Bravely default

Your thoughts on this game?

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contrary to popular opinion i liked the time loop shenanigans, it mixed up previous fights and i am autistic so it was really enjoyable

one of my favorite 3ds games

The time loop shit was necessary in order to induce you into a rage on discovering the true mastermind. Glorious!

Tried to be a new ""final fantasy"

it's literally a homage to older final fantasy games

it was 2012 and we had no good FF-like games, it helped a bit, but it was an 8/10 at best, now it's probably a 6/10, I's very well made, polished and all, but it just wasn't enough, for some reason it never got me "cool!" once, it made me go "nice" a lot of times and "lame" a lot of times, but the RPG mechanics are top notch, and it's even better with cheats

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want to hatefuck airy
actually, forget the fucking, just let me hit her with an electric flyswatter

I want on PC.

unofficial ff1/3 remake so its pure kino

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I liked it
too bad I never finished it, and don't want to restart

better nostalgia grab than octopath was, but still fell flat to me. it feels like the dragon quest devs are the only ones at square worth a damn anymore

Lost any motivation to play it after like eight hours. It's fine but just didn't hit me.

Everyone talks too much.
None of the characters are memorable, Agnes and Edea are only good for porn but didn't really get much of it.
The plot goes on for too long.
The time loop shit is infuriating.
The "twist" was easy to predict WAY before the characters even start to discuss the possibility of its existence and it drove me nuts. BD is the only game I've literally yelled at. It was so fucking annoying.

When I got to the time looping stuff, I literally gave up on playing it. I was not having fun with it anymore.

it was pretty good, the sequel on the other hand was just alright.

It's honestly probably has the best turn based combat. It can be a bit annoying at first, to get a party that really gets going but once you get those synergies it's the most fun I ever had with a JRPG/turn based combat game.

Cool soundtrack
Cool gameplay
Cool art direction
Cool world building
Shit plot
Shit main characters except for based Ringabel
Shit repetition

I am doing the timeloop shit very slowly. Should be done by next decade.

I loved it. Job system was fucking amazing.
Though I was spoiled on the main twist, so that kinda sucked.

i get why the time loop was a thing. i just wish that every loop there was more significant changes like the overworld and dungeons change as well. would have made the game absolutely perfect.

You were spoiled that fAiry fLies? That the really suspicious character turned out to be a villain?

the studio's next game is an apple arcade exclusive...

I love Agnes

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>"false" ending is now the only ending and they remove all those extra shitty chapters
>more party dialogue
there, I just made this the best jrpg ever. Seriously the problem with this game is that it drags far too long. It's otherwise wonderful

Love the combat system and music.

Yeah. I probably would've been suspicious of her anyway but there's still a difference from thinking something and actually knowing.
Having played FFV, I knew something was off about how we were awakening the crystals, because of how bad it was to overpower them in that game.
I disagree with you on that first point solely because the Multiple-Asterisk bearer battles in the extra chapters are fucking amazing. The string of full party battles in Chapter 8 was fucking kino.

wow this almost sort of kind of looks like the Akihiko Yoshida style

Gameplay was really fun even though the best strategies become overwhelmingly obvious as you go on. Characters were absolutely fucking atrocious, everyone was insufferably retarded and suffered from at least 6 different communication disorders holy shit not even the story was as bad as the characters.


First one was good, didn’t hate the timeloop stuff as much as everyone else

Bought the second game prepared. Came with NG+ already activated by previous owner had already given up. I started a new game and got about 10 minutes it and the save data “corrupted” itself and I had to start without NG+, save data never corrupted again

Though that was neat

They should have added those battles into chapters 4 and 5. 4 and 5 in general just need to be more fleshed out. There is no reason to go through 8 fucking chapters of repeated dialogue just to have an excuse to max asterisks and get interesting gameplay challenges. that's what I'm saying

Yeah, I still get where you're coming from with that.
It's essentially the Inverted Castle from Symphony of the Night but repeated multiple times, it's pretty dumb.

they are alright, I liked 4HoL significantly more but that's probably because I'm a boomer

yeah, having to do everything over again and seeing all of the party members steel themselves for the task is good shit. But the progression of this should be
>finally awaken the crystals, jump into the light
>memory is wiped, characters discuss this and decide to awaken the crystals again, jump into the light a second time
>happens again, final chapter is about uncovering airy's facade and defeating her

best job-system since FFT. best soundtrack since FFT.
i love it.

I dropped it after the Fire Temple. The story was boring, the characters were all garbage, the gameplay was stuck in 1994.

And it turns out I was playing the "good part".

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Unironically one of my favorite games
Top tier combat system
God tier sound track
Good designs
Ringabel and edea carry the overwise ok party
Although i must admit the game does drag for the already mentioned parts. Thankfully i just used it as an excuse to experiment with different combos and setups so it wasnt too bad

>that part where ringabel tries to get tiz to convince agnes and edea to take up the spellfencer job

needs another sequel

For me its ringabel cucking his universe parallel in the sequel

This is the good figure

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what if she grabs it and hits you back?

why is ringabel such a chad if alternis is such a loser cuck

rather HOW is he such a chad when he was genetically born a beta virgin

just timeloopmax bro

Even the feeblest existence can gain tremendous chad power once the chains on its heart are broken.

He lived through an entire adventure that toughened him up, then did all of it again.

>Ringabel actually dreaming of the job mechanics
In general the characters actually acknowledging the mechanics felt pretty good.


And this is an interesting way to look at it.