Here's your GOAT, bro

>Here's your GOAT, bro

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yo is that sam hyde

Gonna be the biggest blunder and disaster since ff13

Why do all the characters look sweaty and/or made of rubber?

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What a fucking joke

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somebody needs to do a trump hat monster energy edit by now

>find norman reedus kind of hot
>find pregnancy very hot
>find dilfs hot
>find wilderness survival as sexy
yep this is a day 1 buy

Because Konami are niggers who stole the FoxEngine and this had to be slapped together with the horizon zero dawn engine

>main character is a meme actor from a meme show
>game is just a hiking simulator

>Konami stole their own engine
Holy shit kojidrones are dumb

>le epic nazi comedian XD

>stole the fox engine
The absolute state of Kojima drones. Not only did Kojima have nothing to do with it, but Konami employees developed it with Konami funding. I bet you think Kojima is an actual game dev as well.

>reasons to buy this game unrelated to gameplay


that's a snoygroid alright

shut up tranny


Is this actually real? Does Kojima even know what how basic physics work?

The FUCK man

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>giantess vore added
Alright, I'm buying it.

But the Fox Engine guy is working for CyGames now.


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How about you explain to all of us exactly how basic physics works.

But the Fox Engine looks worse.

>All these customization options

I can smell you, Konami shills and Xcucks

Ah you're brain is leaking.

Attached: 8bd.png (349x345, 175K)

>pay devs for new engine in your company
summer is over niggerfaggot. back to whatever shithole you came from


Include the fucking game name literally anywhere so it doesn't get past my filters

>no Nintendo hat

I officially hate Kojima now for making this ugly, disgusting motherfucker appear on my twitter feed.

Fun fact, one of main guys in charge of Decima Engine is now the main guy in charge of new Call of Duty engine.
