how did microsoft do it?
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I'm not clicking that link. What is it and why should I care.
Newest video of microsoft flight simulator
Wonder how hard Cuckrosoft will gimp it for console
Xbox one X take a shit on your pc fucking nigger
i7 6700k + Vega 64
I don't think so sweety :)
Yes u mad as hell lol take my xbox shit off your pc case fucking nigger i shit on inside too. Double shit
Wow, an actual dipshit Xtranny
>still can't push buttons like in DCS
more flight kino:
also you can sign up for insider:
You just KNOW some German engineers helped to produce this and not some H1B Indian.
Considering the CEO of M$ is an Indian, extremely unlikely. This entire thing is a pajeet operation. Germans are more interested in bus simulators than plane simulation games, although that may change when more Muslims arrive.
is it still a sim or is it just a wallpaper engine now?
Wow, it's almost like we didn't have flight sims that look like this ten fucking years ago, stupid shill.
I'm just looking for more airforceproud videos
>Curryniggers the same as Sandniggers
full retard
Just because Indians are literally invading the US tech industries with H1B loopholes doesn't mean the work is all being done by them; they are usually incompetent for the most part.
Do you even need to ask?
>caring about visuals in a visual medium is bad
go read a book then, retard
There are retards of every ethnicity, but anybody who's worked in programming will tell you that Indians are by far the most likely to also be lazy in addition to being retarded
are these made from High Def scans or is there some fancy smanshy terrain generation going on cause those shallows and estuaries are fucking gorgeous
When will VR tech be up to par with this. It would be even more gorgeus.
In what situation would I ever get to see that grass in a flight sim?
2018, that is when. Now even more HMD exist than just the Vive Pro.
FOV headsets like Pimax exist. Overly high resoluton HMD like Reverb exist. High hz like Index exist.
You can get anything you want, and without the bars of triples like some sim idiots still think is acceptable.
theyre stitching together everything from bing maps i think
>when you wonder why games haven't gotten much better
>there are no more new innovative 'must have' software
fuckin patel ruining everything
>literally who website
>a quora link
Miss me with that shit, nigger.
Take fucl off. U mad.
>Meanwhile on PS4
hold my beer
Even microsoft is shilling Yea Forums
Early contender for comfiest game of the twenties
The cloud.
taking off from grass fields?
even has rain!
So what's the appeal of this game?
You fly airplanes
I'm less interested in peak grapfics and more interested in accurate regional city and terrain modelling for once. I want to fly to bumfuck nowhere and get a semi-realistic view of what I'd actually see.
It was always walpaper engine stock. The quality flight modelling in MFS was always 3rd part modules. Hopefully they keep it open to them.
and yet it still doesn't look as good as Crysis
when are we finally good to get good graphics again?
Has there been word of VR support yet?
It's in case players try to zoom in all the way to take screenshots and post about how the flight simulator doesn't have highly detailed grass.
Someone please tell me it has VR support.
Where'd you get the link from?
if this is well made and there's lots of planes and content to play i will buy it, looks like it could have some potential.
Google says its been posted to various forums since August, I assume originating here
Not gimped in the slightest of the slip is to be believed
it could be comfy, too bad i'm a bainlet, also it's gonna cost a fortune won't it
Thanks. These look amazing.
As someone thats practiced slips like in the second video before that is a very accurate representation of what its like. Which means that the fligh model is great and theyre really serious about this being a hardcore sim.
Looks nowhere fucking near dumbfuck.
The atmospherics and clouds in these games are terrible where as new game will have volumetric clouds and really good atmosphere.
Fuck off you DCS shill and suck my fucking cock you fucking autist.
Veeery cinematic.
Im hyped senpai.
Fly a lot of tubeliners so interested where this goes.
Rent free
Stop shitting up Yea Forums 24/7 and we can talk about rent free.
>Graphics are only good if Sony does it
Sony does it again
24/7 365
Nah, more train or agrarian stuff
you seem to be experienced, what would you rate the level of comf in flight sims
the graphical magnum opus of this generation will be a plane simulator lmfao
By flight sim or addons?
let's say flight sim
>noooo indians are taking our jobs
>also they're not good enough to replace us
Only 2 decent Flight Sims these days are P3D v4 (Good for airliners)
Or X-Plane 11(Relitively new, goot for your GA Aircraft. Its switching to Vulkan so hopefully a performance boost soonish)
I ain't clickin that shit nigga.
You can't learn to fly a plane playing FS. You can actually learn to drive a car playing GT.
You can learn how to fly a plane playing FS you fucking retard.
Pilots use P3D or X-Plane 11 all the fucking time.
There are study level plane addons(For use to getting to grips with the planes systems)
And training level addons(That fly as realistically in sim as their real life plane)
The British Airways simulators they put pilots on use P3D Professional.
Can you learn the start a plane and keep it flying for a couple of hours? Landing's not really important.
b-but muh fsx addons
Does X-Plane have much in terms of add ons yet?
Im glad theyre moving away from the FSX legacy code.
We might actually get the performance upgrades we fucking need.
Imagine being able to fly at more than 20fps with populated airports and scenery
Both of your statements are incorrect. You can learn all the systems and procedures to fly in a flight sim, along with all the theory you need. What you can't get from it though is the actual feel of flying the plane. It's the same with driving, you can tell someone how to change gears and learn about it in a game, but clutch control is something you have to physically practise and feel.
Not yet still relitively new.
The FF A320 is the best commercially availible A320 plane in sim going beating FS Labs A320.
Thats probably the only thing worth noting on XP11 atm
Other than that theres Ortho4XP which you can rip photo imagry and put it in sim.
no shit you fucking brainlet what kind of game would have greater focus on it?
>You can learn how to fly a plane playing FS you fucking retard.
L-O-L you have no idea
t.actual pilot
DCS is the best one for me because it's the only one that does helicopters correctly.
Im too tiny brain to care about planes that dont have guns
whens combat flight simulator 4?
Post your type rating.
> you cant learn to fly in a flight sim, but you can in a car sim!
Is VR worth it just for racing and flight sims?
You idiots dont realize that the textures are streamed online.
Yes and? Everyones online these days.
you cant play this game offline retard
>graphical magnum opus of this generation will be a plane simulator
Ace Comabt has had the best graphics even on PS2
Not confirmed yet.
Now take a picture close to the ground. The videos posted thus far don't show it, but some of the other teaser shots show how good the detail is close to the ground in MSFS. Plus all the other effects mentioned.
Absolutely. I play almost nothing else now. Of course make sure you actually enjoy those games.
There is literally nothing hard about driving a car or flying a plane. The important part of the teaching is how to do it when you're not the only one around.
If this new game had a system similar to the truck sims, I'd be hooked for weeks on end. Flying/driving with purpose is what separates fun simulators with boring ones.
Playing ETS2 with a VR headset and a wheel is a one way trip.
Theres addons for flight sims you can get that do just that.
Just to name one
I think what separates Flight Simulator X to X-Plane 11 and P3D for me is there's a lot more liveliness and shit to do for casual sim fans. The missions and achievements in X are just charming as all hell. I hope they keep that up in this one.
This nigga can't even drive
You can only gain a certain amount of hours in simulators to qualify for a license. While simulators can be used as supplementary training for aircraft, they do not train you to fly by themselves.
>DCS shill
Jesus, you are totally fucking retarded, you stupid zoomer nigger.
t. My brain so small I can't appreciate just flying, I have to have guns and shoot things because I am mentally defunct.
That's for confirming that you are an underaged faggot.
Keep replying brainlet.
Dont you have something to shoot already?
Im not sure how youre coping not shooting things right now.
You should be 18 to post, here, little faggot. Now fuck off, and stick your opinions in your ass as they don't matter.
in 5 years they'll have new thing that makes it look shitty
call me when it has 8K VR
pew pew pew fox one.
Look at me mommy a splashed a bad guy in a combat sim.
t. some Bus driver who is only allowed to fly certain routes at cewrtain heights or he loses his job
This pics with man-made objects in them look significantly worse than the nature only shots.
keep crying Bus driver
>make landmarks and well known areas high definition
>go to bumfuckistan
>it will be a single color pixel spread over the country
2700x 2080ti xbox one x gamepad ready neger I can't wait gonna be dope as fuck with 34" ultrawide
>2700x 2080ti xbox one x
But why would you get an Xbox One X when you have a good PC as they share libraries?
Imagine the size of that thing like 1 terabyte
By the time Australians have downloaded it Flight Sims 2030 will be out.
Absolutely false, geodata for the game is over 2 petabytes, meaning they got the whole fucking world as detailed as it gets also meaning it'll be streaming only.
ace combat already beat them to the punch, and you blow shit up in this game not just fly around
I legitimately cant wait. Who else here gonna go full out?
>new rig capable of maxing out graphics at 60 fps min.
>VR setup
>flight controllers (throttle, yoke, peddles, etc)
Cheaper and easier than actually learning how to fly.
It still uses a fair bit of terrain gen, but it's much closer than what X had. I think it could safely end up being 100 gigs.
Keep an out for these. They're basically a nice in between of logitech and more pro shit. They just need to make pedals now.
I doubt that any rig will be able to max it at 60 or more consistently, judging from x
do they use the same satellite imagery they use for bing maps?
saved, thanks user
not with current hardware, but eventually
i hope microsoft releases the game with the entire world as detailed so these kikes selling scenery for 70 euros per continent will kill themselves
>not with current hardware, but eventually
My i76700k and 980g can't run X above 30-40 in big cities. That's more than a decade "eventually" after the release of the sim.
no vr no buy.
fuck off
fsx is notable for being terribly optimized
Well, if you're not so good at flying, you might get a chance to meet the grass up close and personal...
Fuck i couldn't care less about planes but I'd buy this if theres a mod that lets you drive about on ground level. i love exploring ridiculously large landscapes
vomit incoming.
That's all large-scale flight sims from any company. What makes you think this will be different?
Its easy to have over the top graphics when you play a game thats fenced off.
You can't even fly around the whole world.
>over 2 petabytes
>streaming only
yfw no exabyte storage cluster at home
And why would I download the entire planet?