Should I? It's only 90€

Should I? It's only 90€

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don't buy games on day 1 dingus, and never, ever, blind buy dlc.

of course stupid go- valued customer...

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only 90?

what do you get for that extra 30€

All the DLC

I know a particular girl who will let you get it for 0€

what kind of dlc

2 single player dlc and additional shit

Two expansion packs.

>Launch-day DLC

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that's a lot of euros

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Get the regular version, don't give the kikes at zenimax any more than you have to
Personally I hate zenimax enough that I am going to wait for a big sale

god damn drumpf is running your country to the ground

Is she Fit?


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yes drumpft is the prime minister

Those are Aussie bux retard. Unless you want to imply Trump is running Australia to the ground which may be true

She is certainly active yes user

oh no, I know where this is heading

No, it's a NuFun game.

>buying DOOM
this was the legit sale price just 6 months after release.

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>year one
oh great they're going full ubi

proof of original preorder price

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Get it from greenmangaming, it's cheaper

No unless you're an ironic zoomer.

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Ah yes, Drumph the Australian Prime Minister

or you can just use a VPN and buy from a country with global keys.

Enjoy your inevitable ban, bro

>europoor education

>year one
Fucking jews

>Y-your g-gonna get b-banneD!!!!!

LMAO been doing it for years retard how do you think global keys end up on keystore stupid kid

>year one
well then time to wait for a cheaper, better complete edition


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It's clearly 60€. It says right there.
What are you, stupid?

It's clearly 90€. It says right there.
What are you, stupid?


but you dont know what kind of dlc it is do you? pre-ordering is one thing its already pretty stupid, but pre-ordering dlc that doesnt even exist yet is mindbogglingly retarded

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nobody uses piratebay fäm its not 2011 anymore

Doom 2016 sucked so why would this one suddenly be good?

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fucking dropped

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Why do incels hate tattoos?

incel detected. i'm a high value man who can get girls w/o tattoos. i'm sorry you can't say the same, user.

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>shitpost on Yea Forums
>high value man

T. muh tradgirl retard

>don't buy games day 1
>tfw spend 24/7 on Yea Forums and wait years to play games, and by the time I get around to it I know everything about it so there are zero surprises

doing it right now with DS3 and I know every boss and location, fuck this approach

>pre-purchasing digital products
consider putting your head into a microwave

>a fucking skin in a 1st person tame
I first thought that was a figure, which would be acceptable.

Yet another AAA game I'll just torrent in the end.

>consider putting your head into a microwave
That's quite difficult to do when microwave won't even turn on when the door is open

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shrink yourself first

>da jooz

Put a filter to block content about a gsme you dont want spoilers on. It's your own fault for spoiling yourself faggot

What would you use to download films and cartoons? For anime there is, of course, nyaa.

i dont watch cartoons but 1337x is good for movies and games

>so fucked in the head that simply not having a nose ring and no tats means a girl is a "trad girl"
where do you live where the majority of the people are pierced and inked, user? even at my local Games Workshop things aren't that bad, even on mtg nights.

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piercings arent even tattoos you braindead stormfag


you are really lost aren't you. nice false equivalency though. good tactic! someone hits a little too close to home so you call them a stormfag (aka comparing something to Nazi Germany). pretty quick trigger finger there. I can tell you're a veteran of many internet arguments. good thing you always have a reliable trump card you can play

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only stormfags get triggered when someone calls them a stormfag

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uh oh uh oh this must be what they call a tactical retreat

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it's 90€ too much

They have some good skins actually, on monsters tho.

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This meme sure is worth paying 30 eurobucks for

but user, there's going to be a multiplater mode for eternal, and that's what the player skins are for

Rip and Tear back comes with every pre-order, standard and deluxe. You don't have to pay extra to get it.

Meant pack

Fair enough I guess. But pre-ordering unlimited supply of digital goods is stupid and if you're gonna lock content behind a pre-order I'm just gonna pirate it

>2v1 only

what the fuck were they thinking, why no traditional deathmatch...

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Did you fucking miss the reception 2016 doom multiplayer got or what?

>Did you fucking miss the reception 2016 doom multiplayer got or what?

not sure what you are talking about. have the game on switch and it's a blast to play multiplayer on it still

I'm talking about the audience reception of 2016 doom's multiplayer on pc and consoles.

or you could buy it for a third of the price two or three years down the line

Because nobody actually plays deathmatch anymore, boomer. Your time has come and gone.

Real consoles I mean, not some fucking handheld

Will the master campaign come out as a pirate?

or just not be a poor fag who needs to wait a year or more to save 30 bucks

>preordering digital stuff
Preordering physical objects is allready stupid but understandable, but fucking videogames is all-time retarded

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Mmm... I say wait until release.
If the game is excellent, the oui.

>90 fucking bucks
>for a game
>for a game you cant even play after you purchase it
Fucking idiots, you just dont understand the value of money

well it's no different from pre-ordering a ticket to the cinema or concert

Except concert tickets are usually like 30% cheaper if you get them early.

What the fuck is wrong with people? You just know those toilets have been used.

>cinema/concert seats are actually limited
>preordering allows you to use bonuses to reduce the price, or get bonuses to use on something else later
>concerts and movies have an assurance of a minimum standard of quality
>equating preordering videogames with preordering movie tickets
You preordered Death Stranding, didnt you?

Pirate it if you do not want to be spoiled. Buy fully patched up with all the dlc for 10 in a year or two.

>da jooz!
fuck off to reddit you hand rubbing cretin

Do you even considering this?