How do we fix the Hitman series?

How do we fix the Hitman series?

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Who is this guy? Why am I seeing him so much?

buy their game

Is this bait?
It's the best it's ever been and probably the best it will ever be.

Hitman 2016/Hitman 2 are way better than what the market deserves.

Jason M, Yea Forums found his twitter.
He wishes pornstars a good morning and good night every day and flies to porn conventions to take pictures with them that no one ever responds to or likes.
He also has over 9000 IMDB reviews for pornography he has watched.

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Remove always online requirements and make elusive targets playable more often.

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I wonder how bruised his dick is

Link to Twitter?

>hehe 9000 meme
>it actually is over 9000

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its literally in the fucking picture you underhuman trash

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Gun upgrades
Max Payne 3/MGS V gunplay
Destructable envirement
Smarter AI when it comes to alarms
Day and night cicle
Better hand to hand combat
More brutal kills(rn hitman seems like some sort of candyland)

>7 reviews in one day
He should give his dick a rest.

Someone should cast this guy in a Sin City Porn Parody.

Attached: SinCity.gif (400x217, 889K)

There's no possible way he's actually whacking it to all of these.

Just googled the girl, she's cute but nothing too special

I'm thinking based

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He is watching every one.
He wrote a 500 word review on a tranny porno.
You can't make this shit up.

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>TS Bad Girls Volume 2
ahhh, the man of taste I see
how much CP do you think he's hoarding ?

>reviews pornos from 1971
certified pornoussier

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>-the prolific auteur delivers rather intriguing and off-beat vignettes for the occasion
>Vespoli is expert at not emphasizing this visual element, which actually escaped my view the first time I watched the scene
Jesus, this guy is a true kinnoisseur unlike Yea Forums

This nigga was reviewing pornos before half of you faggots were even born

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This is one hell of a rabbit hole

What do you think happened between 2012-2014?


I think I should watch one of the porn he's watched. I mean, he's watched over 9000 of them, that his perfect 10s should be the best porn there is, right?

If you buy the game today, you are automatically locked out of getting a ton of suits since you'll have missed most elusive targets. That is crap design.

Probably gonna be some vintage VHS stuff that you can even find online

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>9000 reviews
>He's only given 92 10/10s
These gotta be high quality shit.

>not releasing missions in chunks
>no trash Ai
>more than fucking 5 missions
>more weapons

>classy titles
>dossier prostitution

There’s a 100% chance he posts here, right?

When agent 69 isn't killing people. He spends his money flying to porn conventions

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Typically speaking 10,000 hours doing something is equated with mastery of that thing, depending on the duration of the porn he's watched he could quite literally, or at the very least be close to being a literal porn master, so his opinion has gotta be worth something.

>average joe
>9,411 Porn Reviews over the course of almost two decades
>average joe

oh great reddit is here

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Based, should have posted the gamer wojak though

The truman show wouldnt be a good movie if truman knew from the get go

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Gonna be interesting timeline to see what happens to him now that Yea Forums found him

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Looks like Heisenburg
>Skyler I don't watch pornos, I AM PORNO

Hitman 2016/2 are probably the best games in the series. Blood Money is fantastic but it's hard to argue against about much was added to the new games, along with very well done casualizations/simplifications for making replays much easier. Not having to constantly get the same safe uniform you know is safe and rather just starting planted in is genius.
The series has a lot of future and a lot of things it could add, but right now it far from needs saving.

make all the targets femoids and niggers

>How do we fix the Hitman series?
Make 6 a playable character.

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>Hitman 2016/2 are probably the best games in the series.
They are pretty great.

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