Anthony Burch leaves Gearbox after Pre-Sequel

>Anthony Burch leaves Gearbox after Pre-Sequel
>writing instantly drops in quality the very next game

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>You're not Anthony Burch
post 'em

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i love the extremely subtle way she immediately went and made the suicide thing about herself

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>suicide is an awful thing. I know this intimately
Can you believe this bitch?

omg someone else killing themselves must be so hard for her :(

fuck no, presequel was fucking awful

>game with terrible writing gets worse
Im sorry you cant stop losing

>"Open Relationship"

only works if you are a chad, anthony

>Danny "House Nigger" O'Dwyer

Gurantee he'll get #MeToo'd at some point

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>drops in quality
that's impossible

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is that a trap?

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no you retard it's stocking from PSG

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how the hell could it possibly get any worse

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feels good not to give a single fuck about whatever is being said on twitter, you're literally getting mad about extremely dumb people arguing in a circlejerk. Literally just don't go on twitter and you'll never see any of this degeneracy

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fuck off retard

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you first horse fucker

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We thought it wasnt possible, but Randy managed to do the impossible... what a legend (BADASS)!

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This crazy cunt literally went to the un to get them to censor the internet for her. It's not just retards talking on Twitter.

but she's an angel not a fucking horse you retard

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I can't post a face but its a good feel

I would but i'm image banned

yeah whatever helps you sleep at night

this is low-tier bait.


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c s & f

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Oh you poor fucking thing. You literally made a guy kill himself, that must be so hard for you.

I'm not really a hateful person but I really do not like this woman.

Apparently she got a job as a co writer somewhere and is now making some dough.

the writing was good before he left?

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