Honestly. The game is terrible. The core mechanics are better than previous games but everything else is worse
>Optimization is absolutely atrocious
>Story somehow managed to be many times worse than BL2 story
>Balancing is absolutely shit
>Bosses are shit
How come it got such good reviews?
Where reviews paid?
Not big expectations were given, thus everyone is happy.
same reason Marvel movies are popular
2K sent review copies to selected outlets only, so in a sense they were paid yes.
Because people are idiots! How haven't you got to 18 years old and realized this?
Gaming is just rehashes of games with increasing casualization
Journalists are scared of twitter backlashes so go with the flow instead of doing their job and calling this out!
Journalists are also in bed with publishers for job security. Piss of publishers and no pre-release review copies for you or your shit publication.
It's all fucked up!
wrong, I'm playing the game right now and you're completely wrong on everything.
Are you just mad because it's epic exclusive?
Grow up and get over it.
The story is all over the place and that's not counting in the weird use of good/bad ends.
Have people seriously already finished it?
fuck supmatto
borderlands fills something people want it to fill and it does its job good enough. No one was expecting a spectacular game people were just expecting another borderlands and apparently the games main selling points are good enough this time too.
Rushing trough the story probably doesn't take too much time. It's the side quests that take up the most time and are always more fun.
Yep. Videos are starting to pop up in YT.
>How come it got such good reviews?
Is this a serious question?
Because Yea Forums is always wrong and their opinions are garbage.
I like it so far, all I care about is that it's somewhat different from the first one (which 2 didn't really do) and I can have my dots character so I can relive playing affliction warlock which siren is doing a real good job at. If they get rid of the input lag, buggy menu and make the cars a bit better to handle I think it would just fine
Wait for the steam version bro, lmao.
Fucking hell, I can't even imagine playing a borderlands game for like 15 hours straight.
It's ridiculous, like yeah sometimes supporting a company that has abhorrent business practices and terrible progressive pandering is ok to take them down a notch but it's every single major game that comes out that we fuck on. I'm a major gears fan and v convinced me not to buy because of stupid minor issues while my coworkers tell me the balancing of the game is amazing. He's a pretty genuine guy who knows about gears multi as much as I do and now I feel like an idiot for listening to this dumb board
Meant boycotting
>based coper trying to get around being boring and old
Borderlands is just meeting supply and demand. People just want lootan and shootan
I'm amazed a company as big as gearbox shipped the game in he state it is, consolefags are angry.
It looks like all the shilling died down. I guess they were bots after all.
Paid reviews?
Every single review I've seen on my news feed is a bunch of faggots complaining that the game isn't a destiny clone
Stop being poor and a sinophobe
>most youtube reviews are paid
>metacritic is being bombed by steam babies
Shit I just want an unbiased review
They aren't bots, they are paid viral marketers.
That's what torrents are for, user. Just be patient.
((((((((((thanks for gearbox for (((((((SPONSORING)))))))))) this review)))))))))
My favourite part of Yea Forums is when people actually believe the stuff that others say on here.
You can make an entirely false statement about a new game and many people will entirely believe it.
I'm only lvl 12 but I say it's good so far. Cringe dialogue is still there but at least the weapons are different from 1 and 2. Plus the guns sounds are amazing and grenades feel so much better to use
The game in my opinion is actually enjoyable but repetitive. Its more of a 6/10 above average like Division 2. Its fun when there is combat but certain side quests are like chores. Its not a bad game but an average game that is going to be forgotten by 2020.
The changes to Hyperion was the best. Accuracy over time while aiming was bullshit.
I'm noticing a trend in these threads where if somebody has a complaint about the game they're called "steamdrones" or something similar. It's almost like a hivemind or just one person spamming it in every thread. I hope these people/this person realizes that most of us are playing on console and have nothing to do with "Steam". Also, the game is bad.
I'm having a blast just slide shotgunning and using the iron bear with a friend. Making shotguns launch people before it actually is something more games should have. I'm actually enjoying the gunplay for once since all previous entries felt like trash to play honestly. Just anarchy gaige felt sorta fun with a shotgun. Story is still cringe but Lilith getting raped was pretty outta left field for them.
y listen to what anyone on this board says about anything mainstream
user... You should have gotten it on console. The game is literally a keylogger.
Yeah the shield is nifty but Malawan switching elements? That's shits dope, I don't even care about the wind up because I know I'm going to melt with my siren build
Will they ever top him?
i thought they said it took 40 hours to beat if you rushed it or something
does exceeding recommended actually give you a good performance then? I mean, epiccucks with Denuvo are our beta testers.
any megas? not gonna pay for that generic piece of crap
I've fallen for it too in the past, whether it be advice or just news or whatever.
Then I decided to test it by just shooping some images and finding obviously fake information online, and posting it here. Was really fucking eye awakening when I was able to get people frothing at the mouth over it, yet hardly anyone was asking for a source or stating that I was wrong.
>First three planets have you saving female characters from arrogant while males, but females are still shown as competent and help in combat
>twice you also save a dorkly pathetic male character on the first two planets, they don't help in combat and cry out helplessly several times
>Early sidequest for Moxxi has her kill an ex lover of hers because of his 'disgusting' speech about her, despite her stating several times he had a small dick and talking about other guys shes slept with
I don't get it. Why even play it if you don't like it? You're just setting yourself up for wasted time and disappointment, and then you're going to come back on here and bitch about something that you knew would be shit.
Why do you want to eat shit just so you can say it take pride in saying it does taste like shit?
I enjoyed TPS. gonna give it a shot.
Probably should have put a trigger warning in for you.
>Only character the player flirts with is Ellie, with both Zane and Flak complimenting her on her appearance, with Zane stating she has the body of a 'REAL' woman
>Sun Smasher leader on Pandora was a man overthrown by a women because of how incompetent he was
>Atlas leader who is also a white male shown as incompetent, female with dyed hair is leading resistance on second planet
waitm that disgusting swine still hasn't looked after herself? Yeah, pirate. Randy went full jew to appeal to the intellectually disabled.
not gonna lie, fl4k's 'admirable heft' line got a chuckle out of me
but the trailers for BL3 were horribly generic and the reviews are alarming.
also I dont pay for singleplayer games
I take back what I said then, sorry user.
Hopefully you'll find what you're looking for in it.
Worst bait post I've seen in quite a while
it's more borderlands
I thought it was funny too, but i also see that its propaganda
>How come it got such good reviews?
Because if a place/reviewer stops giving things good reviews, they stop sending them things to review, and they're out of a job.
Is he good solo?
Stop buying western games
The gameplay's solid enough, but I wish I could just turn off all the dialogue because the writing is fucking abysmal. it feels like every line out of people is just fucking memes.
correction: stop buying AAA tripe and never buy anime. Werstern culture is the best in the world and Japan can work good with our folklore and settings too.
Jeff Gerstmann from Giant Bomb confirmed that gearbox was only giving out review copies to groups that basically sucked the game's dick at e3 so they could launch with a good metacritic score.
I felt like this with Borderlands 2. Hated it the first time because it was violating my senses with all the memes and crappy humour.
Played it again with a friend and even thigh the humour was shit, I either didn't hear it as much or I atleast got to bitch about it to my friend. Was easy to focus on just the gameplay. No idea how bad 3's is and I don't care to find out. I'll buy the game when it's super cheap and fully updated.
Especially true ok 2k, they have very little tolerance for bad reviews
why not do what I do? stop taking it seriously and laugh AT the writers, not WITH them, and play it like a serial killer simulator. it osunds weird, but the mindset did it for me, and if a lazy NEET can do it so can you user.
>>Optimization is absolutely atrocious
Shitty denuvo VM BS made me want to get a refund, but I had already played too much by the time I chose to do something about it.
>>Story somehow managed to be many times worse than BL2 story
First time i've turned off dialogue and captions to play a game. Although the game is playable when you do this.
>>Balancing is absolutely shit
I hate what they did with hyperion and pangolin, but the guns are fine imo. Although I strictly have been only using dahl and jacobs and COV guns make me want to vomit, I wouldn't consider it unbalanced. Only gun unbalanced i've come across was the legendary dropped from maliwan dude's bot, but only because it is busted.
>>Bosses are shit
Only bad boss i've come across is the goliath boss, but I wouldn't consider any of the other bosses to be bad. The Geniviv boss was probably the most fun i've had against a boss in a bl game.
It's definitely not trash. I'm having more fun with the game than presequel and 2 although only because I have a computer that can push out a good framerate in 1080. I would have a very different opinion otherwise and can see why people would consider it unplayable.
You can turn it off. Set dialogue to 0 and turn off captions. That's how i've been playing the game
You might be able to reverse the charge through your credit card
Laughing at them is a solid way to play it, BUT the writing is so bad and obnoxious, that it gets into my head.
But yeah you're right. Just playing it to kill stuff is the only correct way to play.
I already have 15 hours in game + I can run it well enough so I am invested to play it till the end. I also am planning on playing coop with my friends when they get out of school for winter break. The franchise carries a lot of weight in my friend group so i'm happy with my purchase.
I’ve not played 3 but isn’t the atlas leader Rhys from tftb? Fuck have they ruined my boy and turned him into a joke?
what cringe levels are we talking about? nothing (0) Chris chan (10) or Feminism? (5)
I fucking hate Lorelei's accent. It's grating.
Yep. Second to Vaughn really.
Randy wouldn't do something like that. He's a man of integrity.
you fucking fags are delusional
you keep thinking tales is any better than the second game
the only borderlands game that is fucking faggot shit is the first one
the rest are full of shit characters
I don't even know how to describe it. It's late 2000s humour but it's the edgy, dead baby jokes, look how dark I am, ha ha I killed you when I said I wouldn't I'm so funny, kinda humour. Tolerable except for the part where it happens multiple times in one sentence for some characters. The main villain constantly does it and à few side characters that help you do it too.
Beyond them, it's not that bad but when they won't stfu, it just pisses me off. I bag deal with cringe as there is some leven of humour to be had. But like I said, it's so obnoxious that I'm not allowed to do anything BUT have the pure stream of shit flow into my ears.
Please explain how tales is not miles better than 2? It had far fewer fucking memes and had actual jokes in it. When was the last time you played 1 anyway? It was my favourite too but it hasn’t aged particularly well. It’s a chore to play.
Just get gears 5 for 2 bucks user with gamepass its a good game the story is fucking shite though and the open world maps are really boring but its still a lot more enjoyable than gears 4
i played 1 when they released the fix for pc not that long ago and maxxed 2 characters in a row
tales still has that insecure 12 year old filter for the characters
it's almost as if a joke has diminishing returns after the first time.... hm?
How long is the game? has anyone with no sleep routine finished it yet?
Just to clarify, I am talking about Bl2, not 3.
I can't put a time on it, but the main quest isn't that long. Still slightly over stays it's welcome imo, but not terrible. There are tons of side quests but few of them are worth doing except for quick xp boosts to stay in line with the recommended levels for the main quests, or if you know they give a weapon the you'd like.
It is a fairly straightforward romp of just shooting shit if you don't get too bogged down into side quests. As for no sleep routine? I personally can only play this for a couple of hours at a time. Any more and I couldn't enjoy it.
A bot would be cheaper, surely?
I imagine a lot of these "people" cheat engine the game to get to the end.
Ah, characters aren't allowed to have a personal taste for bigger women? Interesting.
Would you rather them say that for a skinny woman?
That's some weird ass backwards logic you have.
not even copies, they sent out review "EGS accounts" with a special dev version on it.
So Risk of Rain 2 sells 1 million copies x $20=$20,000,000
But factor in Steam's 30% cut, and it's down to 14,000,000
But Satisfactory sells 500,000 copies x $30=15,000,000
And you factor in Epic's 12%, that's down 13,750,000
So in the long run, Satisfactory will make way more money than Risk of Rain 2, especially with the cash injection from Epic for the exclusivity.
And I'm not even factoring the 10-15% Gearbox gets for ROR2. (Oops, that's gotta hurt)
>Optimization is absolutely atrocious
Works perfectly on my 4k display
>Story somehow managed to be many times worse than BL2 story
The story is great if you play in Japanese.
>Balancing is absolutely shit
My weapons are the most balanced I ever had in any Borderlands game
>Bosses are shit
This were the best bosses I ever fought. This one side mission Boss was a real tough one. This was the first time in years were I really felt accomplishment after I beat the boss (before wiping like 15 times).
Just accept it, Steamcel. Borderlands 3 is a masterpiece.
>Bike analogy
Yikes. Cope more, piratecuck.
what GPU do you have? Unr**l doesn't work well with AMD's.
>grovels to corps
>pays money
>lets bugmen spy on them
>So in the long run, Satisfactory will make way more money than Risk of Rain 2, especially with the cash injection from Epic for the exclusivity.
You mean the 500k copies they "sold" then.
Cope gotylands is optimised for amd, Tim jumped ship nvshit on suicide watch
Was meant for
as in, they backstabbed Nvidia for AMD? I got an AMD GPU but it shows how much of a snake Tim is. again.
Tim and amd is the future user
They only sent early copies to select reviewers and streamers (paid shills). Numerous streamers and reviewers have said the game performs one way (fine) on the early build and another (badly) on the retail build. This is 100% proof that the game is gimped to fuck and back by denuvo's retarded vm shit.
AMD is for GPUs, but Ricecooker CPU's are a meme. I'm just saying Tim is a dirty jew for backstabbing a long term partner like that.
>This one side mission Boss was a real tough one. This was the first time in years were I really felt accomplishment after I beat the boss
you really haven't played the game if all you can do is put out a generic answer like this
Hi shill. Is being a 60 iq parrot a requirement for your job?
user the people here are not your friends. The time you spend with your friends is infinitely more valuable than the time you spend here, and no matter what games you play, someone on Yea Forums will come to your thread and take up half the posts to shit all over it.
will he ever top me?
dear lord. how do I protect and flush my system afterwards? I know pol is good for flushing femitoxin, but I think I need more.