Moon Switch gameplay and interview (IGN Japan)

moon Switch gameplay and interview (IGN Japan)

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Hyped as fuck for this game
Feels unreal that is finally coming out in English

I speak moon (joke unintended) and I've wanted to play this for over a decade now but I never got around to getting a PS player. I almost died the second they cut to moon in the Direct.

Hopefully it gets huge in the west
From all Ive read and seen about moon it deserves it

Hope the English release isn't too far off. I want to play this game so bad.

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I love the backgrounds they remind me of digimon world 1 in a way
I guess they are just prerendered like other PS1 games? But they look different than in the FF games

Any chance for a cart release?

>I speak moon

Knowing some phrases from anime doesn't count as speaking Japanese bucko.

I can't believe this is finally coming out. I've been waiting for a translation forever.

If you weren't lazy, you'd know Japanese by now... and played the game and realized it's overhyped pseudo-deep shit with a generic message about as interesting as Spec Ops: The Line

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fuck off retard

Haha, I bet you tried and failed, you incompetent fagboy.

There are over 100 million moon speakers in the world, I happen to be one of them. Shocking.

The fuck is this trash?

Lol, I bet you shit yourself every time you meet a native Japanese.

>Undertale's success meme'd an official localization into reality
Apologize to Toby Fox right now.

How can Ninteniggers look at this video and think... yep, that looks amazing alright, when we're close to having real time raytracing in vidya?

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what the fuck is this?
imagine falling for bullshit to get you to buy latest gpus

if toby fox promotes moon when it comes out, I promise to buy and play his stupid game


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I feel like he would. Toby cited this as a main inspiration, didn't he? I'm 100% sure hes responsible for this random ass game suddenly coming back up, especially getting an english version.

English when?

Toby Fox is apparently pretty buddy buddy with Kimura. He's even credited as a play tester in BLACK BIRD.

"very soon"

Nice defection loser
Nobody that knows JP spends his time mocking others for it
You retards going EOP EOP all over the site are the ones that tried and failed

>Why does this port of a game from 1998 look so bad?
Fucking Sonyfags

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