Should I buy it if I loved meruru game and sophie series?
Should I buy it if I loved meruru game and sophie series?
Dusk is worse than Arland but better than Mysterious.
>$90 again
Its like they dont actually want to sell these pieces of shit
yes no no
Ayesha was pretty good. Haven't played the other two.
>Ayesha was pretty good.
No, it was shit just like others dusk games
It will be a huge downgrade for him to go from Sophie to Ayesha
Didn't Mysterious get rid of time limits? That sounds awful to me.
Buy Ayesha because Ayesha is a great game. Ignore the other two because they're shit and E&L's drop in quality from the previous games is so severe it's like being physically kicked off a cliff.
>It will be a huge downgrade for him to go from Sophie to Ayesha
>It will be a huge downgrade for him to go from the worst game in the franchise to one of the best games in the franchise
Also time limit isn't even an excuse, it's literally impossible to time out in Ayesha, if you beat the game with less than 12 months to spare, you are the problem, not the game.
Fuck off
Is there a cg collection in logy game?
I want to fuck Logy
I want to be logy and fuck you as winbell.
They better release it before Christmas
That'd be too close to their other releases, it probably won't be until early next year.
escha & logy was comfy and characters are fun, say what you want about it
Are they going to be Vita ports again?
Pretty sure they didn't reveal a price.
Ayesha is one of my favourite but eschatology is so bad it put me off from the series forever
Haven’t played Shallie yet but yes
Ps4, xbone and switch
I meant to ask if these ports will be based off Vita version
Yes. Not sure if they’ll add anything new.
But why?
Also PC. don't forget PC.
Why not? DX is the enhanced version, why would they port the vanilla PS3 version?
The Arland games had extra stuff in the Vita releases and so do the Dusk games.
In the case of the Arland games the PS3 versions had shadows in battle but the Vita versions and thus DX versions didn't. So the DX versions were actually a graphical downgrade due to the dumb decision to use the Vita versions as a base without making any improvements at all outside of the resolution the game runs at.
>finally pc dusk
What major changes do the DX versions have compared to the vanilla ones?
? Even in the original PS3 version the shadow is a bit iffy on vanilla Rorona. Only appear on a certain situation during the battle.
Meruru is fine, and so does Totori.
Seems like the shadows aren't gone entirely in Totori, but you ended up with pic related instead.
Probably for those who didn't buy a vita (i.e. nearly everyone outside japan).
Content > Shadows
>expecting no money Gust to actually sit down and make real improvements to 6 old PS3 ports
and I only played Rorona on PC but that ran at 60 fps iirc. That's something.