story and gameplay with a new protag.
However I feel like this game is something they need to make so that the game after this one in the series is good, because I don't know how experienced they are with turn-based RPG mechanics.

Thanks guys really appreciate that but what is a Freeter? Never heard of it in FF or DQ or any other job system JRPG?

No, it simply turns the ordinary attacks into auto attacks and I still have to wait quite some time until the bar has filled to put in a command. I don‘t want to sit around without purpose.

Freeter is a japanese term for freelancer.

you better be fucking trolling. It's not an rpg thing, its a real life term.

a freeter is somebody who goes through life only doing garbage part time jobs because they are too beta to commit to an actual career

it's set in the modern times and you literally change jobs at a job center making them modern professions
do you really think they'd use names from fantasy RPGs?

Oh that makes sense dunno how that slipped my mind, I remember seeing the concept before

>I don‘t want to sit around without purpose....
how else would you describe the waiting part of a turn based game like FF7?

Im fine with it. Ive played Yakuza games enough times with essentially the same combat. I still would have purchased it if it was the standard combat system, but a break from the usual could be fun.

Attached: naitoshiggy.jpg (632x573, 83K)

Thanks mate, I had no idea.
I've never heard the term before, please don't be mean, but thanks.
I didn't know you change jobs at a job centre, also I thought because it is DQ inspired there would be some DQ inspired jobs, the enemies even change their look to be whacky when the battles start.
Judgment 2 is your new brawler.

I'm excited to see what they do with it

>such a seething faggot he has to bring up 7R in a completely unrelated thread

Then play the game like a normal person, you pursuit retard. Unless, that's too much for you?


Kinda unrelated but which one should I buy,Judgment or Lost Paradise?

Judgment. LP sucks.

Judgment is fantastic, Lost Paradise is kind of basic but if you like FOTNS you will get a lot more out of it.

Mashing the same button to fill a gauge is tiresome in a braindead way. FFVIIR just showed new gameplay footage, it‘s not farfetched to compare two JRPGs and their gameplay if their trailers get shown at the same day.

>Mashing the same button to fill a gauge is tiresome in a braindead way.
Then use the classic mode so you don't have to..?
You are off topic anyway

Glad they try something new instead the same shit over and over and over again.

don't bother replying to him
he's obviously very desperate to complain about 7

Everybody hates it, but it's better than another rehash. People hated Yakuza: Dead Souls too, but it was a nice change too.
I can only play what is essentially the exact same game so many times. It became tiresome.

Attached: 1484026164904.jpg (383x383, 119K)

Japanese gameplay design is downright fucking insulting. Preternaturally stuck in 1995, with their heads so far up their own asses they burp farts.
For every step forward, they take 10 steps back, hoping their garbage resonates with the schizophrenic weebs in the west and the hikikomori NEETS in japan.

Just like most of their current entertainment media; made by people who hate other people, for people who hate other people. Fuck that.

Attached: oo.jpg (125x125, 2K)

Judgment will become what Yakuza was anyway

Don‘t you have some Fortnite to play?

"I want all games to be the identical third person shooters!"

Identical third person shooters derived from the Japanese game Kill Switch, no less.

>satellite attack

I feel they're trying a bit too hard.

it looks like they went all in on the goofier parts of the series, which is fine by me
hopefully the base rpg mechanics and shit are competently done but i don't know if they can pull it off

It's great, it's like a play on the classic Bahumat summons from FF

It's stupid, and has no place in a game about getting revenge on your mafia daddy in real life Japan.

How the fuck would you know? You haven't even played the game. Retard.

Amon already did this, it isn't anything new.

I'm thinking it might actually be really fun and looks really cool even though I would have preferred the regular beat-em-up style. This trailer sold me desu.

I'm excited, I just wish we got a simultaneous release with Japan for once. I really don't like having to avoid spoilers for 6-9 months.

love turn based gameplay but if you're complaining this hard about what we've seen so far NOTHING will please you but the exact same battle system so you should just leave the thread and not buy or play the game because you are a jaded unhappy self loathing person who is hanging onto a game as his sense of self worth and is offended by something new and fun and having it's own merits and flaws when it's just a piece of entertainment at the end of the day, seriously go outside and get some air, you're calling people retarded over changes to a games battle system friend.