Nioh 2 is looking good Yea Forumsros
This is the chick from the end of the trailer, guardian spirit looks awesome, also scythe as a type of weapon would be great.
Nioh 2 is looking good Yea Forumsros
>Playing a soulslite
Have sex
We already know that scythes are in.
Transforming scythes.
That's so bloodborne it hurts
Was there a stage showing? I only saw the trailer, didn't know they showed other information.
You might as well copy the best game this gen
tengu lady?
Old weapons will get new skills too
She's a demon hunter, called Mumyo
Probably going to oppose you at some point since you're half oni.
>nioh 2 comes out
>its actually a dark souls clone now, instead of a diablo-like
>no more loot
>no more traits
>no more randomly generated dungeon
>no more difficulties that are for grinding and getting shiny things
>trannies won by having a character creation (nioh 1 had female characters you weebs)
I haven't seen any footage so far, but I have a bad feeling about this.
That demonic parry looks fun.
It was a dark souls clone before. It just had shitty diablo loot and other shit tacked on.
There's gameplay against two bosses, the horse and the kitty
A thirdperson perspective does not make it a dark souls clone and you are wrong.
why do trannies win with a character creator, you're letting the boogieman memes get to you user
Because the only people that wanted it, wanted to make a female character that they can identify more with, you silly tranny.
It absolutely was a dark souls clone though, it's still a great game but its pretty obvious what it's trying to be.
Everything is in place, calm your tits retard
>These drab shitty levels.
Not again
Hopefully they make Onmyo good for more than buffs this time.
Literally rent free. Sad!
I wanted a character creator for the second game and I'm going to play a male character so you're wrong there.
It was a dark souls clone, except with shittier levels, enemies, etc. You're not going to convince me or anyone else otherwise.
kill yourself retard
my brain hurts
It wasn't. A camera mode and checkpoint system doesn't make it a dark souls clone. You're listing no arguments.
There's no need to convince your retarded ass but the game was popular and sold well so you may as well screech from your cuck shed about the sequel's success too.
I played the alpha test a few months ago it's nothing like you're afraid of.
What about my boy Anjin?
Game's setting is early sengoku, unlike the late-sengoku of the first game.
Its okay to be wrong about things user no need to get so booty blasted
Good, I hope the randomized dungeon is back. At least the trannies can now play it by unlocking their female character at the start of the game.
kill yourself you dumb fucking faggot
You're retarded. It had the same overly high damage, punishing gameplay, lock-on, stamina management, similar stat systems, etc. You're not going to convince anyone that this is anything else because it's pretty obvious what it is
Can't wait to sink another 60 hours into this on PS4, hope there is a sequel to the ninja house stage and I hope Sony and KT continue to partner on this series for years to come, it's fantastic.
People are going to be making dark skinned waifus for days, mark my words.
I'm going to play as a cute girl and there's nothing Yea Forums can do to stop me
This is one way to concede defeat
Whatever makes your autistic ass feel better
Are you niggers literally retarded?
why are you so angry its a dark souls clone
You're the one that's completely SEETHE and COPE over some minor factoid. Un-fuck your brain and go outside or take your pills
>It had the same overly high damage, punishing gameplay, lock-on, stamina management, similar stat systems, etc
kill yourself
Oh god and here comes the retard linguo
What next, wojacks?
Man, the renders for this game already look leagues better than they did for Nioh 1. They got their shit together now that they're no longer stuck in 7 years of dev hell
So Rune is a dark souls clone now, eventhough it came out before that? Good to know.
>overly high damage
>punishing gameplay
LOL did you even play past the tutorial?
It's literally a hack & slash game.
They couldn't really continue on from the end of Nioh unfortunately, at that point things stabilized a lot more and didn't really flare up again for a century or two. Meanwhile the early Sengoku stuff is way more of a free for all for a bit before Oda Nobunaga flips everything on its head.
Yeah the art direction has leaned into more strikingly colourful stuff.
None of those things are exclusive to souls games even in the last decade
okatsufags BTFO
Nobody is talking about Rune. We're talking about Nioh is a Dark Souls clone. Why are you so upset?
>that feel when no greasy spaniard comeback
its not fair hermanos
>that clipping when changing to her model
I will never forgive that
Because you're making up things as if they make a game a dark souls clone. You're literally this retarded that apparently having a lock-on feature is the tell tale of it.
I like how you guys throw in the towel. Nioh even has the Soulslike tag on Steam. You guys must be upset about that.
Stop fighting and someone post about the news weapons.
You seem to be pretty upset for someone who can't provide a single actual argument
and Putt-Putt has the horror tag, more news at 11
i was about to make a post saying how much I miss ginchiyo but holy fuck that horseface lol
Don't you worry, Nioh 2 is about Hideyoshi and he rapes her in game lore
holy shit the denial
even the devs admitted they made a souls clone, but you know better apparently
Just the basically lifted reliance on dodges and stamina management are enough. Add in the damage you're getting closer. Everything else is cake-icing. Team Ninja literally cited Dark Souls as their motivation—they fucking said it themselves. What now?
> The story of the game includes an interesting historical plot revolving around the idea that historical warlord Hideyoshi Toyotomi was actually two people, the player and Toukichiro.
No William and old cast no buy
The dev team themselves have directly cited Dark Souls as their influence. Si CE the claim is established by the creator, you have to actually substantiate your claim—not me.
Is it going to be delayed on PC again?
Spamming your headcanon won't make it true
Of course. PC is a low-selling platform.
Sony controls the IP outside of Japan, so it will come to PC if and or when the decide it does my friend.
It literally is a prequel, so William is a no show. Some of the Japanese cast may return, though. I can't see them shafting Hattori Hanzo
>they didn't make a unique yodogimi transformable model that is, while being large-sized, has more HP or damage or something else to compensate for the bigger hitbox
I love Fuku!
“We have no problems with the comparisons to Dark Souls because we have a lot of Souls fans on our development teams. So it’s kind of a badge of honor,“ Yasuda told iDigitalTimes. “We don’t want to be seen as an imitation of them. They’ve been an influence but other games we’ve taken influence from are, obviously, the Ninja Gaiden series. Also Onimusha and hack-and-slash games like Diablo .”
You must be an angry nigger now. Dark Souls is literally the first game that is namedropped as an influence
desu that's the best cocktease outfit coupled with voluptuous body I've seen in a videogame
>Just the basically lifted reliance on dodges
Dodging to evade damage isn't a Dark Souls thing. Mario does it. Is that a dark souls clone now because dodging is better than taking damage?
>stamina management
Play past the tutorial. Stamina management isn't a thing unless you're using heavy armor and when it becomes a thing, it sure as hell isn't even close to dark souls.
Look at his stamina bar and how it never depletes while permanently attacking.
>Add in the damage you're getting closer.
Play. Past. The. Tutorial.
The only "high damage" there is in the game is done by you. The whole game is built on getting you retardedly strong.
>Team Ninja literally cited Dark Souls as their motivation
No. They cited Ninja Gaiden. What now?
>literally proves himself wrong with his own post
Nice job user
Here you go lol
First name dropped is dark souls. Now what?
best weapon choice
now we only need dual blades(not transformation version)
Thanks for proving the point that it's not a shitty clone but something inspired by DS and couple of other games.
Only dumb soulsbab faggots like you who never actually played the whole game think it's a clone.
>by having a character creation
Not gonna lie, only reason I want to play this game now is precisely because I can make my own character
Can someone please post the new weapons and stop bitching about unrelated shit? Jesus christ
You're retarded. Dark Souls is the chief inspiration for the game, so much that they don't even mind when it's called a Dark Souls ripoff because they view it as a "badge of honor."
Is this how you lose an argument? By winning it? Because I've won.
>dark skinned waifus
god i hope i can make her muscular too
but we already do
I just want 2 things from Nioh 2
More enemy variety.
and better combat balancing so you aren't encouraged to just stack buffs and spam your best special move while everything dies in 2 seconds. Combos, stance changing, all of it becomes basically irrelevant.
So far we know that every single old weapon returns
They haven't implemented at least 2 new weapon types and transforming scythe-halberd seems to be one of them.
Bayonetta is inspired by more than one game too, I guess it isn't a DMC ripoff.
They only say that they get compared to Dark Souls. Not that they made a Dark Souls clone.
"Maybe I can say that Nioh is a gateway into the next chapter for Ninja Gaiden,"
"Just as the last Ninja Gaiden helped them to make a better Nioh, they believe Nioh will allow them to make a better Ninja Gaiden. "
like this?
i meant short blades
>Dark Souls is the chief inspiration for the game
They literally say they don't want to be seen as a copycat and also cite multiple other influences
Good job showing everyone here you're an illiterate idiot.
They did make a Dark Souls clone and put their own spin on it. That's what the Dark Souls clones are. A spin on the Dark Souls formula. That's what Nioh is.
It might be a sub-type under Spears like how hammers and axes shared skills in the first game. What's the second "unimplemented" weapon?
>and better combat balancing so you aren't encouraged to just stack buffs and spam your best special move while everything dies in 2 seconds.
Fuck no, that's the best part about Nioh. The entire point of Diablo clones is to become unbelievably overpowered. If anything, get rid of the tacked on "technical" combat and make the gameplay simpler.
>They did make a Dark Souls clone
They didn't
You seem to be pretty upset about being unable to prove otherwise
Of course they don't want to be seen as a copycat: they copied Dark Souls. Them politely acknowledging it and dropping dumb shit like Onimusha as lip service doesn't change that.
I agree with this statement 100%
I love Scythes reminds me of Bloodborne, thanks fren
They confessed it, it plays like a standard Dark Souls clone, it's tagged as a Dark Souls clone, everyone who isn't autistic calls it a Dark Souls clone. The onus is on you to prove it's not, but you can't.
The points you prefer to not see
>lip service
The points you exaggerate
>actual influence
Just crawl back to your soulshit cuck shed
>They confessed it
Scroll up and find it. I already posted it. There are plenty of other quotes about it too if you look.
I liked the stupidly specific quick-kill meme builds, hopefully they're still possible. It's not like you're ever forced to use them anyway, besides maybe Way of the Nioh DLC bosses.
You Nioh faggots might be worse than actual Dark Souls faggots. I didn't think it was possible, but here we are.
>you don't have to use it
No, fuck off.
Nioh isn't like Souls.
Souls has better levels, enemies, bosses, atmosphere, variety, etc.
Nioh ripped off the combat, improved it, and made everything else really shitty, but now Sekiro has surpassed all the games.
rly maeks u think
come on guys don't be mean to each other let's just all be excited for the game and post about the new bosses?
The horse in armor looks fucked up but cool
>it plays like a standard Dark Souls clone
It plays like a diablo-like Ninja Gaiden.
>it's tagged as a Dark Souls clone
If we're going by user tags, then Hello Kitty Adventure Island is a Psychological Horror game.
>everyone who isn't autistic calls it a Dark Souls clone
Yet those people don't even like the gameplay loop of getting levels and better loot or haven't even played through the game to unlock the other half of the game. I wonder why.
Great argument fagtron.
The RPG mechanics should supplement the combat system, not undermine it. Otherwise, why is it even there?
>t. never played Ninja Gaiden.
I don't remember the stamina management and completely ground-based combat of Ninja Gaiden focused around dodging and whiff punishing. Didn't bother reading the rest.
>and better combat balancing so you aren't encouraged to just stack buffs and spam your best special move while everything dies in 2 seconds. Combos, stance changing, all of it becomes basically irrelevant.
but thats the point of the game and that's why the abyss exists.
Then I feel sorry for you, because Nioh was literally a sequel to the Ninja Gaiden franchise.
>but thats the point of the game
Then why have an advanced combat system at all?
Every other Diablo like is basically 1 button combat for a reason.
Well, you just yourself said that Nioh also has 1 button combat in practice. Everything else is basically just there to disguise what the game really is and trick non Diablo-like fans into buying the game. And that's all it really needs to do.
>LITERALLY the lunar scythe from NG2
Jesus fuck you hacks stop chasing trends and make NG4 already
you pick a weapon and a combo thats the most fun for you and you make it godly
the game doesnt perpetually have to challenge you like its oblivion with level scaling or anything
I have had a cannon that could one shot bosses on the highest difficulty and it was fucking awesome
It's from Ninja Gaiden 2 you fucking zoomer holy shit kill yourself
>hurdur da scyuthj trandform itd bludborne reference??!?!//
Die in a fire, no one will mourn you
>Only 8 r34 results
>Only 3 are good
Why the fuck should I have to "pick a combo", when the game could be so much more fun if you were encouraged to use your weapon's entire toolset?
she cute
Because that's impossible. There will always be one move that's best to spam in all circumstances. That's why aiming for "depth" in combat mechanics at all is honestly pointless, because players will always find a way to dumb it down as much as possible.
Post Yakuza Kart or get yourself
because this is how a rpg works. you get absurdly strong over time. this isnt fucking skyrim or oblivion where every enemy has to be the same challenge and gear only existing to keep up with the level scaling
This isn't an RPG, it's an action game with RPG elements.
dilate nostalgia tranny. NG is garbage compared to nioh and bloodborne. seethe more
There are prettier japanese actresses than this turd.
Tell me, Diablo fans. Where's the fun in playing a game over and over, waiting to get the best loot because there is no surefire way in becoming overpowered? I'd be more receptive to this type of gameplay if stuff was just given to you rather than having each loot drop be random AND the attributes of that loot being randomized as well?
lmao how can you be so mad? who cares? this is a dark souls copycat you're talking about. And if it wasn't for Bloodborne, you probably wouldn't be seeing them here.
Holy fuck look at this retarded zoomer, BB and nioh are casual garbage, none of their bosses compare to even regular NG mobs.
It's literally the same devs that made Ninja Gaiden, plus they added the Hayabusa clan patriarch in one of the Nioh DLCs, they clearly take inspiration from the series when needed.
Game is looking great
>indepth combat
>build variety
here you go
If it's not your thing, why are you even asking this question?
I like it because I like collecting loot. I'm the kinda guy that hordes every single material in Monster Hunter and doesn't feel comfortable moving to the next area until I have enough materials from the monster that I can make every single piece of weapon and armor and have a little bit left over for future pieces of other gear if need be.
Yeah, the combat is pretty good. I just wish it doesn't take forever to achieve that build variety, especially since it's post-game
I'm asking because the combat interests me, but the loot stuff doesn't
>Tell me, Diablo fans. Where's the fun in playing a game over and over, waiting to get the best loot because there is no surefire way in becoming overpowered?
I mean there is. If you're playing Diablo, then playing on the highest level and difficulty will provide you with loot that is better than yours. If you finish your first playthrough of Nioh, it will unlock 2 more rarities, one of which provides infinite item levels. Nioh has a surefire way to upgrade, because you can keep upgrading the item level, inherit traits and such.
>if stuff was just given to you rather than having each loot drop be random AND the attributes of that loot being randomized as well?
Again, as mentioned, you can change the stats of items in Nioh.
Either way, if you don't like these kinds of games, then don't play them. Just because Path of Exile or Diablo is popular, doesn't mean you have to play them and expect those games to cater to you.
Then play the game, but then drop post game. You can't force yourself to like something.
I know who fucking Team Ninja are. All I said was that user is retarded to get mad, they're already balls-deep into ripping off From. It's completely fruitless debating what they ripped off partially or entirely. They want that Soulsborne audience. The reason there are transforming weapons here and not just in Ninja Gayden is because Bloodborne had them and people still talk about it.
>Cane make a female
Only reason to play.
but you already could play females in nioh 1
1- It's called Eclipse Scythe not Lunar Scythe
2- That LITERALLY could not look any less like the Eclipse Scythe if it tried. Either incarnation of it.
Stop pretending you play Ninja Gaiden for e-cred kid.
The Eclipse Scythe has a short handle with a large crescent blade, Ryu holds it and swings it in a non traditional fashion and there is no transformation element whatsoever other than folding it like a pocket knife when "sheathed". That is a regular ass scythe like you would find in the souls games and the transformation element is quite clearly inspired by Bloodbourne.
I see Niohfags are still ultra defensive and delusional about their game being a Souls clone first, a Diablo esque second and a Hack n Slash third.
Sure thing kiddo
How is ANY of those things bad?
Nioh was great except for the loot.
Hi retard
Dunno if it's worth playing this. Last one nearly gave me an aneurysm.
Because you're not the target demographic of Nioh.
It's like adults who watch My Little Pony, who want it to cater to them when they're not the target demographic.
>randomly generated dungeon
Nioh didn't have that either, what the fuck are you on about
Diablo specifically was pretty simple and fun to kill monsters with a nice soundtrack on the background. The loot for me is secondary, but the nice aspect of it was how interesting some mods were and how they could change your gameplay. That doesn't happen in Nioh since you're always playing the game the same way regardless of your items.
Why are you guys even debating over this inane shit? It fits an archetype like every game on this planet. Is a modern FPS a clone of every FPS that came before it?
Like every piece of media, a concept or art, it never needed to be 100% original
You can rush through the game by doing only main quests
she C U T E
>he didn't play the game
The Abyss is a floor 1 to 999 randomly generated dungeon crawler.
how the fuck do you think we have boss lists for the abyss if it's randomly generated
Was it better than the Bloodborne Chalice Dungeons?
Abyss is preset
Daggerfall is also "preset". Doesn't change the fact that it was randomly generated.
He'll definitely show up in the abyss at least.
With any luck we'll get a third game set in the /fa/ as fuck Bakumatsu era.
Just recreate William in character creation, he had no personality or character in Nioh 1 either so there'll be no functional difference. Didn't even belong there historically either before you pretend that's why you want him, he didn't land in Japan until right at the end of the Sengoku period, he was a guy's OC donut steel in a pretty mediocre historical fiction novel and that's it.
What a retard
>They haven't implemented at least 2 new weapon types and transforming scythe-halberd seems to be one of them
Fisticuffs/gauntlets please. I really fucking want to punch the shit outta some ancient nip beasties.
Yes, it's was more worthwhile
>Just recreate William in character creation, he had no personality
lol autist who can't read people. Nioh actually had great written characters who all had their own ambitions and goals, including William. All he wanted to do was save his spirit gal, but often got preoccupied with his morals of also wanting to save Japan. He was a great conflicted character.
That's observably false, everyone who played this game used skins. No one cared about Wirriam until they announced that he won't be in this one (he literally can't be here given that it's a prequel featuring younger Nobunaga and Hideyoshi and so on) and Yea Forums's contrarian instinct kicked in as usual.
I've said that there'll probably be a William skin in this game but Williamfags don't care, even though he was basically create-a-character tier in his own game anyway.
hopefully TAKEDA SHINGEN will be in
The majority of people have played and finished the game using William. It's something we can approximate through the data of other games where the choice between a male and female protag exists. Male protagonists are just very popular and I doubt a lot of the people even cared for farming transformations. That's just your trannybrain interpolating data in a wrong way.
I'd rather just have a game about Nobunaga to be honest, I don't really care about William or being an original character or whatever. Kessen 3 by the same devs was a Nobunaga game and it was fun for what it was but also pretty light-hearted overall, I prefer the tone Nioh has. Maybe they think westerners won't buy into the game unless you can play as a white or black dude or something though.
>that sub 20 frame rate
whoever made that slowed down the footage to show off the transformation you idiot
>The majority of people have played and finished the game using William
You mean using skins. Not sure why you're pretending it's not what everyone in these threads did at the time, or why you're obsessed with this tranny boogeyman being the reason why people are indifferent at best towards William.
You have Samurai Warriors for that already though.
No one but you is talking about playing as a chick user
Samurai Warriors is even more light-hearted than Kessen 3, also Nobunaga was turned into a weird anime supervillain in the latest one.
>but you is
Most created characters in Souls games are male characters though, although there were waifufags too, sure. There's nothing inherently wrong with having it there as a feature, if it's like Nioh 1 then it's all the NPCs that give the game it's personality and not the main character too (also something to bear in mind is that it's Koei-Tecmo we're talking about here so having the writing being mostly history and folklore stuff that's already written for them is for the best, they're generally pretty shit at writing good plots)
Did you just take 3 words out of that user's sentence and removed context? Why?
BASED waifufag dabbing on /pol/ projecting retards
I think the issue is more that you're going to get a world and characters that are going to be very shallow, since the protagonist is basically a blank slate. Like you're not going to get something like Hanzo again, who is quite fond of William for how he treats them with respect and help, but at the same time obliged to his master. Or how Okatsu is being sheltered by Hanzo, because she fell for William, but who's real love is for his spirit. Then we have Ieyasu who is thankful of William, but has to sacrifice his own personal feelings to make sure everything he does is for the well being of his country, which includes erasing William but knowingly that none of them could actually do it. I feel like we're going to miss out on those intricacies and it all ends up more like Dark Souls, with a really broadly world that you can interpret for yourself but ultimately has no real meaning on any character.
Shieet you is a cracka for not gettin it
Can I make a big titty miko wielding a naginata, with hips windows and tall geta?
Yeah I get that you're obsessed, you literally saw a niggerism in a sentence that involved none
Poor ape.
>Soulsbabs still crying about Nioh
I really really hate this timed exclusive bullshit
Utter patrician.
>woman samurai
Pozzed trash. Guess it's okay when japs do it amirite?
Samurai is a title.
Niggering armour off a corpse in a war-torn country isn't hard user.
t. dark souls faggot
I’ll wait for a PC release. Still haven’t finished the rest of the DLC for 1 and got bored partway into a new playthrough; even with getting used to how the enemy AI fell into KI pulses, I just wasn’t too engaged.
The combat feels nice but something about the levels makes them feel like they drag-on.
You can already do that in Nioh 1.
nioh isnt pretending to be realistic
it has magic and demons
Don't explore the levels, just finish them as quickly as possible. You need to play through the game once and then you unlock new stuff, like the difficulty setting. The difficulties introduce new enemies and placements, new loot, etc. So hold off until then.
Ieyasu pretty much has to show up at some point. As does Tenkai
I mean, Tachibana Ginchiyo and Ii Naotora existed.
>Don't explore the levels, just finish them as quickly as possible
Then what is the point, to work towards more randomized and less interesting levels? If so maybe the reason I’m bored with it is much more inherent.
To get better loot and money and mats. It's not a Dark Souls where you can find the best weapon in the game in a side area. There are also nightmare versions. Although the mimic chest and walls often give you something good for the first time.
>It's not a Dark Souls where you can find the best weapon in the game in a side area.
I made it up to the second DLC part so you’re telling me some pretty inane shit at this point.
I hope you completed the game before doing them, otherwise you're going to lose out on Divine and Ethereal loot.
Fuck off, I've played through Sekiro twice within 50 hours and I was done with the game. I put 300 hours into Nioh, playing coop with friends, trying new builds, farming new equipment, etc. It was the most fun I had this console generation. A diablo with actual good and challenging gameplay.
The coop in Nioh is pretty fucking excellent. You can actually coop and start a mission together.
I sleep
Let's have 2 move sets per weapon. Typical scythe and double edged scythe. Long hilt versus long blade. I feel like the niche of nioh is entirely the fact that we have so many move sets (weapons) in addition to stances. Fuck all and let's add morphologies to stances like tiger or dragon that unlock with skill points. I really don't see how souls is better than this game, other than enemie types. When do we get a randomly generated soul game
Isn't that just an enemy? It doesn't necessarily confirm that the player can use them.
I'm still stuck on the snow level in Nioh can't find the boss and die impatiently running around.
Day 1 Preorder Deluxe Purchase+Tip
wait, nioh 1 had different animations for transformations?
>No more loot
No reason to think it wouldn't because of the beta or w.e
>No more traits
Same as the beta point
what? Nioh levels were absolute besides the abyss what are you on?
>Difficulties etc
No reason to believe it would exist.
There is no reason to believe Nioh 2 for better or worse won't keep everything from Nioh 1 and upgrade it.
This. I didn't get legitimately bothered with Nioh until whatever NG+3? Maybe 2 was called and I did shit for damage and couldn't even cheese anymore. Was too uninterested to go figure out how to get significantly better gear.
But honestly playing a game twice essentially even if you could skip portions of it but also dicking around a lot was good. I probably got like 80 hours out of Nioh and only hated it for like 2 of them.
you know if you play female, you're gonna be part of hideyoshi's harem right?
Oh fuck yes.
Now I'm buying it. Hated the loot shit.
kys souls zoomer
I hope they've buffed Dual hatchets they're WEAK as shit in the alpha
I suggest you play toukiden
>no more loot
>no more traits
>no more randomly generated dungeon
>no more difficulties that are for grinding and getting shiny things
That sounds tremendously based to me.
>doesn't remove clothes in bath
so much wasted potential
How is it possible that there is no porn of this game at all!?!??! All the girls have an A+ model but there is 0 SFM. WTF.
Because they weren't ripped and put into SFM. The only model that exists is for Okatsu and it's so detailed that SFM can't even load it.
but unarmed already exists in nioh
I played a bit of 2, didn't like it very much. Thanks though.
Yeah but it's just 2 attacks and a special counter. I want it as a full "weapon", with combos, stances and skills like all the other weapons.
Top right and middle right, in that order please.