What went wrong?
Diablo 3
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It took them 2 years to get the game to a enjoyable state. After which, most players have already dropped it.
Is it better than 2?
If not, then that's your answer.
It had the shitty auction house then they just casualised the shit after the game when they removed it. Shame because it had some of the most fluid gameplay out of it's genre
I think D3 gets many of the key aspects very much right. Combat is actually fundamentally really satisfying, more so than any other ARPGs I have tried, with good animations, excellent sounds and details like enemies ragdolling away in a whirlwind of gore as you slaughter them. The skills themselves (not talking about the way you do builds) offer most of everything you might want and then some. Atmosphere and music aren't as good as in D2 but I find them thoroughly solid and that would have been a really tough act to beat anyhow. And of course, it's a polished high production value game and that counts for something at least.
HOWEVER! Progression mechanics are fucking trash! It's just not compelling to be able to get full BiS in a few hours and then the rest of the game consisting of grinding levels-after-levels and better rolled versions of items you already have. Because the game is about reaching bigger numbers (as opposed to "beating the game"), it just doesn't feel good playing off-meta builds because not only are you reaching bigger numbers, you'd be better off grinding gems and paragon levels and shit with a meta build and then switching (but why?). This is augmented by the fact that balance is INCONCEIVABLY BAD. For example, if I wanted to play a generally sensibly built version (ie. not deliberately bad build) of my favored D2 Barb build, the frenzy/double swing barbarian, the best variation of that build is using frenzy simply as means to deliver thorns damage and that doesn't feel right. And it'd be ten thousand percent weaker than meta builds that you can get kit for in a couple of hours from starting a new seasonal character thanks to Haedrig's Gifts. And if you wanted to make a non-thorns frenzy build, that would probably be a million percent worse. Or something. The way set bonuses and legendary affixes dictate builds is just sickening.
I unironically think D3 with reasonable progression mechanics would be a fucking blast. Now, it's "ehhhh".
>Streamlined everything too much
>story sucks
>expansion that fixed most of the flaws from launch took two years to come out
>Activision abandoned it when the playerbase forced them to give up on RMAH, leaving it to die with no content
Agreed, the combat is the best in the genre, nothing has come close to how good D3 feels to play from a combat standpoint.
When the executives at Blizzard started the creation of Diablo 3. Instead of asking "How do we make a great game?" they asked "How do we monitize this game?"
Every single failure of Diablo 3 stems from this one question
saucenao nigger
No content and build variety
RMAH and powercreep.
With that said, some efforts have been made and some recent seasons have progressed the gameplay model.
Such as temporarily removing the shittiest set of the game, LoN.
Hopefully they are using it as a testbed for D4.
Fuck that loser
>death penalty is "wait a little bit"
>can't build your character
>cooldown on skills like it's a fucking MMO
>colored like WoW, which looks like shit
>can get to max level before finishing the first playthrough
>can't fight without a weapon beucase your character won't do any damage even though he's level 9999999999999
>you can give any weapon to any character as long as it boosts their damage beucase that's all that matters
Uh, the death penalty is you lose your fucking toon, bro.
Oh, and the main plot sucks hard and story mode would be really tiresome to play with all the unskippable forced melodrama cutscenes and so on. Of course, there's no incentive to play story mode in the current version of the game (and I think expansion story is actually a lot more palatable), but garbage story rules out D2 style of progression which I think would be better for the game. Like being able to play a meme build (such as that frenzy barbarian) and feel like you're actually accomplishing something if there was a clear end goal of "beating the game" in sight, as opposed to grinding levels-after-levels endlessly.
And to be charitable to the game, there actually are some nice bits of what could be called "story content", like banter with companions or audio journals when you kill new types of monsters, that sort of thing. Yet another one of those small details that would build up to make D3 a compelling game if core progression mechanics weren't god-awful.
How is it on switch? Felt like something I could mash out while away.
Diablo 3 has nothing on frozen orb. That one fucking skill has more to it than this entire game.
too big
People thinkg orb/tstorm sorc takes skill huh
With RoS, nothing really. Other than the usual, Blizzard cash cow milking. Ignore that like you're supposed to or just play it offline on your hacked switch (because who in their right mind pays 60 dollars for years old ports?) And you've got a decently enjoyable game.
Wouldn't say it's very demanding, but it is satisfying as shit, you're trying to get the most out of it and your position greatly matters. Having it detonate just after passing through a mob does something like 2 to 3 times the damage, since the big orb hits them several times, and a bunch of the spikes that shoot out do, too. Shame they nerfed it into the ground with LoD by not giving it any synergies.
>They dropped the Christian/satanic themes
>we dropped the game
It's good, but grift leaderboards are filled with hackers.
Hardcore mode is one of the most fun and stressfull(in a good way) things i ever played. Too bad it needs to be connected to play it.
In hardcore mode yeah. I remember there was a big server hiccup back when it recently came out that end up fucking over people running hardcore.
doesnt it have a small one with icebolt?
I thought I knew everything about the game and I don't even remember my favorite skill anymore.
i was tired of blizzard overshadowing frozen orb so i made a mod once that gave it 4% from ice bolt, ice blast, and glacial spike. turns out having a 1.5k+ damage frozen orb with zero + to skills from items is strong as hell
More Johanna pls
Release area was good and pretty difficult without too much damage sponging. Then it turned into nu-PoE plus extra damage sponging.
>4% from ice bolt, ice blast, and glacial spike
literally everything
sacred gold still king
so d2 remaster is def coming this year at blizzcon right bros? both sc and w3 now have one. as long as they take the sc approach im all for it
>d2 remaster
>im all for it
please commit suicide
>GD dead to me now that I've got lvl 100 in both HC and SC
>PoE >PoE in 2019
>Wolcen dead and slow development
Do I succumb into playing the old ARPG like Sacred or Titan Quest?
Why would you want Johanna over the slut that is Li-zula
Wolcen is actually launching in January
Diablo 3 launch Inferno > Nu-Diablo 3
Rifts is just damage sponge enemies so you can watch your numbers go up.
Inferno was an actual fucking challenge that you needed to build your character around.
>build around
you mean
>roll demon hunter
>or play witch doctor and farm one boss with bears over and over again
90% of the random enemies were impossible for 90% of the classes and builds
it was a shitshow
t. shitter.
Every class had viable builds you still had to put in the effort and actually learn the game.
Nu-Diablo you brainlessly farm items then become invincible and just watch shit blow up.
>"Diablo II was such a good game, Diablo III is it's sequel so I will play that because I MUST be fun"
>Turns out the ENTIRE team that developed Diablo II is the development team for Torchlight II
>Diablo III had stupidly intrusive garbage DRM, you will not be able to play the game in ten years (we ALL still play Fable and Warcraft III)
>Diablo III costs three times as much as Torchlight II
>"Torchlight II has unrealistic graphics" since when the fuck was the real world all that fucking beautiful or interesting?
>Diablo III can't be modded, you will have no control over your investement at all
>Diablo III will have expansions that cost as much as the original
>Torchlight II is moddable, you can customize your experience to you and your friends preferred styles
>Torchlight II is made by the team that made Blizzard a top tier company
>Most of the "innovative" ideas in Diablo III that aren't retarded were taken directly from the minds of Travis Baldree and his team (Torchlight)
>Torchlight II actually let's you make an interesting and personalized character
>Every character of the same class will look the same in Diablo III
>Buy items with real money LOL
>Torchlight II has no DRM beyond "here's a key that we will give you a copy of if you lose it"
>Diablo III only has players because they are too stupid too compare things objectively and explore
>Every single reason to play Diablo that isn't actually a reason to play Torchlight II (the names, the history) is a shallow justification for fanbois that have no sense of direction or intelligence (intelligence can be directly compared to a yearning for exploration, personalization, learning and curiosity, things that no Diablo III player can possess based on the previous information)
Launch inferno was a fucking mess.
The main reason Demon Hunter and Wizard dominated were because they were the only classes that can avoid damage while doing damage, since enemies mostly can and would 1 shot you. WD had that 1 thing that can make you survive a fatal hit and Barbs actually could stomp through everything if their gear wasnt total shit, and good luck with launch's itemization. Monk's were straight up fucked for Act 3 and 4 and needed to pray to get through.
retarded faggot
get gud
Literally everything except the RMAH so I could get my cash back for buying that gigantic turd
play diablo immobile
So, how's T2's modding scene these days? I played it at release and got really turned off with how every active skill was strictly inferior to the ones that came later down the tree. Any skill mods or general overhauls that fixed that?
This but unironically
always online retard garbage
vanilla d3 without the rmah was absolute top top tier.
activision's greed
You mean that thing that isn't a thing?
Fuck that loser.
story was butchered for nephalem shit
angel story arc half abandoned
no commitment from blizzard in a singlke direction and mismanagement for the first few years of the game's life
overall it became a decent but still a shallow mockery of it's previous iterations
sounds familiar
I miss hots bros....
I'm sorry, I need to pump the breaks just a tad.
At what point has story, in a game where you're supposed to stop the bad things from happening by killing the big baddies exactly gripping at any point before Diablo 3?
Are you saying the guy I'm replying to is the loser or "fuck that" to me for pointing out the complaint isn't a legit one?
That doesn't even answer my question, at all. Being edgy isn't going to do jack shit, I'm baffled why you even bothered replying.
lurk more
No, I'm not a loser like you.
>Abandoned angel story arc
It's a long ass time since i played D2/3, but what was the original plan for the angels for D3 than we got?
90% of it is itemization. Forced to have 100% increased damage rings/amu set combos and CoE. Forced to use 50% reduced damage taken items and skills. Forced to use sets where 99% of its gimmick power comes from the 6 set bonus. A good stat rolled amu and high dps ancient weapon is an absolute must. Forced to have % elemental damage on your gear to boost your main skill so you can't deviate from that, you can't go hybrid you have to put all your eggs in 1 elemental basket. Bizarre stats between items. Phalanx helm boosts Phalanx damage by 100% while other items for other builds boost damage by like 10,000%. If you want to try certain builds have fun playing solo on T1 while your friends do Grift 100+.
Do you talk like that in real life? Jesus fuck my eyes just glazed over. Who the fuck cares about shit like this? You're butthurt because...I'm confused why you're annoyed desu. The game isn't hard, unless you like doing rifts for....some reason? Bragging rights?
Greed. And by the time it was remotely tolerable, torchlight 2 swooped in and did a better job. Diablo 3 on switch was something I thought would end up working with beat em up controls over clicking and doing co op with friends.
It was the first switch game I returned.
Wait, you're telling me a company was trying to get as much money as possible?
Isn't calling out greed towards a well known company kind of a oxymoron?
Making a profit as a company is one thing. The auction house was cardinal sin level greed
Get some self-respect.
Loved playing a tank support control monk with old exploding palm when it did % of the enemies health. Kill 1 elite or big enemy and every enemy on the screen insta gibbed. Played with all these obvious ah fags with perfect trifecta gear probably wasted hundreds of dollars to kill enemies faster but they didn't get to because I exploded them all with my ghetto tank gear. Sure I couldn't solo, but I saved money and who the fuck played solo back then.
I still don't get the big deal why PC players were flipping their shit about it. It's not like it was mandatory right? Wasn't it just completely optional to bypass grinding for loot and get what you're looking for?
No idea where that reply came from, what does pointing out company being greedy is a "no fucking shit" moment have anything to do with me aka someone who doesn't own a company get lectured about self-respect?
Oh okay, I get it now. You're fucking retarded and can't explain yourself. Good talk.
Gameplay is gud
Progression is okay, I pick the game up one a year or so and grind out a character
They really fucked themselves into a corner with their hilarious multipliers but just made endlessly scaling rifts to combat that
Get on my level, bitch. Tldr: most item slots are forced, almost no build variety.
how would there ever be any build variety when you can just switch on the fly cost-free?
Your level of what? Autism?
I'll ask again: Why do you care so much? Are you doing rifts endlessly for bragging rights? The game isn't hard, you just keep adding better shit, it's not rocket science. So the only reason you could be bitching about is for the rifts....which I don't get the big deal of, at all.
Diablo 4 will be China based, get used to it gweilo.
Your abrahamic religion stopped being relevant.
No but because items suddenly had monetary value you needed to be always online (still do on PC) so you couldn’t mod in items and ruin a fake economy. So you suffered regardless of auction house interaction. It’s why the game was unplayable for 6 months with frequent disconnects that would push back progress. All for that extra profit. I don’t know why I need to explain this to you but if a game is designed around money then it’s designed around milking that first and foremost over being a good game.
It’s how you get garbage like diablo 3, destiny 2/anthem, and every sports game for the last 3 to 5 years
This, and battlefront 2, which had to completely redesign its progression and unlock system the moment they took out micro transactions. Or CTR where the opposite happened, they added micro transactions and suddenly character prices skyrocketed.
Or fallout 76, just fallout 76 alone should be enough to prove a point.
>mod in items
For what purpose? That's just cheating, and if you're playing online with others, you ruin the difficulty and challenge...why even play the game?
Yes, you do have to explain this to me because I like to think I'm not a thin skinned manchild who blows up when they can't do something that'll fuck up something implemented by the designers.
A thing, which I'll say again, was completely optional. The game isn't hard, you just grind levels and put on better shit. Big fucking deal.
It was made by (((Blizzard)))
Throwing examples that are not remotely like the thing we're discussing doesn't make you prove anything. Games did this shit long before this stuff....or are we ignoring expansion packs now or some shit?
everything. median xl sigma is closer to d3 than d3 is.
Do you really need to learn to differentiate an expansion pack and a micro transaction?
Or a game designed around a market and an economy of 3 kinds of currency over what was usually a same engine more content 1.5 sequel. Like Mario galaxy 2
One is a skin. One is MH iceborne.
Man I hate the term "microtransaction", they even use that for purchases that are MORE expensive than real expansions to downplay how expensive they really are.
Okay, you just lumped together 3 HUGE difference on a lot of things, based on pure nothing.
First off: Expansion packs were always thought out before the game was ever released. You'd know this if you weren't a know-it-all 20-something year old and paid attention how game design is actually made. So people who did this practice already knew they were planning to rip you off. They would of done this shit sooner if the technology was back in the 90's.
Secondly: You keep saying economy, but this so-called economy wouldn't of drastically changed the game. Would you have gotten lesser shit? No, because people wouldn't of had anything to put in the auction house if that was the case. It was just something to bypass the grind for loot or a specific loot. It didn't make much of a difference in the actual game. Again, not a big deal honestly.
Wtf are you even going on about with Mario Galaxy 2? So what if it ran and had the same shit as the first one? That's usually what people expect when buying a game in the series. There's no law that ever new installment needs something new. The point is the have fun.
Exactly, skin is just a cosmetic thing and not sure if you just implied MH Iceborne being a "skin" because they added quite a bit.
Compare the original D1 butcher to D3. Goes to show how poorly blizzard set the tone for this game.
>always online
No retard, I'm saying the AUCTION HOUSE IS OPTIONAL.
jesus christ you're fucking stupid.
Well, was optional, since it's not a thing anymore obviously.
Always online was a product of the auction house giving loot monitary value.
You have literally no reading comprehension.
I'm saying using the auction house.
I wish I can hit you.
This is the most confused post on Yea Forums
that's Throne of Darkness
a better Diablo btw
Learn English.
Torchlight 2 shit on Diablo 3.
And don't get me started if we add the SteamWorkshop.
Constant microstuttering and occasional major rubberbanding on 200mbit internet. Unacceptable.
Make me.
Well, I mean, yeah, alright. 20 an hour sound good?
is torchlight 2 fun?
For a few hours, it's a fun minigame but nothing more
Grim Dawn is where it's at
Grim Dawn? More like Grim Yawn!
>Shits on someone for reading comprehension.
>Person says "make me"
>Uses lame joke and replies that has no correlation what was said.
Pot meet kettle.
>wtf are you talking about Mario galaxy 2
It’s an example of an expansion pack concept. More of the same base game with new toys and usually in the same engine. Like iceborne.
>so what if it ran
>the point is to have fun
Over greedy money making? Oh fuck thanks for proving THAT point
>skin is cosmetic thing
Yes, by itself as a single purchase. A micro transaction
>monster hunter is skin?
Full retard before this point, but this honestly has me thinking this is a poor bait
Shit art direction aimed at chinese bugmen. Look at this trash, some emo garbage fashion in a diablo universe. What brainlet pitched this idea and what lobotomised idiot aproved it? Not to mention the overall aging like rotten potatoes league of legends 3d art direction, and chinese pandering thematics, including the ui.
Then theres the gobshite story. "Hurr durr oh grampa and your silly tales about demons haha, you silly goose!" Bitch that happened within 1 persons lifetime, the people are still alive to tell the tale, was there mass amnesia, people forgot whole cities burned down?
Is that a no? I could do 18, but lower than that I can't help you. Sorry.
>It's not like it was mandatory right?
It wasn't, however, why bother actually playing the game when you can just hop into the auction house and buy everything you need?
The entire thing just completely undermined the actual game.
>make me
>ok I’ll make you learn English for 20 bucks an hour
>this is bad English
You really do need to learn English.
they confused the D2 design documents with the WoW documents.
So a rush to max level, only good items at max level, real money AH, retarded balance decisions, gear treadmill.
that and not thinking about the casual player. Diablo 2 always was like "normal is the mode you play through, but if you want to challenge yourself take it to the next level with nightmare and hell mode" and only required saving points at that point (remember no synergy system at the start, so points in low level skills usually were wasted).
that and the story was seriously fucked
>I don’t get why PC players
No wonders you can’t speak English console pleb.
Nothing, I'm still playing it.
If you're just going to butcher and take what I say out of context, I'm not going to bother replying again. Simple as that.
I don't follow your logic. The items still had level requirements. Also you act like Diablo 3's auction could have been the only game to ever do this kind of thing. Again, auction house was not a big deal in hindsight. So what if people spent money on better shit? The game doesn't require good shit to beat it even on harder modes.
I'm so sorry user...
You manchildren are so fucking cringy on here. You act like Diablo 3 is broken or some shit. The game is fine, you're just a whiny bitch.
Reddo, I...
It's not, the main problems have been fixed on PC for what? Like 5 years now?
Like holy shit, let it go already.
And yet the other corner stones of the game are fundamentally fucked and will never be fixed. It's more like a cheap diablo clone than diablo.
It's shit. That is never going to chance any more than sweet will turn to sour in a year. It's not a matter of letting go. It's a matter of the game being a piece of shit.
That doesn't even make sense, what corner stones?
It's by no means a piece of shit, I have played more games than you'll ever know. I know what a piece of shit game is, Diablo 3 is definitely not what I would consider a piece of shit game just because you're butthurt about the shit they tried to pull over 5 fucking years ago.
It does the same shit Diablo 2 did, you run around, you kill shit, you get better shit, you kill diablo.
and you wear a fucking item level while you play your class, not a build, can't trade and have to need to because getting the "items"(read: item levels, because there's no fucking difference besides that) is trivial.
Still believe having the auction house would not have altered your experience in anyway. If anything I argue that by having said economy it would of kept the franchise having more content since the money could of been funded for more things to be added. But I'm just making a conspiracy theory on that part.
passing it then, thx
No, exactly, the game is just plain fucking terrible.
How can you say it's terrible? If it wasn't called Diablo, it would of been just a game that people played a little bit and then moved on. It doesn't deserve the amounts of hate you manchildren give it.
Shitty art direction.
Unmemorable soundtrack, eye hurting colours, weightless animation and generic high-fantasy design of everything.
>if no one had any expectations, they wouldn't be disappointed
how insightful
>played a little bit and then moved on
Yeah, people would check it out, see what it's about, and run for the fucking hills.
This a thousand times.
I did not say that in the first quote, you reply to what I said if you want to get snarky you piece of shit.
>Yeah, people would check it out, see what it's about, and run for the fucking hills.
Lol what? People still play it retard.
>generic high fantasy design
Right, because the series totally isn't known for that or anything right?
nigger it went from being one of the most sold games to getting dunked on by some fucking kiwis in their garage in a matter of months, it was so bad
>Right, because the series totally isn't known for that or anything right?
You don't know what i'm talking about, do you?
1, 2 - Bosch, 3 - WOW high fantasy cartoon bullshit.
Am I supposed to know what you're talking about?
Do I need to break out the thousands of images that show why Diablo 3 is shit compared to Diablo 2?
Let's go over the finer points instead.
>No amount of patches can fix the terrible ass plot and story. Diablo 1 and 2 didn't need in-game cutscenes to carry a story, and in a similar vein to the Dark Souls series, gave the flavor of the game without shoving it down your throat as Diablo 3 does.
>Diablo 3 is slow. I mean, holy shit. Diablo 2 is also slow... at first, before you start getting your Faster Cast Rate/Attack Speed and Walk/Run Speed modifiers. Then it's motherfucking sonic speed.
>Skills feel very samey and lack any impact compared to D2's skills. Sure, D2 skills included a lot of traps (ex Holy Fire) but the notable skills are memorable compared to those found in D3. Remember Frozen Orb? Blessed Hammer? Bone Spear? You don't really get skills with the same feeling to them in D3.
>Combat feels very slow and sluggish compared to Diablo 2. You can't spam skills as fast as you could in the previous game, again lending itself to how slow D3 feels.
>Why do they feel the need to incorporate a generalized power-up in the form of the nephalem orbs?
>Champs in Diablo 3 feel tacky and do not add anything meaningful to the gameplay, especially once you find an absorb amulet. Granted, Diablo 2 doesn't have 'interesting' champions outside of lightning enchanted, but having repetitively boring monster interaction that overtakes the monster's appearance and design is bad design.
>Legendary items are very boring compared to Unique designs in Diablo 2. And several items that can be found early on can potentially carry you through the game. Meanwhile, D3 requires you to get items that are maximized with perfect rolls in order to progress.
>Boss fights were a total snoozefest. Sure, difficulty can be adjusted, but then we're just arguing about artificial difficulty at that point, not anything mechanical.
>Necromancer DLC.
I literally just recounted what happened, so yeah, I would hope so.
So you don't like the game because things are bright?
And this somehow triggers you because it's not edgy?
What do birds in a garage have to do with this?
very funny
On which part? I was serious in everything I just asked.
Before I reply to the rest the first thing, I gotta know: People actually cared about it's plot? Before Diablo 3?
Blizzard North knew how to do worldbuilding comparatively. I'm sure not everyone really bothered to look into the lore, but having good lore is important for avoiding blandness.
You might as well just play Path of Exile at that point, since it has no real story behind it, if mechanics are all that matters.
>Before Diablo 3?
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Do you seriously mean to imply having that fat fuck assman-whatever call you up on your cell every five minutes to play saturday morning cartoon villain was better than 1 or 2?
I'm asking because for the life of me I can't think of a single Diablo player back in the 90's who ever cared about it's story. I always just knew you had to kill Diablo because he was the big boss. You brought up Diablo 3's story as a complaint and I was just kind of confused because I didn't think people actually cared about it's plot in the first place.
*Activision wearing Blizzard's brand like a flayed hide
Nevermind the whole "it's a demon pretending to be the kid emperor and oh man i was fooled the entire time" plotline
Yeah, it's fucking terrible and intrusive.
>I don't care about the story, therefore it's not a valid criticism
The drops were even across the board, which meant you were more likely to get drops with affixes completely unsuited to your class let alone build. On top of that getting yellows was the grind, and legendaries/sets were beyond rare. This was done with the intent that the player would sell his drops on the RMAH and then buy appropriate gear for himself. Blizzard would take a cut of the gold spent, making it a gold sink, and the whales would prop up the economy by buying gold.
Honestly the whole system would probably work wonders in today's world with CoD or FIFA, the gaming journalists would pan it while giving the game 9/10s.
You seriously need to learn to read.
You seriously need to learn to be less retarded.
Right but wasn't it always generic and terrible?
Whoa, you sure showed me.
okay, shit for brains
No, it was out of the way and played straight, not targeted to five year old fucking chinks.
Especially 1 was atmospheric as fuck.
>I'm asking because for the life of me I can't think of a single Diablo player back in the 90's who ever cared about it's story.
>I didn't think people actually cared about it's plot in the first place.
And that'd make you what? The hyper hipster intellect aka the generic Yea Forums lurker?
I always thought it was hilarious that not even anybody in the game was falling for his bullshit.
What did he mean by this?
Well bald-faced lies are still lies.
Why the FUCK did they change the demon huntress' voice actress? I like Laura Baily as much as anyone else but the OG demon huntress was superb, there was literally no reason at all to replace her, and her VENGEANCE and yells were way better
This, it was jewry that was a bit too ahead of the curve and introduced before the people were primed to accept it.
RMAH would thrive nowadays.
Why do you care so much what an autist wrote in a dead game thread? Arpgs are at their core a power fantasy experience mixed with stat sheets and numbers management. If you min max your stats and skills with the right gear you get to crush and dismember legions of monsters into bloody bits quicker and faster than others. If you don't you get one shotted and can't kill monsters. Don't act like this genre is something it isn't. It's flawed by its core but can be an absolute blast to play if you want some braindead fun. Can you really fault someone for wanting more builds in a mindless hack and slash game?
Probably couldn't get her back for RoS so they just replaced all her lines so her RoS dialogue wouldn't be inconsistent.
I'm pretty sure others changed as well, but it's been so long I can't remember which characters it happened to
>Can you really fault someone for wanting more builds in a mindless hack and slash game?
Yes, because replaying a game endlessly for no reason, doing rifts is just madness and a sign of autism.
Can you be a nerd? Sure, if what you're expressing matters. But this? No. That was autism and just generally awkward and he should feel bad.
Nobody thinks you're cool for the way you play your video games, you utter ass.
>one 12 year old retard is keeping this thread alive with borderline b8
>English so broken he’s contradicting himself in every other post
>I don’t think it’s intentional.
This fucking board...
And that's the exact reason I don't play Hardcore. I don't enjoy getting fucked in the ass because of things completely beyond my control.
That's not what I'm referring to though.
Playing endlessly, going through higher and higher rifts with literally no goal is just aimless and sad. There's no point to it. There's practically millions of games you could be trying, beating, and moving on with. And what does captain autism do? The same shit, over and over with NO goal, no end in sight or purpose. That is mental illness.
Is there a point to you?
Probably the biggest vidya disappointment ever for me. I lost faith in Blizzard ever since D3 released
>I don't enjoy getting fucked in the ass because of things completely beyond my control.
So you're a little bitch, got it.
Yeah it's shit.
Bullshit, there are many builds that are ultrafast, giving you means to reduce cooldowns (beyond stacking 50-60% yourself), or remove them altogether (Condemn, casting multiple Explosive Blast per second), improve movement speed, reduce resource costs (perma Whirlwind).
>Remember Frozen Orb? Blessed Hammer? Bone Spear?
You literally get Blessed Hammer build on Crusader, Frozen Orb feels different but is there, all builds have different gameplay.
>You can't spam skills as fast as you could in the previous game, again lending itself to how slow D3 feels.
It's like you stopped playing before you got your hands on any set or legendary items that make skills spammable. In other cases just work on your resource reduction and generation. I'm so sorry you can't just mindlessly chug mana potions anymore.
>Why do they feel the need to incorporate a generalized power-up in the form of the nephalem orbs?
I don't even remember what the orb does to be honest, not enough to be important for gameplay, so point for you I guess.
>Champs in Diablo 3 feel tacky and do not add anything meaningful to the gameplay, especially once you find an absorb amulet.
Some builds will perform worse against certain mods than others. Reflect got nerfed over years but can still be annoying, shields are dangerous, fire/frozen/arcane/lighning pulse can pump out massive damage. In high grifts you have to learn to recognize on glance which packs are worth killing and which ones counter your build, if you want to survive and make it in time.
>Legendary items are very boring compared to Unique designs in Diablo 2.
Many legendary powers are gamechangers, but otherwise there isn't much variety in stats combinations, yes. Too many are relevant only to certain builds and end up as damage multipliers.
>Boss fights were a total snoozefest.
Yeah, luckily you don't bother with those outside of bounties. Rifts have minibosses.
>>Necromancer DLC.
What about it?
No, I'm just not retarded
>What went wrong?
It actually all went wrong with 2 which lost the oppressive and dungeon delving elements that made 1 so amazing. 3 is simply a natural progression of that
2 is a good game, but it's not a good diablo sequel
Better diablo and steam workshop has fucktons of mods from waifu shit to full conversion.
I would say not.
I've done hardcore several times, you're a bitch.
Cool projection bro
Then it's a moot point.
How can I project when I'm not the pussy and played hardcore?
>Better diablo
You must be fucking high.
Getting awfully defensive there bro
Wouldn't want you to puss out on the conversation like you do when playing anything with challenge right?
t. buttblasted
How can I be buttblasted?
Honestly not much wrong with the rmah. Lots of people actually buy and sell diablo 2 items. You might as well function it into the game
No it’s blizzards servers that cry because they lost connection to you for more than 5 seconds in a dungeon so they just call it a death cause they can’t be sure you didn’t use that 5 second window to inject anthrax into muh candy bar.
You tell me man, you're the one it's happening to
Not my fault you're on PC.
Better than 3 I mean. Poor phrasing on my part
the game is not enjoyable
I am a big fan of diablo and have played all the content released since the first game and I dropped d3 after buying it in 2018 during the 3rd or 4th act or whatever, played on the hardest difficulty it allowed me to.
doesn't feel like anything other than run around, grind and repeat simulator
and everything surrounding the game is shit
fuck blizzard
piss off
guys, are there diablo-likes on the horizon? I've been playing titan quest and I don't like the look of grim dawn. anything else out there or coming soon?
blizzard is dying. they have really hard time atracting new users and even the users they get are smaller than the users they lose. They do a lot of politics and politics that are not popular with their audience at large. They have lost their "gamers' prestige" and nowadays there are very few hardcore fanboys. Diablo 3 had the problem of being shit, unplayable and also a product of a dying company. It did not help that POE was on the market and was in a really good shape. POE also used to have better community and it was the more fun game. I remeber global chat talking about all sorts of crap in POE and when I go to blizzard games I no longer see people discussing anything. OW and SC2 have global chats and only SC2 has some people that ocassionaly write in there.
I owned a switch copy because I thought beat em up controls and not being always online would make playing it somehow fun.
I returned the game in less than a week.
I played torchlight 2 on PC though and modded the shit out of it on steam workshop, played it offline, and got to enjoy the diablo 2 OST composer making... the exact same fucking music as diablo 2 in all honesty.
>doesn't feel like anything other than run around, grind and repeat simulator
You just now grasped that's what RPG's make you do?
its an ok game now right?
Don’t the PS4 and Xbox one versions require online connection too? I thought that was almost a selling point of the switch version.
Why are you telling me this? I don't care.
Nope, no online requirement.
It's okay. It's not real deep. It pretty much boils down to "Find all the pieces of a set you like and use the skills it boosts." Build customization is pretty minimal.
Okay yes, but with torchlight 2 having double the content and quality for half the price and cross play when the switch version releases. I just don’t understand why you would give activision money.
It has no fucking itemization. Not poor itemization, but literally fucking none of it. You just get full set of current meta items in first couple hours of playing and then search for same items with better rolls, without ever bothering with adjusting anything on equipment.
Now compare that to PoE itemization and craft.
li ming makes me diamonds
voice actor is cherry on top
Damn you are fucking salty.
I don’t care about diablo or how blizzard is going down the shitter or how the next diablo is a mobile game. But here we are
>It didn't make much of a difference in the actual game.
Except that the game was designed around the AH, all the loot you got was completely randomized and you were expected to buy and sell shit on the AH
And the good stuff went straight to the RMAH
That’s pleasantly surprising. Guess they never got the auction house on console.
> literally taking the bait in a Diablo thread
you're either shitposting or legit retarded
the retard also forgot the fuckers at blizzard would tune drops by using auction house, they confirmed it in a blue post after the system was scrapped
Console D3 is flooded with hacked items
first off the genre isn't an rpg retard
doesn't feel like I'm even controlling it or the character in diablo 3, enemies die on their own, I just press the button-awesome button
tactics are not allowed, just time your countdown timers.
no dexterity required or needed, not even basic mouse movement or choice, there are no situations where you are really threatened... removed potions? what a joke
you are bombarded with carrot on stick drops and calculated leveling, doesn't even feel like I am making any decisions, the game is on rails.
Salty about you regret buying something? I could care a less what you like and don't like. I don't know you, I'm not your mother and I am most certainly not your friend.
Had a bad experience with a game? Okay...what do you want me to say to that? Do you need a virtual hug? Some sort of inspiring poetry read to you in some safe space?
You a bought a game, you disliked it, why feel the need to tell me specifically this? Especially something I didn't even ask you.
> game is literally billed as "action RPG"
> "the genre isn't an rpg"
fuck off troll
you're both retards, go back to your cages
It literally is a RPG are you stupid or something?
OR, crazy thought, you mind your own fucking business?
>dungeon grindan genre
>skillful gameplay
literally retarded
yes you are
and you even talk like one
>doesn't feel like anything other than run around, grind and repeat simulator
This is bait, right? Nigga can't be this dumb.
it's okay newfag, we get it , you are clueless about what the grown up is talking
how about you try to stop people doing that shit instead of being like "well our game is pozzed by chink farmers, might as well take our cut". Are you some kind of glow in the dark that was on board with dealing coke?
>I’m not salty
>produces this paragraph
God damn i can’t even feel any moisture in the air from all this salt.
Don’t forget to start a new season character, gotta get those bat wings user. Quality content
>Grown up
>Doesn't know all RPG games require what the complaint was about
Yeah okay manchild with his first epiphany.
>complains about running around and grinding and repeating in arpgs
>calls others newfags
So you really are just a fucking moron then, as long you're upfront about it.
Better content than listening to you go on and on.
coomers ruined it
>I could care a less
>produces a whole essay on "mad" he's totally not
The voice is the worst thing about her, mainly because it involves her speaking, and she's an insufferable cunt.
If you think that's an essay, that would explain why you're a failure.
>stop people from buying and selling d2 items
how are you going to do that? the Real Money Auction House was literally community created, developed, and supported - in Diablo 2.
Two people meet in real life and trade an item in exchange for money.
All Activision did was facilitate it in the actual game. Which is objectively a better way to do it, because you dont have to worry about being cheated
>he's still going
well maybe those P2W cucks shouldnt break the TOS.
You’re not even making arguments about the game anymore user. You dumb salty cunt.
At least I can walk away from this and never think about it again just like the time I spent with diablo 3. God knows how long you’re gonna seethe over this.
Was I supposed to stop because you green texted and posted a retarded face? I'm obviously still in the thread and no on else is saying anything to me. Why wouldn't I keep going? You obviously want the attention, here you go.
Weren’t you gonna go make another season character instead of having to “hear” all this on a text board
I still don't get why you're replying to me still.
No you snarky bitch, I'm already done for this season.
how the fuck are people complaining about grinding and single button mashing in a diablo game
i'd like to try out the version of diablo and diablo 2 that you all played because it sure as hell can't be the one i grew up with
>i-im not... m-mad here just take the (you)s!
>implying half the fucks of Yea Forums even play or can afford video games.
That's a good one.
Its the little things that add up in games like that. Shit you don’t start to really see till the numbers get big enough that those percentages start to truly be noticble.
I wish this place had some sort of restriction so I wouldn't have to deal with idiots like you.
Diablo 3 is okay but I don't understand why anyone that cares about this type of game wouldn't play Grim Dawn or PoE.
Diablo 3, without a doubt is a casual version of itself and yet that's what makes it so appealing to some people. It is definitely enjoyable to just drop in, figure out what you want to play and working towards it all season, it's even more fun to do that in hardcore and shit yourself every second you come close to dying.
People that complain about difficult are literally autistic, this game can be as easy and as difficult as you want it to be and unlike most games, the game actually rewards you for having the balls to play on higher difficulty.
It's a completely fine game to burn time in but It's no PoE or Grim Dawn.
Game was made for consoles in mind.
That's what went wrong, look at other games in the genre actually made to be played on pc and you'll realise.
The real problem is the skinner box manipulation and reward scheduling. These games are designed around manipulating their players rather than providing compelling gameplay.
The real problem is predatory video game developers preying on (man)children. The real problem is crackhead vidiots and the parents that hated them.
Stop fighting over the last word you retards. Nobody cares. You're not gaining anything by shitting up the thread and demeaning yourselves further. Rein in your autism, you whiny crybabies.
It’s called simply leave the thread. You knew what you were signing up for the OP was asking “what went wrong”
It was acknowledged as a failure in the OP and you not only came in here, but then continue to stay while thinking you’re in the right. on Yea Forums.
I'll do as I wish. Mind your business child.
This is sadly the best thread on the board right now. The anger In this thread reminds me of the old days on here. I can’t stop I want to feel home again.
No one is right when it comes to subjective criticism you babbling retard.
You have to have suffered at least some head trauma or damage to like this game.
Anyone that is a fan of diablo should hold blizzard forever accountable for this dumpster fire.
Shame on you for defending it you fucking blizzdrone
Why do you people get so dramatic about shit like this? It's fucking weird.
Don’t spoil it user we’re almost to the post limit
people care about games on a videogames board, i know it may seem weird
No it's weird how much you care though and how you word things like it's the end of the planet because someone likes something you don't.
It's cringy. Literally fucking edgelord cringy. No actual adult should be expressing so much nonsense like it's the fucking plague. It's a video game. Shut the fuck up.
I’m literally unkillable
make me pusy
Autistic obsession probably.
Not the guy you replied to but the only one seemingly genuinely heated, upset, or angry is you.
Ah yes, what can you kill that has no life?
Also false. Me and 2 friends started on TL2 coop and got bored in 1 day, that game was atrocious.
Thank you.
I've noticed that, ever since the word autism became a thing around 2008 I want to say...people here literally started behaving the same way people called other people autistic. It's like most of the people from over 10 years ago left...and now we're stuck with these socially retarded edgelords. Not even by geek standards, like easily triggered babies.
if you actually enjoyed d3 you were def not here 10 years ago you double nigger
There's this place called reddit which sounds right up your alley.
Or you could stick around and keep amusing me inbetween me fucking my huge tiddy crusader GF
That logic doesn't even make sense. I'm allowed to do both. Plus Diablo 3 didn't even come out til much later you fucking idiot.
It’s way too slow vanilla trying to play multiplayer from the beginning I totally agree with that. But the modding is what tips it over for me. If vanilla is too slow mod it to fight through screen filling hordes with a custom class that can handle it. Plus mods in multiplayer but let’s not act like diablo 2 didn’t do that too.
Obligatory post
You really really don’t understand english
real money auction house with loot rigged so most of it isn't for your class.
Literally why would anyone play the game at any point after that? they revealed their hand instantly and it was terrible.
Does reddit offer actual conversation and no manchildren? You seem to be the expert on the site so I figured I'd ask you. Because at this point I'm kinda considering it after hearing about it for so long.
Would you like to show me what I did wrong? Bet you won't. Now be a good Yea Forums poster and say a meme in reply. You one trick pony.
It’s your comprehension. You respond to shit in such a way where it’s obvious you didn’t even understand the post you were responding to. Or misunderstood one part of it but made the whole reply about that one part.
Also here ya go
You misunderstand, I read what you say I just reply to what I want to reply to. I'm not obligated to reply to everything if I don't want to.
If anyone wants a arpg fix Grim Dawn diablo 2 mod is pretty good, but I didn't get far in it since I don't own latest expansion.
>>Necromancer DLC.
>What about it?
They had a whole team working strictly on the Necromancer dlc for who knows how many months possibly years. Watching interviews it looked like a passion project by Blizzard devs who raised their hands when asked who wanted to be a part of the project. They knew D3 had a bad reputation so this was their chance to put it back on the map. So what did they do?
At release, 3 out of 4 sets couldn't even clear high torment difficulties. The one set who could compete at higher torments and grifts could do so because of a legendary gem proc bug. Anything but that specified build was non playable. Maybe skele summon build was too but I doubt it. Also, they made 3 op skills on a 60 second timer. Which led later builds to be designed around lowering the cooldown on those skills, which led to gameplay revolving around 'blast everything you have during your 60 second ability, then run around doing nothing waiting for them to go off cooldown again'
I'm shocked how badly they designed the Neuromancer is and how unbalanced his items were at release with a full team behind him. I have zero expectations for D4.
And you wonder why no one is taking your argument seriously and just memeing on you. Either you’re just admiting you’re cherry picking and poorly doing it at that, or just made a genuine “just pretending to be retarded” argument
>I don’t have to present my argument well at all
>fuck you why are you all laughing and meming at me.
torchlight 2 is also trash
At least it can be modded to your tastes.
Or just modded even.
I like how you boast about arguments, like any of it matters.
Let me tell you something greenhorn, and you're not gonna like this: Arguments never end on the internet, especially here of all places. Okay?
I'm cherry picking because I just don't care to focus on the things being said to me, I want to focus on the things I want to know. I could care a less about being wrong. What I care about are facts. If the facts clash to what I know, then I find the truth. Best way to do so is to clash.
Now when it comes to subjective things, that's just a dime a dozen kind of thing. Someone didn't like something I do. Boohoohoo. It happens a lot here. Ever wonder why /vg/ is a seperate thing? THAT'S where people who like games gather and talk about things to filter shitheads on Yea Forums away from. It worked.
Arguments mean nothing on Yea Forums and if you think you're actually upsetting someone here, over the internet, anonymously...you're delusional and think too highly of yourself.
This is why we see things like this notice there's no actual point in the reply? It's bait, and I know it is, so I either ignore it or remind him how fucking stupid he is being. Everyone on Yea Forums thinks they're some sort of intelligent person. No one here is. And the arguments will never convince anyone to dislike something they like or like something they dislike. It rarely happens.
Anything else you'd like to know? Hope you learned something, but I doubt it. Because this will happen over and over with someone else an hour from now, infinity.
Made for consoles.
Can just play a better arpg
Pandemonium Soul
>Diablo Hellfire
Normal Soul
>Diablo 2
Uber Soul
>Diablo 2 LoD
Hell Soul
>Diablo 3
Normal Soulless
>Diablo Immortal
Necromancer was basically leftover from the dropped 2nd expansion, there wasn't a big passion project, just a team that implemented into RoS whatever of Necromancer and related zones they had from dropped expansion content.
Honestly, assuming Blizzard really is working on Diablo 4 is there ANY reason to think it isn't going to be just as shit if not worse than 3?
Get out of the room today, user. You just seem aimless with that post.
If they keep the gameplay intact I give it a good chance to be at least enjoyable to play. If they actually attempt to make it FPS like the rumors say, it's dead on arrival.
The series wasn't wow. It had christian/satanic themes to it. Something the third game completely lost. D3 is so much more generic fantasy than the 2 that came before it.
Real talk D3 plays real smooth. I got to play it on my friends 360 as a Barbarian and the spells feel like they have real weight and power in them. Had a great time playing co-op with my bro.
Hope D4 at least keeps this aspect of the game. I've tried a lot of other hack and slash ARPGs and not a single one have that extra oomph the D3 Barb had.
There's a diablo 3 mod tho
and you can mix grim dawn necro and D3 necro
There is no day/night cycle and dynamic weather effects, also merchants stand still and dont perform any cool actions. It's all small details in the end really. Just joking, but not 100%.
Is there a Torrent to play the game solo yet?
Diablo 3 at launch made mistakes like always online, shit servers and auction house. It did difficulty and itemization okay and it could have been improved.
Instead loot 2.0 came out and they completely made it worse and anybody who is in favor of 60,000% increased damage sets is a fucking moron
Its hardly worth it, what are you crazy? Why?
You escort a vagina around the entire game, and then she turns into a demon and betrays you. Just like real life. There, you just had the entire D3 experience. Your welcome.
It tried to be grimdark WoW at launch and shill the shit out of the auction house. Blizzard wanted to make it "pay-to-stand a chance" for anything above normal difficulty.
It obviously flop and irrevocably damaged the franchise. They pretty much had to back-track and make it into a Diablo-2 clone by the time Reapers of Souls came around. The final nail in the franchise's coffin was official announcement of Diablo: Immortal. The redshirt meme guy's "question" is the final eulogy.
I liked the auction house fuck you retards. D2 was great because items had worth and value, now they don't mean fuck all anything in D3 there is basically no such thing as trading at all. Instead you just brainlessly hold M1 as you mash 1-4 number keys mindlessly steam rolling content in search of tighter speed runs and higher numbers.
You whiny sacks of shit ruin everything, without exception. You couldn't even be assed to let it linger and come into its own before calling for its destruction.
I hate you swarthy underaged zoomer faggots so god damn much.
Nobody cares about the plot. Even in D1/2 it was more a background noise that explained the areas, D3 was just more embarrassing.
>Just like real life
Nigger if you've found a succubus irl and you're not telling me about it, you best start talking
well the campaign is fun but the end game is a boring grind
the standard auction house was fine but the real money one completely ruined it and so they gutted trading altogether.
>bunch of insults
reading comprehension I said launch D3 was all right and later it was ruined
Auction House is pure cancer. It is entirely build around "pay-to-stand a fighting chance". Blizzard-Activision got too greedy and want another cash cow a.k.a WoW.
Thank goodness it tanked hard because it would have encouraged the cancer onto other genres and franchises.
You can play it offline on the switch right?
They almost achieved a great game with Reaper of souls. The game play loop and rifts where kind of fun even in seasonal. Then Activision cancelled the second expansion which would have made the game more interesting and put it on life support. Blizzard is dead if they can't make D4 good.
I realized that the hard way
Tried too hard to be its predecessor and didn't correct the flaws that were acceptable 15 years ago.
yeah, but they lock off half of the content through blizzard drm bullshit.
I beat Inferno mode as a monk then immediately dropped the game. The higher level difficulty was ridiculous.
damn das gay
unfortunately they didn't have time to make proper item scaling and instead of people doing the content they were crying or trying to game the system by doing quests that auto-complete for easy loot
They turned an atmospheric story driven dungeon crawler into a babbys first, pants on head retarded saturday morning cartoon show
blizzard died out a long time ago and existed only in name even then
its babbys first dungeon looter, you can beat the game if you put points in the very first skill, but its fine if youre into a super casual experience
>frozen orb
this skill is extremely weak and virtually useless in hell difficulty