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this is steamniggers fault
do not lie to yourself

>read negative reviews
>Fuck Epic, fuck Randy, fuck Tim

No, this is forced VM+keylogger+2mb/s upstream fault combined with terrible writing and barely any new actual gameplay. Seethe harder Epicdrone, the fact that this game got this high critic score despite these glaring issues proves that the critics got paid off, do not delude yourself into thinking Steam had anything to do with this game's failure.

>forced VM+keylogger+2mb/s upstream
Fake news from gamergaters.

Well still the biggest launch of 2019 user
You can play Borderlands offline you fucking brainlet, don't believe every meme on the internet

Damn. My legion, we need to make it at least a 2. Get to it, warriors

Literally none of the top 10 negative reviews even mention the Epic exclusivity deal, and I've still have yet to see even one whining about Epic or Tim 100 reviews in. Cope harder.

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fuck, you beat me to it

Customers getting the right to write ratings were the biggest mistake ever made. Like 99% of the reviews are based on personal fanhoodism or butthurt rather than a games strength and weaknesses

They seriously want to explode in their asses

sure you can
if you actually sandbox the whole game or jus pull on that ethernet cable
it will connect if not restricted explicitly by 3rd party means

>600+ reviews
>B-but here's ten guys!

same can be said about gaming outlets which have very close ties to major gaming companies, even more so in this instance with no reviews copies given out to the wider games media

Were critics always this out of touch?

Only commies care about what DA PEPLA think

kinda, I remember reading ana rticle about two worlds 1 when it came out, which made it seem like the greatest game ever

What is reading comprehension? I said I was more than 100 reviews in, and none of them have mentioned Epic as a point against the game, so cope harder. On the other hand, a good portion of the 10/10 reviews are literally just people openly admitting that they're only giving it that score because they THINK the bad reviews are only because people hate Epic, ironically showing their own blind fanboyism in the process.

Funnily enough, when I checked it out half an hour ago it was still at 4.5 so its still falling

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So is the PC version really that awful? I skipped and bought the game on PS4 mainly for EGS reasons, but I'm reading all over about how terrible the performance is on the platform, whereas the worst I've experienced are shitty, laggy menus, with everything else being stable.

This just further proofs that gamers suck and should never be listened to. So just keep pissing your pants because it hurts you more than anyone else.

why are steamniggers so obsessed with sucking gabe's dick?

>tags: mindbreak

why do you cope so hard, kid?

mental illness

Literally the second user review I could read says the dev is a total sellout (whatever could he subtly be alluding to??) so iunno about that.

More like fuck your pronouns

Yes. I felt that way before all the virtue signaling shit. The best way is HOW they way out of touch. Remember all the high scores for shitty games and super low scores for niche shit? I never thought they were paid. Rather, it always felt that they were trying to guess the the audience score, like they never had an original opinion and were just trying to fit in with the upcoming narrative. Now that the narrative is way more unpredictable, they're fucked.

t. butt mad poorfags and loser pirates
meanwhile successful people are playing a video game while you cry LOL

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t. mom picked the game up for him after work at wallmart
look kid, the smart people who dont buy this trash heep, are not just playing a video game but an actual good one right now so the jokes on you

im new to this. i liked first borderlands and never played others...
I was kinda excited for third one.,...why is it so bad? something about bugs? or political stuff?

He also said the game is literally unplayable. But hey, as long as the bottom line can be alluded to whining about the the fact that the game is exclusive to EGS, I guess that is enough for you to assume that is the only thing that matters and then equate all other negative reviews to the same bottom line. Doesn't remove the irony that almost all of the positive reviews are supposed reactionaries to people "dislike bombing" the game because of EGS exclusivity.

The score is still bad on the Xbone and PS4 pages, and you can't pull the "EGS vs Steam" card there, so if you're gonna pull the "everybody who hates BL3 is a salty Steamdrone argument" you can easily just head over there and see how fucking wrong you are.

Why are Steam drones so cringe?

Attached: bl3 meta.png (1058x1050, 67K)

What the FUCK happened Borderbros?

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Attached: steam metacritic borderlands 3.png (1114x1036, 66K)

Hell yeah, games should be made for reviewers only, fuck those gamers we don't need their money anyway.

did you even read more than 1 review?
or rather
can you read?

>First review literally adresses Steam's faults
>Second review is objective beyond just whining about EGS
>Fourth review doesn't even mention Epic at all, nor does it even say anything implying Steam fanboyism, and also adresses the flaws of the game
>Only the third and fifth review actually can be summed down as actual Steam drone whinery
Surely you can try harder if you want to find blatant Steamdrone reviews. I mean you did get two of them, so at least there's some hope for you, human of painfully average intelligence.

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And it wouldn't be a Steam drone cringe party without some middle fingers

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why did it fail so bad? literally no one is talking about it

mental steam drone illness

Cry more, Steamie

>and it will mean cheaper games for all
I thought this game cost $60?
If they're getting a bigger cut why am I not paying less?

well steam drones dreaming about a crack lol

>t. mom picked the game up for him after work at wallmart
how to out yourself as a underage

>one of the images is clearly from the PS4 page and with relevant information like how the game is unplayable in base PS4

Did you even read the threads you just linked to, Epicdrone?

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>literally ps4 page
>heh seething dronecucks


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You don't need to own a PS4 to leave reviews on the PS4 version.

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Yeah but you can't use EGS as an excuse for either a good or bad review on the PS4 page, that would be beyond petty even for a so-called Steamdrone.


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How comes nobody accuses nintendofans of review bombing a game that's exclusively not on their platform, but whenever one of the nintendo games gets shit reviews it's suddenly the fault of sony fanboys?

This is the exact reason why piracy was invented.
How long till this one is cracked. boys?

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>No, this is forced VM+keylogger+2mb/s upstream fault

This. This is the power of resetera marketing.

I hope metacritic starts to censor people like Steam does. Mass removing reviews. No one cares if your chosen anal plug, in this case steam, is getting the game a little late. A service is a service, they all want your money and hate your dumb asses. Come up with reasons why one is good, you can find just as many why it is for retards. Even worse no one cares if the game isn't a game you like. I plan to never play BL3, don't see me "reviewing" it.

What do you expect from grown up men who are addicted to games made for 10 year olds?

crack when

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Yea Forums is pro Nintendo and Steam, that's why

Wait, people think GB made some type of money for the exclusive deal? Making more per sale isn't getting a front. It is good business. None of these children would survive in this world.

>he actually wants to play this dumpsterfire

I gotta try it, it's the first major release of this fall. And besides, it's free.

That's the spirit, lad!

Attached: go on lads, this one's on me.png (987x658, 482K)

>people said its steam fault
>people spamming ticket numbers on epic reddit site because of terrible performance and installation problem asking for refund.
b-b-b-but muh steam

>game is so bad on a technical level it needs a bug megathread on reddit
Yeah I'll pirate it maybe when the GOTY edition comes out

Still higher than New Vegas

they fucking deleted my review, what the fuck

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Let's see those "qualitative" negative reviews
So this is the power of meta"critic"...

The user reviews are a mess. SAD!

eat shit randy kys :D

Of course this game would make SteamNEETs seethe. They can't stand seeing games on competing platforms succeed.

Thanks for proving that you didn't actually read the reivews before generalizng them all as butthurt Steamfags. If the negative reviews were nothing but butthurt Steamdrones, the user review score would be much higher.

personal fanhoodism and consumer complaints are legitimate reasons to negatively review a product. The users experience is just as important as the product. Youre fucking retarded

If it were on steam it would probably have a low user review, as well. Let's not kid ourselves here, who was actually looking forward to this game? The 600 bad reviews were probably the only people who bought it.

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