You know he's going to tear Shekiro to shreds.
You know he's going to tear Shekiro to shreds
Check his twitter, he said he's not making a video on it cause it would be too similar to his lost soul arts vid.
>taking AA video games and trying to make an essay about it like it's a kubrick film
cringe, oh ever so cringe
Never gonna happen, it's known that matthew is a Miyazaki cocksucker and the nip can do no wrong in his eyes.
That "DeS = SOUL, DaS/Bloodborne = SOULLESS" video is when I learned to stop taking him seriously.
AA games are the most interesting games. AAA games are the equivalent of capeshit
He will, because that's what he does. He tears every single game to shreds by nitpicking on the smallest details and acting as if the game is shit throughout all his videos. He then usually ends with "But the game is great guys". This guys is purely a contrarian and all his points are fucking convoluted and stretched. Only retards listen to him.
But he prefer DaS to DeS
eceleb thread
not videogames
If you think doing something you love is cringe then that's a sad life to live.
>I like eating my own shit so it's not cringe
Na nigga it's cringe as fuck.
>He tears every single game to shreds by nitpicking on the smallest details
That sounds like being a "critic"
I know every Joe Redditor that wants to be a games journalist have their "reviews" comprised entirely of vague and empty shades of praise where 7/10 = bad and 9.5/10 = good, but this is the job of someone that reviews entertainment
>his criticisms are bad
I await you explaining why.
Because what he's saying is so silly that you should be able to quickly form a compelling argument.
i hate this board
A critic don't just nitpick retard. He considers the overall piece and comments on it. He can point out small flaws but it has to be proportional to the quality of the product. If something is 10% bad and 90% good, you do it the same way.
As far as criticisms being bad, this faggot literally resorts to "I didn't really like the atmosphere of the game" in most of his videos.
>that basic af no imagination analogy
Your brainlet existence is cringe, I think reddit is a site you'd fit in more.
>7 thinly veiled /pol/ threads
>9 threads that are baiting discussion of a completely irrelevant topic
>40 threads that are just softcore porn
>5 threads that are just porn
>the man posting about the discussion of a video game, tangentially related to a man that discusses video games is the person ruining the board
>A critic don't just nitpick retard
It's in the name, numbnuts. They're meant to be "critical"
The term nitpick doesn't apply when their job is to be as analytical as possible.
>As far as criticisms being bad, this faggot literally resorts to "I didn't really like the atmosphere of the game" in most of his videos.
I have never heard him say that.
If he did it probably came after 40 minutes of objective details.
>nitpicking on the smallest details
>"I didn't really like the atmosphere of the game"
*matthewmatosis voice* black slaves being raped by their white masters
>one who expresses a reasoned opinion on any matter especially involving a judgment of its value, truth, righteousness, beauty, or technique
That's the fucking definition of a critic retard. Judgement of value means you gotta include the positives.
Objectively, what is wrong with eating your own shit?
Maybe that's for the better, since you apparently missed the entire point of it. Also, Dark Souls is his favourite Souls game.
Matthewmatosis is great and his commentaries are sensible and interesting to hear even if you dont agree with his personal preferences.
Disliking him as if hes some kind of hack is actually damaging to the videogame scene. The guy is a gift in what respects to videogame critizism.
>food analogy
user, I don't think you have seen a single video of Matthewmatosis. When he does an overly negative video (which is the exception rather than the rule, he said himself he hates being negative and would rather do videos on things he enjoys) he introduces it as such, and explains why he chooses to be negative - usually to offer a counterpoint to general opinions he disagrees with, or to have a point of comparison how it is done better by anotehr game. And even then, he does exactly what you say: he considers the overall piece, by going into detail about its various elements.
I think you are confusing Matt with one of those Zero Punctuation style "hate everything to make myself popular" youtubers. Because that's not at all what he does.
I sure hope so. He's the only video game critique I trust since he has such a high IQ.
lmao this dumb zoomer cuck thinks OoT is overrated
When does he say that?
>He tears every single game to shreds by nitpicking on the smallest details and acting as if the game is shit throughout all his videos
that's actually the complete opposite ofwhat he's doing, asif you needed another proof Yea Forums retards basically say the opposite of the truth on any given subject
take his botw vid for ex, all his points were informed by the overarching focus on freedom by the developpers, and then he talkedqbout what was good and what was bad about this approach
compare and contrast with the braindead UBISOFT TOWERS LAMAO "criticism" divorced from all context you find in this shithole
his entire video review of it
I don't think I've ever disagreed with Matosis on anything. He's especially keen on what makes a good action game, unlike majority of other youtubers who gush about the latest release unless it's a western title.
But that's factually wrong.
>defending e-celeb threads
Who the fuck even remembers sekiro lol
I've disagreed with him on several occasions but he still makes pretty good arguments for his shit so its interesting to listen to, unlike the no arguments you get on Yea Forums.
Lost Soul Arts was his only fucking stupid video
It's videogame culture
why was it stupid? his point about souls games focusing more and more on their very mediocre combat instead of the weird shit that made demon's souls interesting was a sound one
OoT is certainly overrated, but only in the context of people who consider it a faultless, unassailable masterpiece the likes of which had never been seen before and shall never be seen again. And the problem is that yes, there actually are people that think like that. Overrated is by no means a synonym for bad, it can just mean people aren't willing to admit to its flaws.
It's clear he's just nostalgiafagging about Demons
I actually think it's one of his best. I don't agree with everything he said in it, but I think his general point hits the mark.
It helps no one to be reductive.
Agreed, that's why the video was awful
He's not making videos because he got lazy and became another Pattern vampire.
You again, lemme tell you for the tenth time, Demon Souls was BOLD, anything after it was just the same but slightly different and more polished, and with time that boldness has faded, this is fact.
No you retard, it's because it takes time to make videos of the quality Matt does
t. Matt
But you're the one reducing the video to one line, while he takes his time talking about different aspects of the series and how it changed over time.
But he doesn't make a video on Sekiro BECAUSE he doesn't want to fall into a pattern.
It takes 4 months to make a 15 minute video? And take money per month, not per video?
Who the fuck cares. The reality still stands: if this guy were to ever design or make a video game, it will end up being total shit. He can only critique. Nothing more
zoom zoom zoom
Turn off your vacuum cleaner.
You guys are crazy. Theres dozens of self absorbed faggots who love to hear themselves talk all over youtube for every genre.
Right now he's in the pattern of maximum shekels for minimum work.
Well, yeah, if his patreons are dumb enough to pay.
>All games should have gimmick bosses because it's different
>Game sequels should never improve on what is most popular to its fans, especially not combat or PVP because I don't like it
>In fact games should never even TRY to innovate, even one single different thing such as Bloodborne's healing vial system absolutely RUINED the game forever, what of course it's not just a different approach
>The first game I played is the best one because it's MY favourite
>All later games are soulless because they're not exactly the same as the one I like
>Even though they use the same archetypes, just continually improving, and I make that out to be a bad thing
>Complains about how later games re-use series tropes even though DeS itself re-uses shittons of stuff from Armoured Core, i.e. I don't know fucking PATCHES?
It is pretty basic opinion to say that "game bad because it did not subvert my expectations"
The tears you DaSplebs got from Matthew's god tier video will last me for a lifetime.
Face it, pleb, DeS is the best, most memorable and most unique game in the series. Call me when your game has a god tier level like 3-1, a boss that can delevel you with his attack, a "boss" like the one in 5-3, natural-looking shortcuts etc.
>In fact games should never even TRY to innovate
That's the opposite of what he said in that video. Also, Dark Souls is his favourite game in the franchise. I think you just took the "combat in Dark Souls is nothing special" line a bit too personally.
fuck OFF with your eceleb threads you double nigger
t. Matt
Matt would never be that inflammatory
Overall, your characterization of Matt is completely off-base and fucking retarded
>unironically defending shit like gimmick bosses or world tendency just because it's "unique"
He's right, DeS is peak SOUL.
Matt literally once said "The IRA should've focused their efforts on slaughtering the niggers who have infested our lands instead of the proud Celtic people"
Should have learned from his DaS2 video
DaS2 has problems but he's way off the mark with what he mentions
>"niggers, wetbacks and fucking chinks all need to burn in hell"
- matthewmatosis
Holy shit, hit a nerve, did I?
>Face it, pleb, DeS is the best, most memorable and most unique game in the series.
I've platinum'd it. I didn't like it very much. I has too many unforgivable flaws.
I did a regular run to NG++ for the plat.
I did a second run for a fun build.
Then I did a third run where I was able to cheese EVERY SINGLE BOSS except Allant. There are bosses you can cheese OUTSIDE the fog door. That's not a quirk, that's straight up pathetic. The infinite healing grass is shit. Tower of Latria, which IS the best level, still looks like shit if you just look up at the chains suspended by fucking nothing in the sky. The worst offense is the upgrade system with more types of stone than types of fucking weapon; some of which the max upgrade can only be achieved by killing a LIMITED SPAWN crystal lizard which has a LOW drop rate on top of that. That's unforgivably bad.
>a boss that can delevel you with his attack
There were MMOs where this could happen before DeS.
Also, Armor Spider is just a wall with a shitty model strapped to it. It can't even move. Pathetic.
>Also, Dark Souls is his favourite game in the franchise.
Wow see everybody he's so open minded wheeeeeee
>I think you just took the "combat in Dark Souls is nothing special" line a bit too personally.
I'm the first person to admit the combat is shit. I don't care about that. I'm more of a world-building, character building kind of guy. Demon's Souls falls short in all areas.
I really get the sense, among this crowd of DeS admirers that it's a holdover from when the PS3 launched and everyone felt obliged to take a side and back it up with an exclusive game. These people latched onto Demon's Souls and just can't let go. It's been done better. Let it go.
I don't understand this hatred for Demon Souls, I thought it was a fun gimmicky game in he best way possible. The thing is combat is a means to exploration at the end of the day, I'll even go as far as to say, you could make a Demon's Souls/Dark Souls game WITHOUT combat, just use something else to make exploration/adventure interesting, like puzzles or something. People get so worked up treating these games like fighting games when they have more in common with tabletop RPGs.
Getting cursed in Dark Souls and your HP cut in half and trying to find a cure was way more interesting than fighting the bosses in that game.
>Wow see everybody he's so open minded wheeeeeee
What exactly is the point you are trying to make with this one? Honestly curious.
>Kamiyafag responsible for muh dmc 1 purists in dmc threads
It's not hatred. You're misunderstanding. It's simply a lack of the undeserved reverence. Because we don't constantly cum over "wow lol the monsters have human faces in Latria so deep", "WOW OMG LOL THE BOSS CAN DELEVEL YOU" and "omfg i can't believe Astraea kills herself that's so sad ;____;" you think it's hatred. It's not; it's that it was never that interesting in the first place.
>Getting cursed in Dark Souls and your HP cut in half and trying to find a cure was way more interesting than fighting the bosses in that game.
I totally agree. But DaS fans don't hold it up and parade it around like no other game has ever pulled off something like that. DaS is a HOLISTIC experience which is personal and grand, not a collection of "oh that was cool" scenes like a collection of short student films.
Maybe I just haven't encountered Demon's Souls fans before (I personally never played it), but I feel like you are being a bit missrepresentative here, m8. If you have a point, can't you argue it without resorting to written out MS paint comics where your opponent's point is "I AM SILLY!"?
Bloodborne without the DLC is all style no substance. Absolutely nothing stood out among the lazy hallways of enemies. The absolute quality rise on entering Hunter's Nightmare onwards which felt like proper Souls areas with fantastic scenario design just highlighted that so hard.
vanilla Bloodborne is the equivalent to DeS if the major enemy of every area were the Dreglings you encounter in 1-1 but with higher stats
So you have no problem with the game itself, just the fact that people really like it?
Also I don't think it's fair to tell people that their experience with a game like Demon's Souls wasn't unique if they never played a game like that before. Like with the permanent de-leveling move being in MM0s and maybe other games is true, but most people still wouldn't have experienced that before, or getting a boss to kill herself, etc. For a lot of people it was the first time they've seen that in a game, even if it existed in other games before it.
>I didn't like it that the game is troublesome if you want to platinum it
>it's also bad that most of the bosses in the game are easy
>one of the bosses is immobile so he's shit!
Based fucking retard
I hope Megamicro videos 2 will be as good as the first.
>Because we don't constantly cum over "wow lol the monsters have human faces in Latria so deep"
Face it, every Souls fans cum over one thing or another, the question is whether or not it's reasonable to revere things that much. DeS fans are way more reasonable because they don't worship a game like DaS1 (I'm using that game for comparison since it's the most beloved in the series) which goes to almost complete shit after Anor Londo, even having some really shitty segments before that as well (Anor Londo being one of them - even though the area looks amazing the level design is awful; you also have the lower half of Blighttown which is a empty swamp with some ground here and there, Valley of the Drakes which serves its purpose as an area that connects multiple others but has nothing interesting in it, the extremely empty Darkroot Basin etc). Don't forget the DLC which has shitty areas (the only good thing in the DLC being the bosses). It still boggles my mind how there are so many people who not only think the DLC is great, but that it's better than DaS2's DLCs (which are superior to the base game and contain some of the best level design in the entire fucking series) or BB's god tier "The Old Hunters" expansion. Nostalgia is a terribly blinding thing, and I'm saying this as a guy whose first Soulsborne game was DaS1 (I loved that game to death at one time).
>So you have no problem with the game itself, just the fact that people really like it?
I have a few problems with DeS, i,e, the ones I listed. It's OK as a game, but there's a reason it didn't take off like Dark Souls did.
>Also I don't think it's fair to tell people that their experience with a game like Demon's Souls wasn't unique if they never played a game like that before.
Of course; but the case people like Matt (who I like very much despite disagreeing with sometimes) make is that because it was new to them at the time, it's the best execution and all other instances of the same concept are hackneyed. I would argue that the reason FROM re-use concepts is because they probably worked out a basic game plan in-house which involves a "fire level', a "poison level", a "rickety wooden planks level" and they tend to organize it to ensure every game they make has diversity in areas. The fact that the areas are never the same despite sharing a theme every game shows FROM's ingenuity and constant drive for improvement. The Valley of Defilement was interesting but it only worked at the time it was released; if they released a huge open swamp these days it'd be rightly lambasted for being low-tech and cheap.
>For a lot of people it was the first time they've seen that in a game, even if it existed in other games before it.
Yes, of course. But that doesn't make it a case for a "serious" critic like Matthewmatosis to posit that Demon's Souls is better than its successors. His arguments boil down to "I like it because it's different, and that makes Demon's Souls better because it did it first." I suppose it depends what you value more, quality or timing? Is it who did it first, or is it which one did it better? Does it matter?
He actively doesn't even make videos about stuff he doesn't like unless he's trying to make some kind of point.
>but there's a reason it didn't take off like Dark Souls did
The reason being that it didnt get an aggressive PREPARE TO DIE marketing campaign.
Not even saying that DeS is better than DaS, but its obvious that one of these games was treated differently from the getgo.
Ross Scott >>>>>>>>>>>>>>matthew"Hackmiya/Miyahack"cocksucker
>Lost Souls Arts video
>Matt tries to made Fool's Idol look like some high IQ boss because you need to figure out that you must kill the dude above him to win
>conveniently ignores the fact that there are developer messages on the ground literally telling you to do that
That was the moment I lost all respect for his work.
The point of that video is not "Demon's Souls is better." If that was your takeaway then you've missed the whole point. This obviously is not his point since he thinks Dark Souls was the best, so that preference should dispel any illusion. People on the other side of the fence pointing to the video as if it validates their opinions that DeS is the best are also missing the point.
The whole point of the video is to demonstrate how the series got off-track by focusing on combat, by taking a look back at the first game in the series and how it approached things differently. He's pointing out the fact that the giant open swamp that you see in DaS3 leaves you with a completely different impression than Valley of Defilement because it's now an expected piece of legacy cruft, and he's pointing out the gimmick boss fights because he liked them and he thinks it works to show how DeS wasn't about the combat, it was about presenting these novelty situations.
>The point of that video is not "Demon's Souls is better." If that was your takeaway then you've missed the whole point.
That's kind of a disingenuous thing to say, because it kind of is what he's saying, though, isn't it?
>This obviously is not his point since he thinks Dark Souls was the best, so that preference should dispel any illusion.
Again, he SAYS that, but he doesn't actually explain what about it he thinks is better.
>People on the other side of the fence pointing to the video as if it validates their opinions that DeS is the best are also missing the point.
He certainly doesn't discourage them from doing that, does he? Anyone he can get on "Team Demon's Souls" will do I suppose.
>The whole point of the video is to demonstrate how the series got off-track by focusing on combat, by taking a look back at the first game in the series and how it approached things differently.
I know that. But it's arrogant. What an absolutely arrogant stance to take. There was never any established "track" for the series to begin with. Matthew defines "on track" as "what I like" and specifically argues against things like PVP because he doesn't like it. He's entitled to not like it, but the developers of Dark Souls aren't idiots. They looked at what people liked and didn't like and chose to develop towards that with every new iteration. That's why DS3 ended up with a shitton of greatsword and straight swords (I view this as a bad thing but it's not MY place to dictate how they should develop THEIR game). How dare you say such a thing as "focusing on this aspect of the gameplay instead of the one I like means it's off-track". Get some fucking perspective.
>He's pointing out the fact that the giant open swamp that you see in DaS3 leaves you with a completely different impression than Valley of Defilement because it's now an expected piece of legacy cruft
That's ONLY if you played the games in the same order as he did. That's the point I'm making. If you're Matthewmatosis, you'll be disappointed. But 99.999999% of people who buy FROM's games are not Matthewmatosis. I played DS3 before Demon's Souls and found the swamp area fantastic. Valley of Defilement made me bored and irritated at how low-tech it was and the fact that to make up for that they just put in a modifier that makes you unable to roll. It's unimpressive. The fact that DeS did it first warrants no merit from me.
>and he's pointing out the gimmick boss fights because he liked them and he thinks it works to show how DeS wasn't about the combat, it was about presenting these novelty situations.
Combat can be just as much of a "novelty situation"; there are things like Gaping Dragon's secret Channeller; Smelter Demon's heat aura preventing you from staying close all the time; Demon Prince's death order determining its moveset. Almost every single boss has something unique about it in every game and just because it might be something you engage in with your weapons instead of pressing X to pull the right level or whatever doesn't mean it's """""gone off track"""". What an absolutely trite and arrogant notion. "Only *I* know what the true Souls philosophy is!" Fuck right off.
You know what I don't like? Parrying. Parrying is a fucking stupid concept to base a whole mechanic around in every game. As someone who fences in real life, I find parrying in FROM's games overpowered and overblown. It's not the be-all-end-all technique even in swordfighting and it's physically impossible to parry with most Souls weapons besides. They dropped shields in Bloodborne so you HAVE to parry with a gun, which makes no fucking sense, and they shaved it even further down in Sekiro. There's one specific way they seem to want you to play - big sword in right hand, parry with left hand. That annoys me a lot and it's something I'm well-versed in because I parry better in real life than I do in a Souls game - but I'm not making a video about how someone else's visionary game series has "lost its way" because they didn't follow the vision I might have for the game. Like, who the fuck would I be to say that?
>I view this as a bad thing but it's not MY place to dictate how they should develop THEIR game
>How dare you say such a thing as "focusing on this aspect of the gameplay instead of the one I like means it's off-track".
Are you fucking touched in the head or something? What do you think a critic does? What do you think a consumer does? Why do you think we bemoan every retard developer that pulls a DmC, or an Other M, or some other stupid fucking decision that ruins a series for the audience that enjoyed it?
In fact, you've even contradicted yourself in your own post by saying
>They looked at what people liked and didn't like and chose to develop towards that with every new iteration.
So clearly the people buying and playing these games have a say in how the games turn out. The fuck, do you think everyone just needs to constantly fellate FROM's every stupid decision because it's THEIR game and what gives the right for critiques who buy and play it to critique their baby? Why the fuck do you even watch reviewers if this is your "fucking perspective?"
You're a prime example of smoothbrain tribalistic retard who can't see anything without assigning imaginary teams and needlessly antagonizing people who would otherwise agree with you. You say that Dark Souls is a holistic experience, well, so are these videos. Ignoring his actual point because you don't think he sucked off Dark Souls enough in comparison is flat out retarded. He's constructed an opinion that a lot of people share and he's picked a bunch of examples to try that across. Maybe he doesn't reach you people. That's fine, you aren't convinced that the Souls series could've been better, and you like DaS3. But don't go taking his points to misconstrue a completely different dumb argument in your head and then subsequently attribute it to him. That's just lowering the fucking discourse of the entire board.
His Lost Soul Arts video is probably going to be his last statement on the franchise until they make another one he likes.
That said is bullshit since he complained plenty about Bloodborne and actually published a bunch of notes he took while playing it of critiques and complaints.
>he complained plenty about Bloodborne and actually published a bunch of notes he took while playing it of critiques and complaints.
Sure you did matthew.
>and they shaved it even further down in Sekiro
sekiro and dark souls parrying really don't have much in common. In DS parrying is a mega high risk move that will leave you injured or dead if you fuck up, in sekiro a bad parry usually just gives you a bit of posture damage as it transitions into a block, and the corresponding reward is also much lower as you're expected to do it constantly. It's also a much better defensive mechanic than rolling, just due to the pure aesthetics.
You could've just asked me for the link, zoomer.
>Overall I'm very impressed with the game
And opinion disregarded.
I want matt to make video about dmc5 and eat his words
>Bloodborne is bad
Fuck off, the art direction alone is 10/10
Cool, what about the amazing performance and loading times?
I'm not going to bother responding if you keep doing this reductionist greentext nitpicking retardation because it's exhausting. You've already used up three posts probably at post limit trying to do this and you've convinced me of absolutely nothing.
What is your overall point? What I am I supposed to take away from the "holistic experience" of your hysterical raving? Because all you've managed to say is that reviewers shouldn't review things because their opinion might not reflect the rest of the audience for something. That nobody should express an opinion because how dare they criticize "someone else's visionary game series."
I don't even know where to begin to unpack how stupid this is, but I'd want to ask, why the fuck are you in a thread about a video game critic then? Why did you watch a video game reviewer's review videos, and then complain that the premise of reviewing a video game is some kind of sacrilege against the developer's holy vision? If no one has the right to criticize how they think a game should be because the developer wanted it some other way, how can you meaningfully criticize anything?
>Loading times
Is fine
Guaranteed you're now going to go "Durr if u aren't loading in 2 seconds with 190fps the game iz bad"
>"Miyazaki can do no wrong"
>Actually here's a list of critiques and complaints
>"He still liked it overall!"
Commit or piss off.
Oh hey it's worse Joseph Anderson
I think this is the most damning thing he's said even though he likes it:
>Do you think if only Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne existed, you still would’ve made the Lost Soul Arts video?
No. I like Bloodborne but I still consider it part of an overall trend. The bosses in particular were very disappointing to me.
>Is fine
And then won't YOU feel the fool.
What do you know, the prediction came true
I get a feeling matt sniffs his own farts from watching his more recent output and twitter posts. Still better than Hamsterson though.
Why so mad matthew?
Haven't had that Hackmiya/Hackazaki cock in your mouth recently?
>Are you fucking touched in the head or something? What do you think a critic does?
They're MEANT to make unbiased criticisms, not "This one is better because I played it first". Apparently everyone thinks "critic" refers to the Nostalgia Critic or something.
>So clearly the people buying and playing these games have a say in how the games turn out.
Yes, so when the majority of players just go and have fun with the PVP despite being a "backstab lagfest" as he describes, the development naturally moves in that direction. His voice was drowned out by the consensus and he got butthurt about that.
>The fuck, do you think everyone just needs to constantly fellate FROM's every stupid decision because it's THEIR game and what gives the right for critiques who buy and play it to critique their baby?
What? No. I think none of their games should be fellated, least of all Demon's Souls.
>"fucking perspective?"
>Ignoring his actual point because you don't think he sucked off Dark Souls enough in comparison is flat out retarded.
I didn't say shit about Dark Souls. You can't tell which one is my favourite from what I've posted. Go on, try and guess. I've given examples from every game. My favourite isn't relevant in this discussion because I'm not trying to shill it. But I sure as shit know Demon's Souls isn't as good as it.
>He's constructed an opinion that a lot of people share
No, he's constructed an opinion he knows people will parrot because making your own opinion is too difficult these days.
>But don't go taking his points to misconstrue a completely different dumb argument in your head and then subsequently attribute it to him. That's just lowering the fucking discourse of the entire board.
Ah, good old ad hominem. What I've said is perfectly reasonable WITHIN the discussion, not outside of it. The fact that you have to try to reduce my argument to "not relevant" shows you don't have a proper response.
Oh, you're still posting?
He seems very grounded to me. Only thing is that he really isn't a reviewer anymore, he's a video essayist and he's basically only putting things out there to highlight stuff he likes that he thinks is generally overlooked, or he thinks he needs to make a video that says something that nobody else says. Which I don't think should always be the case.
He's highfalutin about Rain World, but it's impossible not to be, because that game is amazing and complicated to talk about.
Even after watching his video and playing some of Rain World I still don't get it.
Rainpill me on what I'm missing
Let me guess, you played it for an hour or two and during that time had no idea on what to do so you just dropped it.
Feel free to call me a presumptuous asshole if I'm wrong.
>They're MEANT to make unbiased criticisms
there's no such thing as an unbiased criticism
you're just supposed to find a reviewer whose tastes match yours, and then base your purchases around that. Of course they should provide reasoning behind their opinions, but in the end they're just opinions. Trying to model your review after what a nebulous "man on the street" would think of the game just makes it useless, because then you can just go onto any messageboard and see what the public opinion is, no need for a review.
Not mad, Harris, just tired.
Well yeah, I think the difference is I'm trying to learn why people like the game so I can enjoy it. I also didn't find shelter according to the game so I drowned during the first rainfall, but I thought I was protected from the rain adequately.
From what i understood from his recommendation of rain world, he didn't say it's an enjoyable game so much as it is a unique experience. Which is a fine selling point but as a person who tends to go to games for their escapism factor i feel there's less of an appeal in it for me.
How can I take him seriously after he tried to line up two Dragonriders because he couldn't figure out how to play unlocked?
t. hbomberguy
I've done that fight at least five times since I first saw that video; it's an absolute joke. The second guy dies in about four hits; it's not even funny. I don't understand how someone could construct a criticism that is longer than the fight itself. Instead, he should have complained how lazy it is to re-use the Dragonrider without giving it the dragon.
Honestly I don't get the appeal of reviews that are so long
Why watch a 2 hours review when it can easily be boiled down to 15 minutes?
Shouldn't opinion be easier to spread if was shorter and to the point?
Or maybe this is elitism gatekeeping?
Yes, the amazing art direction and graphics of Bloodborne that will give you a headache if you play for more than 30 minutes without taking a pause.
>He thinks that's a headache
>He doesn't know it's the Old Ones attacking your mind
No wonder you didn't understand Bloodborne
> I'm trying to learn why people like the game so I can enjoy it
Well the appeal for me came from exploring the world to see new weird stuff and all the emergent shit that can happen thanks to all the creatures running amok doing their own thing. It's not just an aimless sandbox though, there's a narrative and an endgoal. Saying anything would be massive spoilers though since it's something best discovered on your own.
> I also didn't find shelter according to the game so I drowned during the first rainfall, but I thought I was protected from the rain adequately.
Shelters are those chambers you sleep in once you've eaten enough food. They're basically checkpoints and the only thing that protect you from rain. Merely going indoors isn't enough, if rain is coming you're fucked if you aren't close to a shelter. The dotted circle in the corner is your rain timer for each day, it's best to not let it run out.
It's an art game. It doesn't try to be fun, it tries to inspire a range of different emotions and gets you to thinking about very big complex ideas. I strongly strongly recommend just powering through and playing it more.
Spoilers because reading this probably will hype up the game too much and ruin it in your mind:
To me it's an entire spiritual journey expressed almost entirely through gameplay terms. I started out caring for myself, then caring for another, then caring for the world at large. The game's manages to convey ideas about religion and legacy that really deeply impacted me and the way I think about these aspects of life.
>My proposed changes to blood vials are extreme but I feel as though Bloodborne isn't punishing enough at the moment. Dark Souls with its limited Estus did a much better job of making me play well than Bloodborne does. In Bloodborne I often play sloppily because I know I can get away with it, I imagine many other players are the same. The "punishing but fair" nature of Demon's Souls is perhaps the largest reason why this series got popular in the first place and I would hate to see that vanish.
He says this after bitching endlessly about how Dark Souls II markets itself as "even harder than Dark Souls"
What a fucknut
Sekiro is peak from software and that is not going to change because someone has a patreon
Armored Core is peak from software and that is not going to change because someone has a patreon
Sekiro is a reverse BB. Actual level-design, actually went back to estus while having the Bloodbullet mechanic (although locked behind an optional fight), absolute shit tier art direction. For a game that is Japanese-fantasy themed there sure were a lot of humans and western shit like ogres rather than youkai and kami.
The entire game should have been like Fountainhead
Yeah right. The truth is there's no way you can have a good opinion on vidya unless you make them yourselves. He's just as badly informed as everyone else
Nioh is shit, fuck you
Didn't he just say how awfully it's designed? Not that he died in it multiple times? I thought it was laughably easy as well but he has a fair point in that the design is just genuinely artificial difficulty.
>Set in Sengoku but with yokai
>Cool depictions of all kinds of yokai
>Cute girls
>Japanese as fuck
>Godawful combat system
Nioh was such a tease
Niohs combat was fine imho. It's biggest problems were the obnoxious loot system and utterly boring world design, story and characters.
Sekiro sucks for the reasons you mentioned but also because defense in Sekiro is tedious and unrewarding (unlike defense in Bloodborne, which gives you actually tangible openings)
I like that every time someone brings up that they didn't like Sekiro on his askfm page, he responds with "you're not alone." It's great. Now if I could only find people that hated Persona 5 to tell me that. Then I'd feel less like I went crazy.
I didn't hate it, but it definitely fell apart the further it went on
That space station and casino did not spark joy
Thanks, but not extreme enough for me. I think the entire game becomes irredeemably terrible as soon as Makoto's arc starts, and not just the story but the gameplay too.
>godawful combat system
>Yea Forums likes matt
>matt likes botw
>Yea Forums now hates matt
when is this board getting deleted
How is it artificial difficulty if it's not difficult?
I liked the Casino. Space station was poopy, though.
>matthew went silent until P5 release to avoid spoilers
>it's his favourite game
Never could take this dude seriously.
Persona 5 is thematically so sound it's tough to say it's not good.
>Haru could have been handled better
>The final boss should have had a section where you steal its heart rather than just summon a Persona and shoot it
>The NG+ secret boss should have been harder
>Mementos was worse than Tartarus
I played like 2 hours and just couldn't get into it.
Having the gameplay revolve arround timing parries was a terrible idea
Mementos would've been better if the music actually changed like Tartarus. Just add some new instruments, make it more frantic and weird as you go deeper. I like the music in the depths, though, very relaxing.
That worst part about persona 5 is Goro, he’s an absolute failure as a character, rival, and antagonist. His confrontation scene in Shido’s palace is outright insulting.
Why are FROM so into Parries anyway
More based then Joseph "The town is making him stupid" Anderson.
>Mementos was worse than Tartarus
I just cant agree to that. Tartarus made me never want to replay the game again.
Sounds like another salty snoygoy mad about Soi of War.
He doesn't do 2 hour reviews, you must be thinking of Joseph Anderson.
I thought it was hilarious. I knew they were going to try and make me sympathetic to the mass murdering psychopathic manbaby purely on the basis of “he’s pretty”, but I didn’t think it would all literally boil down to fucking daddy issues. It was an absolute riot, I couldn’t believe it.
What is this meme from? I have either missed it or repressed it.
You know Ogres also exist in Japanese folklore, right user?
He streamed playing silent hill 2 and couldn't understand why James couldn't remember what happened to Mary iirc, and unironically said it was the town just making him stupid.
Oh fuck, now I remember.
This. Video games are lowbrow entertainment. Even hacks like Kojima who try to make their games be art, fail miserably at it.
I'm still waiting Matt
Is P5 really matts favorite game? That's pretty embarrassing but then again his experience with jrpgs is smt and final fantasy.
>Couldn't remember
Been a while since I played SH 2, but didn't James repress the memory? It makes sense he doesn't understand
There's no dev messages on the ground telling you that, I played it offline and they weren't there.
No, his favorite game is W101.
>absolute shit tier art direction
no fucking way lol, just because it doesn't have something as ostentatious as the high wall of lothric vista or enough spooky creatures for your taste doesn't mean it's bad for from software, let alone shit-tier. Have you ever seen a shit-tier ugly game?
>asks question when answer was already present in the game
>Chat doesn't answer right away
>Immediately jumps to the conclusion nobody has a answer for it at all and people are just meming about the games story
Fucking what?
Yes, but the game didn't plainly explain he repressed the memory so he didn't understand. It's on tier with the RPS journalist who complained about Pathologic 2 being hard as fuck when it's suppose to be, like how souls is suppose to be "hard" to draw you into the world and shit.
It is curious that there hasn't really been any major Sekiro breakdown/review/retrospective/whatever yet.
It's like the game just came and went and nobody really cared about it long term. Which is kind of telling in it's own right.
>finally watch his No Damage DMD DMC1 video
>self proclaims he's playing it in the dullest, easiest, cheapest way possible
>Pyramid Head dies because James accepts what hes done
>lol nah bro he died because I shoot him a bunch even though the fight ends with him impaling himself with his spear
Jesus Christ.
Why was there 2 Pyramid Heads at the end? And why didn't they die, they just stayed there?
the hamster isn't even worth entertaining anymore, his streams exposed him completely
>his streams exposed him completely
More like his first stream, which was Xenoturd 2, then after he finished it, he said it's one of the best jprgs ever made.
At various points in the video, I don't have a exact time stamp.
It was clear from the get-go that he's a pedantic autismo. Go watch his first Dark Souls videos for instance, or better yet read his responses in the comments.
It was gratifying to hear him shit on stuff like Fallout 4 and Diablo 3 at least.
I thought he loved Fallout 4 since it had the father thing because he is one himself
>Why was there 2 Pyramid Heads at the end?
Pyramid Head represents James' need to be punished for taking a life, and at that point he had taken two.
>And why didn't they die, they just stayed there?
You can't "kill" your need for atonement, you can only overcome it or succumb to it. As such the act of trying to overcome Pyramid Head is what causes it to die spontaneously.
Mary and?
Thanks for that user, I really didn't get SH 2.
I also didn't get what that fat dude was about or that little girl
Or that chick with the flaming staircase
Eddie, the fat guy.
>that fat dude was about
>or that little girl
>Or that chick with the flaming staircase
They're all different people lured by Silent Hill. The little girl was a friend of Mary's, since she's innocent she never encounters any monster. Eddie and Angela have their own issues, which in part mirror what James is going through.
Not the same user but bullet sponges enemies with braindead patterns are both an example of artificial difficulty while also being easy. I'm sure there are other examples out there but this is the first that came to mind.
It's not the same thing you were both talking about and I don't think I've watched the video mentioned above, just commenting on your post and nothing else.
Look I get that it's fun to meme about him but he loathed the story and especially the whole father non-sense
>artificial difficulty
The absolute state
>Sinister bell women now respawn after the player returns to Hunter's Dream
Why the fuck would he want this?
Good, Sekiro fucking sucks
>No replayability
>95% of the subweapons/moves are completely worthless compared to mashing attack
>Items are useless, making exploration off the beaten path feel worthless except when you get a Gourd Seed
>Skill trees make no logical sense, have to buy a bunch of useless shit to get to the upgrades you want. Almost like you were playing a randomizer mod
Pretty much every moment I was playing Sekiro I wished I was just playing Souls or Bloodborne. It does nothing that the first games didn't do better.
because Sinister Bells are meaningless as BB stands now
Cant believe that people that got filtered by Sekiro is still posting in this board.
Just like matthew?
All games are capeshit tier
You sound like the kojimbo and rockstar drones.
Fuck off matt you are a cringe faggot
>Skill trees make no logical sense, have to buy a bunch of useless shit to get to the upgrades you want
To be fair that's most skill trees
Why is this thread up but my gamegrumps thread got removed
Mad because bad?
>It does nothing that the first games didn't do better.
except having vastly better combat fundamentals
Matthewmatosis doesn't matter anymore because theres literary hundreds of Youtubers who do deep essay like critiques and analysis now. If it was still 2012 and the only thing you could watch was shitty Let's Plays or shallow reviewers who are more comedians then he would be relevant
>theres literary hundreds of Youtubers who do deep essay like critiques and analysis now
and most of them are garbage
He likes dustforce, ballisticng, shu takumi games and zachtronics while being enough of a Weeb to play decent japanese games. I cant replace him because no other youtuber has the same taste without being mentally ill.
Only a pleb wouldn't like Dustforce anyway.
The problem is people don't like it as much as they should. I actually discovered the guy when I was searching for anyone who appreciated how good dustforce is and ive never seen anyone in games media who mirrors my taste as much as this guy.
But his Dark Souls video are well constructed
You know it's okay to form your own opinions.
Why would I care when he was torn to shred years ago?
>videogame culture
Bullshit excuse you hide behind because you don't fucking play video games at all and just want to gossip like a fucking teenage girl about complete internet nobodies. Fucking slit your own throat faggot.
Holy shit you are BOILING
Including matt
He’s right about katamari being a perfect game
You Are Smart is such a bad song though
So you admit that this is teenage girl gossip at best? You admit that you're no better than the casuals you rail against?
You're completely boiling for some reason about people discussing culture regarding videogames
post what he looks like irl so i can mock him
There are no bad songs in Katamari Damacy.
>culture regarding video games
Oh yes, gossip about the personal lives of internet nobodies is totally pertinent to video game culture.
Again, why don't you actually play some video games and discussing them here instead of parroting the opinions of internet celebrities and discussing what shoes they're wearing today?
the kid made him stupid
So when's Matt going to talk about Pathologic?
yes there is you dumb pleb, far right side of the altar
You Are Smart is worse than this boiling retard who is seething
Never, not a Miyazaki or Kamiya game.
Just watch Mandalore's videos on it, he covered them pretty good.
Remember Rain world, that famous Kamiya game. Or all those programming puzzle games he talked about, Miyazaki's finest pieces.
Kamoshida is actually amazing, but the game drags constantly afterwards. If I had dropped the game efter the pyramid I wouldn't had missed anything.
yep, watched his dsii vid since it seemed thats why he was so popular and decided that while the guy did have some okay points he was for the most part an idiot. Haven't watched any of his other vids since
>no replayability
that isnt automatically a bad thing retard
at least when he puts something out finally its good, unlike joe who takes just as much time as matt to put out a long, rambling, three-hour mess because he thinks longer video = better value
Isnt this the mario odyssey it's no masterpiece guy
I genuiely wish someone would finally clarify the eceleb thing.
Like if we're still on that 3-Tier Toilet Paper system shit then technically they would be fine I think? But some threads will last all day or get pruned in minutes and its pretty obviously because different jannies are active at different times.
Like sure we've got mods to sticky every single Nintendo Direct but not anyone who can actually explain what the guidelines are here.
They mainly exist to removed CP
And he would be a massive retard for doing so.
No that's hamsterson
Nah thats a different and somehow even dumber guy
>Persona 5 is thematically so sound
u wot? If you mean presentation maybe, but the story themes are awful.
>Heh he's dumb
>Ok how?
>He just is zoomer
Amazing conversation
Who's a good director then faggot?
He focuses too much on concepts over execution and criticizes certain games for things while letting other games off the hook for doing those exact things.
Example of the second thing?
>They mainly exist to removed CP
Okay, what does that have to do with how Nintendo always gets stickied? Or clarifying what our actual board rules are?
Those two factors aren't inconsistent, in fact the first informs the second part you describe.
Fuck off faggot nigger desu baka senpai kek onionsboy
GoW vs BotW
>God of War is bad because its combat mechanics are inconsistent (BotW is the same way)
>God of War is bad because it has tacked-on RPG mechanics (BotW is the same way)
>God of War is bad because it's derivative (BotW is the same way)
inb4 console fanboys
I think the way he approached GoW was ridiculous but it would be fine if he at least had the same approach with BotW, but he treated it with kids gloves. I can only conclude he has a Zelda bias. He barely even brought up the previous God of Wars, his only commentary on them was that they "made you feel like the God of War" which means absolutely fucking nothing and tells me that he knows very little about them.
Say what you want about Joseph Anderson but he actually played through the original GoW trilogy before touching the new GoW. He has basic sensibilities that Matt doesn't have. If Matt was a video game journalist people would shit all over him.
But that's the problem. Focusing too much on concepts distances from the actual act of playing the video game. He cares more about interesting scripts that describing the game accurately. If you're someone who just watches the videos it's fine, if you're someone who plays games it's pretty useless.
It's even more funny because he's 30
Oh you're a shitposter who didn't watch the videos, good to know
The best youtuber is Shaun anyway
This potato man hasn't made a good video since Axiom Verge Enviromental station alpha comparison
Why do threads like these sometimes stay up and sometimes get removed, is the current Janitor's shift a fan of Matt?
I play the games he talks about just fine and have my own takes on them. But I think there is room in my heart to hear his and every random idiot on this board and their takes. The perspective he brings is relatively unique, and gives me just another thing to reflect on as I think about how I feel about the games I play.
There's nothing wrong with that I think.
You're stupid but at least you think Que Sera Sera is the best song, right?
For me it's Katamari on the Rocks or Katamari Mambo
Mods are inconsistent
has he ever made a game?
he invented mario bro, the first videogame
>combat or PVP
Literally never improved, just got gimmicky.
I think he'd enjoy Sekiro a lot, because of the level design and ninja tools being actually effective in boss fights.
Why would anyone play through the older God of War games?
Because they are better than nugowturd.
He got me to play Rain World so that video provided a lot of value to me.
You're retarded. Everything you described is not what Matthewmatosis does, thats what Joseph Anderson does.
For every game he's ever reviewed besides Bioshock infinite, Matthewmatosis decompiles games for insightful looks into their development and what makes their elements0 well (or poorly) executed, then wraps it all together for an even keeled, holistic perspective on the experience.
Well he didn't.
Don't know what you mean. Do you mean him save scumming and not doing it in one sitting and I can't bother to watch through a 6 hour vid again?
Why would he tear down the game with the best combat in the series?
This guy's critique was so bad and disingenuous that that retard Mauler literally became one of the biggest reviewers by simply stating everything that is wrong about hbomberguys assesment of matt and dark souls 2. Hbomberguy's vid was so bad and full of factual errors that the retard could make a 10 hour series tearing apart Hbomber's opinion. I loved that sperg out. Especially Hbomberguy's response basically saying how that entire series was nitpicking after every single point he made was adressed.
Imagine being so utterly wrong it takes 8 hours to destroy your argument
why did he hate the SotC remake but loves the idea of P5R?
He never implied that it's some high IQ shit. What he tried to convey is that there was a time when souls bosses had a unique way of tackling them that sometimes needed you to think outside the box instead of just learning the moveset of the boss and dodging or shielding at the right time.
>Another fucking youtuber
Are you fucking kidding me
I have never heard of this person, and everyone here somehow does and they sound like they’re speaking their own made-up autist language.
E-celeb posters on suicide watch.
you shouldn't say that like Kubrick is the only good filmmaker. he is definitely one of the best American directors, but there are plenty who are significantly better.
>it's a buttblasted snoyboy
of course it is
I hope so, he's the only eceleb reviewer I can stand.
Did he made a video?
>Matt appears as a guest on a podcast called "The 100% Sekiro-free Podcast"
>it's 100% Sekiro-free
>my literal face when
Literally what would Matthew even say about Sekiro
The stealth is shallow and the action isn't as good as a dedicated action game but it's still fun I guess, that's literally all there is to say
Only food to you
He said he's tried it but couldn't get into it and might give it another try eventually. I think it's a little too "literary" for him, he likes gameplay-focused games that have strong themes rather than games that are solely story-focused.
Matthewmatosis threads actual contain videogame discussion. If anyone if off topic it's the people screaming about eceleb threads. Literally nobody is discussing Matthew himself or his life.
But shit like Game Grumps and OneyPlays threads are full of genuine retards and children who post nothing other than gossip, who is dating who, ranking ecelebrities or praising or shitting on people endlessly. There's nothing close to game discussion.
In this regard, eceleb threads CAN be game related and most Matt threads are like this. But yes, threads when people just want to scream about the e"celebs" themselves and their lives should be nuked on sight.
There are some really well made essays out there tho. The communities around AA/eurojank are really improving vidya discussion and analysis a lot.
But he's right, everything after DeS is a soulless cash grab.
that podcast was comfy af tho
link to porn?
When did he say that?
>I need permission from e-celeb to like a video game
>tfw RDR videos soon
It was, I loved it. But I kept thinking the title would turn out to be a joke, and it wasn't.
Okay faggots, since you know so much about good videos, link me to some really good stuff. My recommendation feed is shitty as hell
Some askfm thing, no idea when but I know I saw it
thanks for bumping the thread, friend!
>Ross Scott
>Game Sack
>Supergreatfriend(for lps)
>The Great War
>Primitive Technology
>Gaming Pastime
>The Salt Factory
These come to mind.
He's not going to talk about it, he just points people at the Lost Soul Arts video because he's got nothing more to add.
Because they’re fun games
>quality Matt does
pick one faggot, and no, long edited rants aren't quality: points professionally made with objective arguments and apt comparisons are quality
>eceleb thread up for 10 hours
Great job, jannies.
Kill yourself, my dude
>long edited rants
thats joseph anderson tho
matthew is the person you described as "quality"
>Didn't he just say how awfully it's designed?
Twin Dragonrider is not badly designed.
All their animations are well telegraphed and you can avoid the archer if you play unlocked or if you want to play locked, you have to keep the archer in your line of sight while you are locked on to the other one.
>dude devs obviously decided to do X because I was totally there in the studio while the game was being made and I'm going to use my own half-assed analysis as circular source for what I'm arguing about
Fuck off Matt.
actually middle school tier intelligence
The thing with Matt as opposed to other vidya e-celebs talked about on Yea Forums is there's next to ZERO personal drama about him to gossip. He is the truest form of video game discussion in terms of e-celebs.
>dislikes a game mechanic being less punishing (intentional or not) than previously
>dislikes a game being marketed as super hard
These are two very different things user
You have to enter the boss fight first and can't back out of it unless you get killed. That's not the same thing as you described here
Why can't I get a gf that actually likes video games?
How did Matt do it?
>How did Matt do it?
By having a sister.
He still has shit taste. Based boomers have better taste than him
>why do I prefer skyrim? Because it's fun
BAM! Matthew ain't got shit on those guys
Don't spend 12 hours a day on Yea Forums surrounded by people telling you that you should hate women and go outside and spend some time with them instead.
didn't he say he wouldn't make a video because it was too similar to his other souls video?