Underrated gem

Underrated gem

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confirmed underrated

Why was the remake so soulless?

Too bad the remake shit on it

What remake? Not "white chronicles" or whatever it's called, right?

The 3DS one that added the Red Chronicle

The start was 10/10, but the bland battle system, required grinding on 3DS!hard mode, bestiary entirely made of color swaps, small soundtrack, and overall slow plot with boring parts like the country with the jungle turned me away from this game.

>bland battle system

ok I'm drunk someone name a video game character and I will jerk off to them

What's wrong with it?

The extra chapter that gave it a squeeky clean resolution.

Loved this game. What's wrong with the 3DS remaster/remake/whatever? I never played it, it just seemed to add a pointless waifu that doesn't fit in with the rest of the game/cast

Why the fuck did they make a remake on 3DS a year after the Switch came out?

icon of sin

I assume the new story allows you to fix everything while in the original it was still sort of up in the air.

The new character designs sucked dick and the oc donut steel character that was added for no reason was absolutely irrelevant.

OC literally gives a way out to EVERY problem. Including a way to save the antagonists. It kinda ruins the entire setting.
That being said, hard mode is a great addition like the extra bosses+postgame challenges.

>that ending where the little girl traps you into her magical realm

This is the only JRPG I've played where is poison is not only not useless but actually the only way I beat some bosses.

Final Fantasy XIII trilogy, too. No joke.

I only beat the 1v1 against your buddy thanks to poison.

Want to play this game. Should I play original or 3ds version?

I still can't believe Stocke picked the boring human over fresh goat pussy.

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It's not underrated, it's a subpar game. If anything it's overrated.

Try Etrian Odyssey, also by Atlus.

Speaking of underrated RPGs... Anons, what is your opinion on Hexyz Force, Crimson Gem Saga, FF 4 Heroes of Light and The Legend of Legacy?
Too bad we won't see HD remasters. But at least The Alliance Alive is coming out. Can't wait!

>Hexyz Force
Pretty boring desu

Aside from a couple side quests, Aht made most of the game a fucking breeze. It's your fault for not utilizing the goat Loli. You should probably kill yourself. She is really the only reason to play this game in the first place.

I never managed to finish it on the ds because some event never triggered in the game. So I picked it up and finish it on the 3ds but the fuckers had to put the new best ending behind unending grinding.
Who is responsible for this???, grinding hours for a few stat points is not a civilized design.

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Who cares about the players when you're sure there won't be a next game and you're sure they'll buy it anyway?

I love this game setting but I the battles are so boring and long, I tried finishing and stopped playing two times already.

what with all the people talking about grinding in the 3ds version? is it the part on the ship? genuinely confused

Extra difficulty modes that great since the base game is so unbalanced/bizarrely paced and you can keep grinding for stat ups.

The original radiant historia didn't sell well because it was too original. So for the remake they went with a generic anime artstyle which didn't match with the look of the game at all. I'm still angry about what they did to Eruca. Her redesign was the biggest downgrade I've ever experienced in a video game to date

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They knew they couldn't fix the combat with just a port so the 3DS version lets you skip regular encounters.

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This, the game wasn't bad but it was very boring.

Had some nice fanservice though

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I actually only played the remake and haven't seen the original i assumed it was the same, but man they really fucked the character portraits.

>preferring a shitty little furry over THIS
You may be gay user

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I stopped playing a while back when you have to do the bosses again before whats-his-name. I hate the spider fights.

Actually the worst, even the new girl is better. Shitty waifubait that contributes nothing.

It was alright.

eh, think I will just replay the original whenever I feel like playing this again.

>Marco does not actually have cat ears

The game is soulless. It’s not because it’s not well known that it’s anything special