Will Doom Eternal be the best fps of this generation?
Will Doom Eternal be the best fps of this generation?
if I say yes will you buy it
itll be GoTY
im expecting to have fun like i did with 2016 doom. it might be the best one though, im finding it hard to recall an FPS from this gen i enjoyed besides doom. borderlands 3 is pretty good so far, but i expect more out of doom eternal
By far
Half-Life 2 was game of the decade
Propably yes. There is no serious competition.
let's see if it can surpass the mighty DUSK.
It's closest competition is Doom 4, so long as it's not bogged down by mtx, it will be because it looks like a massive improvement.
If they don't let me save Daisy I will shit a brick and throw it at Bethesda
Probably, but FPSs have been in a bit of a rut for a decade.
I hope so. Doom 4 got robbed by Overwatch. It's absolute bullshit.
It's going to hurt even more when Doom Eternal gets robbed by Kojima's walking sim.
I already bought the collector's edition.
The UI looks shit and the extra lives are fucking stupid.
probably yeah, 2016 was pretty cool i liked that game.
For it to reach that goal all they need to do is make DOOM 2016 v2.0.
Its going to be fantastic
The UI is customizable. I don't see anything wrong with extra lives. They're pretty rare and hard to find so I doubt it'll be like the Mario Wii games.
>Doom 4 got robbed by Overwatch
robbed of what exactly
goty 2016
If half of the game isn't enclosed combat arenas, sure
Reminder that out of the below resource regeneration systems:
>Waiting for health regen
>Backtracking for health and ammo
>Having a heal button with a cooldown
>Glory Kills
Glory Kills are objectively the best. They keep you in the melee. They fit thematically. They stop backtracking. They can be used strategically for the invincibility frames by chaining them. They are a risk as they can put you in a bad spot when used incorrectly. They can be used as a movement mechanic.
Nothing else comes close. Glory Kills are genius, and only redditors disagree.
I too hate well designed arenas that the AI is built to do interesting things with. I want doom to be like every other military FPS like cod that is just corridors of generic enemies that make no use of the environment.
of goty
Doom was okay, Overwatch likely deserved it.
Titanfall 2 bro.
bad bait
How is it customizable?
It’s going to get robbed by BL3 and Death Stranding because ut’s not pretentious enough
over hyping games is dumb
you dumb dumb
gimmie gun gun
No, Titanfall 2 was, and is, and will be the best FPS of the generation
Protocol 3:protect the pilot
I really enjoyed 2016 so I hope they don't fuck this up.
I don’t think bl3 will be a big hit. Looks the same as all the other games, like it’s just another dlc.
Do you think we’ll get Crash (the latina) like the leak said?
It isn't known yet. But at Quakecon Hugo Martin said they heard the complaints that the UI was ugly so they're going to give options on how it looks. The way it was shown off previously is how it's going to look by default though.
Overwatch is a terrible fucking game doom deserved it
overwatch is good for porn. that's it.
>2 E3 appearances
>no gameplay footage
>only footage a cutscene of a dude on a ship
yeah but i recognize the logo
It was good, but a bit lacking in length, and the combat was a bit plain and repetitive.
God, I hope so.
Microsoft doesn't show gameplay the year before the release year, what you want another Halo 2 situation?
Then why did it win
Who was phone?!
They ruined the multiplayer so no.
>It was good, but a bit lacking in length, and the combat was a bit plain and repetitive.
You just described Doom 2016.
you need to be 30 or older to use 4channel
If anything in that leak was actually true, Eternal's going to be fucking amazing
what're you doing here?
doom has an excellent modding community scrub
Playing classic Doom to prepare for this was a mistake. I now find the nu-gameplay way too slow.