Started playing the f2p version and its boring, crafting, shit loot, what am I doing wrong?

started playing the f2p version and its boring, crafting, shit loot, what am I doing wrong?

Attached: unnamed.png (220x311, 32K)

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Not having fun.

Just take it easy


>caring about loot

Loot doesn't matter in gw2. Your stats are normalized.

Jumping puzzles are where it's at.

if you dont like it now you wont like it later, there's no endgame, you just play to unlock achievements

Vanilla is by far the worst part of GW2, doesn't mean it's bad but it's far from the best content the game provides.
But I think the issue lies with you, play it with a different mindset, be curious, listen to npcs talk, prioritize events over hearts, just let your curiosity guide you rather than trying to find a linear quest-chain type progression.

>he doesn't know

idk OP, GW2 is a game I hated for years... and then for some random reason last year I got totally fucking hooked and addicted to the game, I have about 200 hours played. Best part imo is how there is no sub fee, so I can just drop in and play at any time I want.

But yeah, I'm not sure what really clicked with me, but it fucking clicked hard.

Vanilla or not doesn't matter, aside from expansions being pay2win. Mounts only exist to overcome challenges that were purposely built into the content for them. The same goes for the glider and the mastery system, although the autoloot mastery is the exception. Otherwise playing PoF or HoT isn't going to be more fun if you already don't like the level 20 gameplay.

>expansions are pay2win
You mean, like every MMO?

And I wasn't talking about mounts but PoF being a lot better designed than anything vanilla, be it in the quality of its events and world events, level design and enemy.encounter design.

>You mean, like every MMO?
Which ones? If you don't have a WoW expansion you can't PvP with others above your level and in FFXIV everyone only has one button in PvP anyway. So which other mmorpg has them?

And WoW lets you kill lower level players in the open and group up to carry them through any PvE content so.
This is a such a non-argument, of course you need expansions to grow stronger in a MMO and GW2 is probably the least punishing on that front since gear is still mostly the same.


>play world v world
>realize it's the only potentially fun part of the game and most people dont even do it
>quit after a while

just do that

>he doesn't know
>yet s(he) doesn't know that bot is gone
check it out by urself

Wait til you reach the lvl 80 maps(which you can no problem if you level up a bit in wvw)

powerlevel to 80 by using xp boosts and killing neutral mobs

>Otherwise playing PoF or HoT isn't going to be more fun if you already don't like the level 20 gameplay
Execpt you will have more skills, variety and better maps

nothing and this

Instead of working on that they had a good laugh about it and focus on their Living Story instead, which is one of the worst pieces of vidya fiction ever written.

the last time i did that it was just a zerg vs zerg and lag vs lag

>And WoW lets you kill lower level players in the open
No it doesn't. Classic does, but classic has no expansions. WoW retail worldpvp is level scaled and doesn't until +100. Battlegrounds are normalized and you can't really do one as a level 60 against a level 100. Therefore having more expansions doesn't really grant you more strength.

>and group up to carry them through any PvE content so.
It doesn't. You're barred from completion/loot in instances and quests already are braindead easy. Coupled with the fact that expansion required classes start at a specific level, which makes them incapable of interacting with anyone below.

It's okay to admit that GW2 has pay2win expansions, but no other successful mmorpg really does.

> what am I doing wrong?
You are playing guild wars 2

Play WvW, maybe do some dungeons and fractals, ignore the story, and ignore the people you're playing with.

hate to break it to you buddy but in MMOs you always need the latest xpac to keep up with others. Do you like play on TBC while everybody was playing cata or some shit?

there's the problem, it has the potential to be fun but it just isn't and instead is and a whole lot of running around doing nothing

and 3fps battles. and roaming is pointless cause everyone is mostly a fucking shitter or you'll always just get interrupted by some random shitter

Literally what are you talking about? Someone who is level 100 and owns the legion expansion cannot PvP someone who is level 60 and doesn't own any expansions.

I only had fun while leveling and crafting, after I maxed both I quit playing.

Join a Guild. It's not a very fun game unless you do it with your guild buddies

so in other words your playing alone doing outdated content, k

Are you retarded? You're arguing with someone who said the same fucking thing as you.

so you pvp with who then? the other 10 people who stopped playing wow 10 years ago? It is literally impossible to buy a version of WoW without xpacs

It's shit because they refuse to casualize already casual content because the players are women and kids who have no clue what are they doing. Told them to make endgame raids soloable so i can farm my armor in peace and not to stress on discord with 30 year old whores who have babies crying in the back.

Also devs are still SJWs even after they fired like 80% of company. Game is simply trash. To the core.

>And WoW lets you kill lower level players in the open

Yah it does. If they have war mode on you can swoop down on a low level at any time.

They can. They can go as max level to small level zone and fuck everything up. Been there as i leveled new char recently. Some 120 lvl (max) horde shitters been camping lvl 35 alliance village as i leveled there. It was nightmare, because no opposite alliance party showed up.

Attached: 1497443879052.jpg (800x596, 82K)

You PvP with people in a bracket because they're normalized.

What, do you think GW2 is a better system? "Hey, let's shove gw2 vanilla players into PvP where they get decimated by elite specs that have 3x times the damage and survivability than they do"? GW2 expansions are pay2win for PvP and WoW nor FFXIV aren't. I was asking for examples, but yet here you are just making more excuses.

War mode areas are level scaled, retard.

I dont think you know what pay2win means

>War mode areas are level scaled, retard.
no they're not retard

this guy gets it.
legitimately some of the best platforming in a game for years in my opinion

Poorfag salty he can't afford a 20$ expansion with infinitely better builds and content

I don't think you do.

Putting GW2 f2p players into ranked sPvP with people who own the expansions is pay2win, because they have no chance of winning. The only viable f2p spec is a core guardian and thief, since you can at least kill some people. Meanwhile all the elite specs are just as strong and even stronger.

That's pay2win.

>>Loot doesn't matter in gw2. Your stats are normalized.
And I thought FFXIV was barely an RPG these days.

It barely is, but it's the most popular mmorpg right now.

I find it amazing that someone in this thread actually claims expansions in an MMO are p2w, and it's even more amazing that it's GW2, which is probably the ONE mmo where you CAN do endgame content and high-end pvp without buying expansions.

>high-end pvp without buying expansions.
Post your plat or legendary badge on a f2p account then. Curious to see if you can back up your bullshit.

I have both expansions and I still can stomp most players with two characters that don't have any expansion runes or professions. Maybe just git gud. Of course cancer necros still kill me wiht their billion condies, but I don't have to come close as a ranger.

Neither of those are, wow retail is. That said I'm leveling several character through xiv right now and Im having a bit of fun.

I'm really fucking said the next GW2 expansion got cancelled. Content distribution is going to be weak sauce for the game, if they aren't working on GW3 then RIP GW MMOs.

Attached: 1487399676637.webm (400x300, 2.96M)

I don't play pvp myself, but here is a list on a major site of what is considered meta builds. Note the that the Marauder S/D thief build only requires core, no expansions, and in the "good" category, there are several core builds, especially for guardian.

> its boring, crafting, shit loot, what am I doing wrong?
Nothing, the game is just like this. It isn't for everyone, same for me. I gave up after getting to 80.

>I have both expansions and I still can stomp most players with two characters that don't have any expansion runes or professions.
Good job stomping f2p with your elite specs. It's not like the whole point was that expansions are p2w.

Again, core guardian and core thief are the only builds that are decent in PvP, but they're one shot builds. Every other build or class is not viable for PvP, while the elite specs of expansions make every class and quite a lot builds too good.

>it's p2w because it's f2p!!
It wasn't f2p initially, and it wasn't meant to be, the core game is free with limitations and that's it.

What are you talking about user? I'm not talking about f2p being p2w, I'm talking about the expansions being p2w. Which is undeniably true when you've only got 2 builds that can even kill anyone. It doesn't matter if the game is free to play now, in no way does it justify p2w. That's like CS:GO bringing out an expansion that gives every gun 3x the damage and being able to matchmake against f2p CS:GO players who don't have that benefit. Regardless what your opinion on the rest of the game is, that is pay 2 win.

Good. I'd rather the GW franchise died than getting another abomination like 2.

Are you jusy talking about shit you've heard about WoW from other people who don't play it?

I already told you there is hardly any advantage. I can stomp plebs with a base game build fairly easy even when they copy the latest metabuild. Having the most basic ability to time your dodges right and knowing the skillset of the enemy(which is even easier with popular meta builds going around) make almost all fights doable.
I think you just look for something to bitch about and keep spinning yourself in circles because you ahve nothing new to say exept that the expansions are pay to play.

I dont think you understand what pay2win means

If youre on NA theres a core guard main who camps at plat 2 by the name of Mike/bloodhound

Also at decently high level play a core necro can shut down a single target by corrupting the high amount of boon creep a person has

I remember a pro player reaching legend on his staic discharge core engi a few years ago.