After 3 years, we all know this game is dog shit at its core, but I still have no idea why exactly.
After 3 years, we all know this game is dog shit at its core, but I still have no idea why exactly
>help me write my article/video script
that's not a response
has 1 group of heroes (damage) that require skill and 2 groups of heroes (tank, support) that are easy to play and whose role is to make it harder for the damage group. it's an inherently flawed system.
Based John Carmack summed it up on Rogan.
game would be better but still shit if they never added new heroes
no interesting movement mechanics
no matter if you are actually right or not your opinion is discarded if you spent money on Yea Forums
>no blood
>infinite ammo
>shield shields shields
>not allowed to hurt anyone's fewwings
>no fun allowed in general
Just play paladins instead.
paladins would be cool if I didn't have anti item autism
can i get a quick rundown?
copy/pasted from some site
“Modern games, things like Overwatch, can be jumped into a lot more easily because teamplay is another aspect of that, where if you’ve got a team you could be on the winning team even if you suck,” said Carmack on episode 1342 of the podcast.
Read more: Overwatch fans mortified by jersey error
“You might have really great players that are kind of covering for you there. You can jump in and have the chance to say ‘Yeah, yeah, I won,’ even if you didn’t contribute at all.
"You start off being completely useless and then you slowly work your way up to being able to contribute effectively for your team."
Segment starts at 21:12 mark for mobile users.
>“You might have really great players that are kind of covering for you there. You can jump in and have the chance to say ‘Yeah, yeah, I won,’ even if you didn’t contribute at all.
this is completely true.
yes modern FPS have built in ego protection
almost everything is like 5v5, 6v6, or more.
kek at the quake axe being 4 polygons even in that pic though.
It's for children
I don't value the opinion of anyone that willingly bought a Yea Forums pass.
Game was launched in a very unfinished state, with the illusion that it was all done. There were plenty of modes and mechanics that should have been there 3 years ago. They then decided to focus on their esports shit, ditching any regular updates/comic shit/story shit that they had in mind. Despite years of people explaining the frustration elements of the gameplay, they have only now started to tweek things to combat this - which has just left everyone, including their holden boy pro players, annoyed and disalusioned with the game.
The game is seriously done by the end of 2020, and I'll be surprised if they haven't got an "Overwatch 2.0" overhall in mind.
How do you know he bought it willingly?
How do you know he didn't buy it at gunpoint?
Ultimates ruin game flow. Tanks and supports are more powerful than DPS, and that's what everyone wants to play. Also maps are not that great
1) Shields
2) Heals
3) Particle effects
>Tanks and supports are more powerful than DPS, and that's what everyone wants to play.
This is the serious issue with the game today.
It's too dependent on your teammates. It's hard or impossible to carry and it feels like you're always being paired with retards to keep your winrate at 50%
forcing the meta bullshit rather than having it be formed by the community like literally every other multiplayer game in existence.
forced e-sports, shields shields shields shields shields, characters have just one role they can do, everything fun but unintentional gets nerfed or removed.
I feel like the devs cornered themselves with the meta though.
GOATS was fucking dogshit, yet the optimal comp when Brigitte got introduced, nobody liked that shit, iirc not even the teams themselves since the only counter to that is another GOATS
There was always that one character that defined most of the meta during its time until Blizzard nerfed them to shit for the community to develop yet another ass meta.
goats was actually well liked by many pros for being really high skill based and team coordinated. Streamers and normies hated it.
How can anyone see anything in that video
What happened to clarity in my gaems
I give it to you it definitely has to be really coordinated, but I don't see how it could be high skill, unless you mean baiting for ults?
You don't even have to aim with half of the characters that you use goats with.
It's simple and it's the same reason as day 1.
Tanks and Healers.
They wanted to make a meme game with ebin golden trio roles and now the game has to be balanced around them.
You can't just shoot people because if the other team picks characters that stop you from shooting their shooters, you're fucked.
If they have characters that can negate the damage you do them and you don't, you're fucked.
If their team has more shields than your team, you're fucked.
Overwatch has some very fun characters trapped in an extremely restrictive and oppressive gameplay design
And NOW you can only play damage heroes if you wait double or triple the amount of time that the other roles ahve to wait, because surprise surprise, people that play an FPS game like to shoot things with a number of characters that make up an overwhelming majority of the roster.
It was fine in beta and season 1, not perfect but a good FPS
The tank/healer issue just got out of control as they were power creeped
>Blizzard "no fun allowed" balance, too scared or take too long to actually be worth anything
>e-sports focus
>lack of real content updates and same shit redone over and over again
>monetization model with lootboxes encourages devs to be lazy with new stuff, just design some skins every now and then and chuck em out for free money
>more concerned with "muh toxicity" that will always be omnipresent in multiplayer games than updating THEIR fucking game
I could go on.
>game designed around switching heroes to counter others
>game also designed around staying on a hero to build ultimates, which are obscenely powerful and most fights are 6 or more ults being fired off
>ultimates, which are obscenely powerful
This meme still isn't dead yet? Huh, I thought Yea Forums was good at games.
Ults do nothing on their own unless you coordinate, even getting 2 kills with a couple of Ults is good enough.
>near instant accel
>constant balance changes so nobody can adapt
>boring forced meta
>abilities that affect the outcome of the game more than positioning or aim
>the hourly "Why is overwatch bad" thread
lmao how many times are you fags going to ask the same fucking question? It has been answered a million times now FUCK OFF.
>do nothing on their own
>kill a third of the enemy team
Imagine being this bad.
Imagine being this bad at fucking Overwatch lmao.
at its core it's a good idea BUT blizzard keep turning knobs and banning little techniques and exploits that make things fun
the result is a game that is incredibly stressful to play
Ironically, its harder in Overwatch for shitters to win without contributing because its such a team game.
Its more ok to be completely useless in older shooters since the best players on your team are gonna be fragging out regardless of you missing shots all game.
I don't understand how people play this shit
you lack a critical mind and most of all you lack penis
I got permabanned last month for spamming voice lines and voice commands like "Understood", i am heart broeken Yea Forumsros, I tholught they would just give me another 3 week ban and I dont want to buy another overwatch, what do?
Dunno, i like tanks and healers. They are so easy to deal with as reaper. What really pisses me off is retarded shit like genji and tracer
My sources confirmed that development of the Switch port held back the other versions.
Overwatch was GIMPED because of Switch.
>it's shit cuz it's popular
fuck off, I jump in a few qp matches and I have a shitton of fun
The new changes for quick match ruined it.
I prefer playing with 5 dps than waiting 7 minutes for a queue.
Got banned for bad words some time ago. This game can't die soon enough.
>Be reaperchad
>Kill 4 out of 5 enemies solo, we are still about to lose
>Our genji literally lost a 3vs1
>Healer understands the situation and ignores genji, focusing on healing me
>We turned the match together and are about to win again
>Genji starts to call our healer nigga and spergs out like a tard for no heal
>Tell genji to shut up and that our healer is doing a good job
>Genji complains that healer is only healing me
>Point out the kda difference
>Genji spergs out even more, constant flaming
Hi, genji
neck yourself
>ignores whole thread telling why
>Imagine getting banned for using gameplay functions built into overwatch
Yep, I'm glad I stopped playing OW after Doomfist. Blizzard can suck a fat cock for all I care.
press Q to win
Because Blizzard convinced themselves they're making Overwatch Cinematic Universe before they had a tried and tested Overwatch game with a proven lasting presence.
I don't like the game that much but I really like playing torbjorn and I'm going to buy it on nintendo switch to rape the little kids with him and my troll turrets.
Playing torbjorn against console-tards is the best feeling in the world. Also as a dwarf you're at the exact right height to be mirin' them butts.
You're bad if you can't kill 2/3 people with most ults
Overwatch is basically a first person MOBA. Obviously, there aren't creeps or whatever, but the fundamental psychological profile is the same.
By creating a game where the individual performance of players has little to no impact, players are able to constantly make excuses for poor performance. It's never "I fucked up the pick", it's always "I fucked up the pick, BECAUSE X wasn't helping me". It's a genre that exists purely for blame shifting, which is why concepts like ELO hell never existed before these kinds of games.
While a good player can carry a shit team to victory in a real FPS, in FPMOBA games, it's far harder.
>too much of a focus on trinity
>shit maps with chokes and narrow passages
it's coomer bait with lore that rewrites itself almost every day and has an inconsistent art direction when it comes to character design, they look like assets that were put together, not designed to look cohesive.
This, after playing tf2 where you can tryhard and destroy the entire team all by yourself if you're good enough overwatch feels like a slog where you're not allowed to go fast, to take any risk, to make any amazing and spectacular moves. It's like playing football with shoes made out of steel.
You may leave.
They want the game to be more slow paced and strategic, but because Blizzard insists on keeping ultimates strong (because ultimates are a core part of the game supposedly), but because ults need to be strong, everyone dies really fast to them. People don’t want to play a game where they can’t counterplay ults, so they made burst healing really fucking strong so people have the chance to survive ults. This means that all dps that don’t have burst are now dogshit and they have to make everyone more bursty to keep things “balanced”. And to counter all this burst damage, they started giving more and more heroes just insane mobility or tons of sustain.
Basically, this is power creep, and Blizzard will continue to balance things by making the power creep worse and worse. They’ve dug a hole too deep for themselves already, and the only thing keeping this game functioning is making just all the characters OP instead of just nerfing the OP ones.
If you have bought into blizzard games past the Diablo3 fiasco or even that retarded card game, Heroes of the shitheads, then you are an gullible idiot. Just go ahead and gobble up the next turd on your plate.
Everyone with two braincells could tell that blizzard games went the suitable for retards status route long ago.
>ignores the fact that OW is one of the most played and well received games out there
Well the visual effect are actually really good, as even in a situation like that I can clearly say what it happening, who is enemy or enemies.
The problem of OW is lack of depth.
An that's a thing to brag about in a world where the normies play the last call of duty and watch the last capeshit en masse?
Not anymore. This game only had one good year before all the hype died down. Now it's barren.
Riight? I am distraught, nothing fills the hole of simply pressing quickplay and your in a game to fuck around in for hours. I am hoping that maybe if I send an appeal in they will see things my way
Simply because it relies too much on teamwork and knowledge to play it well and enjoy it.
You can't just go quickplay/competitive with strangers, because one single idiot on your team can potentially ruin the whole game and your experience.
People try to play it like it was TF2, Just joining a server and going solo around the map killing others and getting objectives. But while in TF2 even one single good player can make the difference in a 24 players match, in Overwatch you need the whole team to work together or you just won't have fun.
It's basically meant for a competitive scene, where the teams are well organized and prepared, but doing so it makes the quickplay experience annoying as fuck.
Keep covering your eyes and ears, tards
It's not even meant for competitive play. The game is purely "did you press Q more? You win!"
Not only is it awful to watch, it's awful to play.
Cope. Overwatch is dying and pretty fast even.
The best part of Overwatch definitely is the porn
No clear visual direction which make the hard to watch. If I look at a TF2 airshot, I know exactly what's going on. Not so much with an OW gameplay video.
Story and gameplay are completely segregated. Heroes who have no reason to work together are put in the same team for an eternal pointless war about pushing a payload or capturing a control point. This wouldn't be so bad if the setting didn't take itself EXTREMELY seriously, with short stories, short videos, and a genuine desire to make you care for the characters that ends up falling flat.
One example could be Mei, who is seen as psychopath freezing everyone but is meant to be a gentle Chinese scientist who wouldn't hurt a fly.
This may seem trivial, but when you're going to play as a given character for dozens if not hundreds of hours, it's useful if they have some personality. One of the reason TF2 is still kicking might be because the mercs and the settings are original and inspired countless artisits.
The story is something blizzard obviously cares about, and yet it's contentiously being rewritten with no rhyme or reason. The conflict which motivates most of the plot is just "muh robots". Characters are inoffensive and crafted solely to make people feel good about themselves (YAY I GOT TO PLAY A GAY GUY), rather be interesting in their own right. It's like the golden age of comics books.
Which tangentially related isn't that surprising, since we got Marvelshit for 20 years straight.
Finally, gameplay sucks. It's a mix and match of MOBAs and FPS which combines the worst of both worlds.
I don't know man, while I don't agree with the whole "ultimates are OP" argument, it's obvious that you need a lot of strategy and teamwork to counter them. So unless you're communicating with the others using voice chat and balancing the roles, ultimates will always decimate your whole team in no time.
fuckin right?
fuckin right?
i had my fun time. in russian community im famous as "That Junkrat main who kills Pharas".
I like to kill pharas and put their helmets on screenshots as trophies. I have 600 hours on Junkrat and proud of that
but i got bored of Overwatch lately..
>in TF2, a single player can make a difference
True and false. A single non-braindead engineer with a well-placed sentry can force you to rely a bit more on your team.
STAR_'s old videos illustrate that pretty well, the guy is a god at the same and yet gets punished heavily by sentries.
>Buy a Yea Forums pass
>Get banned immediately
Prove me wrong that pass users arent the biggest cucks on here
TF has better husbandos
baste but same
nothing new with the game it's just the same as it's been for the past 2 years, no reason to play
I don't know man, I can't see a better man than Torbjorn, not even gay btw
I'm actually a gay, Torbjorn is fine but he's kinda niche. Only good OW husbando is Junkrat and he's an acquired taste.
It's not a very fun game because by design your hand is being held the entire time. The game dictates how to balance your team by preventing duplicates, the game dictates how you can counter healers by giving everyone a super ability that is always charging even if you're not doing anything. A good online game is one that says "fuck you" if your team is shit. Overwatch tries too much to help the player
It's TF2 but shit. The end.
It's very simple, really
Standard holy trinity balance as it should be
>DPS - deals damage but can't heal nor tank
>Healer - heals but can't deal damage nor tank
>Tanks - tanks but can't deal damage nor heal
>Hybrids should fall between those roles but NEVER excel pure specialists in any of them
Overwatch retarded balance
>DPS - deals damage, that's it
>Healers - heals, deals damage and some can even tank
>Tanks - Tanks, deals damage and some can even heal
>Hybrids sometimes excel pure specialists in not one role, but two or even all three of them
It's no wonder this game is in the gutter, Blizzard can't or rather, they won't on purpose, balance for shit
And people shat on Battleborn and not this.
Community is fucking horrible. Just watch Dunkey's videos, he quit playing within like a few months of launch because of how bad the community was.
You keep saying the same thing for years now. It won't happen.
overwatch used to be #1 in korean PC bangs
it's now #35
the game is dead
Everything feels off, from the pacing to the gunplay. Levels are way too open and empty for a FPS and everyone moves too slowly and the weapons doesn't really have enough "force" to them.
>if I keep repeating the same thing it will come true
For me personally it's because the movement is slow and movement abilities are tied to cooldowns. Movement is why I love FPS games and OW simply lacks for my tastes.
Overall problems I think hurt for the general playerbase is Ultimates got tiring, abilities became too much of an importance over the shooting element, the maps force constant chokepoints, the balance is so bad strict metas (primarily match strategy, but also character choice) become dominant and cause games become redundant, etc.
Personally I think Quake Champions is a better game and I still play it every weekend despite an OW player ruining my favorite character by whining to the devs.
>I could go on.
Please do. I love hearing about this stuff.
>softcore pornography masquerading as a game
>bottom-of-the-barrel gameplay aimed at the lowest common denominator
>extremely shallow in both lore and gameplay
>all players silenced by the devs through fear of account removal
>devs more concerned with making characters gay than fixing problems that have existed since launch
>tedious and repetitive, not only to play, but to watch also, i call the game "neverwatch"
>pass user
go choke on a dick newfaggot cancer
one thing I never got: if the goal of OW was to be casual friendly and enjoyed/won by any and everyone, how come they made it so that all weapons deal headshot bonus damage?
Aim is the single most hardcore and difficult to master aspect of the shootdr genre. Movement, gamesense, all that is mastered long before a player can get perma-headshot aim, most players will never even get to that level. So why does the fischer-price "Press Q to awesome" game has such an overarching skill gap? It's baffling to me and it only shows how incompetent activision-blizzard are at making video games.
fuck even tf2 knew to hold headshot damage back on 1 class, make sure he has NOTHING else going for him, and he STILL breaks the game
>how come they made it so that all weapons deal headshot bonus damage?
They didn't, not even all aim weapons deal headshot damage. Ana's sniper, the hitscan lasers, and some projectiles don't deal headshot damage
This "game" tries to fuse together FPS and ASSFAGGOTS but people who made it understand neither of these genres.
Mechanical skill is crucial part of an FPS but Turdwatch tries to negate it with over-reliance on braindead abilities.
ASSFAGGOTS offer insane variety of builds and playstyles, the most entertaining thing you can do is playing a character outside of their intended role. Niggerwatch has no customization whatsoever, every character is locked in their respective kit without any room to tweak them to your own playstyle.
Game modes are just mindlessly copied from TF2. Roles are just mindlessly copied MMO Trinity. They don't complement each other in any way. Maps and game modes aren't build around game mechanics, roles did not appear naturally.
Homowatch is an incredibly incompetently designed game. I'd even say it's not designed at all. It's made by creatively bankrupt monkeys who just copied shit they've seen in other games without thinking. It's shit.
>aim is the only skill in the game
no, dps ruin this fucking game because they're the only one who can carry
I watched a friend play this the other day. I haven't seen anything from it in years. Since the beta or release probably.
There was shit all over the screen. Lasers everywhere. Shit flying all over. Bubbles and screens and and domes and disco balls. Some red. Some blue. Sometimes yellow shit for some reason. Everywhere. All the time. And shields. Constantly just shields. He spent at least 75% of the match shooting at a shield.
The game is a mess visually and apparently just amounts to who can shoot shields more.
>but I still have no idea why exactly.
Homogenized shallow design.
Poor level design.
Poor balancing.
Enforced meta/structure.
Poor content updates.
Story hasn't advanced an inch since release, it's only backstory.
>ASSFAGGOTS offer insane variety of builds and playstyles, the most entertaining thing you can do is playing a character outside of their intended role. Niggerwatch has no customization whatsoever, every character is locked in their respective kit without any room to tweak them to your own playstyle.
It's even worse than that since you can be literally banned for playing a character out of his intended role.
I was banned for playing attack mercy the same way I play combat medic in tf2. Then I was banned another week for playing attack torbjorn (I was mimicking the gunslinger engi).
And to top it all I was chat banned for calling someone a faggot.
Fuck this game, fuck the community of drooling retards, fuck all of it, fuck anything overwaste related. FUCK
They've reworked Symmetra about 3 times now and she's still underused, that should tell you how good they are at designing their game.
You mean the pajeet with autism? Literally?
Yeah the autistic poo in loo
how the fuck would anyone take a cartoon fps with "special moves" that let you one shot people or groups of people on order to get your replay at the end of the match seriously?
Forced 50/50 matchmaking which essentially leads to what said. The amount of times I'd review the stats of people I played with when I was in Platinum to see a shitter with 3:12 was un-fucking-real. When you got a decent to good team the game was fun but Blizzard has fucking refused to do anything and instead injects stupid shit into the game to "balance" the playerbase. Just put people of equal skill together and we're all fucking set. If shitter won't improve, keep them down.
Despite all this I'm still glad it made TF2 autists seethe and obsess for 3 and a half fucking years now. Really does prove that the only people still playing that dogshit game are depressed autists.
The game forces cooperation by making everyone a cripple. It's literally 'anti skill' the game, nothing else matters except the generation of ultimate abilities. FPS fundamentals don't matter because at the end of the day someone can press a cc button (because fuck aiming) to kill you in two seconds. It's the definition of a forced esports meme.