Borderlands 3

>Kill your waifu
Nothing personnel, bro

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>ps4 screenshot
kys playing an fps on console

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who did he kill?

I'm willing to accept Maya dying as long as Lilith is also dead


>kills Maya
>but not Lilith
I fucking hate this game. Is Pitchford trying to fuck with us?

>kills the most favorite
>leaves the least
Jesus christ, i'd blame Burch but he's gone. Fucking dumbasses.

Lilith dies in a somewhat ambiguous way. It would not surprise me at all if they couldn't even wait for BL4 and just revive her in the DLC. She's a tumor on these games that will never let go.

Oh COME ON. Well, it's not Gaige at least. Still would have preferred lilith.

This is Borderlands. They only get rid of likeable people in this series.

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Fuck off with your SJW game.

Don't worry goyim, Lilith died the hero she is saving everyone.

They also kill Lilith and Aurelia in this game

> No Zed, No Athena, No Doppleganger
>No Gaige, >No Axton, No Salvador
>No Kreig
>No Loader Bot
>Rhys might as well be a new character since they changed his voice actor and everything

I heard the gameplay is good at least.

>kills Scooter
>kills Maya
>Fiona is non-canon
>recons Athena from autistic waifu into a turbodyke with Janey Springs
>Janey Springs
>Lilith is not dead and the game constantly tells you how "based" she is
What the fuck? I thought you guys told me it was Burch's fault for bad writing.

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To be fair, Scooter was killed at his voice actor's request since he was getting sick and couldn't do the voice anymore.

>I thought you guys told me it was Burch's fault for bad writing.
Burch turned it up to 12 but the first game was awful too and he wasn't involved.

fellas should I buy it? So far it seems like a fucking basedak tier writing in the game. Is even Mr Torgue in it?

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He was also one of the writers of the first game, but stepped away for the same reason. None of the writers on 3 worked on 1.

Apparently he's in it but only in echos. If your friends bought it already because they're dumb shits go for it. Otherwise just wait for the steam release since there seems to be a bunch of problems because Denuvo.

Is Tales from the Borderlands the only entry worth playing?

He's endgame content for Circle of Slaughter

>no zed, athena, gaige, krieg, loaderbot
really? what the fuck why did they even build them as characters in the first place then?
delete that shitty le 56% looking literal midget from from the game please

You better buy that DLC if you want them boys


this game couldn't be more soulless if it tried

>giving randy money

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Really no Athena at all? could never stand her for some reason so that is a plus

>No Gaige
>No Axton
>No Salvador
But Randy said all my favorites were here??? How could he lie to me like this, bros?

>No Kreig
>Maya dead
where there goes my hope for insane siren children

buy that fucking DLC

You kill doppleganger in 2.

So is that antagonist girl actually cute? What about Moze?

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It will never not be funny to me that the villains in this game are evil streamers because it's Randy's way of saying "fuck you" to e-celebs who talked shit about Battleborn.

>No Krieg
I'm glad the best character isn't in thi-
>They're undoubtedly saving all the missing characters for DLC bullshit so they can leech more money from retards

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The Doppleganger from 2 isn't the guy from Pre Sequel. Apparently he shows up in a small cameo on a poster apparently for a Handsome Jack documentary. I've heard Handsome Jack isn't in the game either but then I read that he's in it as a one off gag during a sidequest.

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Buy, buy, buy. Yes gamers, Epic is surely the platform for us. Saving money for us, the gamers. BL3 is only 60 plus another 30 for my favorite characters. Thank god Tim saved us. Things would surely be different on Steam. Thats why I am happy, it is on the Epic Games Store. Wow, what a great game! Don't forget to find the big succ LOL got em XD

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Why are they shitting on Vaughn so fucking hard?
>forms a """"bandit"""" clan solely out of mostly-civilized ex-Hyperion employees because of the fact that Pandora is a horrifying shithole wasteland and you need numbers in order to stay alive
>stays completely sane and reasonable and doesn't say lol so randumb shit for months after Helios is destroyed
>suddenly throw all of his development out of the window by turning him into a lol so randumb bandit in the Lilith DLC,
>doubles down on the lol so randumb in 3 and makes him a fucking retard who relishes in violence and toilet humour

Tales > 2 >1 >>>>>>>>>>>>> Pre-Sequel

Change TPS with 1 and I agree

I went all in.

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Because Gearbox doesn't have any good writers left

The Telltale guys who did Tales did it out of passion and actually knew what they were doing, but Burch wrote 2, which is the one that really blew the series up, so now it's forever associated with his stain of a writing style and a bunch of fucking memeshit, and now that he's gone they're desperately clinging to that style of humor and somehow doing it EVEN WORSE

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Thoughts on this 50-something hag?

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Wait, are you saying they fucking kill Fiona?

so whens the sfm of her new model and the poo in the loo?

Dameon Clarke was the most talented VA to work on the series, but I bet Troy Baker and Nolan North both made more money each from Tales than he did as Handsome Jack in all the games combined.

i thought you said "whens the sfm of her new model pooing in the loo" and got hard

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Where the fuck is Zed anyway? Did he just up and leave for some reason?

I bet someone's working on that as we speak. Lilith also has to get dicked.

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I bet they'll all appear in DLC. This shit is bound to get several season passes. They jewed out on BL2, which was a much smaller game. Just imagine how they'll jew this one up with paid DLC.

>lmplying lilith is dead
you only see her flying upwards with a constipated face. You don't actually see her explode. Every other death of main characters in borderlands has been very on-screen. Her's wasn't

torrent when???? fuck epicchinks

How did they ruin him?

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are there any microtransactions?
i wish it was out on switch i dont want to fund the epic store

I haven't seen any in game yet (I haven't gotten to the hub area/ship yet) but I've heard they're there