
This is a thread for programmers. Post your demos here. Will post mine soon.

Attached: game.png (1025x798, 24K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw too paranoid about my game to show it just yet

>i have mostly assest, barely any programming put in

Attached: ECwD26kWwAA0t0m.jpg (578x554, 25K)

Programmer bros I think I fucking hate programming. How do I rekindle the love? I haven't done it in years and there's nothing I want to make.

Are you the same user from /vr/? Can we see it in motion?

I am no progammer but maybe learn a new programming language?

Yes, I am the same user. Give me a sec. I will upload some footage.

Those sprites are place holders. This is a platform game engine for a game I plan on designing. Don't look at this as a full demo even.

I can't even shoot (with mouse) and move at the same time in a 2D game.
I tried using GetInput with Mouse0 and Fire1, then OnMouseDown Event on Camera but nothing seems to work.
I'm kind of losing it.

You use game maker? Post your coding. I might be able to help.

It's Unity actually.And a lost cause.

void Update()
target = transform.GetComponent().ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, transform.position.z));
crosshairs.transform.position = new Vector2(target.x, target.y);

Vector3 difference = target - player.transform.position;
float rotationZ = Mathf.Atan2(difference.y, difference.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
player.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, rotationZ);
if(crosshairs.transform.position.x < 0)
player.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, -1f, 1);
player.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1f, 1);
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
float distance = difference.magnitude;
Vector2 direction = difference / distance;
fireBullet(direction, rotationZ);
void fireBullet(Vector2 direction, float rotationZ)
GameObject b = Instantiate(bulletPrefab) as GameObject;
b.transform.position = bulletStart.transform.position;
b.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, rotationZ);
b.GetComponent().velocity = direction * bulletSpeed;

Attached: ass.png (1920x1080, 186K)

On the bright side, that's a cute chick.
If you can't overcome this limitation, you should work around it. Limitations of control can unironically make a game.

Doesn't sound like a game.

Don't give up.

>Not using the Gun to move

>tfw gms has a really fucking stupid tile system
>tfw gms2 changed the ui and doesn't convert old system tiles into the new system
>tfw several thousand tiles need to be removed and replaced if I want to speed up the room creation and compile time

Attached: 1442803005425.jpg (500x491, 35K)

Why did they change the sprite editor for cutting and pasting?

Did the trick, it kinda looks like he's peeing blood now.
Gotta work on that tomorrow. Also gotta destroy everything as it leaves the screen.

Now this is an interesting concept, and it doesn't sound too hard, Don't think it'll work with my current idea, though. I'll save it for later, thanks user.

Attached: ass2.png (1968x1104, 199K)

>Also gotta destroy everything as it leaves the screen
Unless you plan to have fully separated screens, you don't want them to disappear just as they leave, cause it'll look like the shot is vanishing and can cause weird shit if the character is moving in the same direction as the shot and scrolling the screen. Set a despawn point a bit past the screen edge rather than on it.

Any programers wanna drop their discord? I like talking to programmers.

Then go to /g/




Are you looking for a programmer for a project or something?

Maybe if you want to. I might want help on the ninja game.

You have discord? I wanna see more of your project.

working on a little side project in game maker myself at the moment

Attached: newbuild2.gif (900x492, 2.95M)

That looks awesome. Can I get your discord?

I had been working on a shmup engine in C++ and prototyping a scoring system, but never got around to turning it into anything close to an actual game because I am severely demotivated

Ship sprite is a placeholder from Raiden II but the medals and bullets are mine

Attached: 1565876072261.gif (240x320, 881K)

Looks awesome! Can I get your discord?

Someone likes Giga Wing/Cave shmups

Attached: IMG_20190615_231225.jpg (1920x1080, 302K)
