With Xbox pretty much dead, do you think only Nintendo and Sony will remain in the console business going forward.
Or can a new company take the place of Xbox and formerly Sega?
With Xbox pretty much dead, do you think only Nintendo and Sony will remain in the console business going forward
>tfw buying Scarlett day one
>and new FIFA, and NBA 2k
Not sure Sony will be in the console business much longer, given how much they hate videogames.
They seem to want to exist in a weird David Cage meets Netflix Interactive middleground where they pump out two or three high budget movie-games a year, ideally through PS Now.
Why is Ainz the xbox mascot now
No one know what the schemes for next gen consoles will be. The future is a tossup.
Xbros, Nintendofag here.
If you guys... leave, can we still be friends? You were always cooler than Snoy
>retard alert
Of course, Eurocucks got a cuck out over an American product. Can't wait to get an Xbox Scarlett and Switch Lite next year, call me when Sony can make a game like 2D Metroid and a game like FPS Halo with similar protagonists.
Pretty much, they're slowly leaving the game industry.
We ain't leaving, ever, Sonyfags will probably be leaving in the near future though.
Sjw's took over Sony have fun playing censored games. No blood, boobs, or butts. Sad life.
MS already announced they launch new console in 2020 dumbass
dudebros will keep xbox alive by buying yearly fifa and some generic shooters
I'm glad.
Please stay around Xbros, you guys deserve a good generation.
Microsoft still has a lot of "fuck you" money, more than Sony and Nintendo combined. They'll be around for a while
Microshaft's got deep pockets, they can stay in the race just because they want to
We are here to stay
i think apple will replace xbox with their own ibox. but microsoft will definitely go third party and bring gamepass to all consoles.
Keep thinking that.
I honestly believe Xbox might win the next generation. Gamepass is huge no matter what people here keep saying, and since Sony keeps making retarded decisions Xbox can now take over. All they need to do is show some good games and since they have the studios now they might be able to do that.
Sony is mad af that mobile games make more money than them, which is obvious since the market and strategies are way different, but they don't seem to understand that, so they will just throw everything they have under the bus (years of experience, a solid fanbase, prestigious franchises, etc.) in order to go mobile shit.
Xbox as a brand will be fine. The gamepass seems to be a success for the company and it's definitely a pretty good deal. I don't know how much longer it will stay in the console market but then again, you could also ask that to nintendo and sony. Times are changing.
Nintendo's last console will be the switch. They cannot compete with Microsoft and Sony anymore, and when their next gen consoles come out nintendo will become handheld and mobile only. It's hard to read Xbox right now, since it will be almost impossible to have a bone-tier fuckup again. If they were smart, they'd be working on games to release at launch, but since it's Microsoft, they will likely lose again.
That only leaves based Sony, the king of consoles, to release their biggest and best console yet, the PS5. Everyone will want one, everyone will get one, and it will be a return to PS2 level glory
people keep forgetting that the WiiU sold like 13m in 4 years.
gamepass is huge until every publisher wants their own version and makes their own games exclusive to their own streaming service. just look at whats happening to netflix
>shilling for Sony
gamepass isnt streaming
>Nintendo's last console will be the
Fanfiction: the thread
Profitable companies stay profitable by not pouring money into failing ventures like xbox. They will shut down the xbox division soon
MS won't stop. Their Xbox company is a good way to easily do drastic things while not involving Windows or other names that have a more mature and commercial market. They can then write off any loss or changes as research and development.
This is what Sony does sometimes with CD, DVD, BD in their consoles. Among other things.
360 was about as good as any company can hope. If PS3 didn't have bluray I doubt it would've sold as well. We are told time and time again price of entry is important to peasants.
streaming is the future gramps
Wrong. But keep on thinking it so I can buy low and sell high.
I was born in 88, grew up in the 90s and saw Sony vs Nintendo after Sega died.
Ps1 vs N64 was pure kino of console wars.
I argued with n64bros but I never hated them, I hate fun filled arguments with them for months.
Then PS2 just obliterated the GameCube and I thought it was all over.
Then the Xbox appeared and all the 9 year Olds got one and suddenly the comfy console wars I knew were dead.
Granted I'm 31 now and don't really care, but I can tell you from experiencing all of it... Microsoft killed the video game industry.
They just wasted an fuckload of money buying up every second rate multiplat developer they could think of, so nah. They're not going anywhere.
Xbox isn't dead. There are still plenty of games to look forward to on Xbox One.
There's Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Gears Tactics, Battletoads, Bleeding Edge, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, and Halo Infinite. There's a chance Age of Empires IV could come to Xbox One with mouse and keyboard support on console.
And of course Halo Infinite will launch on Xbox One AND Xbox Scarlett, which of course will be the most powerful console to date. We're just getting started.
Stop posting your shit tier list in every thread
No one wants to see your shitty list.
>Xbox isn't dead. There are still plenty of games to look forward to on Xbox One.
not with all those games coming to PC as well, there's literally no reason to buy an xbox these days
>this pic
>this post
Jesus what a shit taste
>Gears Tactics
>Bleeding Edge
That new version will kill any good reputation the original had. New Battletoads looks slow as molasses and the artstyle is calfarts rubbish. How could anyone look forward to it after what was shown?
even the god tier is kinda shit lmao.
Jesus Christ, I can play almost all of these on PC.
This. No games and they're all on pc. What retard buys an xbox
Reminder it's pronounced crossbox
>last updated
>still has multiplats on it
>crackdown 3 mid tier
>anything after mid tier as if things can get worse than crackdown 3
>even if they can get worse, bothering to mention things that are worse than crackdown 3
Just throw your console out of a window. The fraction of a second upon impact will bring more excitement than anything else being considered for the "future" of the console.
switch gears 4 with gears 1 and its spot on
kek, ecksbawks fags know it's true too. Whenever I even make jokes about the system with my friends that own them they almost immediately snap into defensive mode. They know the system is a joke with no good exclusives which is sad considering the power of the system is good. Say what you want about nintendo and sony but they will be the two leading systems in the coming future.
EA, Bethesda, Ubisoft currently on this path