webm thread
videogames only
Webm thread
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This is amazing. Why console exclusives are more fun?
>console exclusives
>more fun
Fuckin lost
looks boring.
back to your story rich experiences
dont let webm threads die
>he saves quad clips
literally why? 80% of these are you just tagging people with 2 pellets of sg or rl that hit their pinky toe
This perk is the absolute hypest shit. I just wish the game didn't force you to have 3 guns on the same god damn key.
It's like they found an anomaly in the zone
because they're the most interesting thing to clip for a webm? Also you're trying to talk shit on one of the greatest QW movies ever made. Put your foot in your mouth now.
i wish more maps were like that
hate that the developers have said they dont want chokepoints. the thing everyone loved about killing floor 1
>I just wish the game didn't force you to have 3 guns on the same god damn key.
then don't have more than two on the same key
you don't need the cowboy revolvers they're shit, you could just upgrade the 9mm and use that by itself or akimbo
What video game is this?
Control looks like that?
>Oh a webm thread. I like these
>some fag dumps his extensive collection of mad fps multi-killz
Their two latest maps, Spillway and Steampunk Fortress (or whatever it's called) still have chokepoints, although I guess they aren't tight hallways like that, which kinda sucks.
That doesn't change the fact that stacking guns on the same key is retarded, console-tier dogshit. That's just a workaround for something that shouldn't need a workaround. And the 1858 is fine for trash clear, especially when paired with an upgraded medic pistol because who actually trusts their teammates to heal and clear trash?
i think rainbow six is more up your alley
you like them so much that you dont even have a collection to post. off my board, tourist
i agree with you, there is no reason you shouldnt be able to assign each weapon its own individual key
looks like shit
not as shit as your taste!
>literally clips quad sprees of him barely managing to scrape hitboxes with a sg and lg in a 16 man ffa
>q-quad sprees are interesting! stop being mean to me!!
t. overwatch refugee
(Not) Brutal Doom adds some cool weapons.
If anyone has played the new PB version, were more tweak options added that let you adjust settings individually (stuff that you'd previously choose by selecting between the Classic, toned down, and standard preset versions of PB when you started a new game, like reloading and weapon/enemy variety)?
I wish I was Dag.
Wanna duel if you're so good tho?
Thats RDR2. Control looks nothing like that.
weird how you disappear after getting called out. guess you were just projecting about the overwatch thing.
what is this trash source port even
What a shit taste also warfork is filled with braindead players, since im a intellectual i play wolfenstein enemy territory and xonotic on daily basis
warfork is filled with braindead players, however its the only game with populated FFA servers
ET is ok but not very good 2 on 2 or duel action
xonotic...dont make me lol
wanna duel me QW?
It's dying because you're posting this literal who game.
that movie looks like crap
My respects
>Dueling in et
Are you fucking retarded or something? it's a 8v8-6v6 team based objective game if competitively.
>xonotic bad
no it's more fun then quake actually i only discovered it few months ago
>Wanna duel me
no, im not even home right now
I know what ET is you spaz, 6v6 games are fucking trash
xonotic is not better than quake in any measurable quantity
nice dodge
the best fighting game
oh god oh fuck I'm gonna vomit. I know I was playing warfork but jesus christ user
>He cannot coordinate with his team
>old game good new game bad
>double dashed
im just having a bbq with neighbors outside
i can coordinate just fine with my teammates which is why I play 2on2 and sometimes 4on4.
quake is better than xonotic and no amount of buzzwords or meme spewing will save it or justify your shit and wrong opinion
keep dodging, since you're obviously european I'll even play with the ping disadvantage and rape you
>He thinks im europoor
Not really but leave your steam or fuckever u use so i can contact you later
literally all maps have chokepoints, what are you even on about?
even Nuked, the easiest official map has 2 chokepoint on its easiest route (garage & alley to statue)
you're having a bbq with neighbors outside at 4 in the morning, or maybe 1am if you're californian?
11am to be precise
It’s going to be out on pc. I will enjoy it soo much more in 60fps, 30 is awful, it drops below that and the ps4 is a fucking jet engine.
Not to mention mouse free aim being way more fun than controller auto aim
you're certainly not american, and if you're not american then you're european. Eat shit. Are we playing or what you liar?
>using zoomer memes
Now I know for a fact I can crush you, and yes I know you aren't the other retard. Duel me QW so I can make more epic webms!
"gah dang it dutch u got us all spinnin"
Are you being serious about this?
>if you're not american then you must be european
did your school even taught you about the asian continent or you're just braindead? if you're going to sleep soon i can anyway duel you in 8 hours when every mutt wakes up and shits this board
>people unironically believe this isn't scripted
shut the fuck up and duel me you euro sissy
sorry but I only play my own dead games, not yours
and I'm also quite a coward heal slut only
imagine spending hours setting this up just for a 10 second webm.
>tfw enjoy movement with controllers in rockstar games
>their aiming is better with mouse
I can't fucking win.
I'll duel you CPM as long as we play aerowalk or ztn, should still be easy
somebody post the ASS.webm or the yt link
not when it's 5:34 am here
How does one hug in vr?
you'd clip through them, there's nobody there.
>Planning intensifies
Is this some minecraft mode? Doesnt look so bad
Fun times. Sequel never ever
Wow this game is not only based but also redpilled? Guess I better finally finish it.
Captain Levi, is that you?
animal crossing