*dad walks in drinking beer*

*dad walks in drinking beer*
Ahahaha, is that your girlfriend?
*walks out*

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Who the fuck actually has dads like this or the "are you winning son" dad

Me, motherfucker. It sucks 99% of the time, but sometimes we used to play Mario Kart together on the snes.

I'm glad you have good memories with your dad, user.

Says the nigger with no dad

Sorry, let me fix it so you zoomers can relate too

*single mom walks in drinking beer*
*puts out cigarette on your dick* You deserve this for being male
*walks out*

My father was that guy actually, Uncles too


>*puts out cigarette on your dick*
my peepee tingled reading this

Fuck I did that with a dropped cherry once, jesus the pain.

*dad walks in drinking beer*
You know she is Ultimecia, right?
*walks out*

no dad, that's my wife

We'll be together in Balamb Garden, dad. Just you wait.


My dad liked to play GTA and run over niggers, when San Andreas came out he didn't want to play it because you were a nigger.
He was mostly passed out all the time from the drugs so he could never watch me play

Remember that time you tried to tell me Rinoa wasn't Ultimecia?

Then why did she have the Griever, Bart? Why did she have the Griever?

You know what else Rinoa has? A hairy pussy, since it's the 90's and she's Japanese you know she doesn't even trim

I got "are you winning son" probably a hundred times. Exact same tone and context as the meme. He was annoying at the time it was an attempt, however small, at connecting. Looking past how shitty a father he was later in life I miss the feigned interest.

Who the fuck acrually has dads


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Mine was good for 26 years before going crazy. Now he's gay and sugar daddies a trailer trash cunt as an adoptive daughter because he pushed his real family away by being a fucking asshole to us.

My dad isn't like it but my granddad is