Final Fantasy 7 Remake will have a Classic combat mode

I can't wait to play with Aertihs fee-
I mean FF7 Remake in Classic mode lol!

Attached: 1568214979341.webm (1920x1080, 1.89M)

Other urls found in this thread:

lmao those are lanky as fuck

I‘m so glad I like armpits instead

Long footed bitch, she snacks the shit out of the floor when she runs without shoes

Long feet on a girl are sexy as fuck you're all faggots

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>FFVIIR will have 100% turn-based combat

worse feet than a six year old MMORPG in the same franchise

Attached: 1556465666766.png (1360x768, 2.25M)

Whatever happened to the THICCfags?

Classic Mode is basically watching your characters do stuff until your ATB fills, then you enter tacticool mode to enter commands.

>not liking kankles

Attached: EEUZv7jVUAENQKi.jpg (358x347, 12K)

on the other hand it doesn‘t seem like the pointless attack button mashing had any purpose, so it‘s beneficial for not wearing out the button I guess. But watching this shit until the gauge is full is boring too. I hope someday there will be a mod that restores the original gameplay.

>But watching this shit until the gauge is full is boring too

as opposed to the characters just standing there doing absolutely nothing?

You want a mod where characters just stand perfectly still in a row? Just go play the original you autistic retard.

Hey guess what zoomer? Your button mashing is doing absolutely nothing, it's just there so you can pretend you are playing a game while waiting for your turn gauge to fill up. Don't you feel embarrassed that you need to be pandered to this badly? It is an insult to your intelligence.

Attached: 43535216153w4.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

what about feet

Attached: 1568083771440.jpg (720x720, 41K)

There is no button pressing at all in Classic mode, what are you on about?

Footfags need to hang

Stomachs are the patrician choice you uncultured simpletons.


Attached: 1568451394547.webm (1920x1080, 2.93M)

>not having a gf who likes your stomach with clown feet

wow, you can't even tell I was talking about Active mode. You really believe your actions while ATB fills up matters? lol

Does he still do Sewer Tsunami?

The two boss fights they have shown look really boring, and "western"

Just dumb phases that force you to wait while enemy jumps away, convenient cover that appears and disappears, glowing weakpoints,etc.

I think I might have to get this now if this is the caliber of feet we are dealing with. Those long slender feet are absolutely perfect

Yeah. It's easy to dodge though.


Attached: Sewer Tsunami.webm (1920x1080, 2.92M)

its like they're demos or something

>Midgar is a slum city
>yet somehow apparently can celebrate each night with fireworks
This version is more Disneyland than a cyberpunk future

I'm sure they made up these phases entirely for the demo and in the full game they will take them out, what a splendid use of funds and time. Go bang your head some more, kill the rest of the brain cells you have left

still better than anything in XV

Yeah unlike the brilliant original Scorpion guardian with it's innovative DO NOTHING gameplay.

they should have startred repopulating the ancients.

>ariethfags are footfags
Now the Tifa shitposting makes sense.

Don runs Wall Market, I'm sure he can afford a few fireworks

I have higher standards than that. I can't afford to buy every game better than FF14, not even a millionaire can.

I meant the full game will obviously have more, you brain-dead retard.


good job moron

Oh even more garbage western gameplay mechanics that make horrible bossfights?

If Tifa showed off her big stinky feet I would be all over that as well.

This is rape.

If you're just going to generalize everything like a child, then there's no point replying to you.

Maybe someday you will also afford to get a proper education.

Subhumans gonna subhuman

like every other arpg

>high standards
>can't even count

Attached: 1568436301760.jpg (1497x845, 105K)


Not even shitty Kingdom Hearts does that. You don't play many games do you?

>God I hate myself and wish I was Japanese

It has pause combos.


This will replace the original for pretty much everyone. The original will just be left by the wayside. Be sure to seethe boomers

Gotta agree here, but then again it's just the tutorial boss and first boss. Here's hoping it gets better.

Kingdom Hearts is an Action RPG series.
Huh, I guess we found a fanbase even dumber than KHfags, FF7Rfags.

It's an action game for kids. It has absolutely no RPG mechanics.

I don't care what Yea Forums contrarians say I'm buying this one and there is nothing you incels can do to stop me. Also footfags deserve the gas chamber.

>It's an action rpg game for kids.


at least in the GBA FFs you could change the general speed of the game, so gauges for both enemies and characters filled quicker. This way you never had to wait. People complaining about waiting in ATB FF in these games are simply too stupid to use the options menu correctly.
I already did that and even though I liked it few games aged worse visually.

>It's an action rpg for fat neckbeard virgins.
There, happy now?

>it learned from its master



is this the best Omnislash they could do?

Attached: 1568454813519.gif (400x378, 3.18M)

is this real

this but unironically

she has long feet like a bunny, she's a cute bunny lady ^_^

why am I not surprised how much nu-square enix jacks off arieth so much?

>Episodic, barely 10% of the original game
>Confirmed added fillers that advent children tier writing
>You can literally do nothing and win, showed in tgs gamedemo. There is also a easy mode. Just remember how easy XV AND KH3 are.
>No costumes or cosmetic change
>Cringy voice dialogue
>Linear as fuck like XIII, no exploration in Midgar
>KH3 minigames
>Only 4 playable character, RED XIII isnt playable.
>Only orchestral music
>Ugly Tifa

I except after the honeymoon phase is over, it will become a dissapointment like KH3 and FFXV, the fundemental problems of those game are present here in FFVII remake
It's easy as fuck, cut content and you will get empty feel after finishing it.

Attached: blunder.png (1152x773, 108K)

Trying far too hard.

from what we've seen, all the boss battle areas are really huge too
pretty bad level design

Fuck off with your censored game.


Literally plays itself

Attached: FF7R autobattle.webm (960x540, 2.73M)

It isn't in any regard

Attached: FF7R literally do nothing.webm (960x540, 2.42M)

ue4 was a mistake

Attached: 637650_screenshots_20180923030308_2.jpg (1668x2699, 3.2M)


Barry back at it for those desperate (You)s.

t. nathan

The Mako Reactor theme remake made my balls swell up. I need the OST remake right away

feet too long


Attached: xt727.jpg (4005x3068, 2.09M)

Agreed. Sounds better than anything heard in XV's garbage OST.

Preach it brother
Long toes are got tier

wow nice battle armor

Shhh. Turn based JRPG fans like to pretend they are super intelligent people who appreciate sophisticated decision making. Don't shatter their illusion.

>long face
>long arms
>long feets
why is she so long?

trying to match Sephiroth's sword

>>Only orchestral music

This is the one thing that disappoints me. The obsession with 'orchestrating' everything. They don't even have a guitar or organ in the boss music because muh orchestra.

The Guard Scorpion in FF7 takes 5 minutes or less to die. You "wait while the tail is up" for like 10-15 seconds.

The two bosses they have shown for the remake drag on and on and on with multiple phases. I love how you ADHD ridden retards complain about waiting in a turnbased game, when turnbased gameplay is faster than this shit. Even the summons, all us turnbasedfags want is the attack animation cutscene, you know, the same one you are forced to watch only we don't want the pointless temp party member rubbish that serves no purpose.

Sounds worse than anything in XVs god tier OST

so far only the boss theme is orchestral
the Turk and reactor themes are not
the squat music is the furthest thing from orchestral as well

How many times does Square Enix have to release a shit game after making you wait 5-10 years for it before you wake up?

How many years has it been since TORtanic?


I love turn based gameplay but if you're complaining this hard about what we've seen so far NOTHING will please you but the exact same battle system so you should just leave the thread and not buy or play the game because you are a jaded unhappy self loathing person who is hanging onto a game as his sense of self worth and is offended by something new and fun and having it's own merits and flaws when it's just a piece of entertainment at the end of the day, seriously go outside and get some air, you're calling people retarded over changes to a games battle system friend.

Off topic a bit, but i want to ask
Who teach Tiffa how to fight?

The City of the Ancients/Forgotten City theme is gonna be amazing.

How is that relevant?
FF12 took 5 years to come out, and while I didn't think it was bad, it definitely did not please the fanbase at large.
FF13 took 6 years to come out, and it sucked.
FF15 took 10 years to come out, and it sucked.
People waited for KH3 for over 10 years, I don't know how many years it took to make, and it was unfinished shit.

dumb crossposter


They became brappers

The great Xangan


How was KH3 unfinished? Serious question... I mean relative to any other KH release?

nobody cares barry

>You want a mod where characters just stand perfectly still in a row? Just go play the original you autistic retard.

I thought people wanted a remake of FF7 because they loved the game but hated the graphics and clunky mini games. The combat system is fine, everything else is absolute garbage, even compared to other PS1 era games.

dumb crossposter crossposter

>I love turn based gameplay
Not relevant. I don't care what you like and it doesn't make me value your opinion any more or less.
>if you're complaining this hard about what we've seen so far NOTHING will please you
Plenty of games please me. Bad games don't.
> but the exact same battle system
I wouldn't want the exact same battle system. I'd want the materia system with FFX combat system.
> you should just leave the thread
> not buy or play the game
I don't plan to. There are plenty of great upcoming games to play instead.
>pointless insults because I don't worship Square Enix cash grab shit

Just like the original

Please upload video of you beating that boss without touching the controller.

You're right but you won't convince dumb shits like him sadly

Attached: based kevin.jpg (370x311, 32K)

Holy shit it's like aerith and yuffie had a baby and that baby was an angel

you know there is materia than makes it so your party members always strike first with powerful attacks/summons and counter with powerful attacks as well?

hard fucking truth right here

>Not relevant. I don't care what you like and it doesn't make me value your opinion any more or less.
No one cares about your opinion saying all you would like to watch is an animation claiming to speak for all people who like turn based games - you don't speak for me as I would rather have a summoned creature have it's own turn based attacks ala FFX for e.g.

>Plenty of games please me. Bad games don't.
The game isn't out, you don't know if it's bad yet.
>I wouldn't want the exact same battle system. I'd want the materia system with FFX combat system.
You'd want a battle system completely unrelated to FFVII.. do you realize how stupid that is?
>I don't plan to. There are plenty of great upcoming games to play instead.
If you don't even plan on buying this 'bad' game, then why in the fuck are you in this thread literally wasting your waking hours shitposting about it? Is your life so shitty and pointless that this is the best thing you can do right now? Like I said go outside and do something, you are wasting your time here, it's embarrassing.

Please upload a video of you doing this to the first boss in the game.

shut up barry

first boss it literally hold O

Upload a video of you doing it then. You won't though, because you are full of shit.

>FFX combat
opinion fucking discarded

Attached: AHAHAHAHA.png (1280x720, 1.17M)

>summon meter show up before summoning
Is summon boss fight only?

How many more disappointments you faggots must endure to stop caring about this shit company?

Attached: 1393875999572.png (657x434, 377K)

why would I do that
this is 22 year old knowledge that the tutorial boss takes zero effort

My secret is that I'm always disappointed. Even at you, son.

>No one cares about your opinion
>The game isn't out, you don't know if it's bad yet.
Yeah, just like I didn't know FF13 and FF15 were going to be bad. Oh wait, I did, because I'm not fucking retarded.
>You'd want a battle system completely unrelated to FFVII..
Do explain how the materia system is unrelated to FF7. FF7's combat is the materia system, how you set them up to alter your attacks and effects in battle. No ATB doesn't drastically change the system, only improves it imo. Turn order > ATB.
>more pointless pathetic insults that also applies to himself

Trials of Mana and Romancing SaGa 3 getting translated is the opposite of disappointing though, and KH3 was a great game, can't blame shit Disney directors for not letting SE do anything with their precious stories for making some of the worlds shit.

go be a jaded retard somewhere else
square still makes top quality games

Attached: 1568435719404.webm (750x420, 974K)

>KH3 was a great game


I'm buying Dragon Quest XI S later this month, but, FF has been irredeemable trash since before most people on Yea Forums were even born.

The last world made up for a lot of shitty worlds imo

>Dragon Queer
>crying about FF in an FF thread

checks out

I enjoyed XV and X-2

>KH3 was a great game, can't blame shit Disney directors for not letting SE do anything with their precious stories for making some of the worlds shit.
What is it with Nomura fanboys blaming literally anyone and everyone else for Nomura's games being shit?

its true

Attached: Larxene Selfie.jpg (1024x576, 92K)

...because Disney specifically said that they wouldn't let them change the story and it could only be a simple retelling of the original film...


Did they force him to make it Little Mermaid 2.0?

>KH3 was a great game

Attached: 0456456456456.png (724x518, 132K)

My nigger

All the remade music sounds fucking soulless, it's all just generic orchestral renditions with no MIDI.

What are you trying to imply? You don't believe what Disney has said themselves..? Are you just being ignorant on purpose?

You already tried this bait, try something else.

Top quality production values, maybe. FFXV and KH3 were both shallow garbage. The FF7 remake has the advantage of being based on a really good game, so there's hope. And it does look good.

Setting the story limits for one world doesn't mean it is their fault it is boring to play. Fucking retard.

pretty sure that post was sarcastic

No, I'm being genuine, everything else is fine

It's confirmed, Enix is of exceptional level of IQ.

I don't know what changed, by they are no longer the lazy, unimaginative motherfuckers they were in the past decade or so.

Attached: exceptional level iq enix 2.jpg (775x497, 269K)

It wasn't boring, no need to call people retards online, it only portrays you as a frustrated, angsty virgin.

They're spending an insane amount of money on the remake. If they don't get it right, it's the end of the company.

bad b8

imagine being this fucking stupid

you dont have to imagine

>it's the end of the company.
this time for realsies guys

Yup, but it could turn the tide as well. FF7 brought in the golden age of JRPGs, maybe this might become the second revival of interest in RPGs in general. Actually when you think about it, FF7 might even have a hand in opening people's minds in MMORPGs as well, ie. it's no longer a "NEERRRRD" thing.

Take a look at the bottom left during the trailer. The guy playing was mashing square to attack. What is of this combat? I know they announced classic options but haven't they learned?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-14-12-57-16-1.png (720x385, 428K)

It truly is the Final Fantasy

>It wasn't boring
>making some of the worlds shit.

Try to be consistent with your bullshit retard.

>it's the end of the company.
I fucking wish.

It's like he's playing as Aerith or something.

If you understood proper English you would realize those two statements do not equate a contradiction.


not an argument

The reason they're making the remake episodic is that it's too expensive to justify spending as much as they're spending on just one $60 game. If they fuck up the first part, no one will buy the second or third, I.E, massive financial losses.

man this looks pretty bad.
It's gonna be reskinned XV isn't it?


They'll just destroy everything else and keep Kitase, Nomura,etc employed. They already use FF14's profits on their other shitty projects and FF14 suffered for it in Stormblood.

Looks more like a AAA Crisis Core with an optional retard/FF15 auto-combat/hold down X mode.

>instead of just making a good action RPG, they now have to water down all the fights to be compatible with classic mode

The reason they're making the remake episodic is because people are sick of waiting decades for their games to come out. Also 7 is their biggest milker.

>instead of just making a good action RPG
The funny part is you think they are capable of this.


How the fuck is this not a literal movie game?

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Attached: cloud omnislash ff7r.webm (960x540, 1.29M)


I rest my case.

ff15 took 3 years and its kino

That's not it. They're padding each game to be as big, if not bigger than the original game was. If they just wanted to do a 1:1 remake with the same content, they could pump that shit out much faster. The original is like 25 hours long if you don't grind materia levels. It's really shallow if you think about it. Each area has like 4 different screens and that's it.

>attack, combo until revenge value, reflect, attack, combo until revenge value
amazing combat

you clearly do nath


that nate cope

Because in that webm they're showing off "let's pretend that we're still playing a turn-based RPG" mode.

Attached: classicmode.png (599x549, 351K)

didn't realize you're from the future

You mean
>activate limit form
>sonic rave your way through every org 13 data battle
>equip fenrir and negative combo
>kill lingering faggot in 30 seconds

>good action RPG
Doesn't exist. Just make a regular action game.

its less involving than xv

Attached: FF7R don't even press anything to win.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

We've know about this for years. They're aiming to make each episode a full-sized game, which is usually 40 hours for a JRPG. We've already seen how they intend to pad the remake out. AVALANCHE even return to one of the Mako Reactors they bombed in the trailer.

yes nathan we get it you're seething

Absolutely and unironically based. Fuck footfags, they're the worst type of degenerate.

From my point of view Action mode is "let's pretend I'm not playing a turnbased game" by making you mash buttons to fill your turn gauge.

Just pick one or the other, this just looks like some shitty business trying to please everyone.


Attached: c6e0dc4f8968983f32ddbb39d2ce77d78cf68d81.jpg (1280x941, 409K)

tomato tomato

Except Shadowbringers was fantastic, and unlike before where you could tell everything SE was producing was pure wank this actually looks promising.

Attached: DxC5OAFV4AEsON5.png orig.png (1359x941, 1.03M)

Where is the 'real combat' footage then if this the auto play?

>videos of FF13 and FF15 showing them play itself
>fanboys denied the games would be shit
>games come out
>they are shit

Why does this keep happening?

This time it's LITERALLY an optional mode for the fans of those exact shit games. Don't want the game to play itself? Ok, don't play it on that mode.

>fanboys denied the games would be shit
This never happened with either game.

oh fuck off.

Holding to attack is optional in XV too

>this time it will be good!

XV requires buttons to play
7R does not

Attached: FF7R press nothing to win.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

It didn't. XIII and XV are generally hated.

because people want to believe that their favorite game series is always good but its just not the case here FF7R look awful but nobody wants to admit it. It looks like it plays like XV and this new mode seems like what a troll would describe as turn based combat.

Right at the beginning.

here we go again

Attached: jcouTube.jpg (1317x875, 350K)

Improved your Tif, bro

Attached: tumblr_oer3dyuWaV1r0h5wwo6_1280.jpg (960x960, 132K)

how is this bad? Literally add more control and let the person do more for that extra % or so of damage or let the computer do a little dance for less and wait your turn on the atb. some people will bitch about anything.

>Nate too pussy to direct quote posts because he's on suicide watch


Post the feet, bro

People want more options but when they're given more options the choice paralyzes them and they gravitate to one and condemn the other.

has the same effect as not doing so

You faggots who care about (You) this much are fucked in the head.

>ff13 auto selected commands for you
>ff15 only had attacking and it automated that
>ff7r attacks are just for filling atb, so it's essentially just a mode that auto fills atb for you so you can focus on choosing commands

>Barry still mad nobody gives a fuck about XV so he's trying to bring down 7R

seek help my dude, seriously you have major problems

glad i'm not like that then. Holy fuck. Thanks for the solid explanation though.


RPGsite best FF poll with over 10k votes, XV in top 5
1: Final Fantasy VII
2: Final Fantasy IX
3: Final Fantasy VI
4: Final Fantasy X
5: Final Fantasy XV
6: Final Fantasy VIII
7: Final Fantasy XIV
8: Final Fantasy XII
9: Final Fantasy IV
10: Final Fantasy XIII
11: Final Fantasy V
12: Final Fantasy XI
13: Final Fantasy III
14: Final Fantasy II
15: Final Fantasy

Gameinformers top 300 games poll with XV in the top 5 FF games listed
270. Final Fantasy XIII (#12 ranked FF)
244. Final Fantasy III (#11 ranked FF)
235. Final Fantasy XII (#10 ranked FF)
164. Final Fantasy XIV (#9th ranked FF)
146. Final Fantasy IV (#8th ranked FF)
128. Final Fantasy XI (#7th ranked FF)
97. Final Fantasy VIII (#6th ranked FF)
51. Final Fantasy XV (#5th ranked FF)
49. Final Fantasy IX (#4th ranked FF)
33. Final Fantasy X (#3rd ranked FF)
13. Final Fantasy VI (#2nd ranked FF)
7. Final Fantasy VII (#1st ranked FF)

Game informer top 5 best games in series, XV in top 5.
>Final Fantasy
>1. Final Fantasy X
>2. Final Fantasy VII
>3. Final Fantasy VI
>4. Final Fantasy VIII
>5. Final Fantasy XV

Shirrako FF poll with 21k+ votes had XV in 1st place and top 5

Famitsu best games of Heisei era, XV again in top 5 for the FFs listed
1. Chrono Trigger
2. The Legend of Zelda: BOTW
3. NieR: Automata
4. Final Fantasy VII
5. Okami
6. The Legend of Zelda: OoT
7. Final Fantasy X
8. Pokémon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow
9. Dragon Quest V
10. Xenogears
11. Vainglory
12. Suikoden II
13. Mother 2
14. Splatoon 2
15. Tactics Ogre
16. Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G
17. Kingdom Hearts
17. (tie) Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
19. Final Fantasy XV
20. Final Fantasy XI
20. (tie) Pokémon Diamond/Pearl

Attached: tumblr_p8p64n6W6q1w8n8zko1_400.jpg (400x503, 34K)


Are those Midgar slums? where does all that ligth come from?

Lmfao, no they are not you retard. Another example of people like you being shut-ins and believing the handful of dumbcucks on a site like Yea Forums as what they say is gospel. Even back when FFXIII launched it was only a few idiots on here bitching.

It's the very edge of Midgar. Sorta like the exit near the church to the outside world.

your post was incredibly constructive, thank you

The outside.

Attached: Midgar outskirts.png (460x322, 218K)

What was the purpose of people editing these videos? You can see the reflection on the ps4 controller is inconsistent.

Did people actually waste their life in some attempt to hate on a game?

tapping does more damage because of manual finishers and more attacks in the string because you can restart the opening attack

holding just loops 3 mid attacks

okay sweetie whatever helps you sleep at night

FFXV is garbage. It's no wonder it only has one extreme autist defending it, and threads about it die immediately.

>tfw you see Tifa and Aerith

I'm here to ask the real questions.
Does anyone have upskirt pictures of new tifa yet?
Does anyone have upskirt pictures of new aerith yet?

It's just a modernisation of idle animations. Kinda cool imo, although I probably would have preferred them to not actually attack during it

>press nothing to win.webm
Literally not even winning. Cloud does nothing substantive the whole time - just negligible chip damage which is only there because it's less weird than doing none at all

Attacking in XV is manual
its entirely auto in 7r

you're the only one seething over XV here nathan

Attached: ff7r playing itself.webm (960x540, 2.66M)

>Except Shadowbringers was fantastic

Attached: u.jpg (750x855, 35K)

No and no. Nothing to really see with Tifaa anyway, considering it's just spats.

Don't reply to him.

It's not edited retard

Revolutionising the film industry

you're the only one bringing up xv here and seething over it
must be because its so good while 7r is auto and hold

Attached: ff7r hold to attack.webm (960x540, 2.8M)

Funny how nomurafags tried shitting on XV for "hold O to win" meme then nomura came out with TWO (2) games where you LITERALLY do nothing to win

Attached: kh3 do nothing to win.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

>chip damage
So winning since keeping that up will win

Don't reply to yourself.

Yeah and funny yet the same nomura fags are trying to defend 7R having both hold to attack mechanic and press nothing to win mechanic.

Why don’t you just play the turn based FF7 that already exists if you so desperately need turn based combat?

>These filenames
Holy shit, it's the new obsession of Cyberpunk/W3/FFXV/GTA autist

FF7R IS turnbased. You are just forced to mash buttons pointlessly so dumb ass kids like you can believe you are playing an action game.

Zoom zoom

I don't fucking understand this combat system, is it like Dark Souls?

>is it like Dark Souls
how the fuck could anyone come to this conclusion?

XIII and it's sequels put them in a fair amount of danger along with the development he'll of XV
XIV and it's smaller titles are the only things that kept them going

You move around, attack and block so yes it's just like Dark Souls.

But you're not forced you can just turn that off.

I'm talking about your "action mode" you stupid shit. You think you are playing an action game because you will be mashing X to do 10 damage a hit to build your turn gauge so you can do a real attack.

Attached: ff.webm (1920x1080, 442K)

If you hate good action games I suppose.


I'd just rather be in control of the basic attacks, doesn't really matter if they don't doas much damage.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Thanks for proving my point. You are fucking so fucking dumb you NEED to mash that button even knowing it is pointless. You have to be tricked into playing a turnbased game.

I play turn based games all the time, I just don't understand why people are so angry about the system they implemented, it seems fine to me.

Shope the star into a spade

It's alright.

Attached: Real-Time Combat.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

Where is the gameplay?

Ever wonder what the bottom of an avatar's shoe looks like?

this cope

no its automated entirely

Consoles are the mistake bud.