Shin Sakura Taisen opening

Shin Sakura Taisen opening.
This puts a huge smile on my face.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Any particular reason that the old-style mechs appear for a bit at the end of the trailer?

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Initially, Sakura, Hatsuho and Claris are using outdated Koubu.
It's only when Kamiyama arrives they upgrade to Mugen. And at first they used up all of the money they had on Kamiyama's Mugen, so they need to make some money so they can build the other Mugen.


I started watching the gameplay demo but quickly stopped.
I thought "I know I'm getting this, why am I watching anything related to it anymore?"

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So that you know that, as your very first words to Hatsuho in your initial introduction, you should ask her on a date.

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I was born with that knowledge engraved into my DNA.
I don't need to be informed of that.

Same. I only watched first stream and trailers.

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The 3D mouths can look uncanny but I'll take it.

If they follow (most of) the other games, there could be a second variant of the OP for disc 2. Or, if they don't need the space of a second disc, they might just do it at the halfway point anyway, or whenever the usual time for getting the mechs broken and then upgrading them is.

They totally told them to Kubo the faces, because they were nowhere nearly as Kubo as they are now.

Cool and all, but when are we getting the other games in the West?

Only after they get around to announcing a 1-5 rerelease for the Japanese market first. Even for them, it's become slightly difficult to play all the old games unless you have the appropriate consoles for it.

Not to mention the ton of side games and spinoffs out there that only work on the original consoles they were released on.

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Why do the characters look like they belong in a budget title? i couldnt have made them more generic myself.

it's like seinfeld. they were basically the forefathers of those types of designs, so when everyone else copies and builds on them, they no longer stick out as much.

I don't think they should've fucked with the song that much. The original is impeccable. The new one has a pretty weird melody in part A. I want to hear the full song though, the bridge in the original where it seamlessly jumps from traditional Japanese strings to electric guitars was genuis.

Just learn Japanese, it's not hard.


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TGS demo play impressions

The original's always available, and there's still enough of it in this one that I don't mind them trying a different tangent on it.

But what if it really isn't Sakura?
What if it's some kind of demon clone with a cyclops eye?

I like new version. The original and Gekitei Kai are still the best, but I like how new version introduces new middle part but intro and chorus are from the old song.
Also, chorus lyrics make me want to cry every time I hear it.

I dunno, but they told us her name is Yasha and mentioned who her VA was, while they've revealed nothing about these other two guys who seem like they probably outrank her.

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And by "these other two guys" I meant to upload this image instead. But I liked that one too.

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It's my wife sakura's daughter!

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Shin Sakura Taisen takes place a mere 17 years after Sakura Taisen 1. While she could have had a kid in that time, you'd think everyone else would have probably noticed.

so what's this game/series about

well at least Sumire is showing up.

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Not in my sex cave they don't!

ok so i know nothing about the series, where do i start? 5? is that the only one translated?

Cute girls like Persona


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5 is the shittiest and literally killed the series for over a decade.

The new one's a soft reboot, just start here.

1, because Shin Sakura Taisen obviously focuses on Imperial Kagekidan the most. And while it isn't translated, more r less full translation of the game's script is on Gamefaqs.

idk anything about this game but that fanfare at the start sounds really familiar

Sengokupunk Mecha battles

It's about mecha pilots in the 1920s (and soon 1940) who dance and sing as a cover assignment for their secret military organization.

You shouldn't need any backstory to get into the new game when it comes to the west in Spring 2020, it's intended as a soft reboot where all the relevant backstory will be explained to you in-game. Still, wouldn't hurt to play 5 to get the gist of things.

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Gekitei is one of those songs that's been around since the 90s and even people in Japan who've never seen or played the games have still heard this tune.

Up to the late 00's that was because Sakura Taisen was still relevant then.

Post 2010 that's just because it was part of retarded shit on Niconico which is a retarded site for retarded children.

for using 3d models that animation is pretty nice. mostly ,3d animation in anime sequences looks more garish

But it worked.

Well, of course it is. Even if you've never played Sakura Taisen, chances are, you've heard Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan, which is one of the most famous videogame songs ever.


Yeah retarded children who never heard of the series and never bothered to find out anything about the series had heard the song, fuck them

They have one more night of TGS announcement panel to get through. They could fix everything just with a surprise announcement that they've been secretly working on modern ports of the old games and they'll be on sale next week.

Is that Shin Dan Kuroto??

Wouldn't be hard given how 1-3 and 5 are all already available on PS2 or Vita, and 4 runs on the same shit as 3.

>The game takes place in a fictionalised version of the Taishō period in 1940, where the World Combat Revue Organization fights against those who threaten peace around the world
Just like real life.

Will Ciseaux appear in this one? Or is he as good as dead?

figured it out

never heard of it but I'm not a weeb so

Saturn: 1 2
Dreamcast: 1 2 3 4
Windows: 1 2 3 4
PS2: 1 3 5
PSP: 1 2
Wii: 5

As far as I know, there's no single console yet that runs all five of the main-series titles. And the Windows version was made for rather old versions of Windows.

Why would any of ST3 furries pop up?

I'm not going to make the same mistake I did in 5. I'm going after the least best girl first and then make my way towards delicious brown. That's the objective anyway

I doubt anyone really care to play 5 so Dreamcast runs them all

PS4 already has emulation for PS2 titles and has PSP/Vita ports like Star Ocean so 4's the only one not covered. And 4 literally runs on the same shit as 3 so it shouldn't be hard to port it. Plus that game is fucking tiny.

bottom guy might be Ogami with hair grown out

is this a sequel or a reboot? are those the same characters?

I fucking hate Kubo so much

Not likely as the idea was that spiritual power decrease with age though they may have changed that in that one


It's a years-later sequel. Sumire grew up and is managing the theater. Sakura might be back as an evil-corrupted villain. As for everyone else, nothing has been revealed yet, aside from the game description saying they were all "lost" in a climactic battle a decade before this game.

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>no exposed shoulders
into the trash

That's what the bath in the basement is for.

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>never heard of it but I'm not a weeb so
>not a weeb
>but remembers it from some random gacha game that only a thirsty weeb would know about
I've never even touched one of the Sakura Taisen games and even I fucking knew the song for years.

She still keeps her old naginata in her office, though. I totally expect a scene when old Hanagumi comes back together and starts blasting everything while original Gekitei plays.

I like the new version a lot. It's a neat re-imagining of an older track to make it sound a lot more like an anime OP you'd hear in the current year.

Obviously I prefer the old one, but we're 10 years on in-universe, and more than that in the real world. Things have to change over time, although it looks like they're going for something very similar to SW1 in feel given the big bad and evil former comrade.

someone played it and it was really catchy okay don't judge

I'll judge you anyway.

Even without the rest of the team, she might have at least one KANZAKI FUUJIN-RYUU left over to fire off and set everything on fire.

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Went to go load up tonight's livestream to check up on a couple things and whoops.

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>not being a retarded child

I cannot see nothing but Bleach spinoff. Goddammit Kubo.

It will probably be better than the real Bleach spinoff.

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Still feel so surreal that Sakura Wars live again

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None of those girls are cute, just seem like generic archetypes, shit game since all nips make now are waifu peddling machines.


And now we can compare and contrast all the games' GekiTei openings.


Marvelous has become douchy lately

My favourite is from ST2 and I can rank the rest of them, because I love them equally.
Well, that one with Oogami Kagekidan is hilarious enough to be in a separate category.

What's the best way to get into this series?
The new game looks great, but it feels like it'll be significantly more enjoyable if I know previous entries of the series.
Should I just start playing the first game? If so, what version (PC, PSP, PS2)?
Also, is there any English translation for the game? I know some Japanese, but I'm not confident that I can handle all the military and mecha vocab.

2 is still the best

what's the name on the left?
She's totally my type.
I will buy the game just for her.
Hopefully they release merchandise of her.
Now i'm obsessed with her.
When is the game out?
Fuck, Why is my life so shit?

I know nothing about this, outside seeing the preview on the original ADV Evangelion DVDs, and thinking that theme was catchy as shit.

I started learning Japanese in 1996, and played through the first Sakura Taisen on the Saturn in 1997 or 1998. You can easily get through the game and have a fairly good time with it even if you don't understand every word on screen. Mostly at the time I was relying on the spoken dialogue sections and calculated guesses, and if there was a text page full of kanji, I just skipped ahead to the next part I sorta-kinda understood.

Anyway, the PS2 version is the most polished version of 1 available, since they redrew most of it and stuck it into the updated engine. And if you're on the PS2 anyway, you could also try and get the English-ported version of 5. It's also kind of a soft reboot, though less drastically so and much closer to the previous game time-wise.

Theres pc ports of all 4 games though theyre iffy in quality, only 3 is what id consider a good port.

All are jp only though theres scripts on gamefaqs for all of them, however 1/4 are rough as fuck, 2 is 70~% complete, covers all the important bits+ending but lacks some events aswell as final chapters for about half the cast. 3 is 90~% complete only missing a few events, rest is covered

That's just Azami.

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Anything but IV is the wrong answer

Not him but I'll note that the scripts are probably good for learning japanese in and of themselves since he explains the new kanji terms and idioms and stuff as they're encountered.

She looks like she's dressed to go to a disco

manlet's problem

Good point though i think he stops doing that at 3

Combat is sorta like a disco.

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>That Sakura

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What hell Erika is doing in Sakura Wars?

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Basically confirms combat is shit.
They really lost it with this one thing.

fire emblem BTFO

The combat has been shit since day one, though.

He literally says in that article that combat part was good, but could use some improvements. That hardly qualifies as shit.
Also, no one cares about battle parts.

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Oh, I like it too, it just doesn't really go in a list of comparing Gekitei to Gekitei. Nor do the V themes, even though they're fine too.

Nigger that look better than before, stop being a retard.

Yeah, only realized you were talking about the Gekitei versions after posting.

Eh, we can roll with it anyway.

The next live broadcast update will be 4PM Japanese, so midnight Pacific 3AM Eastern.

It's also possible that there's scalable difficulty and they're setting things to Newbie Mode on the demo station.


>Play through PXZ
>Really enjoy the characters of Sakura Wars
>Get spoiled on several things but it's no big deal since they're usually in passing or forgettable
>Pretty much all games that involve these characters aren't translated
>No hope in the future of being translated, and if they are it'd take around a decade for all five
>New game coming out, looks cool, but new cast and new gameplay style
>If PXZ3 comes out, we'd probably get these characters instead of the original ones.

It's an abstract kind of feel.

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>>Get spoiled on several things but it's no big deal since they're usually in passing or forgettable
There really isn't anything to spoil for the series, each game's story is more or less standalone and sometimes they outright contradict previous ones on stuff (2 fucking with 1's story for example)

>>If PXZ3 comes out, we'd probably get these characters instead of the original ones.
There will never be a PXZ3, Morizumi Souichirou left Monolith Soft and he was their link to Bandai Namco (former SRW staff and he's the one who did Namco X Capcom to which PXZ is a sequel)

There's a Sakura Taisen game on the DS? Damn

Does this mean the translation for the original will finally be done right???...

Yeah, and it is a dungeon crawler of all things.

I remember I watched that movie without watching the series first and I was lost the entire time.

Is she a fucking alchoolic like the previous boss?

Why is it so soulless compared to the hand drawn OPs?

Well, she drinks herself into oblivion even in the first game while being underage, so of course she is.

is there a good translation somewhere for Sakura taisen 1? Or do I have to make do with my N5 understanding?

If you don't start reading you're never going to make it. Sakura Taisen is easy enough.

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Nice joke user

alright user I'll do it, why did I even ask?

I liked it.

Don't worry, even people who watched the series were fucking lost. Mainly because the movie is the sequel to a Saturn game nobody played, which was the sequel to the main show.

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>Redhead can blow up the entire sidewalk with a wooden hammer
Hatsuho best girl.

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But Kanna could do it barehanded.

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is she voice by Sawashiro Miyuki?

St1 tl due out by 2022, might get to 3 by 2040!

I'm surprised slut n2 is actually cool with it and makes fun of slut n1 instead of instantly getting aggressive towards mc-kun for asking such a question which is the reaction you'd usually see in anime.

Maaya Uchida.

I got tricked into playing the Saturn original with a translation guide. It's this stupid game where you spend most of the time talking to a bunch of anime girls at a theater, but WHOOOOA they actually have superpowers and pilot mechs and shit. Really fucking dumb. I think Sakura and Maria were the only ones with actual backstories in that game. The rest were just these one-note archetypes you've seen a million times if you've watched a decent volume of anime.

You find out about Sumire and Kanna's backstories during the abandoned mansion mission, Iris's backstory I think comes up after she blows up the theater's competition, and I think Kohran's comes into play more in an episode of ST2.

>eop reviewing a game he played with a translation guide

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>You find out about Sumire and Kanna's backstories during the abandoned mansion mission, Iris's backstory I think comes up after she blows up the theater's competition
I know, but they're just so fucking boring and shallow. Sumire and Kanna are scared of snakes and spiders and something something parent issue. Iris is a walking spiritual energy nuke that spergs out in a movie theater and blows it up.

>"Haha, this game's a masterpiece! Sucks that those dumb EOPs can't play it!"
>game comes out in English in some form
>"Pfft. It was never that good anyway. I dunno what you EOPs were expecting..."

I'm really happy about it. I've been hoping for a new Sakura Wars for years alongside a new Alpha Protocol.
One down one to go, I guess

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>Tons of cute girls
>Kubo art style
Sign me the fuck up. Kunai loli and Hammer tomboy best girls.

I was never really into this franchise (I only watched the anime when I was a dumb teenager) but everything in this reboot looks so damn cute and the seiyuu were so humble and funny during their presentation, that I feel like I really need to play this, maybe I'm just getting old.

>turns out "eop" doesn't even know English after all and managed to read shit that was nowhere near implied in my post
Damn senpai. If you don't know JP and you don't know English, what do you know?

>OP ability
stay mad rukiacuck

This is just a Shinden clone game?

The Windows ports run perfectly fine even on 64-bit Windows 10. You just have to know Japanese.

>Sumire vs. villainous Sakura
Hanagumi Columns 2 predicted this nineteen years ago.

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I mean, what else did you imply? That the translation guide is a poor reflection of the origin writing and that I wouldn't be getting a good grasp of the story by using it? Come on, the content of SW's plot and cast is not deep or complicated enough for that to be the case.

Best version is with MC singing

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>It's this stupid game where you spend most of the time talking to a bunch of anime girls at a theater,

This sounds like the best part. God I fucking hate normalfaggots so much. I wish anime/games never went mainstream. Nothing worst than suffering fools.

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Same artist

>I mean, what else did you imply?
Obviously, that you have no business reviewing a game in a language you cannot even comprehend. It amazes me that you have to ask. That is not the same as saying the game is a masterpiece, and if you believe it is, you have severe brain issues.

Where's 5?

Guys, guys: If this game is successful, we can have a Sakura Taisen HD Collection

5 didn't use Gekitei at all. Its themes are in instead

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playing old games sucks and it always feels old no matter how much they up the resolution

This is akin to having someone explain to you that Darth Vader is Luke's dad, and then thinking you're a movie critic.

No shit, you aren't going to enjoy the game if you're constantly referencing a fucking guide so you can poorly understand what's going on.


Engage in fornication.

No, I just think your green text is an argumentum ad nominem that doesn't really say anything about the game.

I didn't just limit myself to that guide, user. I looked into stuff that it messed up in other sources.

You can at least enjoy Kohran's minigame without needing much translation. You just need to know how hanafuda cards work.

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I don't like Sakura

Can someone please tell me if Sakura Wars V is fully playable in PCSX2? I heard it shits itself in chapter 7.

>>I didn't just limit myself to that guide, user. I looked into stuff that it messed up in other sources.
You know that just makes it worse, right? While you were looking through dozens of "translations" written by N4s, the rest of us were just playing the game and having fun.

I'm sorry that playing through a 90s OVA doesn't appeal to you. Might I suggest the new Borderlands instead? It just came out, and it has a non-binary robot and all the other kinds of things retards like yourself might enjoy.

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I thought this game was about mechs, is there gameplay outside of using the robots?

A lot of the game is hanging around the base and getting to know your teammates.

Games like Persona copied Sakura Taisen

Don't make me go and get Mr Lightning.

>doesn't really say anything about the game.
No shit it doesn't say anything about the game, Sherlock. The fact you even felt the need to go out and state something this obvious tells me much about your state of mind. Clearly I'm saying something about you, and how your opinion and anything you say doesn't matter for reasons previously stated. Imagine wanting to review something you don't understand. How much of a retard does a person have to be to arrive in this situation. But then again, all your replies thus far don't do much else but prove that. From misreading my implication into thinking I meant the game is a masterpiece to actually needing to ask what did I mean and arriving at telling me the equivalent of water is wet. What a genius you are.

>I'm sorry that playing through a 90s OVA doesn't appeal to you.
Well, last I checked, Gunsmith Cats and Macross Plus didn't waste my time with tons of chatting, pointlessly mini-games, and long, boring SRPG sections at the end of each episode.

You gotta keep up appearances at the stageplay theatre which you use as a cover for your underground military mech facility, and chat it up with your squadmates to get to know them better.

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I failed every minigame in the game

I was recently replaying through Sakura Taisen 1 and 2, and I'd say the mech-fighting part only took up 30-40% of the elapsed play time, more or less depending on the particular episode.

>tons of chatting,
Which you didn't like purely because you're a brainlet who can't read, so this isn't a valid argument.
>pointlessly mini-games,
Now you've crossed the line, man. the mini-games are like 5 minutes, tops, and they're an entertaining change of pace. I already thought you were a retard, but hating on the mini-games must make you a double retard or something.
>and long, boring SRPG sections
Long? They're all pretty short, I don't know what the fuck you were doing. They're a little dull because of the lack of difficulty, but they have some fun gimmicks.

i'm at the last boss when i tested it, no problems other than sometimes the smoke makes the framerate shit itself. Just make sure to get the dev builds of 1.5.0 rather than 1.4.0

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I notice on dx11 the sky turns dark but it seems fine and dx9 is completely fucking lagging to all hell. Is it okay if I can see your settings?

I think everything turns into "long" territory when you have to stop every 2 seconds to check what do the runes mean and search around a guide.


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I thought about that, but the controls for the battle segments are so basic that I can't really imagine someone forgetting which button does which.

>Now you've crossed the line, man. the mini-games are like 5 minutes, tops, and they're an entertaining change of pace.
I don't really care for mini-games and ice breaking gimmicks in general.

>Long? They're all pretty short, I don't know what the fuck you were doing.
Well, I can certainly clear most FE and FFT maps in a shorter time span, but maybe you're thinking of other kinds of SRPGs?

I don't know anything about this franchise except the song but damn it looks fun

Your writing sucks. It took me 3 hours to read your post because I was stopping after every character to check my guide. It was a boring read and I'm exhausted. Clearly this is your fault and you need to get better at writing.

Is it getting localized or am I fucked as an EOP

>Your writing sucks. It took me 3 hours to read your post because I was stopping after every character to check my guide.
Since when does memorizing a few menu commands take three hours?

It’s getting a localization.

>Since when does memorizing a few menu commands take three hours?
Oh so you admit you didn't read any dialog and you just passed by with menu stuff. Yet here you are, reviewing the game.

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My personal favorite was Erica's minigame.

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yeah, i'm using DX11 here, but my settings aren't anything special, i'm just using a dev build rather than the stable build though i haven't checked what exactly is the latest stable version of pcsx2.

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>well, he didn't do this so let's assume the opposite extreme
Yeah, keep trying, pal.

I know a lot of people really hate Kubo, but I think he's fine as a character and weapons designer.

I'm going to cuck nu-Sakura for the silver-haired woman!

What other reason would you possibly have to assume I was exclusively talking about menus instead of the obvious dialogue? The example I took was a dialogue, after all. I chose to assume you're not a complete braindead zombie who managed to miss that, and deliberately chose to bring the conversation into "menus" on purpose. Maybe I should have gone with the braindead zombie assumption then.

Now in all fairness the srpg parts play at an absolutely glacial pace, even more so in the saturn version since I dont think you can speed it up like the dreamcast. Even when sped up in the dreamcast version its slow too. And some levels are longer than others the end of disc one battle is looong.

>but I think he's fine as a character and weapons designer.
True. Just don't like him be anywhere near the writing department

I've never watched nor read Bleach, so all of the Kubo hype/antihype went over my head. All I knew was that it wasn't Fujishima (and I'm okay with that).

>I think he's fine as a character and weapons designer
He draws a large amount of characters with the same face. More so than his peers.


His clothing is pretty dope though.

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They got it cleared up.
Now you can browse to 4:57:50 and see Kamiyama's attempts at acting rehearsal with Anastasia, and the poses, expressions and camera angles they couldn't do in the previous games.

Erica is cute as fuck.

Jesus Christ that's awful.

It works better with repeated applications.

I can imagine we're going to see lots of webms from this game of people making fun of the animations, but I honestly find it pretty charming. It's also good that Kamiyama is seeming like a pretty amusing guy.

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wtf ichigo is a manlet, no wonder he got cucked

PC when?

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Ohgami at least got to stay silent most of the time outside of battles and cutscenes. This game, being fully voiced everywhere, is making Kamiyama's VA do several times the work that anyone else on the cast has to. Not only is he going to be in almost every scene due to being the player character, he has to record all the variations for all of those analog LIPS choices.

Can't blame you bro the game is really charming

>gets best girl
ichirukifags still assblasted after all these years

I wonder if there's a "get all of them" route.

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Doubt it.


Doubtful. For some reason haremshit refuses to go all the way with it's retarded premise.

So whos the canonical winner of 1 if OG sakura is evil now

noone, of course

Oogami because he was probably hitting that even after she went evil.
If there were ever to be an official pairing, they'd probably cop out and have Oogami get with some literal who new girl instead of any of the games' main girls.

>started dipping into dekinai because I was curious about the sakura taisen games
>few years pass I only managed sub N5 japanese and still haven't played the game
Well I guess I have this one to look forward to

>they'd probably cop out and have Oogami get with some literal who new girl
Don't even joke, that would raze any chance this revival has to the ground

Sometime after the console release. In Sega I trust. Shining and Yakuza had almost 0 chance before and now they are on steam.

The premises is that girls don't want to share their man, retard. If it were that easy everything would be orgy sex but the idea is for players to chose their favourite and go out with her.

No. The premise is that some guy has a ton of girls lusting after him, but people always bitch out and never go all the way with it.

People don't want the girl they hate take scenes from their favourite thats why Sakura Taisen made it more personal, there is a point of no return halfway of the game where the mc and the girl the player chose start a formal relantionship and every other event stop. This also change main dialogues, final events and all that. It was a nice detail I ended up loving.

I wanted Persona to be more like that.

Do it for Sakura, user.
Actually, language in ST is very easy. I have N3 and understand, like, 90% of this game. Only having troubles with Kanna and Kouran dialects.