Who had tbe best redesign, who had the worst?
Fire Emblem
Felix. Ashe. Hilda. Dorothea. Edelgard. Ingrid.
Lorenz had the best and Mercedes had the worst.
They all look good.
>supporting censorship
Fuck off with your censored game.
>same faces
>different hairstyles
Best: Claude
Worst: they all look better than their younger self
Play a real JRPG, like Persona 5. At least it wasn't censored to death.
>Mercedes had the worst
She looks like an actual nun now, fits her perfectly.
Only ones I don't care for personally are Lorenz and Lysithea. The new hair on Lorenz is better but the armor looks tacky. With Lysithea I like the design but the veils and such just don't fit her character.
Best Lorenz
Worst Annette because she's so sexy as a loli
I like pre time skip Lorenz' haircut more than the timeskip version.
Same with Marianne.
I'll never look at Hubert the same way again
Marianne and Ingrid look way better pre-timeskip.
Ferdie looks way better with long hair. Annette does too.
My cock would very much like to be inside her and stay there
Dimitri, Leonie, and Annette have my favorite time skip designs. Dorothea's ass too
Dimitri, Hubert, Lysithea, Leonie, Cyril
Linhardt, Caspar, Bernie
Leonie, Annette, Felix, Dimitri, Sylvain
Marianne, Ashe, Linhardt, Hubert, Ingrid
this image gave me a back fetish thanks
Golden Deer everyone gets an upgrade. I guess when your house has the highest amounts of Chads and a Giga Stacy it is par for the course
Do you like horses?
I don't get the hate for TS Marianne all she did was get some sleep. She is one of the least changed out of anyone, which is fine since she was already perfect to start with.
I'm currently playing through the game for the first time, made the decision to join the empire just because I read the church route is trash.
But this feels so out of character and wrong. Did anyone felt like that?
Who is best for Bernadetta if I don't have my Byleth marry her?
Her hair is much worse and uglier, the longer bangs are what sold her pre-timeskip design, without them she looks awful and boring.
Only El and Hubert make sense to stay in BE pretty much everyone else in that house is better off leaving.
Just finished my second playthrough.
I kinda want to start Maddening Fresh NG now, but I think I need a break from the game. I kinda want to wait for new characters/classes that get added with DLC to change things up. Dragon Quest XI S is out soon as well and that will keep me busy for 100 hours
Unironically Raph.
Meant that as a response to
Leonie has a good redesign
I put which designs I prefer in green boxes. Feel free to disagree, but you are still wrong.
Do those random dudes that show up on Edelgards side like Randolph have anything special about them like Talk options or being recruitable, or are they just representive of enemy heroes?
>people change their hairstyle when they get older
I took a break after my second playthrough too. But maddening is pretty refreshing since I actually have to plan chapters now. I'm still playing on NG+, so it's only half-maddening, but still nice to not steamroll everything.
That and the fact she is a good unit is to make up for the fact she is a shit character. I mean really what the hell is with her B support with you. Bitch my dad just died and you want to start with your bullshit right now.
Maxed out Ferdinand and Edelgard's support.
This dude legit asks Edelgard to marry him.
That was fucking adorable. What do I do, bros? I was going to marry Edelgard myself, but after Ferdinand did that, I'm rooting for him. I might marry Manuella or Shamir instead.
You need S rank support with Edelgard for the Black Eagle good end
Why do none of them grow facial hair?
No, you need to choose to kill her in chapter 11 for BE good end friend
Raphael clearly has sideburns
They shave obviously
Even Dimitri? The guy who hasn't cared about haircuts in years?
They really should've stuck to doing S ranks for non-Byleth supports. As it stands, you can't know if an A-rank is going to involving the characters being good friends, going gay for each other, proposing etc.
Ferdinand has a better support in BE.
>A real jrpg
>Like Persona 5
The fucking state of this board.
The post of a true noble.
Marry me Lorenz
Byleth, Dimitri, Claude, Hubert, Ferdinand, Lindhart, Petra, Felix Ashe, Lorenz, Ignatz, Annette, Leonie, Cyril
Edelgard, Mercedes, Ingrid, Lysithea
Caspar, Bernie, Dorothea, Dedue, Sylvain, Raphael, Marianne, Hilda
Ferdinand and Petra for best, Mercedes for worst
>wahhhh wahhhh it's popular to hate Persona 5 now so it isn't a real jrpg!
>Kill Randolph
>Cries about Fleche
Who that
his little sister
Do we get to see Randolph and his back story in Edelgard's route
Stealing that other user's rating system
Yeah but he dies there too
Hubert and Raphael only
Best is Marianne because her redesign is just as good as her pre-timeskip design which was already kino.
Worst is Ashe, he lost all his cuteness which was his only charm point as a boy.
Just finished my first run on Blue Lions
which should i do next? Deer or Eagles?
GD so you can find out what the fuck was actually gone.
Then finish with BE so you end on a downer.
I'm almost done Deer, do I play Eagles or Lions next?
Should I try Maddening on NG
It depends what you want to end on, BL is classic FE army of misfits fighting the guy being a dick to save the world. BE is you are the guy being a dick
Which has a happier ending?
BL, probably.
>you want rorepray?
>fuk u, go sreep
Japan has never made an RPG.
I guess they came close with SaGa, but fuck if Square didn't make sure every series that tried to advance the genre didn't get assassinated.
Who ever made this needs to work on faces
I can post an image that is true but guaranteed to piss all of you off
bruh fuck the lonato map. fog of war and torches are trash.
Edelgard is the best we know
For me it's Fleche.
Best - Leonie by far
Worst - Hilda
both Byleths, especially fem
Who are the best recruits when playing Golden DeeR?
And your waifu
He's shit.
He have strong crit and hit like a truck.
He literally never stops critting. Put some fucking gauntlets on him and let the beyblade loose.
He's a slow turd even on brawler/grappler. Why recruit this faggot when you have Raphael on GD?
honestly i find recruiting fucking dumb
I like it.
>girls get less cute
I know its realistic but fuck off.
Something about Sylvain timeskip reminds me of doge
Annette for not looking like garbage anymore
Marianne. Looked infinitely better before.
Because Raphael is shit
My man Lorenz went from Zero to Hero.
Who are the best units in Black Eagles?
Petra, Ferdinand and Dorethea imo.
Hubert absolutely decimates anything that doesn't resist magic. Dark Mage > Dark Bishop > Dark Knight is his best route IMO.
Bernadetta is probably the best archer period.
Caspar = Crit/Dodge machine. Just make him a War Master
Ferdinand starts off squishy, but turns into a tank and zip zooms around the battlefield as a Wyvern Lord ot Great Knight.
Everyone else is meh. Maybe Petra is useful with Swords.
Telling someone to recruit an archer when they are in a house with Claude. Peak archer is a bow knight and Claude lord class is a flying bow knight. Yeah he doesn't get +2 range, but with his relic and better flying range it more than makes up for it.
Not even going to get started on the fact you have Leonie and Ignatz who are also great bow user in their own right. Fact of the matter is you should never need to bring in an archer if you are GD.
Am I the only one who really loves her timeskip portrait but hates how her face is modeled in the game?
Okay, but nobody mentioned anything about the Golden Deers. They asked about Black Eagles.
Good taste.
My bad I thought I was responding to someone asking who to bring in from BE in a GD run
She was already perfect, but they literally just improved her.
For guys, Dimitri post timeskip is one of my favorite FE designs ever. I love fur on characters' outfits.
>The new hair on Lorenz is better but the armor looks tacky.
That's literally the point.
Yes they're portraits for before and after a 5 year timeskip in the game. Except for the main character, that's before and after you get possessed by the goddess.
It's the expression. That side-eye and slight smile. I see it.
you're required to invest into him if you want to get the Death Knight's scythe.
I like both of her endings with Felix that I've gotten so far.
I am pretty sure each house was make to be ok with the idea that you don't pick up any other units in mind.
The way I see it each house has a good crop of units with maybe one minor weakness. Such as BE not having someone who is a lock for being a Falco Knight. Granted in a game where everyone can kick ass as a Wyvern Lord that isn't a big deal. BL could use a bit more in the way of Mage options and GD has a lack of good sword users. None of these things are deal breakers for any house.
tl;dr Your house is fine pick up characters cause you like them or for flavor reasons.
I wish Hilda and Dimitri had supports. Retard Strong Dick vs Retard Strong Begina.
It has to be Annette. She goes from a plain-looking schoolgirl design to looking and dressing like a supermodel.
and she only gains 2cm in height too!
The best you are going to get in Dimitri and Cat. However I am pretty sure Hilda is too much of a Stacy for pure boy Dimitri to handle. Same reason he doesn't have a support with Dorethea
Ingrid is definitely one of the worst ones after the timeskip for me. They completely ruined her Valkyrie look.
I already got Flayn and Catherine ends with Dimitri.
Flayn is for Dedue
>get Dorethea and Hanneman end
>keep marriage a secret so Dorethea can still milk money from betas like some twitchthot
they all got fucking worse
except for that purple long haired dude
No I was setting them up since I thought it cute watching her fall for based Hanneman. I may have to change who I pair him with now so he doesn't get cucked. Only problem is I am post TS so I am a little short on partners. Maybe I will just set him up with Seteth so they both can go bros before hoes.
He doesn't get cucked. It says they keep it secret for their careers. It's like an idol having a boyfriend but keeping it secret so the fans think she's "pure."
>oh it was an actual upgrade
Dimitri, Annie, Bernie, Lorenz
>not an upgrade but not a downgrade either
Petra, Sylvain, Dedue, Hilda
>changed for worse
Everyone else
>absolutely ruined
Mercedes, Marianne, Ingrid,
I really like Ingrid's post time skip look and outfit.
>Claude, Leonie, Ignatz and Raph as downgrades
>Marianne as ruined
>Hilda and Petra not a strict upgrade
Really you must tell me how one can live with such shit taste.
Ingrid and Mercedes downgrades is the only thing he is right about. I wouldn't say they are ruined but let's just say NG+ letting you use their pre TS hairstyles is a godsend.
I don't know why you replied to me. You already know I don't agree. What's the point?
TS Marianne is fucking gorgeous
His neckbeard looks like shit
Arguably a neutral change. She was a fun tomboy and suddenly became a generic girl.
Pre-TS is better, but it's not that big of a downgrade
Neutral at best
>Marianne as ruined
Yes, she looks like a granny now
>Hilda and Petra as upgrades
Look at her fucking hair
Women should NEVER have short hair unless they are tomboys
I love Mommy Rhea and her loli mommy Sothis!
Lysithea is cuter post timeskip
I would be liking her asshole very much
I ran into my first enemy student (Ashe) post timeskip in Golden Deer route.
Is there a way to recruit him or do I have to just kill every former student I see?
wish I didn't have to replay final two maps to see S ranks
How can you like Raph pre TS look he looks dumb with a shirt about to fly off. TS has him wearing clothing that fit and those sideburns are manly AF. Claude is middle of the road, I like both his looks. Leonie is a strict upgrade to me, but I also think her character is shit so I am not willing to fight too hard for her. Ignatz hairstyle and clothing just make him look less like a fuckboi which is all I really had a problem with pre TS.
All she did was cut her bangs a bit shorter her air is still done up just like ti was pre TS.
honestly Cyril looks pretty good but that's probably just because he looks bad pre timeskip
Her hair isn't short though, it's done up in her braid-bun-thing. If she wore her hair down, it would easily reach her shoulders.
You must kill every last one of them.
t. Dimitri
Her hair is longer TS dense user. She wears it up in both forms, but it's noticeably more in Part 2.
>Felix in dog shit
>If she wore her hair down
She doesn't, though.
What class do you want to see in DLC?
All fucking black eagles must fucking hang.
She doesn't have short hair though. It's just a fact.
She doesn't wear her hair down either. It's just a fact.
There's either one or three students you can recruit in Part II depending on how you count them.
If you go BE route and you didn't recruit Lysithea in Part I, you can recruit her after killing her in the chapter she appears as an enemy in.
If you go GD/Church and recruit Ashe in Part I, after the timeskip he doesn't show up until he appears as an enemy, at which point he'll defect to you.
If you go BL/Church and recruit Lorenz in Part I, afterthe timeskip he doesn't show up until he appears as an enemy, at which point he'll defect to you.
If you play BE route though, any of these characters will just be available normally after the timeskip.
Pretty much every BE aside from Edelgard and Hubert don't care or don't want to be apart of the house. Talk to anyone one of them post TS in any other route and the just shit talk the empire and Edelgard. Meanwhile in the BE route other house students say the only reason the sided with the empire is cause you are there as their only reason.
Caspar, Sylvain, Felix, Lorenz, Lysithia, Leonie and Mercedes are straight upgrades
Have you never watched anime?
I can get Ashe flipping to the GD but why the Church. As far as I know he should have no reason to want to side with them for you know killing his dad and brother.
Because the church was responsible. You might have put them up to it but the church knew Cristophe was innocent and still killed him anyway, which caused Lonato to attempt a Leeroy Jenkins at them as well.
If you don't recruit Ashe on BE-E, he's part of the Church's elite guard at the final mission for some reason. Brainwashing maybe?
oh shit I misread.
it's basically because you just let him live and it's (you)
>he's part of the Church's elite guard at the final mission for some reason
It's basically just the fact that he's in Fhirdiad because he's a kingdom Citizen and you're invading Fhirdiad.
Raphael's TS looks straight out of a 70s sitcom.
She wears it short though, which is the point. But like that other user said, her pre-timeskip design is great because the tresses of hair in the front make up for the short hair in the back.
I was thinking Ryoma from Getter Robo, but you're right. Those sideburns are pure 70s.
Marianne von Edmund!
imagine being pegged by hilda haha
I killed Ashe.
>Just started
>The game lets me get acquainted with all the characters
>Yellows seem like a bunch of losers
>Blues are boring tryhards except for Ingrid
>Reds seem like the most reasonable and loyal to her leader
>yet everyone tells me Edelgard is a bad choice
I bet you faggots relate to the fat dude
Join the Blue Lions
Professor, Flayn has infected the library computer with thousands of viruses after searching for something called "Hentai". Do you have any idea as to where she would have learned of such a subject? If you do, please inform me immediately so that we can discipline this miscreant for violating Monastery rules.
>BL could use a bit more in the way of Mage options
They have Annette, Mercedes and Ingrid. Sylvain and Felix too if you fall for their budding talent meme
It was Ignatz.
Ingrid is a lock for unhittable Falco Knight. Making her anything else is just a meme build. Mercedes is going to be your healer unless you grab Dimitri's true wife. As for Felix and Sylvain like you said magic is their meme build.
What fat dude?
You have made a good choice
Hilda Valentine Goneril!
Dedue, Caspar, Dmitri
Byleth, Mercedes, Edelgard
Yea Forums did a complete 180 on the game as soon as punished Dmitri was revealed going from hating the character designs to loving them.
Wow I didn't know someone could get things so wrong.
BL is the kino route with house full of loyal bros and childhood friend
GD may be the meme house but they have the best cast and their lord isn't batshit insane
BE is the edgy try hard house full of people who really don't want to be there.
What if I enjoy RPing snooty elite that looks down upon the plebeians.
Other than Hubert and Edelgard, name one edgy character in the BE. I didn't pick them but it's silly that you call them edgy when they have Dorothea, Linhardt, and Caspar.
Found myself in the same situation and now I want to poach all the characters I can before the inevitable murder spree later.
I also don't know shit about the plot since I've avoided most threads.
GD is NOT a meme house!
You have patrician taste.
Don't poach very many. The less you poach the more tragic deaths you get to cause later on!
Ingrid is one of the most versatile units in the game, sticking her to one role ever is the real waste
Here's your guide:
Get everyone outside your house to B-support as much as you can - check the support menu for time-gated supports so you don't miss out. Spam them with flowers and lost items as much as possible. You don't need to raise support with the faculty members - they'll join you as long as you are level 15 or above without any other requirements.
Their house is edgy cause Edelgard house is the edgiest shit out of the 4. So pretty much Edelgard and Hubert bring enough edge for the whole house.
Where the fuck do I find an Onion. It's a side quest for Hilda I've had hang around for ages
Thanks. Still only dicking about for the rest of the month as I prepare for the Flayn/Death Knight shit later on. Can I snag his Dark Seal every time he appears, or only once?
>maxed professor level
Thank fuck, I hate fishing.
Also do lost items even drop in part 2 any more? I can stop spending so much time searching ever inch of the monastery
Buy a switch
You can get a dark seal every time it appears, but imo it's not really worth it since there are like only 2 people it's worth sticking on and Mage/Warlock is a better class line anyway. He's still a great source of XP if you can kill him though.
You get it from greenhouse and planting vegetable seeds I think.
You cannot check for time sensitive supports.
Alright thanks. So long as the option is there, that's good enough for me.
The dudes name eludes me, but the guy right of hubert the red head.
Zero fucking effort put into the change
>Zero fucking effort
Are you blind?
Hilda is a gigathot!
too edgy and he bitches constantly
The grandma hair completely ruins her design.
The best way to play any route is to not recruit anyone and kill them all after the time skip. Prove me wrong.
Hey people doing a new run, I bought the DLC and was wondering if I can leave the special items there for a new playthrough? or will they disappear?
They all look like Otome shit
Edelgard has the worst timeskip design
Best: Dimitri
Worst: Bernadetta
Marry Marianne!
but her horns are cute
Are you meant to put gear on characters if they are just Adjutants?
Only thing that matters is knowledge/experience gem.
I'd fuck either of them to be honest.
I'm trying to do a playthrough with only using my original house members not other units. but using them as adjucants are fine. Thanks.
Adjutants can crit, so equip killer weapons if you can.
Make everyone either armor knights/grapplers or monks. Adjutant guard and heal are alright, but follow-up is trash.
No, you recruit some characters and then force them to kill their friends and family for maximum kino.
While Felix and Sylvain can't use magic as their primary weapon, it really adds to their utility. Felix gets a three range attack that doesn't use an inventory slot, and both get better options against high DEF, low RES enemies.
but I need my paralogues...
The real way is to recruit whoever you need for your own house's timeskip paralogues, whoever has supports with your lord or other exclusive character, Marianne and whoever else doesn't appear at all in part 2, and either Ashe or Lorenz if you're on GD/Church or BL.
I think you meant to post ferdinand and dorothea
I replaced leonie and ignatz with shamir
I don't know but I'm in love with the girl who wants to fuck my father
best is Lysithea and Caspar
worst is Mercedes and Leonie
based lysithea
I don't like her. She's cute, but shit personality and I don't care for her story. Boo hoo she's dying because experiments. She just exists to show Edelgard isn't the only one.
Why the fuck does everyone hate cyril and ignatz i dont get it
on first month of time skip for bl and it gives me so much despair
Personally find Ignatz to be a boring non-character and Cyril to be so one-note and paper thin that I forget he exists.
I'm gonna guess it's subfags because Ignatz sounds like a huge fucking loser in Japanese, literally screams at Lysithea like a girl in runs off in their supports. Anybody who had to witness that would naturally be repulsed by him. Do yourself a favor and don't touch Ignatz unless you're playing with the dub.
BE has the happier ending in the long run, but a lot more people have to die around the three nations to achieve it
BL has the happier in the short run, and really only Eddy's peeps have to die for it
His whole character development is him being such a huge wimp for "I want to be a painter but mah parents say no :(". Any support that isn't like this has him being massive beta who apologizes all the time and subordinates himself to everyone else.
Then on the gameplay front, on Normal/Hard, he is pretty fucking useless. His default growths are trash and specialized towards a "high crit chance but low damage" role, which means he's incredibly rng-based, even beyond the regular hope for good rng growths. His good Rally and utility spells aren't needed on Normal/Hard because you'll be killing most things without it. On Maddening though, he's actually pretty god tier.
first FE game and went for normal mode, it's far too easy, what the fuck!
Normal is Easy, Hard is Normal.
sucks you can't increase difficulty, too far in now so i'll have to wait for new game+
What's ironic is that other characters do the whole "struggling artist" thing better. Hell, Bernie's supports are more interesting since she does then just paint.
NG+ trivializes everything regardless of difficulty. Just play Maddening NG after you finish.
what is added in new game +
Jeralt just died for me.
Magic armor so Lorenz can have some fun, also just make most advanced classes get +1 movement somehow if they don't have an upgrade
You keep all the statue bonuses, all your battalions carry over, and you can now spend renown to level up your professor level, skill levels, and support levels up to the level you had in your previous run. Even if you choose not to use any of the battalions or spend renown, just having statue bonuses carry over is a huge difference.
does that make even Maddening NG+ too easy with statue buffs?
Maddening will be a bit easier, yes. But then you will miss out the title screen reward for completeting a maddening run on a frsh save
>Yellows look like losers
>Reds seem like the most reasonable
Yellows are actually natural warriors excluding Ignatz while everyone in Red is pretty much a weakling except Petra and obviously Edelgard. Though Edelgard is almost as strong as Byleth
Also Lorenz is secretly a mage for a while, don't mistake that unless he gets like 3 attack on his first few levels.
Alright, I think i'm gonna fiinish this run first run on Normal with Golden Deer then jump into Maddening without new game plus on Blue Lions then after i'll do Maddening NG+ with Black Eagles.
Maddening is still hard, but NG+ will make it a bit easier. Maddening has an exp penalty for auxiliary battles, so having the bonus exp from statues helps out a lot in the long run. Not to mention the additional pulses since you'll probably be dying more, and the extra instruction points is always a good bonus.
One thing i'm annoyed about though is missing out on paralogs as I have to explore to level up professor level to get more battles.
Kinda, if you're doing things like memeing everyone into being a Wyvern lord or making Bernie become a fortress knight for the bulk then yes it will be easy.
What the fuck did they censor this time?
>when you crit ignatz with raphael.
They made Ignatz taller because short people were offended that he didn't grow post-timeskip.
They changed a line about someone being tied to a chair to teach them to be quiet to them being tied to a chair for no reason whatsoever. it's a baffling fucking change because it doesn't actually remove the objectionable thing (the fucking CHILD ABUSE) and instead just removes the reason for it
Who did you make your Dancer withou tunwillingly know what you were expecting? I mistakenly chose Raphael.
Removed a line about Bernie being trained to be submissive by her father in her B support. Not too big of a deal, but ultimately makes the support a little less impactful.
At least it's not a fates where they removed an entire support gameplay segment because of "muh culture appropriate"
You can solve that with GD
Still gets the point across.
It's odd because it isn't even that they removed the line about her being abused, they removed the line about why she was being abused.
The line is still there. It's just cut off halfway through. The game is fully voice acted, too, so it's really awkward if you have the voices on english and she just stops partway through the sentence.
So who has the best design in TH overall?
To be honest, that conversation only made it seem like Raphael was so dumb, he had no idea that joining the Empire meant he would have to fight the Alliance.
>spunky tomboy
>turns into spunky older sister tomboy
Yeah. Misspoke on that bit. My bad.
>Marianne has a sweet support with Dimitri
>she proposes to Byleth
Dimitri BTFO
Most were subpar or decent, but hands down the worst is that faggot Ferdinard.
In terms of looks or how well written they are?
Most characters made out well with their redesigns.
He wouldn't join otherwise because he has to protect his sister. What does he even say about her on that route?
Shame about her personality, IS seems to have a hateboner for tomboys.
Her personality is fine, her supports with Byleth are just absolute shit. She's great with literally everyone else.
>long hair bad
have sex my dude
>Ingrid high
>Claude and Dimitri low
shit list
Claude's sideburns look like shit, and the entire point of Dimitri's redesign is that he looks like garbage. I honestly have no idea why people don't like Ingrid's redesign, she's so much more elegant post-timeskip.
That he wants to end the war quickly for her.
Needs more braids
>The dude to the right of Hubert, his name eludes me.
This made me laugh considering he shouts his name every time you go to move him
Manuela is my wife