CDPR rewrote all dialogue to remove he/she references to your character

Lmao, it just keeps getting worse.

Attached: basedpunk.png (1148x1328, 748K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>still no cute furry girl customization
why even buy

>Not wanting to be a cute girl with a cyber-futacock

They can just say V so how the fuck does it matter?

*Sips drink*

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
>it doesn't need to be single-player only
>it doesn't matter that NPCs don't refer to you as "he/she" anymore
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to have substance


Attached: Sipping CDPdRones Tears.jpg (326x412, 24K)

>ex-Bioware devs are working on this game now
I wonder if that has anything to do with it

Attached: 1567592188958.png (811x877, 668K)

Where are they finding sjws in poland of all places
Did they scoop up a bunch of people from some failed american studio?
And frankly the sjws don't explain what is wrong with everything else about the game like it barely being a fucking rpg anymore

>cyberpunk thread
>raging trannies hating it as usual
some things never change

>CDPR rewrote all dialogue to remove he/she references to your character
>he thinks CDPR wrote and recorded TWO variants of ALL the dialogue in the game
honestly, how fucking retarded can you get faggot

Attached: 1554515714484.jpg (599x486, 59K)

>And frankly the sjws don't explain what is wrong with everything else about the game
That's just CDPR being CDPR.


>Where are they finding sjws in poland of all places
Upper class kids in Warsaw.


In one of the demo's one of the npc's references to V as "Miss V"

>cyberpunk is highly anticipated but trannies hate it because one guy made a joke on twitter
>cdpr panders heavily to trannies
>now both trannies and anti-trannies hate it

>trannies hating it
CDPR drones are mind broken

The Millenials and Zoomers of Poland are extremely fucking degenerate. Poland is going to get fucked by open borders and outrage mobs within 5 years guaranteed.

Based retard.

*sips cum*

>players will be able to mix and match voices and body types, but genitalia will be defined by the latter
Um... guys? It's 2019 and this is the best they can muster up as trans representation? Ugh.

nice try gaslighting tranny, go dilate.

And this is a bad thing!!

Attached: num.jpg (340x550, 76K)


How, how will b0omers cope? Take that filterfags

lol no you, trannypunk fan

My countries been full of Polish ever since they joined the EU. They emigrate like flies. No one is going to go to Poland and fuck it up, it's already a shit hole.

Outrage mobs maybe but immigrants causing problems is nothing but an excuse politicians use to get cheap votes

Should have just been a bulge slider

Attached: cyberpunk.jpg (1188x1500, 251K)

I'll probably buy it to try it out simply because you can't trust Yea Forums's opinion on anything anymore. But I sure as fuck am not paying full price for it.

>Theme of the game is transhumanism
>People can't comprehend that people in a transhumanist future remove biological boundaries.

I'll still play it and have fun

>Mfw I was so excited for cyberpunk 2077
>A few months ago I thought we were so close to release that it was to late for social justice pandering to ruin this.
>Fast forward to today, every week they're fucking with the game more and more to appease 0.03% of the population

Oh well, in the end it's just a game despite the fact I'm a big fan of the 2020 tabletop game, i'll get over the dissapointment.

Attached: 54J5p8J.png (710x654, 1003K)

fuck back to >>>/twitter/ olivia

Sure buddy.

What is "human" would be maybe to wonder why people are cutting their dick before empowering it.

I'm all for respect, but these kind of topics cannot be talked well in this now mainstream industry.

It's pretty clear that the cdpr shitposters are as mentally ill as resetera trannies

every time I remember that hairline and I feel pity for what was at some point a cute trap

>but that genitalia will be defined by the latter
I like how they're really trying to pander to trannies and failing miserably because it's just not feasible.

>genre of Cyberpunk
>le cool haxxxor kids fighting the system

Wow, what it means to define your gender.
So deep, so profound.

It will still sell 10 million copies

Stay mad

OP, why did you cut this part of the screenshot?

>The designer added: “One of the things we’ve done to make sure the game addresses things a certain way is a lot of the time NPCs are just going to refer to you as ‘V’, because you won’t be able to choose your name.

There's nothing new or sjw here, you only took things out of the context
go back to fucking /pol/ retard

Attached: 1567668231410~2.jpg (716x978, 138K)

>>it doesn't have to be at night
it does have night
>>it doesn't have to be in a large city
it is a large city
>>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>>it doesn't need to have the different classes
it does have different classes
>>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
correct, flying cars take away too much resources by rending the skyline etc
>>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
it does have accessible interiors
>>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
what do you mean good? it has customization
>>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
it has real dialogue choices
>>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
but it has different factions
>>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
you're right for once
>>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
we dont know this yet
>>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
its still 2019
>>it doesn't need to have good graphics
it has good graphics
>>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>>it doesn't need mod support
>>it doesn't need to have good box art
who cares
>>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>>it doesnt need to be an RPG
it is an rpg
>>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
i am getting tired fuck you all of this is false
>>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
>>it doesn't need to be single-player only
>>it doesn't matter that NPCs don't refer to you as "he/she" anymore

fake news

>Option 1) Record two sets of lines for everything.
>Option 2) Record one set of lines for everything
Hmm I wonder which of these is more cost effective?

To shitpost and pander to the other 4 retards shitposting the thread.
They are probably Smashfags, because we didnt had this low quality threads for a week since Sans and Terry.


Attached: johnny.jpg (163x210, 16K)

Have a (you), shill

But they had gender-specific lines towards V in the demo's though?

>the people CDPR are bending over backwards to appease are raging
this is your brain on cdpr

>correct, correct, yep, you right, who cares
lmao what a shit eating shill

Rent free

>CPRD/Cyberpunk 2077 threads are now purely about muh trannies
/pol/ and gamergate was a fucking mistake

Attached: 1561584555350.jpg (498x353, 18K)

I didn't knew this. So you can make your character but the name will always be "V"?

>defend the game>shill

Attached: have sex.png (549x370, 207K)

This is just a lazy way to avoid having to re-record dialogue with both pronouns. If they actually wanted to pander to trans they could just include a fucking preferred pronoun option.


I just don't understand the reasoning behind this. Not just in this case but in general.

You're going to piss off a signifcant chunk of your audience in favor of pandering to an extremely small percentage of the population that probably aren't going to buy your game anyway.

>"Yeah, I saw V the other day. V was driving V's car. V seemed upset about something. I wonder what was on V's mind."
Yeah, this is not gonna make Cyberpunk's dialogue awkward as fuck. Also, now every dialogue has to adress the player as this nebuluos entity, rather than an actual character within the established world.
And CDPR writers are crying in the corner somewhere, because PC culture fucked them over once again.
This is going to be a clusterfuck of a game. Who thought this is going to be a good idea?

Most the Poles got replaced by western people after the success of W3.

>be stormcuck
>spam shit about trannies and nazism in Yea Forums
>get called out on it

Something happened to /pol?
We have waves of inmigrants everyday.

>he actually replied

Attached: d.jpg (680x760, 62K)

Oh yeah nigger this is totally /pol/'s fault when it's literally just the same exact shitposting that's been going on since MUH SUNLIGHT. Fuck off with your interboard drama retard. This is all Yea Forums.

only zoomers and real low IQ oldfags like the ones who only play AAA shooters buy it


The most powerful entities on earth are pushing this you fucking idiot.

Do you think Square Enix has an ethics counsel to review boob size on NPCs because it's financial?

The powers that be, whatever they are, are dictating this top down.

>deep questions about what it means to be human, let alone what it means to define your gender
What's so fucking complicated about being born with a certain genome?

Attached: 1539600357963.jpg (223x251, 7K)

just proved he's wrong cause he's an eyesore! totally btfo'd him away hope he never returns

>more masculine threats, He
>more femenine threats, She
If someone is pissed of by this they must be a low iq or muttness.

Yeah trannies hate the game don't they???

Attached: 1568022482487.jpg (2976x3968, 861K)

Imagine unironically responding to muh /pol/ posters in the current year.
We all know they're resetera trannies by now.

>shitpost involves something about gender bullshit in videogames
>start screaming about /pol/ as if /pol/ is responsible for everything anyone says anywhere about this subject
You are mentally challenged.

>leftwing propaganda are making games worse
what else is new?

Your a loser

So, which one is you?

Attached: 51223.jpg (1452x3040, 1.18M)

Probally infinitechan refugees

It is /pol/'s fault, they can't contain their autism and need to derail threads like spergs they are

Unironically based.

You are just a genitalist. Humans are more than that.
Cyberpunk gente is about leave humanity behind and become whatever you want to be. Even the fucking tabletop game had furries.
Go shoot a Church or a Cinema.

>everyone with an opinion I don't like is /pol/!
You had better hope that's not true because they clearly outnumber you.

its going to calm down after release just like wow classic, smash, boderlands 3

Pol is so annoying Bros.

>make an entire thread with the sole intention of making it about trannies/nazis/etc
You're fooling no one

Whichever one fits your narrative cybershill.

>Do you think Square Enix has an ethics counsel to review boob size on NPCs because it's financial?
Yes. It's always about money.

>World Peace
God I hate brainlets.

Trannies are really 0.01% of the players. I bet disabled players are much more than trannies.Fuck this whole tranny worship in the western industry

Its really like a cult. Hypocritical and fake as fuck. Western devs are mentally deranged.

The other issue is - how the fuck do you translate that kind of dialogue into other languages? Like I dunno - Polish? 90% of european languages are gendered and unless you want your dialogue to sound really unnatural requires the interlocutor to specify the gender - and gender-neutral pronoun in that situation won't fucking cut it.

deus ex didn't have trannys and not trannys were in discussion

Yes, of course, that's how they pull strings.

There is a reason DARPA and propaganda agencies are interested in video games.

>discussion about a videogame's design is solely intended to "make it about trannies"
Can't wait for that little imaginary bubble you live in to collapse.

how do we stop clown world Yea Forums? literally every peice of media these days is full of tranny and gay shit

Retarded political bullshit = /pol/

>NPCs will refer to player as Yea Forums
Based and Yea Forumsirginpilled

maybe learn to accept them?

>.Fuck this whole tranny worship in the western industry

Can anyone explain why game devs are falling to trannies?

Like if they don't pander to them they're gonna lose what, 0.01% of the potential playerbase? And then if tranny supporters don't buy it, it's maybe 0.05%?

Like they have nothing to lose just fucking these mentally ill trannies off for a proper game.

>Hey, look at this retarded tranny shit nobody likes

Attached: dialate.jpg (960x791, 171K)

I don't understand why they have to do this? Just have gender toggle and a sex toggle if you have to please trans?
Gender: Female(pronoun)
Sex: Male
What's the problem? Or hell just include trans male/ trans female. They're shitting on everyone for no reason.

>Humans are more than that.
We're really not.

Attached: 1554947961925.gif (470x437, 1.55M)

Well you better get used to it faggot because videogames development studios are full of people who throw retarded political bullshit into their games.

It's typical for a society about to collapse.

Just wait for China to take over as superpower in a decade.

>The powers that be, whatever they are

this perfectly encapsulates you people

Based af. Seethe more fatass. I'll be playing cyberchad 2077 with my qt bf

Keep seething tranny.

In the cyberpunk genre, yes.

Give it time bro. They think they're safe now, but it's not going to last very long.

>Keep seething tranny.

Attached: 1555668187989.png (720x869, 158K)

You do realize it's always been this way. Controlling culture.

Modern Art was a CIA invention.

The game sounds worse and worse from a writing perspective everytime they announce something

>Humans are more than that.
>Cyberpunk gente is about leave humanity behind and become whatever you want to be.
Haha you're fucking crazy stupid naive. Leaving your humanity behind in cyberpunk means totally losing your mind and becoming an unstable violent killing machine. There is no greater ideal or purpose to humanity in cyberpunk. The individual is violently repressed by corporations. The worker is violently oppressed by the upper class. The entire society is a nightmare that even George Orwell would consider too cynical.

Cyberpunk as a setting is NOT a place for you naive little futurist cunts. The future in Cyberpunk is a crapsack hellhole full of miserable people that struggle to survive on a daily basis. High tech, low life.

Well they do have a special SJW mutt force on their team to make sure the game isn't too offensive to the Amerijew audience.
Americunts ruin literally everything.

Attached: mutt.jpg (800x800, 72K)
Educate youself.

cope and dilate

this will lead to terrible and unnatural sounding dialogue

As a bisexual person, I hate this shit in the media and I don't attend retarded pride festivals. So nah fuck off. Gay/Bisexual people are always accepted in western countries and receive nothing that differentiates them from straight people.

Attached: 1286922462217.jpg (268x265, 15K)

Are you new to RPGs with voice acting? The player always has a title of sorts so they can be addressed

Problem is people calling you he or she when trannies have retarded shit like xe/xir and they/them, so they have to remove he/she.

The absolute state of this strawman. Have you considered the word "they" and also constructing sentences in a way a human actually would speak?

It's CIA propaganda targeted at Muslims. That's who they want to fuck with.

lol this is you

Attached: 1567808573378.png (812x960, 791K)

>High tech, low life
And my post.
Go watch Dark Carboon or whatever again.

Stopped reading there

That's because they are rushing the game. It severely cuts down on the need of having the record different versions of the same line, which is why this is an ancient strategy used by pretty much every single company with games where you create your own character.

>Did they scoop up a bunch of people from some failed american studio?
Actually, this is 100% what happened. They mass hired while TW3 was in development and in 2-3 years the studio swelled from like ~80 developers at the release of TW2 to almost 300 at TW3's release. For example, they hired a bunch of writers that were from studios like ActiBlizz, BioWare, Ubisoft & 343/Bungie.
By now the studio is pretty much just another typical AAA shitheap that are chasing trends and $$$ above anything.

Is it? I can't imagine any equivalent in any society that's existed pre twentieth century.

>cope and dilate

Attached: 1554771324068.jpg (1282x1020, 197K)

V is obviously canonically a female. Veronica. Vanessa. Valerie. Vera. Violet. Why would a male be named 'V'? V for what, there aren't even male names starting with V.

Vocal minorities that attached themselves to this whole LGB movement - because they know they can't muster enough support for their "cause" alone, and kinda took over the show. Attack on them is an attack on all the sexual minorities at this point and companies don't want that - because bad PR.
Amusingly, more and more LGB activists really want trannies to fuck off from the movement because they make things hard for everyone. What do you think caused a sharp 20% drop in LGBT acceptance among young people in USA within 2 years?

Grow up.

I wanna take off his socks and lick his cute feet :3

>Stopped reading there


Attached: 98978970090.jpg (500x380, 58K)

It's a meme about how the gays destroyed Rome

I can finally play as futa nice

Attached: Screenshot_2019_06_11_23.02.16.jpg (510x922, 145K)

And how is that? Do people in cyberpunk have a soul or something similar to it that does not exist in our world? If not then I don't see how that is possible.
You know I'm right.

Vince? Victor? Vaughn?

Im an adult and i do the fuck i want if i like it.
You grow up.

Bis are just prison gay uggos

Only reason I'll play this.


Attached: shart.jpg (673x789, 68K)

This is just beyond pathetic at this point. Anyobody that buys this game should be shot.

>What do you think caused a sharp 20% drop in LGBT acceptance among young people in USA within 2 years?
Do you have a single source for that, preferably with an unbiased survey and a sample size of over 20 people?

Why should I call a character right in front of me "they" when the character in question is clearly a guy? What sort of nonsense is that?

the only good poster on these shit threads

>Im an adult
You're a manchild.

The year is 2077 not 1677

Your right in the wrong way.


>And my post.
No not your post faggot. Too many augments making you "more than human" intrinsically make you less human by causing you to become mentally unstable. Even the goddamn program that kills your body and turns your consciousness into a digital entity is called "soulkiller." Stop applying your gay fucking idealistic futurism to a setting that is the exact fucking opposite. In Cyberpunk technology degrades humanity even more than it raises us up.
>Go watch Dark Carboon or whatever again.
Suck more dicks.


Just a first few hits at google. Happy?

b-b-but poland is based and redpilled?!?!?!

The game already looked like generic garbage. Now it just seems less and less appealing everyday. The devs wanting to use RDR2 for inspiration was a huge red flag too. That game is unpolished as fuck. You wouldn't believe it. Oh well

pretty insane to think about 2077 honestly, maybe we'll be in an absolutely horrific cyber dystopia where the mind virus has actually attained relevancy and people have stopped using gendered speech

>prison gay

Wtf does that mean.

Attached: 1301106618048.jpg (200x198, 8K)


user, we are just tall childs.

So redpilled people just stop existing and everyone's a fucking SJW? That's a great RPG you have there buddy

Art was invented by Devil(Iblis) in the first place to distract humans from more wholesome activities.

>buy game
>never become a cyborg

Attached: IMG_3655.jpg (3264x2448, 1.72M)

>im redpilled
You are just part of another hivemind.

this is what happens when you hire the entirety of nu-bioware, rip this company. we'll always have witcher 3

>There's nothing new or sjw here
Imagine being so accustomed to Social Justice that you no longer recognize it as such but as the norm.
Fuck sakes.

It keeps getting worse

reminder that Yea Forums completely shat on W3 before release as well and it later became the GOTD

Attached: w3comparison.jpg (1280x2157, 1.53M)

I remember reading something about this a couple of years ago.
Can someone find the article?

Attached: 598732.jpg (900x900, 76K)

>That game is unpolished as fuck
RDR2? The single player is insanely polished, a vast majority of it.
This is becoming a buzzword recently, not sure what's happening. You can't just generically call anything you dislike generic, it doesn't work that way.

Why can't Yea Forums bring themselves to like popular things, is it because everyone here is 14?

Nigger that's fucking stupid. Nobody is "removing biological boundaries." There's no sense in recording two sets of lines for every other goddamn conversation to remind the player what sex their character is. It's overly expensive and pointless. Shut the hell up.

Imagine being so accustomed to being a fascist piece of shit and an incel that you no longer recognize it as such but as the norm.
Fuck sakes.

Redpilled means right-wing/republican.

Hitman is objectively GOTD.
IOI is a much more competent studio than CDPR or any other for that matter.

Attached: hitman.jpg (1920x1080, 108K)

Gay spreads even faster in prison than in the USA army

contrarian=free (you)s

>Yea Forums was hyped for this

Guess I'll just pirate it instead of buying. Probably what I should have done anyway

The new target is Kojima and occasionally Smash threads.

we might get expansion
fuck we dont know anything about this game except you can play as futa

Attached: (886x755, 868K)

still is

>it doesn't have to be at night
are there still people in these threads who think cyberpunk has to be set at night
have any of you ever read the sprawl trilogy. holy shit

>Projects like a real commie fucker
For starters I'm a monarchist secondly I've had sex more times than I can count.

Just because you can't get laid and don't understand what freedom is; or how to recognize when you're brainwashed doesn't make me fascist or incel, faggot.

I'm starting to believe that this is a concerted counter-marketing campaign funded by Tencent. It's funny because I'm so /pol I have an undercut and even I can see how fucking weak and stupid this narrative bullshit is.

>guess i´ll still play the game i dont like for 300 hours and shitpost in v

based listfag. this shit needs to be posted in EVERY Cyberpunk2077 threads so that people will realize how shit this game is.

Genuinely not willing to buy it anymore. It's just pathetic. Like they're trying so hard to fit into globohomo, like little kids.

No thanks. helps they never made a good game with good gameplay anyway.

They are also retarded. They don't NEED trannies and they still appease them. Trannies HATED Witcher 3 and gave CDPR shit for it and for not being diverse enough. Now they reward those people who giving them shit for years.

Such idiots.

Attached: Cyberpunk.jpg (596x637, 124K)

>calls me an incel
Holy fuck the state of this board.
>im ok with people being more valuable than me for being born in different families
Mcfucking kyss.

Pretty much everybody's a cyborg by 2077 user. Implants are as commonplace and available as cellphones.

>I fuck dudes
>I fuck dykes
>I am a woman with a penis
You can respect the first two at a basic level because they actually are what they say they are, no beating around the bush needed. The last one is a farce you have to tiptoe around.

It's just that most remakes are badly done and not worth the cost. By the time we get the complete game it'll be the year 2030.

I attach no judgement to that fact. I just think there are more interesting and important questions than those posed in that article.

Attached: 1548606939169.jpg (720x888, 81K)

day 1 pirate

Day 1 dilate, inceltranny.

It's always been a day 1 pirate for me.
In fact I've never given CDPR a dime and pirated all the witcher games

Absolutely no-one is born equal, some people have better genetics;
That being said kings aren't necessarily more worth, they have a very difficult job which they are prepared for their entire lives, their education and wisdom dwarfs yours, which is why they live secluded, lonely but rich lives.

If you think wealth is the only thing that matters in life then you are fucking retarded.

This wouldn't have happened if CDPR didn't get popular from Witcher 3.

Now they're a huge company they have to drink the mainstream coolade and be a nice friendly, LGBT friendly company.

Before when they made Witcher 2 they could do what the fuck they wanted and no one would bat an eye. It comes with getting popular sadly.

Attached: image2.png (531x350, 145K)

>one less tranny in multiplayer
thank you

damn thats a puffy vagina

It doesn't say "rewrote" at all in that article.

This is standard practice for games with create a character, COMMANDER SHEPARD.

Attached: 1470360565299.jpg (537x487, 22K)

>That being said kings aren't necessarily more worth, they have a very difficult job which they are prepared for their entire lives, their education and wisdom dwarfs yours, which is why they live secluded, lonely but rich lives
What a nice bootlicker you are. Keep harvesting.

>another cyberpunk seething thread

Attached: a.webm (720x402, 1.3M)

>Promotes gay sex
>Blurs distinction of gender
>Mocks Christian values
What else, are they gonna show the earth as a globe now?

Attached: image.jpg (509x625, 31K)

Why would you even buy this? They're obviously going to be swinning in console money regardless.

I cant imagine the ammount of free bad reviews the game is gonna have despite being good or a masterpiece.

>Nerds unironically calling other nerds incels on Yea Forums

Nice Facebook audience here on Yea Forums. This site is a fucking mess. Where else can I discuss video game without Facebook/Reddit/Netmom retards?

Attached: clownpepe.jpg (636x333, 37K)

Rather be harvesting for someone who gives a shit and protects rather than for some traitorous unaccountable scum like you worship faggot.


>Such idiots.
Like people who let articles written by 100% pure soi influence their opinions.

Attached: soy.jpg (909x159, 34K)

That's kinda the point. Gays and lesbians are not as bothersome. Most normies are willing to tolerate gays and lesbians on basic level - they don't care who two consenting adults sleep with behind closed doors, it doesn't bother anybody else on the larger scale, so just allow them to legally marry and that's the end of that business. But then trannies come along and they demand everyone change their language, social behaviour and undestanding of basic biology because this tiny minority is feeling "unwelcome". And if you don't agree, you are an asshole. So obviously, people will have a problem with that.

>gives a shit and protects
In what isekai fantasy are you living user, sounds amazing.

>they have to drink the mainstream coolade and be a nice friendly, LGBT friendly company.
No they actually don't. and that's whats annoying. Worst case scenario they get a couple of articles written that nobody actually reads. This is a self inflicted wound.

What country do you live in, user

>Kings don't protect their people
Nice try faggot, go back to sucking traitor dick while some nigger fucks your wife.

8ch but it's still dead

Another day, another Cyberpunk thread that sends Yea Forums into butthurt city.

Create your own forum.

Oh no, a nigger!

Attached: 1509403737030.jpg (1080x1080, 189K)

How hard is it to just ignore games you don't like, right

One thing I realized when I woke up this morning is this: The world could be even gayer.

8ch Yea Forums went to shit some years ago. Nowhere as bad as this but there were definitely Cyberpunk threads full of faggots like the usual shitposters.

These articles have been coming in a steady stream of them ever since trannies first noticed the MIX IT UP ad with some bitch that has a Mr. Studd on under her swimsuit on it. This is a coordinated smear campaign paid for by one of CDPR's competitors. This is standard under the table Chinese corporate information warfare bullshit and it's obvious to anyone that doesn't automatically have a kneejerk reaction to the constructed narrative.

>tfw in my language this is impossible to do

Get fucked sjw

Attached: 1459202583055.jpg (336x639, 156K)

Your language will become illegal.

take me down
to the butthurt city
where the Sun is hight
and the incels are shitting
take me home...

I want Facebook to leave

>this is false
Except they confirmed that you can't buy new apartments retard. CDPR literally stated outright that you only have the one.

>as is in mine.
They have to be more inclusive, you understand. So our languages can kindly fuck off in favour of English.

All you people are enablers of degeneracy.

i think spanish works the same too
Can't wait for sjw to turn on mexicans

>>raging trannies hating it as usual
The thread is started and pushed by raging juveniles that are just as bad as said trannies.

It's just two groups of retards screaming and getting outraged at eachother. All you belong on twitter.

Attached: 1433450424808.jpg (1334x1080, 158K)

>raging juveniles
I'm 28 and I hate trannies. Problem mate?

*Turn against
I'm fucking retarded

imagine being this new

>Can't wait for sjw to turn on mexicans
Considering how many mexicans are hardcore catholics, it won't take long. One real conservative Pope and the shitstorm begins.

>It's overly expensive
What cope is this, faggot?

Wow, what a shit company LOL

Well, Polish itself also works like that.
So, CDPR are shitting their own bed here.

>Absolutely no-one is born equal, some people have better genetics;
I can smell the fedora from here

Attached: 1544831970667.jpg (400x400, 43K)

>that are just as bad as said trannies
And there he is, the retard that says the groups are totally the same

Attached: 1567001446814.jpg (640x360, 24K)

>CDPR hire amerimutt team to make sure they cater to and do not offend american audience
>SJW cancer keeps piling up
GG fags.

Attached: 273.png (476x401, 138K)

>"muh trannies" is discussing videogames

What's funny is that they address these issues by making them basically not exist. If they weren't cutting corners they could have a trans character get misgendered or if they wanted to go all the way they could let a player get a sex reassignment surgery, and have a couple one off situations addressing that. Instead they just remove any gender entirely and just have people being referred to as 'V'.

They will refer to me as "Yea Forums"?

Take me down to the Night City
Where the sun is bright and the visuals are shity

Attached: 1564526564716.gif (184x191, 1.67M)

blame amerijews

>What cope is this, faggot?
Explain to me why they should pay voice actors to record twice as many lines, have coders spend time going through and making sure there's no mistakes or bugs, and then on top of that be forced to take a hard stance on the gender politics bullshit?

They didn't rewrite shit. They didn't change shit. All they did was make the dialogue as sex-neutral as possible. This is 100% completely understandable and you're gargling SJW dick by buying into this narrative that they have created. You're allowing them to exert control over a game by rejecting it in response to their their clickbait horse shit.

You know who else breathes air? That's right! Americans!

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So the dude isn’t going to call you “bro” or “jaina” anymore? Hahaahahahah what are they doing? They’re lucky CDPR drones aren’t loud and obnoxious as trannies, but holyshit what a pandering shitty company.


Equality is a delusion. There is no such thing.

>I'm a retard the post
Unironically dilate

Attached: 1568196656678.gif (300x290, 1.74M)

based and cumpunked

Nobody in the american audience cares about this shit, it's one hundred percent the developer's own ambition.

>it doesn't have to be at night
This is the only thing I will argue because day can work in cyberpunk settings, CDPR just didn't even attempt to make it work.

Attached: maxresdefault (5).jpg (1280x720, 131K)

>Equality is a delusion. There is no such thing.

Attached: 510.jpg (367x500, 19K)

>game is changed for everyone because of 0.01% of the audience
>the ones that don't want it are the problem

Posting memes isn't an argument sweety. Equality is about as real as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. It's a fantasy we repeat over and over again to comfort ourselves and pretend we're ethically superior to others. The sooner you accept this the sooner you can become a better person.

For CP2077 they hired a mutt diversity team to make sure the game didn't hurt americans' fee fees.


/V is just fucking retarded as usual. This is not news, Cyberpunk was planned to be this way but the tards are only now seething.

Attached: 1_peaLHchJMtRVjJaElUbaZg.png (1080x1920, 2.18M)

Hispanics won't bend over for the sjws like the whites did, trust me.

Literally no one is truly equal, this self esteem movement concept needs to end. It doesn't make sense.

>I'm a big fan of the 2020 tabletop game
The tabletop with tranny implants and furfags? Lmao fuck off tard.

How do you fags not get tired of this retarded outrage constantly? Imagine thinking you're on some kind of noble crusade by flooding a Mongolian throat singing webzone with the same shirt over and over.


Yeah, it's kinda does sound really stupid isn't it?

>Trannies are 0.01% of the population
>Never even see a tranny irl only see them online within echochambers for other trannies
>A game developer literally is changing the entire game for 0.01% of the population




What is changed and why is it a problem. If you're referring to OP's claim you're a braindead retard because no one rewrote anything for anyone

so what, every character in the game automatically knows V's name? How else would you be always referred by name and not by pronouns sometimes

>Nobody in the american audience cares about this shit
But they do.
Holy fuck it's 99% mutt ((((journalists)))) who constantly bitch about muh gender and diversity and faggotry.

>leftypol tranny literally crying for an anti white safespace

>Equality is about as real as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny
>Literally no one is truly equal

Attached: 5eb.jpg (480x600, 22K)

>an energy drink ad featuring a woman in a swimsuit wearing a bionic strap-on
>"transhumanist future remove biological boundaries"
Yeah nothing says bettering the human condition like marketing an energy drink with a cybernetically intersexed whore. Are you guys fucking kidding me right now? You really think this is a positive depiction?


Attached: 0byyjf.jpg (785x1200, 171K)

this poster is very recent, how does it helps your argument

>Cyberpunk was planned to be this way but the tards are only now seething.
No it wasn't. The dialogues in the demos clearly referred to V differently, whether V was a male or a female. Even the dudebro sidekick called you "bro" or "jaina" depending on your gender. So, you are buying into the narrative that never was.

Because they could have spent that time making a actual good game instead of pandering to a tiny minority?

>There are people in this very thread that equate transhumanism with transgenderism
>One a philosophy that seeks to define what it means to be human and explores way to transfer human consciousness into other forms or planes of existence beyond the animal or physical while still maintaining our humanity, and other is a recognized mental illness pursued by failed males and ugly women and pushed on society by Jewish social engineering think tanks.
>Imagine actually thinking the latter had any intrinsic merit or value being shoehorned into a cyberpunk setting.

Lmao. This game is going to be shit. Utter shit. Clownworld 2077

is that why they fired their community manager for making jokes that trannies thought weren't funny?

Nothing wrong with degeneracy, grandpa.

Are you really stupid enough to believe that corporations wouldn't exploit people with gender dysmorphia through tech?

I dunno, how do they do it in TES and Fallout?

>from the same sourcebook

Attached: fucking state of cybercuck genre.jpg (1052x1471, 975K)

>Only American journos are cucked
okay retard

Attached: 5c64b992d450f41dd041bdc7a0ef46fddde6c0ca7bf7984a6ad632c040a63207.gif (390x373, 2.52M)

40% yourself

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Lmao. You gonna do something about it tough guy?

Theres gonna be various appartaments, but you cant play The Sims with them.

The community manager is the game now?

You didn't answer the first question, what did they waste time on?

You right now.

Attached: maskedNPC.png (494x410, 89K)

>never seen a tranny irl
be thankful. It is a terrible thing.

Attached: 1550711781886.png (1248x1676, 2.62M)

who fucking cares holy shit

Funny how that's exactly what's happening in current-day America. American society is probably the most fragmented in the modern world. Muts hate each other's guts.
It won't be long until it all implodes in on itself.

Attached: 67b.jpg (650x488, 32K)

So you know the ins and outs of the development? Literally anyone else would have seen this coming and it makes sense, in a futurist setting that due to technology people would choose to be whatever they want with cybernetic parts.


>n-no stop questioning my genetic superiority!

Attached: 1555673499208.jpg (785x731, 112K)

A few ones posted in this threads and they looked very femenine, wold probably fuck them because why not.

Rerecording voice lines. Notice how in last years demo Jackie refers to female V as Jaina

It's not talking about social justice bullshit in there. Cope

truly delusional

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At least I won't feel bad about pirating it.

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The vast majority of them do seem to be mutts.
Cope harder jew.

I never said shit about genetics retard. I said Equality is not real. It doesn't exist. It is imaginary.

They needed to have just never addressed it. Completely ignore them, any questions related to it by journalists, and just release the game. But because they keep trying in vain to appease them they get pulled deeper and deeper into a narrative they never wanted anything to do with in the first place. This is why you NEVER engage with these idiots and give them the platform YOU built by making a game.

It's actually women that destroyed Rome, but that's pretty close.

I'm talking mentally immature here, which makes your age all the more sad since you have the mind of a teen.

Dilate freak. You will NEVER pass as a woman.

Attached: 1549637598873.png (685x1122, 666K)

Holy shit for real? Has based Billy written and reported on this white genocide?

>NPCs refer to the player character, V, by name instead of gender.
good luck, that's not gonna work in any language other than English


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But they are mad about this game, and righties too.
This game is gonna be revolutionary.

if you think they're firing staff but not changing stuff ingame to pander to trannies you're delusional

do you know what's the proof of my genetic superiority ?

You behave in the exact same manner, you're simply upset about different things.
You're no better than the other. Both mentally immature outrage mobs with the thinnest of skins.

Next you'll tell me language isn't real because we made it up

No fucking shit

Why do people care what that retarded scam shitzen shill thinks?

>here comes the spammer
Im not even trans, you fag.

That depends on what your definition of "equality" is.

>running low on eddies
>tired of sleeping under the overpass with the homeless
>take a job to eliminate a gang leader in the combat zone
>walk through the streets only to find he's been strung up from a lamp post by corpo security forces
>they tied a sign that says "YIFF IN HELL FURFAG" to him

Attached: corp.png (597x628, 240K)

Can't wait to fuck himher.
Heshe'd better suck my dick dry.
That boygirl has a fine ass.
That manwoman sure has big tits.

Yeah I get that but it seems like there would be a few situations where you would inevitably be gendered over the course of the game. Like getting catcalled by a chicano gang or prostitutes.

I've been to Thailand m8, some of those trannies passes for female better than any white woman does

Nope, nothing. I can still hate who I wanna hate. People only accept trannies irl because they wanna be nice and polite. Underneath they think they're mentally insane retards.

>disliking something means you have the mind of a teen

Great! Cope harder tranny.

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>implying that would ever happen in any type of trannypunk setting

Talk about grasping

Attached: 9bcb0807c835d6aaa7e3430886728d5a.png (533x666, 704K)

>tfw one of the few real nigga Chads who shat on CP2077 as soon as news broke out that it was 1st person
>when most people on Yea Forums were still shilling for the game and would hate you for it

Attached: 1231432662.jpg (600x600, 45K)

If you think customization in an rpg is bad because you can choose to be a tranny then you're clearly just bitching for political reasons. There's a billion games where you can play as burly white skin short brown hair man.

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I'm gonna buy and enjoy it

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Most devs working on CyberSpunk 2077 are US citizens hired from other companies, like Acti-Blizz, Bioware etc.

Isn't it funny how despite being just 0.01% of the population, trannies account for 99% butthurt caused in Yea Forums?

>Rent free
Dilate dumb tranny.

Attached: 1567645453763.png (688x484, 503K)

>N-No don't expose my cuck setting...

Attached: 3507073442145.jpg (247x204, 10K)

Fuck off, it was the extremely incompetent guys at the top who ran Rome into the ground. White men killed two Roman empires, thanks guys!

Wow this thread again for the 10,000th time in 2 years, so interesting!

Why did 8cucks latch on to this game so hard? They don't even appear natural with their relentless shitposting and fear of it selling well.

I didn't realize that having he/she pronouns is taking a hard stance on anything, but then again I don't mix with faggots and other tranny filth.

Games 15 years ago managed to do it on a much smaller budget, so the argument that they simply can't afford it is ridiculous. How much money could it possibly take, $20k more? Probably less?

> You're allowing them to exert control over a game
This argument has been made here and other websites since 2009. This "ignore them and they'll go away" has been proven wrong time and time again, so it stands to reason that you're either a fucking retard that is completely detached from reality, or one of those SJW trannies that are being subversive.

It's how the law treats you, you fucking autist. Not everything is fucking literal.

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How the fuck will this get localized? In more civilized languages half of the verbs will give it away.

This. They seem to really want to shove this game out of the door as soon as possible and are cutting features left and right to make the time and the budget.
And is it only me, or do those interviews all sound like the developers words were taken out of context?

Are liberals even human at this point?

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People called it as a hack move even back in 15 with MGS5, it's not a good look if the choices the player has are utterly useless

I'll have you know i'm a white straight male, so that number should be 89%

You act like old sci fi fiction hasn't talked about this very concept that 2077 is doing but yes keep peddling it as "SJW" because it fits your narrative.

Why were people ever excited for it anyway? All we had was a couple of articles talking about what they wanted to do and a cgi trailer, which is never worth shit. And even after the downgrade for witcher 3 people still happily believed everything CDPR said despite still not showing any actual footage till last year.

I mean I’m not buying Sóypunk because it looks like generic GTA dogshit with 80’s retrofuture packaging that completely misses the mark on what makes cyberpunk, but, this thread is just bullshit trying to get (You)s from Yea Forums outrage culture. The character has been called their gender-neutral name since the earliest of gameplay demos. Mass Effect did this with Shepard. It saves time and money by not having to re-record voice lines for gendered pronouns. Of all the plethora reasons to not buy this shitheap, this one is not one of them.

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Do I play this while sitting on a couch in front of my 65" 4k TV from my Xbox One X?
Or do I play this sitting in a chair in front of my 27" 1440/144 display from my 3700X/5700 XT?

Blaming white men for collapsing things they created is extremely silly. But nah, it wasn't men, it was women. Look up the collapsing marriage rates, unsustainable birthrates, aging populations, collapse of traditional culture and how Roman women were known throughout Europe as massive whores by the late empire. Sounds similar, right?

Also, women destroyed Sparta as well.

The law does not treat people equally either stupid. There is no such thing as fairness

>Posting memes isn't an argument sweety.
Funny, because that's all you people ever do

It's gonna fuck over 90% of translations. Including, get this, Polish translation.

>They hated him when he told the truth.

Attached: pai_mei_ beard.gif (426x214, 3.45M)

>old thing has cuck sjw so it's fine!

Attached: 1567611937105.png (665x800, 54K)

If it was actually customization that would be fine, hell I'd laugh at people getting buttblasted over it. This is the removal of customization.

Fuck off.

Attached: 1568059239444.jpg (847x1024, 86K)

Fuckin' ridiculous! Clown world!

>It's how the law treats you
The law is also an intangible subjective construct. The law doesn't treat everyone equally. It allegedly grants citizens equal rights. Even then there is no objective equality in how the law prosecutes crime as punishments can differ for the same crime. You're appealing to arbitration which is, by its very nature, arbitrary.


Jesus Christ, well just go chop your cock off or sonething.

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It's a westacuck game user. Expecting cute girls is silly.

Attached: 1568267395413.jpg (1024x768, 150K)

>The character has been called their gender-neutral name since the earliest of gameplay demos.
>Demo has the spic partner constantly call "female" V Jaina
Lmao fuck off retarded shill

Spoilers: Jackie dies.

You do realise SJW is a recent thing right and only about 50 years ago women barely had any rights. You do know that, right user?


>it doesn't need to have substance
completely subjective
>it doesn't need to have good boxart
>it doenst need to be GTA2077
>it doesnt need to be a RPG
>it doesn't matter its cinematic garbage

How long do I have to go on for? Literally 3/4 of the shit on here is subjective bullshit that haters cant justify

Why does it bother you? Something so surface level as hearing “they/them” offends you so much that you’re prepared to kill? Really? Pathetic.

Because you guys can't fucking meme.

Attached: 1567547425214.gif (480x320, 1.96M)

Good looking trannies are quite rare, you only see them on the internet because only good looking ones will post themselves.

most of them look like that IT'S MAAM guy

>Genderized lingua
kek, only subhumans apply gender nouns to words, like spanish, italians, slavs etc

Funny considering CDPR started as an English to Polish localization company.

>most of them look like
Christian Weston Chandler.

This. CDPR is full of western devs now instead of slavs, so expect shit gameplay and ugly women. At least if it was a nipshit game it would only have shit gameplay.

yep pretty much I did it with Cisquisition

Fucking based.

>Just because we're gonna make it illegal to call a man a man soon in media and real life what's the big deal
Fucking kill yourself

Oh yeah? Watch this: Millhouse is a meme
What now fagget?

Polaken Kurwaken became more tranny than TrannyEra.
If you buy this game you support the mutilaiton and abuse of children by mentally deranged subhumans.

Attached: TrannyPunk 2077.jpg (576x864, 224K)

>and only about 50 years ago women barely had any rights

Attached: 1557948852732.jpg (492x238, 50K)

>old thing has cuck shit but its it's fine because I say so!

>Millhouse is a meme
No faggot, Milhouse is not a meme is a meme.

well played CDPR, what a bunch of cucks

Attached: 1561980113074.jpg (500x508, 26K)

Attached: dcsd.jpg (953x717, 207K)

Damn, you've mastered the self victimization process. Truly taking a page from the sjws

Oh so you'd rather have it codified that are a class of people above you. Oh you're so big brained pol

>mobile game
>also trannypunk

That was clearly a placeholder they were going to change regardless because the characters name isn’t fucking Jaina, the other demos all have the character being called “V”. Why weren’t you outraged when Mass Effect did this a decade ago?

>He actually thinks Millhouse is not a meme is a meme of a meme

I just want to play a hot futa with big tits, big balls and a half-shaved head.

>You're the real sjws gotcha
You guys are actually npcs

Attached: 1568004314301.jpg (682x573, 297K)

HBS is cucked up to its eyeballs. Battletech has a pronoun option in character creation.

Polaken Kurwaken were always the most trannoid of Slavs

Attached: 1568460946430.jpg (2665x1490, 1.02M)

Define cuck shit. Trannies and gays were considered pedophiles 50 years back and everyone hated them.

The people pushing for this would like to see Liberals hung from trees.

>he’s happy with GTA cinematic garbage with no RPG elements
Nu-gamer opinion instantly worthless lmao

You're so stupid Jesus Christ, it has nothing to do with what we want it's the way the world actually works you fucking retard.

>Everyone says we're basically clones of our tribal enemies
>Am i wrong? No, it must be they who are wrong
Drones gonna keep on droning it up, just like their programing tells them to do

>Oh so you'd rather have it codified that are a class of people above you.
Whatever helps you sleep at night retard. I'm not going to argue with someone that creates imaginary opinions and then applies them to me. The construction of strawmen is a sure sign of retardation.

Why does Yea Forums have a such great need to seethe about evedry single cherry picking? Cant you incels finally grow up a pair of balls.

Attached: v in nutshell.png (720x1280, 644K)

>Water is wet
I put it behind meme arrows so it's not true anymore!

how are lgbt people persecuted when multi-billion dollar mega-corporations are on their side

Attached: t1hs9lz8abm31.jpg (900x507, 163K)

>Trannies and gays were considered pedophiles

I mean trannies are probably still pedos. Gays are fine

Else you are subhuman Hans or a retard, my leftist younger brother is more redpilled than most of MAGAlets. All in fucking Kurwaland.

Nah, not really.
Last few Pride Parades in Poland got fucking wrecked and dissolved. Granted the gays were asking for it, but it was fun to watch.

They still are and always have been.

What is the alternative to the law not treating everyone equally?

Tables and roads are girls, fuck you andouille.

>had time to do that but no time to make proper third-person cutscenes for the entire game, so they changed everything at the last minute and made the cutscenes first person with "immersion" as the excuse.

Attached: 1565744649312.jpg (762x785, 458K)

>its like GTA
literally zero proofs
>its cinematic
define "cinematic" in a way that doesn't describe every triple A game
>no RPG elements
no proofs again

y'all are making this to ez

You forgot how they cut the available classes from 9 to 3.

>Yea Forums
It's just /pol/ cross boarders.

They like to pretend they're a counter culture when they're not.
The law factually DOES NOT treat everyone equally. Illegal immigrants are not treated equally. Felons are not treated equally. Judges don't treat every criminal the same way. You are delusional if you think there is any true equality anywhere.

That doesn't really matter does it? They weren't that bad when they made Dragonfall and that game is objectively excellent.

Battletech fucking sucks tho I agree with that. Shit game full of shit politics

>Actually being a latin related speaker
I pity you savages. The only naturally feminine object are ships.

>This degeneracy is ok but those aren't


Attached: Rambothumbsup.jpg (600x338, 32K)

You're an absolute fucking retard. Why is basic distinction of human behavior so hard for you?
>hurr you both don't like a thing, it's exactly the same


Attached: 92356.jpg (1113x1414, 195K)

>50 years ago women barely had any rights
I see the Americans have woken up.

Attached: 1566532658523.gif (500x211, 927K)

Do you idiots saying it saves time to ignore gender pronouns even keep up with this game? They literally had all these lines WITH gender pronouns recorded and then went back and took them out. Sasquatch calls V "her" clear as day. And didn't they say NPCs would refer to your gender by your voice, anyway? This is removed content in every way.

if i cant be a futa im probably not gonna buy it on release

i wanna have five dicks on top of my head to make a mohawk

>Trannys are mentally ill
Sorry about reality

>Oh look I can't understand an abstract concept dur her why don't we just go back to an absolute monarchy and give up our right?

Attached: 1559374188992.jpg (999x1042, 245K)

You can't form a cohesive argument but it's everyone else that just can't understand the concept right? Yeah, I was right, you are retarded.

Isn't it technically in front of it?

cope more mad niger

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Attached: 1564785350131.gif (680x312, 222K)

Pushing which thing?

>literally zero proofs
Every single ounce of gameplay we’ve been shown have it look like GTAV with a futuristic skin. There’s nothing interesting or compelling about the gameplay or setting thus far.
>define cinematic
A “game” that stops your gameplay every 3 minutes so you can watch a cutscene and also intersperses your “gameplay” with slow walking portions that vomit exposition into your ears AND has QTE action scenes so you can press A to Awesome and watch your character do a cinematic kill move while you go take a piss
>no proofs
No fucking character classes? Stupid fucking faggot.

Again you sound like a nu-gamer nigger who just laps up the latest AAA turd that falls out of the industry’s infected anus and asks for seconds.

dial 8 you obnoxious fucking cretins

You're just strawmanning what were saying to make yourself seem not retarded. Nature makes nothing equally, you are stupid.

Holy fuck... Yeah, pass.

This is pretty stupid then? They could have given players the option for he/she/neutral and been able to defend it against any blowback? Why shoot yourself in the foot this way?

Such a predictable preprogrammed response. Slavs really are the npcs of humans


Attached: oHyRW682EeA.jpg (400x400, 23K)

>our enemies make false equivalences
>they must be right and we should listen
Nah, fuck off tranny.

>look mom i said programmed again
Got anything else in your enlightened arsenal of superior responses? You're boring me.


the funny thing is of the 300 "developers" working on CyberTranny 2077 right now about 250 are western shitter devs.
they are all worthless subhuman pozzed western sloppy seconds trash that got fired from Ubishit, EA, Activision, etc.
CD Turd Eject gleefully went on a bargain bin shopping spree and picked up all the discarded turds.
They have about 50 devs who worked on Mass Effect Andromeda.
NO ONE of the original Polish devs who worked on Witcher 1 works at CD Turd Eject anymore
Almost no one who worked on Witcher 2 still works at CD Turd Eject
Basically only the name of the company remained. Everyone who made this company big got replaced by worthless western scrap trash because CD Turd Eject wants to play in the same league as the big bois like Bethesda and Rockstar. They want to be taken serious kek.

Attached: investigate the trannyfication in Night City.png (1482x840, 2.89M)

I don't like this
>Actually being a tribalnigger
How pitiful.

>a huge fucking instagram post on the wall
But why?

Attached: 1549206985147.gif (320x320, 3.13M)

Since when traps hate being called "she"? Where did all these autistic with the genders even come from?

>300-IQ freedom fighters
They looked more like deranged cultists to me mate.

I’m arguing both sides of this controversy to generate outrage and farm for (Me)s

Attached: 880A50AF-2626-4F7E-884A-A6E62F7D84DD.jpg (640x640, 75K)

>literal fake news
>Yea Forums falls for it
No hope for this place left

I'm half Jewish retard. Keep talking, you just keep showing your retardation. Dilate dumb tranny.

Attached: 1568389574102.png (680x596, 183K)

>because you won’t be able to choose your name.
Great “RPG” you got here

It was the same in lots of places. Most of the world really. A man could sign his wife into mental institutions for post natal depression or anything else really. Women got fuck all in divorces. Men could beat their wives and no one could tell them not to. Marital rape was not recognised by the law. There were no laws protecting women in employment from being fired or losing pay etc for having kids.

Some of these things were sensible. Most were not. It's funny how little historical perspective SJWs have. We're three generations away from WW2. An age of unbridled savagery. Mass rapes. Murders. World in flames. WW1 was 20 years before that and soldiers were still fighting on horse back and wearing plate armor at that time. The sun was setting on the age of cowboys in America at that point. It's funny how SJWs want everything to change so fast and don't realize that really society has been changing at a dangerous and unsustainable speed for the last 100 years already.

>pretends he's not a tribalnigger
Please, faggot.

tfw me enjoying cyberpunk while ur fapping in pol to blackedraw
she fucks only white guys

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I'm tribalaryan, aka the superhuman looking down on tribalniggers


>300 "developers" working on CyberTranny 2077 right now about 250 are western shitter devs.

Haha yeah because Witcher 3 wasn't just as liberal

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Isn't Cyberpsychosis more of a Shadowrun thing than a Cyberpunk thing? In Cyberpunk it was only old, obvious, and clunky augs that fucked up your head. As things got more proficient, you were able to recognize your humanity better, so it's understandable that by 2077 Cyberpsychosis is a thing of the past.
(Whereas in Shadowrun it's your soul rejecting all unnatural modifications so no amount of progress can ever make it right.)


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God, blackskins and whiteskins together is peak aesthetics. We were made for each other. How can asians ever hope to compete?

No, you're a discord tranny. Learn the difference.

Whatever you say, 8cucked

Read my post again. I never said anything positive about Witcher 3. That game was already a big load of pozzed shit.


>300 "developers"
Even more

>"First of all the studio was much smaller five years ago! The Witcher 2 was around 100 people; The Witcher 3 was around double that; and Cyberpunk I would say is at least double the team of The Witcher 3. A lot of these things we figured out as we were going through the previous projects. All the lessons we learned we’re bringing all this experience to this project to make it the biggest and best one yet."

And most are ex Bioware trannies on a payroll for "sensitive content", pic related

>CD PROJEKT RED announce the establishing of a long-term strategic cooperation with Vancouver-based studio Digital Scapes
>Founded by industry veterans hailing from BioWare, Radical Entertainment and Relic, Digital Scapes is an ambitious video game development studio

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Yeah Witcher 3 was already pozzed shit, just played it for the card games and missions.

Tiny ass even in that position and it's absolutely wracked with stretch marks. That dude could be doing waaaaay better. I'd pass on that ass.

It does sound like the words of the developer were taken out of context by the interviewer with an agenda. Again. It seems to be a running theme with CDPR.
Leftie journos really don't like CDPR after that Rock Paper Shotgun humiliation, so they probably won't play fair when dealing with them.

The British are actually the lowest possible tier

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>nigger full of stretch marks

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>all this butthurt that the game won't use the pronoun you want

You fags are all just bizarro trannies



Well, sure, but we're talking about africans and caucasians, not animals.

So this is what you and the other trannies have decided to call people from now on? You went from calling people /pol/ to calling people 8/chan refugees?
It won't work either way.

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All of this and you can't have a female body with a cock, or a male body with a pussy. Absolutely wasted potential.

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>I hate britain
>why does britain
>britain britain britain

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No no, you see, we're SANE and thus obsess over pronouns, while trannies are insane and obsess over them

How do I get a black gf?

They're so fucking hot and have way better bodies than white girls

Tranniepunk 2077 GOTY

>All this butthurt just because mentally I'll freaks are destroying language to placate their delusions.
More like this.

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Greek mythology has characters like those. Is the basis of western civilization now liberal?

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cope more mad nigger
because true chads defend aryans by breding blacks to excintion.

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Who is this black goddess?

>it's the thirteenth century
>it's the thirteenth century

fucking lmao. literally IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR! if I didn'tk know better and hadn't read the books I would think Gerald is taking a piss out of them.

Oii!! Uhh yu goit a loicense for these thinks mate??

So Deus Ex 1, where everyone just used your codename, was a total SJW mess according to you?

>i wanna have five dicks on top of my head to make a mohawk
And nobody but ugly incel /pol/fags should prevent you to get that in real life too. Future is bright, hold on user.

>nothing new or sjw here
This is literally straight out of the "social constructs are a source of truth" belief, which is CENTRAL to all sjw bullshit.

No one's going to poland, I was just there and it's a fucking shithole, immigrants flock to places where they can get free shit.

>thing is subjective so your opinion doesnt matter and you have to justify those opinions
>however my opinion matters and i dont need to justify them

At least the game had the dignity to call JC "he" instead of trying to get around pronoun-calling.
So, shots fired and missed.

Uh damn i think this is the first time ive been truly redpilled on something

Holy shit is that a coomer?

You have a problem.

See you can't meme

Always destruction with you clowns, except for the shit that is actually destroying the planet.

Damn that bitch is 40% forehead 60% face

It removes a lot of color from the world. Getting catcalled while you walk down the street as female Yea Forums or propositioned by prostitutes gives a little grittiness that will now feel artificial.

Yes actually

That's not even the problem if they localize it. For exemple in French present perfect changes one letter if it's a female doing the action.
If it's a group of both male and female, as long as their is ONE male, that male is prioritized.
Whatever CDPR writes, in most languages that are not english it's 100% impossible to make gender-neutral sentences.
I don't know in details how German works but they decline words depending on time and subject like in ancient latin.

And 100% cum receptable


Pretty sure Africa's population reaching 4 billion this century is gonna seal the deal.

This is fucking abhorrent. I broke my lurk to express my apocalyptic disgust for this one single image. Who the fuck would allow their child around such disgusting degeneracy? Not even the fact that they’re gay, the fact that they’re literally parading around in disgusting furry BDSM leather, and some poor kid’s parents are just like “yeah this is fine for her she needs to learn tolerance.”

THIS is why nobody can stand your fucking LGBTQIAICNFNRIEKAKXJRHR+++++++ horseshit. Not because you like to fuck dudes or chicks with dicks or dudes that are now chicks. But because you parade around your depraved sex life as if I want to see that shit, as if I want my fucking children to see that shit. You don’t see me fucking my wife in front of my children on the couch, why the fuck is it ok for you to parade around on national television wearing disgusting BDSM gear and swinging sex toys? Why the fuck is this ok? Why can you not keep it in your fucking bedroom.

PLEASE fucking 40% yourselves, all of you filth posting in this thread, and stop making your degenerate sex lives the norm. Some of us actually want our children raised in a wholesome environment.

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my gf
be white

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Why does this need an explanation... I'm not even transphobic, just more confused on why they even need to tell people this. It's common practice at best and make you an attention whore at worst for the sake of getting clicks. It's better to judge a game when it releases rather than hype it up only to be... disappointing... like most of my 2018-2019 gaming years (except Smash and RDR2.)

>Imagine being British

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But I'm Chinese. I just want a black gf

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What about my willy?

That's why we need to forcibly change the way those languages work to be more inclusive for non-binary individuals.
And people are surprised why nobody likes trannies and their pronoun bullshit.

it's already happening, like with that based Nicalis spic. Soon SJWs will go full circle and hate blacks, jews, gays who hate trannies, everyone who isn't an SJW, unironically becoming the new Nazi hivemind.

Attached: jesus christ what the fuck.png (766x1129, 1.45M)

What's CDPR stand for, Californian Democratic People's Republic?

go to africa and colinise it

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based. Fuck these degenerates.

Gays/Trans LOVE to show off their dicks and shit. Go to any Pride festival and theyre showing off their naked bodies to children.

It's one big societal downfall.

Seek help you mental patient. Nobody mentioned Britain.

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What kinda trash site is that? It's so painfully loaded with bias and assumptions

Literally all they had to do was use replace function in word and put "v" instead of "he" and "she".
Still a shit move to make a shit game more shit but honestly, I knew this game was going to be terrible when they published the 48 minute trailer.

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/pol/ seeps into Yea Forums sometimes, and this is one of the posts that upsets them. For the most part, people don't give a shit... unless it's pandering like BFV (or just unfinished at launch, which left a sour taste.)

The gook got pretty good fashion sense. Impressed.

I bet they will cut Keanu out from final version too

I did ,stupid.

Fo sho nigel

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>No worries - that will be possible
So apparently this was another miscommunication. Can cdprojekt get someone that can actually speak English?

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Keanu fucks trannys irl.

Imagine how horrendous that would sound if every single pronoun is replaced with "V".
>V walked to V's appartament. V switched V's TV on and noticed that V was being talked about on local news.
Sounds like proper English to me.

>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
But it does matter.

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You wot? You can still be cat called without specific identifying pronouns you dolt. Even something as simple as a whistle and a "hey there good lookin what's cookin" will work just fine. Just because you can't think of anything it doesn't mean CDPR can't.

That's not very politically correct.

Except no? CDPR said you only have onr and only apartment that you can't customize either. They were pretty specific about that, no room for speculation.

This isn't your Facebook wall retard, this has nothing to do with Cyberpunk.

I don't think it's miscommunication but a deliberate misinformation.
It's journalists shaping the narrative that fucks CDPR over. They don't like CDPR after all.

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Unless one is mentally ill, a criminal is a criminal and a felon is a felon, unless it's something extremely petty like jaywalking when the person has already crossed unscathed on an empty road, people know they committed something wrong, therefore be punished. Have you seen people who think they're above the law (I.E Sovereign citizens), the way they talk is actually delusional... not even the funny kind, but the "I can't get in trouble but you can" kind of way that can actually be extremely dangerous, they've even attacked court rooms. People can make a society, but without a fine balance we are either slaves due to one's belief in power, or the downfall due to our own selfish needs.

Please tell me this is a shoop. I already knew about BIN THE KNOIFE but please tell me you UKbros aren’t so utterly cucked by the nanny state that you can’t carry BASIC fucking HAND TOOLS like a needle nose or lineman’s pliers

>>V walked to V's appartament. V switched V's TV on and noticed that V was being talked about on local news.
Speaking like a normal person is a thing of the past

>I jumped into a completely unrelated thread just so I could dump screenshots of tabloid articles slandering a country that I despise, yet also can't stop thinking about
Upon reflection, I concede. You are a perfectly well adjusted young man.

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It would be more accurate to say that most peoole butthurt over that shit weren't even trans and, regardless if they even were, probably wouldn't buy the game anyway. CDPR, pander to the people and journalists that won't buy your game anyway and alienate the people who would have bought your product if you just SOLD A FUCKING VIDEO GAME.

I don't thin Borrin Goldbags is a common hobbit name

I don’t even know what this image is arguing it pro-tranny or anti-tranny?


And the joke is - this sentence is virtually untranslatable into most other languages. Because in order to translate it correctly, you need to know V's gender. Otherwise, you have to use masculine form, which can be incorrect in context.

>He doesn't know

Go get your jackoff license Nigel

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That's standard practice in most RPGs with gender selection, of course not ALL dialogue gets changed but just a few lines here and there.

this is like the forth or fifth time we have misinfo about this game
cdpr should just stop having interviews every 2 hours

I am blaming it on journalists having an agenda. They just hear what they wish to hear and write a hitpiece based on that.

You are off your nut, my friend. Are you French or something?

It's not a hobbit's name.

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>this user can do nothing but gaslight in every post
What a sad person.

Are you British? Why do you care what I do on Mongolian origami forum?

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Seek mental help immediately

I sure love video games

Fuck the British, honestly.


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V/ hates videogames tho.

I am just concerned for you boys. This massive angry inferiority complex that Euros tend to have is completely self-destructive. We don't hate you anymore. Calm down.

Don't need to cherry pick when almost everything shown looks shit.

>she fucks only white guys

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Both are still degenerate homo shit.

And im concerned for you Nigel

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t witcher 3 downagrade
u mad as fuck nigger

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Witcher 2 was also a shit game though. In fact CDPR have yet to make a good game.

I don't think you are. I think you just want to rile people up because you hate them for some reason. My question is why.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Based negress

hello, why arent the cops arresting these guys for public indecency and pedophilia?

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But that's wrong. They use those shock tactics on purpose. It's a negotiation tactic. They make a big ask (accept this utter degeneracy) so that you will be glad to accept the small step further down the road (I don't care that you practice homosex behind closed doors).

See how you already lost? In the 80s it was still socially acceptable to call gays faggots and openly voice disgust about them, in the 50 it was social suicide to be outed as a fag. They keep kicking the can further down the road.

In a few years you'll be outraged about the next crazy thing they'll push to shock people but you won't bat an eye at the scenario in the picture that shocked you so much just now. That's how it works.

Keep on posting Shazamchad

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Uhh mate ya goit a loicense for that banger an mash
I'm juz takin tha piss bruv oii oww about we go get sum pig chips oiiii!!

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I always wondered, why Shazam?

why do you keep posting uk shit? is uk the whole planet or the world? at least post american shit

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Don't be a bigot

>It's cool to be kind.
Lmao sure it is.

Because fuck the British

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How do you type while wearing a straight jacket?

For someone who hates UK so much you sure talk about them a lot.

For what reason?

I don't need a license for that

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did niggers bully u this hard in school?

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You probably need a licence to enter a public area without your carer though.

You mean for like 30 mins on Korean stir fry forum?
Eat shit england

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hopefully u live in actual uk and being again some nigger mutt in usa larping as swedish viking aryan warrior

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You probably literally need a license for whatever you just tried to say tho.

Not English, sorry. I'm from a country that has hated the English since before England was even established. Why are you so obsessed with Britain? Answer the question.

Oh uhh yeah I'm Somalian 14 year old I swear can I live in London.

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>black nipples
gonna coom show more!

>can't even read
Now I understand.

lmao cope more

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Whatever Mohammed

coping the state of u lmao were still in Yea Forums nigger.
lmaoing so much @ u

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No clue. I think because the image is smug and around the time of cyberpunk getting revealed Shazam promotional teasers were out. Not entirely sure, could be wrong

>flying cars take away too much resources
God forbid a game try and push the boundaries of what’s possible. Let’s just put some chrome spraypaint on the witcher 3. I fucking hate CDPR and fags like you who enable them. The company ran out of steam after witcher 2 but they make so much fucking money that they can keep pushing out garbage.

Black chicks are ugly

>literal "whiter than you mohammad"
You cannot make this shit up.

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Boy you are doing some fucking gymnastics on that one.

Whiter than you ahmed

What's with the sheboon spamming cuckold?