Give myself 100% chance to find magical items

>give myself 100% chance to find magical items
>non magical items still drop

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Well then I guess you should give yourself 200% chance instead brainlet.

I think the sweetspot was around 300 or 350%. Fuck it was so long ago.

It just doubles the base chance.

The sweet spot is as high as you can stack +%MF. It's just a matter of balance between desired killspeed/survivability and chance to find magic items.

Diminishing returns.


>putting their signature on a fucking wojak
Normalfags were a mistake

Play a summoner, you can stack +%MF gear, have enough shit on the screen to protect you and as soon as one enemy is dead you can clear the screen with a a few corpse explosions.

>give myself enigma
>still suck at life

based and bonepilled

hey nice runeword bro

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The only downside is that you have to summon your army every new game.

No its not. At some point you reduce the amount of uniques and yellow items and the amount magical blue items increases instead. Thats why there is a range around 300-400 which should be targeted.

So you take the nearest WP to anywhere, let your merc murder something, and start pulling new recruits out of corpses.

+100% MF means double of base %, not 100% + base %
there's a soft cap staring IIRC above 300%, and values over 500% or 600% are pretty much redundant
runes are not affected by MF

skelemage isn't that great for MF, because minions take their sweet time killing things, even with +100% damage curse and conviction aura. It's very comfy to play though.

Imagine being this retarded.

Necro may not be the fastest, but you don't need to worry about immunities stopping you.

Also, Corpse Explosion.

>ITT retards who can't into a joke
kill yourselfs

>you don't need to worry about immunities stopping you
True, it's infuriating when you play sorceress, and game drops miniboss immune both to your main element AND physical. And Stone Skin, because fuck you player.
>immunities above 100% are worth x5 against resistance reduction effects
who the fuck thought it was a good idea?

if you run into miniboss with Conviction aura, you can kiss your small army and merc goodbye though. Not that gold is issue for character that doesn't need to repair equipment.

Go be a casual faggot somewhere else, zoomer.

>Defence in Diablo 2 is just a chance to evade attacks

>defense literally falls to 0 while running
>chance to hit arbitrarily scales with character and monster levels, which isn't reflected by the attack rating and defense mouseovers
>with the vitality dump meta, resistances, and damage reduction gear significantly reducing the chance of being flinched (especially shapeshifting druids), and abundance of faster hit recovery gear compared to faster block rate, it may be safer to just take a hit than get caught in block stun lock
>cannot be frozen doesn't do shit against Holy Freeze
>Magic is its own hidden element with rare resistances and exemption from shit like All Resistances mods, Lower Resist, and Conviction
So many little things about D2 bug the shit out of me.

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go drink some bleach, shit for brains

>base chance for magic item is 1%
>100%mf increase makes it 2%
>surprised when you didnt get a magic item

>Have to deal with Stamina for the first 5 minutes of the game and then never again.

it also caps out so even if you stack it as high as possible it's still easy to get hit (especially when you consider fighting large groups of enemies)

i remember reading a lets play a few yeas back where a guy made a hardcore defiance paladin who made it through normal/nightmare only to get killed in act 1 hell because some skeletons managed to get 3 consecutive hits on him

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grinding for items sucks

>certain characters can't beat hell because anything from 1/3 to 1/2 of enemies are immune to your main source of damage
>only way around this is high level runewords (not available in singleplayer) or a gimped build

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>you have lost experience
That's softcore. Also he has to be unironically pure fucking dogshit at the game since this dude ran through it with no gear and only passive skills on /players 8.

I'm glad I never played Diablo 2 beyond normal. It just get weird and filled with bullshit.

You can mod in high level runewords. it's what I do


*spawns with Magic Resistant and Stone Skin*

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I always leveled up to around 50-60 and then get frustrated with my class being so limited or my main ability being awkward/boring/clunky to use

how the FUCK do people get gear in this game. shit like enigma and fortitude are literally unobtainable unless you somehow get a geared sorc to ~80 and bot

No joke you can get an Enigma in an afternoon from scratch if you're efficient. Although it depends entirely on the age of the ladder but it's possible if it's mid season.
>make a characters
>grind to 40 while staying in normal
>charge 20-30 fg on d2jsp for a grush bumper
>get your 3 socket quests done
>sell for 10-15 fg per quest
>mid season a Jah can go anywhere from 150 fg to 300 fg
>rinse and repeat for multiple characters until you can afford a jah
>trade it for a shitty enigma


>tfw you've only seen one ber in your life

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I think he meant it's impossible to make without botting or relying on d2jsp's botters/dupers. And while it's not impossible, it would be annoying to try to play the game legit while 95% of the remaining community use bots for everything and get gear way faster than you.

585 mf , meph bot: shit tier act 1 uniques. What did they mean by this.
In all seriousness what in the actual fuck.
Off topic I had a 91 sorc and 90 Barb my dad killed on hardcore in one night with an item seller. He hooked me up with free shit till I quit. I ended up tppking with the gear because fuck people. I even dropped full tal rashas(including ammy) due to a drop bot because I was a dumb fucking noob

Hell cows

the game was made on the basis that you are able to beat the game even on hell difficulty solely from items sold from vendors, you dont need to grind for items

its "+100%" not "100%", dicksuck

I've never got a goddamn thing from cows except maybe a mal rune. Not worth the effort of finding the leg and keeping an empty cube.

>playing d2 online when i was a kid
>join a game where some guy was giving away freebies, hoping to snag something
>dude tells me he can dupe items
>give him some shitty unique i had
>dupes it infront of me
>lose my shit
>tells me i can do it myself but i need to dl some program
>before i know it i'm downloading and running a .exe
>proceeds to take control of my mouse and starts equipping and dropping all my shit
>im freaking the fuck out and fumbling for the modem cable since mashing esc and ctrl-alt-del aren't working
>end up ripping my power cable out
>while my pc is booting back up my dad comes barging into the study asking why i'm breaking his pc
>tell him it just crashed and i had to restart it
>"well it wouldn't be crashing if you didn't put your stupid games on it"
>lost most of my items and restricted pc access from then on

Nightmare is best IMO.
On Normal, gameplay is very simple, there are barely any nuances of mechanics that would reward planning, you can complete it without any specific build, which takes away lot of fun.
Hell is hell. Frequency of unbreakable immunities and enemies that can pretty much OHKO you, force use of specific builds that additionally require grinding for specific equipment. Not to mention it's grind for grind's sake.

Were there unique jewels? this looks way too good to exist without cheating.

that's not how it works. uniq mf is capped but it's not the same as regular mf. you can't get mf so high that you actually hit the uniq mf cap.

>who the fuck thought it was a good idea?

It does sound kinda retarded, but then again it gave the late game that increased difficulty that made it so fun. Lightning Sorc was my favorite character to play and the only thing that stopped me from clearing every map instantly were inmunes.

Why would you grind for items if these days lot of people play just for nostalgia value and give their items away for free after month of playing, so they can start fresh or simply stop. This way I've got sojs, gulls, enigmas, lots of meta tier shit.

Uber rares are the true end game of diablah

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Jeweler's gives 4 sockets, Deflecting gives the block bonuses, and the jewels are just four of pic related. It's possible legit.

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Why even bother playing if not for the grind? It's kind of the point of loot-based ARPGs.

the game doesnt start until hell

Well I guess that even after spending hundreds of hours playing the game online I still don't know jack shit about it. High runes were all I cared for back then.

Stuff like the jmod and rare eth fools swords are very situational and usually it's just the ubernerds who bother with it for duels and such. And odds are they use bots for the duels anyway so I feel it kinda loses its point by then.

>ywn go back to the days of lagging and trolling everyone with dial-up bone necro spamming enough walls, cages, and skeletons to fill up multiple screens

It hurts bros, pre-nerf and dial-up lagomancer was a joy few will know .

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Yeah, earlier this year I got sucked in again and after doing Meph runs like a madman for weeks I met someone who just gave me high level shit for free and made it all pointless. I'm just happy I experienced the real deal when I was younger.

>but how else will I get upboats and likes and become popular with a bunch of other narcissists

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>Be Modern Developers
Witness the power of necromancers first hand.
Know their power.
Can't have that.
Nerf them.

>Get gear by not playing the game
I love D2 but it’s a terribly designed game

Are you complaining its too hard?

Quick question: how the hell did they get hacked items in

I believe it was patch 1.10 (or was it 1.13?) that turned Hell into the mess it is today. Certainly until 1.09 Hell was just a higher level version of the earlier ones without excessive immunities fucking it up and ruining your jam. It also meant that endgame characters could roll through Hell difficulty easily, so Blizzard said they wanted to change that so that Hell would stay Hell.

simpler times

I just play single player, occasionally Hamachi with a friend.
You can just add in the ladder items and runewords with a text file in the game folder.