Weebshit pedos now sexualize western underage girls

>weebshit pedos now sexualize western underage girls

How do we get rid of their filth?

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You just give em one of these

Attached: tob.jpg (1200x1200, 76K)

>pick up blender
>can animate cunny for life

you can't

What are you doing here if you hate weebs?

Probably posting about various things like anyone else? Just like me, for example.

He's a 2016 /pol/ tourist like 90% of the site

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No more children in videogames with realistic graphics. It's the only way

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I think it's gross, but it's honestly probably healthy for society. It gives creeps a way to release without being harmful to ACTUAL people.


I can't fathom why you'd stay here if you so vehemently hate a large demographic.

It's not pedophilia if you're attracted to her because she's a corpse.

Checkmate, bigots.

What the fuck.

I love it and want more
3D is PD but these lolis are amazing
Feels great to be fiction-sexual

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Actual people are fucking gross, you dont have to worry about me ever touching anyone real dude.

That makes you a necrophile AND a pedo. Double degenerate.

At least he's not a deluded autist who feels sympathy for a 3D character model lmao.

why are weebs such two-faced delusional pedos?


Just stop making games look like real life. It's ugly and gross