Granblue fantasy versus

She's in.

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god i wish that were me

post the better version faggot

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Those heels are ridiculous

She flies so they're a fashion statement

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What the fuck was that song? GBF has such good music but GBV's has either been worse versions or now this weird crap. Percy is the only one to get a great theme.

She looks a bit more fun than most of the cast, being able to combo off a special at range and in the air adds a bit more to her. I was hoping to see a bit more from a flight ability, you see it at 00:26 but it looks like you just have a second jump in the air. I'm hoping you can at least change the direction of that so it isn't just a extra jump forward. But I still really hate how everyone has the same autocombo to special as their only up close option.

The gameplay really doesn't excite me, but there is nothing that special about the neutral game that makes up for it. With them handling communication so badly, and only 2 character left for 5 month I can't see hype building for the game. Already blew their load on the RPG mode, revealing more bosses or some shit would be alright but not that exciting to me. If they start revealing DLC to fill that gap they can go fuck themselves.

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And I want to be inside her

She looks like a harlot.

But there’s another archer character that uses them to fly

I haven't been paying attention since the beta. Have they announced literally any improvements? I know about the small roster and the story mode

What kind of improvements?

iunno, system changes? Balancing? Actually, any news beyond the small roster and story mode

We haven't really gotten any gameplay discussion. They just keep talking about how they want it to be really easy, but the esports side will work cause the game is pretty. They don't want it to do anything more. Netcode has never been discussed, don't expect any change. I don't think they have talked about general feature set, just showed off the RPG mode.

Also I was thinking lately, a few things about how combat works seem to be built for the RPG mode. Like you could end up getting hit from both sides, and pressing back will turn you around to go that way. So you need a block button to make sure you can always block stuff. Same with specials, it could get weird with the game turning out around, so instead you have a special button. Basically the game is built as a beatem up, so just think of it as one.

I guess it's true it's just for the gacha audience.

I think they will try to push it on more people, but later. Right now their marketing is 100% on the Japanese audience. The most they have done in the west is given out beta codes to streamers. And the preorder bonus is a Japanese only item ticket. It kinda does seem like a cash grab that they hope might just blow up.

We'll probably see more western advertising close to release, but they probably know there just isn't enough to show and keep up the hype over here.

Even gacha audience hate versus

Oh well, that's unfortunate, at least it's in a game that's not worth playing

>10 Characters
>No female draphs
>No Magisa
>Slow walk speed
>auto combos
>wasted development on some rpg mode
>no depth
>releasing in the same year as GG
Yep, this game is going to fail.

>impacting anything
That franchise always sells like absolute shit despite the dickriders shilling it everywhere

>>Slow walk speed
I figured they'd change this just cause so many complained. It didn't need it, but can be one of those "look we listened guys!" moments.

I posted this yesterday on Yea Forums because I'm a disgusting, filthy crossboarder but: I will always harbor a deep resentment for GBF for making my brother go into a 4,000,000円 debt with his bank, yet I'm still looking forward to the fighting game release AND the second season of the anime.

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do you plan to play it with your brother

Considering how easy they want the game is, giving Metera full flight on command will cause issues

Im gonna buy it and play a lot of the rpg mode

>making my brother go into a 4,000,000円 debt with his bank
The game didn't do shit lmao, your brother did that by himself

What's wrong with the game being simple? Every other non-anime games get away with it but GBVS is getting a lot of flak for it. Is it because it's an ArcSys game?

SFV was bashed to hell and back for being simplified. BB was made fun of for being GG for babies. Xrd was made fun of for dumbing down AC+R. And now people are fucking worried that GG 2020 is going to be even further dumbed down.

So when do they get raped and ground up and fed to pigs?

That song, thought it was gonna be a Panty & stocking crossover for a second.
Metera is cool i guess.

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Who the fuck cares WHERE IS JEANNE!!!!

>What's wrong with the game being simple
Simple games can be done well or poorly. SamSho is a simple game, but changes up a lot of stuff and makes character pretty unique. This allows it to create a special niche, it makes things easier while also giving a spin on it you won't see else where. SF has tended to be a simple series compared to anime games, but a game like Super Turbo still gives characters a huge amount of tools and tech. Meanwhile SFV made it very aggressive, with poor defensive options, low combo variety, simple but long pressure, etc. This made for not only a frustrating game but ones less interesting than what came before. Even then it does bring some mechanics to the table like vtrigger which does allow characters to do more than normal in a limited fashion.

GBV seems simple and isn't doing anything particularly special with it, it is an extremely basic game. There is next to no variety in the combo game, characters have pretty basic tool kits, you don't have that many options in the neutral and pressure is as basic as it gets. The only things that stand out about the gameplay is how they simplified it and how ex moves will lock you out of moves. With the cooldown stuff basically meaning you will only ever use EX moves for combos otherwise it is a waste. Even meter building is so easy that you are guaranteed a super every match, and there is nothing else to use that resource on. The gameplay all seems to point towards you don't have many options for a given situation and none are all that exciting.

Tourneychad (True) here. Versus main system mechanic problem so far really was only the walkspeed, aside from that the Beta was very well-rounded. The evades allow for more interesting neutral interactions than people seem to realize, and made the game more defensive than your traditional SF2 and stuff. It's not quite on the level of Koihime Enbu, but it's very good nonetheless. SKD made a nice video exploring it as well.
I also would like for them to round out the characters more. Ferry is the only one that was really a departure from the rest in terms of how she functioned on a base level. I do like how they handled the Gran+Katalina difference, since despite both being very basic, they lean themselves towards two completely different types of players.
Another fun thing is how one-button specials influence alot of how neutral works, like having faster anti-airs. The Guard button could use some toning down cause right now it's really strong compared to standard blocking.

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we knew that since initial reveal of the game dummy

>FKMR's favourite gets a high effort trailer
Of course

What's GBF like in 2019? I haven't played in about two years now
Is Viramate and anything similar well and truly dead?

You can get used to lack of viramate if you bookmark the raid window, but yeah its dead, blame chinese and virtual youtubers. As for the game itself, not much has changed, more shit to grind from hard fights, early/mid-game shit easier to grind, the usual

SFV was bashed not just because it was simplified, but because it fucked with the gameplay formula.

Nobody would care if they made the game easier, but the way the systems are designed this time around severely lowered the gap between skilled players. The game is much more based around guessing 50/50s than ever before

>bb was made fun for being gg for babies
and that was never true either, just people not wanting to play another different game. Same reason people get so fucking upset over smash dlc characters

>xrd was dumbed down ac+r
xrd isn't even dumbed down commpared to ac+r, again just people shitposting about them not liking different things

>The evades allow for more interesting neutral interactions than people seem to realize, and made the game more defensive than your traditional SF2 and stuff.
Evades weaken defensive play. At range you can dodge fireballs very easily meaning zoning is going to become pretty weak over time, and the roll allows you to get in more easily. Up close though both pose a huge risk with the dodge not really getting you out of much. With pushback pretty low you'll more likely see a pretty offensive game, though the pressure itself is very straightforward.

>Another fun thing is how one-button specials influence alot of how neutral works, like having faster anti-airs.
That will only really be big for charge characters, which is only 1 right now. Otherwise it makes little difference, the inputs are very lenient and any half decent player can mash out a DP pretty fast.

Evade doesn't "weaken" defensive play at all. Rather, what it does is make it so that the game becomes alot more about max distance pokes. It won't do much up-close, but that's not where the focus of the game lies.

>That will only really be big for charge characters
That's absolutely not true. Charge characters don't benefit from it nearly as much because they already have the input ready by downbacking. For characters like Ferry it's absolutely a major factor for them because a 1f input is always going to be better than the 3f+ input for a manual anti-air. The measured CDs on regular EX AA vs one-button is minimal, so it gives an additional layer of complexity through that. Since you're not getting the forward input at all with your one-button AA, you can stay blocking and not risk being hit during those frames.
I have no idea how on earth you're going to try and downplay a 1f input AA.

>Evade doesn't "weaken" defensive play at all.
Already explained how it can. Your zoning and long range pokes are less effective so you are required to go in more.

>It won't do much up-close
So it is a much weaker defensive mechanic than you let on. Plus up close is an important of the game, especially when pushback is so low.

> Charge characters don't benefit from it nearly as much because they already have the input ready by downbacking
But they are not always charging, this is why everyone has pointed it out as a strength. Now Charlotte can use her aa at any time even if walking forward.

>because a 1f input is always going to be better than the 3f+ inpu
Only if there are constantly situations where the character needs one much quicker. It isn't like you have hops in this game or jumps are all super quick with a low arc. You can get out a normal DP quick enough for any situation present in this game.

>Since you're not getting the forward input at all
Apart from you do, to get a different special you need a different direction+ the special button. With most DPs requiring 6+Special button

Oh and if you do block button + simple input DP you'd get a roll first, as block button+6 is that. So that doesn't work either.

>Get her to Level 100
>Do valentine with her
She is one thirsty thot.

It’s easier to grind for dailies but there’s still an endless grind

How the fuck do you go in debt in Granblue of all games? One 10-roll is 3000 yen, and after 30 10-rolls you can pick any character you want, that's 90,000 yen. I'm pretty sure either your brother has a gambling problem, go restrict his card or something. You do realize that that amount means he can pick 44 characters for free, right? Every single limited character in a Gala banner put together doesn't even add to 44.

>another bitch
Where are the cool guys ?

Is this getting a PC port at some point? I have a ps4, but generally when I get a multiplayer game for ps4, I never really play it because it's way more convenient to boot up on my pc.

The remaining two characters in the roster are Vaseraga and Zeta according to the weapons in the logo, which have pretty much been completely accurate so far.

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Pick 1 of each of the following to get in.
>1 Zodiac
>1 Eternal
>1 RoB character
>1 main crew member not currently in





>>"releasing in the same year as GG"
>>(citation needed)

You know actual arcade games can have months or even years (fucking Tekken 7) of locations tests before they actually release on consoles, right? The "2020" date is definitely for japanese arcades first and foremost. You don't have to care about GBFV at all, but it's releasing early in the year so a lot of people will probably pick it up to kill time until GG drops.

>No female draphs
>Plan to relsease all of them for dlc
>Game doesn't sell
>DLC doesn't sell
that must be the dumbest move i ever see from that chink

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>No more marketing strategy focus on Japan arcade players. Now overseas and pad players are targeted
From a famitsu article he linked below. It seems like arcades are not the focus this time so it is unlikely to be stuck there for a long period.

Plus so far GBV's marketing has been very Japan focused, more than GG2020's. It is unlikely to be a hit unless they really ramp shit up. GG2020 has more then double the views on the first trailer despite releasing months later

>GG2020 has more then double the views on the first trailer despite releasing months later
GG IS BACK BABY. GBFV has no fucking chance.

>no Vira
What's the point?

The stage choice really makes it stand out how some characters are missing. Maybe Albion is Kat's stage not Vira's, but Amalthea and no Enforcer character?

Gbf is basically nonexistant in the west
It also never officially released to the west. Most of the games promos are only available to the nips.

Siete of course.
>main crew

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>Basically the game is built as a beatem up, so just think of it as one.
Well that’s what I was doing originally but they still insisted on calling it a fighting game first and foremost in interviews post rpg announcement. Cygames has their head too far up their asses to realize the shit they made

There’s a difference between simple and shallow. Versus is in the latter pool at the moment

>Getting in debt because of GB

What a moron.
You don't even need to pay in order to thrive and win , and characters are almost given to you considering how their shower you with AP items and goodies. GB is one of those games where you can't cheat your way to victory and there are limit in place for farmers.

only a total moron would get in debt because of this game.

I thought brainlets were a meme

>annoying dyke

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Your shit opinion is irrelevant

I dont know what any of those things are but I want cagliostro

Why even pretend like Guilty Gear is any sort of competition? Even post-Xrd the games never sell well and Arcsys keeps having to be carried by Blazblue sales. People will praise Guilty Gear until the sky falls but in the end nobody fucking buys or plays it, whereas Versus will get sales by default just from being associated with Granblue

>Evoker, instead
Caim or Lobelia, probably. Maybe Turbo Grandpa.

Siete I guess, the rest are irrelevant.

Albert obviously; again, the rest are irrelevant. Even Lucifer, since he isn't even an actual thing. It'd have to be Helel/Lucio which would be weird.

Noa, the only worthwhile main crew character.

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Why am I face-down on the ground though?

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Trying and failing to get a panty shot, knowing GBF

>whereas Versus will get sales by default just from being associated with Granblue
Then why do the trailers have less views? The only argument I've see that it well sell stupid well is the code it will come bundled with, but I haven't seen any evidence that the DVDs or CDs have sold millions because of those. In the west the IP may as well be new, it has next to no pull. The people it is selling to also have way less interest in sticking around and playing a fighting game. They'll mess with the single player and then drop it.

she beat the shit out of you

Nobody sticks to fighting games in general though, they are disposable seasonal fads.

>Have only played the original years ago.
>No attachment to the apparent morass of spinoffs since
I'm extremely confused as to how we got here.

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>Then why do the trailers have less views
Because people like to praise GG but not play or buy it. That's what happens every fucking time a Guilty Gear game comes out, it gets shilled hard as fuck by people claiming it as the best fighting game ever, and then nobody fucking plays it. People can watch a trailer and suck its dick as much as they want but that doesn't translate to sales at all, whereas Versus having a campaign tied directly to an insanely popular social game with a playerbase that's generally easygoing about parting with their money guarantees them more sales.
Are many of them just going to dabble with the singleplayer and then fuck off? Yeah, same shit that's going to happen with Guilty Gear where people just watch the story mode and then fuck off and leave online as abandoned as Xrd was throughout its lifespan. Getting people in the door is everything, and is what brings you your online playerbase. Cygames have already showed their enthusiasm about funding tournaments and shit since they've been doing that for years in preparation for the game's release.

The roster is a huge miss for gacha audience.

>Zodiac - Boar, but I doubt any will make it in anyway
>Eternal - Seox or a Feower/Tien double team
>RoB - Lucifer unless Sandalphon is in then Albert instead
>Main Crew - Rosetta

As somebody who plays FGs and the gacha, the roster is such a mess. The characters from the beta didnt feel different enough to not warrant a bunch of them.

This seems more like a week fad

>Because people like to praise GG but not play or buy it
Same shit here. People only talk about it cause graphics, the girls and demented /gbfg/ posters who can't stand anything negative being said. Cygames couldn't even be arsed to do anything big at EVO, just a demo that wasn't even new and a tiny stream nobody watched. No one watches the match footage they put out, and when they do it is sleep inducing. Instead they pushed shit at their own event where only GBF fans cared. We can't even get threads going for this game cause of the huge gaps between news.

>For the Gacha audience
>Gran without selectable Djeeta, stuck as the shitty warrior skin out of all things
>Spoiler-rina with Ares for some reason
>Niggercats, the most annoying shit ever to be introduced to GBF
>Literally who slut with a bow because one of the devs likes to jerk off to her
>Two homoknights nobody asked for, one of which is Lancelot out of all things
>Ladiva because why the fuck wouldn't you add Ladiva, nevermind nobody even knew of her existence until like two months ago

>Zeta and Vaseraga, the only two decently interesting additions.


the new guilty gear is kinda killing the hype for this game

Gotta put the characters people actually want behind dlc. The first season of characters is gonna have all the fan favorites. Too bad the game will be dead by then since no one wants to play a game with such a barren base roster with bad picks

I don't think the revealed characters a necessarily bad, they don't play exactly the same but it comes off like okay what else can they do? Games often have a few fireball+DP characters, but they lack much past that to really get stuff going. I know but it was a beta and all that, but you should come away with ideas and feeling there are areas to explore. While after the beta it felt like I had seen everything, and from all the footage at events since no one has really shown off anything else with these characters.

They really need to get a video out and go look here is how much further you can push these characters.

they're doing a fine job themselves. Fucking hell the beta was 3 months ago

>go to YouTube
>look up "Granblue Metera" on the search bar
>filter to today
>only like 6-7 videos
>2 of them are reposts of this trailer
>the rest are lazy reaction videos

Looks like Cygames fucked up. Nobody is interested in this game anymore. Meanwhile, the Guilty Gear TGS trailer got like dozens of video reposts, including on major gaming channels, as soon as it was uploaded.

They need to release trailers more often and more frequently.

People think simple=reduction, which is what SFV did. You can make a game simple if the mechanics are strong.

Persona 4 Arena was made for fans of the RPG and that game was fucking insane at every level, which is why I wasn't worried at first over GBVS being made for gacha fans. But seeing everything about the game currently it really just feels too basic and almost simplistic.

so is yours

>/gbfg/ posters who can't stand anything negative being said
but i hate the fact that there is no doraphs

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Thanks for the free (You) again

Because user is a liar and just want some (you)

As reads, it's not at all even reaching the gacha audience in its current state which may as well be the reason it feels meh. It seems to just be a shot in a whatever direction with some rogue dev's favourite characters/personal picks and nothing anyone is actually interested in so far.

in a basic dumbed down autocombo fighting game
jesus fucking christ

>the girls and demented /gbfg/ posters who can't stand anything negative being said
nigga we only buy this for the evolite, we don't give a fuck about you peoples opinion on the game

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Up until now we've had about 2-3 month gaps between news. Which is a lot and really manages to kill interest, especially as it slowly dawned on people how few characters were in and how knew exactly who they were from day 1. The few interviews we get told very little, just reiterating the same things. Meanwhile GG has only seen a 1 month gap while generally being a bit more active in talking about it. Cygames keeps going dark, and then we only know news is coming cause we find out a fan event is being held and will likely have some news.

GG trailer is a few hours older, I doubt it will catch up as Percival never did

Cygames made this game only so they can play with their favorite characters in the break room

Not even him but... who cares? Since when are people able to not be hyped for more than one game at a time, specially when they are as short lived as fighting games? It's like when people screech at each other over playing JRPGs or WRPGS or whatever the fuck else, normal people that enjoy a genre or a type of aesthetic get hyped about everything that is coming out in that branch. The ones that autistically latch onto a single thing are just that, autismos.
Doesn't mean Versus team is doing a good job or anything, they are fucking up their media campaign by all means, but who cares about what GG does?

It's 11 characters, though you're still right about everything else.
It's a shame really.

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>short lived as fighting games

They'll just play BB and GG instead.
Or Riot Fighter.

>Not even him but... who cares?
Well him, cause he made the point they were doing fine and I explained how they were doing poorly. So you make shitty bait crying in response

Fighting games die in under a couple of months and are left with a completely barren online, unless it's " " "fighters" " " like Smash or other shovelware.

I'd say the difference is, Atlus wanted them to make a Persona fighter that did represent the series, probably didn't want it too hard but also wanted to let them do their own thing. The reins were loosened enough so they could play and experiment. Then you have shit like Fist of the North Star where they were just allowed to do whatever they wanted for shits and giggle. GBV comes off more like Cygames directing ArcSys to make a fighter. Makes me wonder if Platinum stopped working with them for a reason.

I only know those sluts from shadowverse, what are the chances my homie daria will make it in?

She's a RoB literal who and not even in Granblue.

Then why haven't they added all the characters /gbfg/ always tells me are forced staff favorites?

Maybe they should listen to their fans instead. They clearly have better taste.

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Please wait for DLC

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>Vania and Vira always on both SSR and SR lists
Every time

Only Naru cummy and yaia are good taste in that poll

why do people always post these fotw polls

Fuck, what about my wife silva?

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There's a REAL end game raid that's actually hard and fails if 1 out of 6 players does 1 mistake, so it's impossible with pubs. UBHL is pretty much just smash orange2win-tier. Most end game players can solo it.

remember that people vote in those polls so character appear on the draw banner
no one gives a fuck about athena

Toddlercon please kys

the rigging is the most obvious shit ever

she's one of the most popular characters so her chances are pretty good

is Athena good? I feel like she's been on the poll for a few polls now and 40% fire cut seems underwhelming

So no one has Vampy and that's why they vote for her?

She doesn't really fit a fighting game, being a sniper. But she's popular and has alts, got anniversary skin, etc.

Metera is so STD infested she could probably kill by just standing next to you.

She's the third best Fire character in the game and the only one that's not a Grand/Zodiac, so yeah pretty much.

nobody rolls on those banners when they can wait a week later for legfest

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Athena's end turn nukes are utter bullshit and she literally obsoletes everyone for long raids. This is before wind-cut with wind switch on her first skill being core for luci hard.

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Vampy got a 5* that made her core months ago so people really want her now.

Any info on the gameplay? Does it have depth or is it just a cashgrab for gacha fans?

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is she is very good
but not popular

there is people that rolls on shit banners just because their waifu is in it don't ask shit to me nigger you know that if there is a character that everyone wants because it's busted and can be gotten out of leg/flash it will be there

>guaranteed 2-3 million skill nuke every turn with stacking defense lowering debuff and permanent burn upkeep
Nope, nothing to see here.

If you are too retarded to make a basic google search, you may want to hope for the cashgrab.

>athena and kolulu
yes clearly popular character that everyone loves and remembers dearly
i had to google kolulu

Attached: Stamp54.png (120x120, 7K)

There was a beta a few months ago dude.

>conveniently ignores the other characters that have been in the top 10 for years
Clearly, flavor of the week characters.

>conveniently ignores the other characters that have been in the top 10 for years but there's a lot of new players who don't have these characters so they vote for them

Yeah and the beta sucked ass, that's why I'm asking if it has actual depth or is it just that.

that pool is bullshit and everyone who plays knows it
50/50 is some broken character that people wants it
i love yurius but besides some fucking whores no one cares about him besides his power level

Wrong. They’re stilts or mountain climbing spikes

>still no dwarves
Shit game

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a game being simple in controls means it'll lack a lot of things that can only be done with more complex control schemes, like Street Fighter or SkullGirls' "three-in-one" Specials that change properties depending on which strength button you press (light/medium/heavy) like in pic related.
simple controls also mean you'll have to wonk around with un-intuitive mechanics. for example: in Fantasy Strike the Guile Function "charge zoner" character has no charge motions because simple controls, but does have a special meter that resets to 0 every time you press forward, and needs to be at full if you want to flash kick or sonic boom. it's a smart solution but you can't make this for every character.

that said, i have nothing against the idea of simple controls on it's own, rather i hate how many people rely on it to give you an increase in audience numbers when we all know casuals don't care about it, just look at
something else is necessary to get casuals into fighting games, and while the RPG mode is a good start i feel like it'd be even better in a game with more complicated controls like SkullGirls because then there's an incentive to use different moves and actually learn the character you're playing as, even if all you're learning is ranges and approximate speeds for moves and maybe some basic cancelling.

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GBF was a browser based game at first, and most new arcsys games do end up on PC even if it takes a year or so, so there is hope.

ok where is the actual all time fan favorite pool where you can vote for zodiacs,main craw and new primarchs?

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Again, nobody is ever going to roll on that banner when legfest exists a week later and they can get a lot more (and better) shit there.
Also only 3 characters in this top 10 are actually good and usable in gameplay. Yurius, Athena and Zooey. Rest barely if ever see play. Kolulu and naru are only used in 1 single raid that a new player will never bother doing as you need heavy whaling to use them.

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Jew Skin DJ Siete
Rackam or Eugen

As far appealing to casuals, that goes back to roster.

Look at Smash (inb4itsnotafightinggame). That game sold extremely well because it had a stacked roster on top of having solid gameplay. On the other hand look at MvC:I. It had solid gameplay, but a tiny roster for a versus game.

Even if GBFV is focused solely at Japan, the principle would still apply. In order for this game to succeed, they need to pump out WAY more characters.

Nigga it ain't out yet

>cooldowns in a fighting game
Defend this

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new players like to roll so your opinion really doesn't matter

im not reading all this let alone reply to it
let's just say you won the argument

it works surprisingly well actually
good way to balance EX DPs

God no

>Pick literally all the best characters

Attached: you.gif (480x238, 443K)

So which of these characters are "new/rare/powerful so they're popular" and which are old yet have stayed in the charts making them actually popular?

Attached: alexiel.png (960x800, 262K)

>Gigastacy Metera will never assert her dominance on you

>inb4 doesn't count because muh whyfoo isn't on top

Attached: 2018poll.png (928x520, 486K)

It's failing for many reasons
>Shitty roster that they announced on day 1
>Sporadic updates, takes ages just to announce characters we already know are in
>Spotlight taken away by Guilty Gear, which is looking way better
>Console exclusive instead of simultaneous release on ps4 and pc
If they want granblue to be big in the west they gotta fucking try and market it and show us why the franchise is beloved
But they aren't doing that at all.

>defending rigged poll that much
where is my alexiel if this poll isn't rigged nigger?

>Meters in a fighting game
Defend this

You cant vote for limited characters. If you could Zooey would have been #1 on every single poll since 2016

i can't read xing xong but holy shit the fanbase has such a terrible taste on those 3 alone only silva is ok
alexiel is a blank stone that people only care because of tits and vira is such a garbage character
thank fucking god they don't list to stupid fans

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Because it's going to be the same players who are going to stick to it no matter how "easy" it is.
Easy inputs aren't going to make people magically good. So then they leave.
The end.

Cog better be the first DLC

Vira is the best character

Attached: 60405188_p0.jpg (778x1100, 958K)

people like you are the reason why that happens

Normally you don't even notice them. The EX versions are a shit system

>good way to balance EX DPs
I think it is a pretty bad one. It takes the aspect of managing your meter out of the game, now it is pretty much a free super bar. If you use the EX move you are given less options in game for a set period. which means using it becomes a much worse option. If you EX fireball in neutral you are giving up your zoning, whether it hits or not that section of game play is now over. Whereas with a meter system an ex can be chucked in there as part of your zoning game. If an ex move whiffs you've seriously screwed yourself over for no good reason. Mid screen they don't help your damage all that much

EX moves are probably only going to be used for corner combos or the select few that change the moves properties significantly. Spending them in neutral or for a mid screen combo is too big a cost.

Called it

The CDs are barely there when you're doing the inputs. When you think about it, it's a pretty smart solution to make it so that the newbie players who actually do use them don't end up spamming fireballs against eachother and hating the game.

>make a game for an existing franchise
>only 2 of the 11 characters they put in are actually wanted by the community

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She's already in. It's only a matter of when they are gonna reveal her. Hell, I wonder if they'll put her human for and primal form in the game.

>alexiel is a blank stone that people only care because of tits
They only care about her because she is a broken character and people like to bandwagong on the most broken shit. theres also the gigantic seiyuufags but who gives a fuck about them

we know for a fact half of those characters are only liked by a small vocal minority

Cygames is basically burning through its profits right now. It won't be long before the bubble bursts.

Primals were a mistake

Instead they'll be confused at how they can only do a fireball once every eight seconds and their opponent is "cheating" by using fireball every seconds. Then they'll drop the game.

Attached: Mirinn.png (960x800, 143K)

The shoes have nothing to do with flying it's her magic. They are basically weapons

there's literally a number on the screen counting down the cooldown

>literally everyone I know has said that they are far more interested in the action game then the fighting game
>Literally nothing for the action game for half a year now
>fighting game is already losing it's hype fast due to retarded decisions
Nice, their way of getting to the western audience and it's already a complete failure.

No it won't. It comes with two comes for the mobile game and will be bought for them and then the fgc people will buy it too.

called what nigger?i can't fucking read half of it i don't even know if the people i like are on the top list
do you have brain damage?

yeah pretty much but i dislike her and can agree that she has a nice body so i see why some people actually like her
at least she isn't vira who is just annoying

Seethe harder retard

vira is so ugly i don't get how does she have any visibility at all
are there just that many yurifags?

>he likes vira
yeah i understand it
now sorry if calling a bag of shit a bag of shit upsets you bro

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Cowcucks sure are having a hard time coping

she looks amazing. ill get this game when it comes to pc.

don't support this shit business practice

>She doesn't really fit a fighting game, being a sniper
"girl with gun" is a popular fighting game concept nowadays, just look at Parasoul, Falke or Elphelt or others that i'm forgetting. if "girl with bow" is in why not let "girl with gun" in as well?

Why would I like garbage? You sure are fucking retarded and you can't even read a simple list.

what's wrong? Sure the roster is shit but I want to play Metera anyway. I would only buy the DLC if it has characters I actually want like cog and sandals

Attached: gb6JLsp.png (1280x1376, 1.95M)

>still upset
stop it bro i know that you have a hard time getting called out

Of course we are why shouldnt we? Draph Women are the main feature of the game

Attached: alicia.jpg (1109x1400, 209K)

Thanks for the (You)s as usual

And the newbies will not understand WHY, even if the typical ArcSys Tutorial is shoved in their faces and tells them why the cooldowns would be different.
>Why do I have to wait eight seconds?
>His shit cools down in one! He can just hit the button and spam it as much as he wants!

Did that action game get canceled?

>i can't fucking read

When was the last time the event she was in ran? 3 years ago?

>he is still upset


Attached: 1537318320729.png (601x850, 421K)

i got no reason to be upset when i'm not the guy that can't fucking read

got you virabro
we showed them how do we do it

what business practice? we dont even know the full info about the game yet. by the time it comes to pc it will be correctly priced with the dlc characters though.

These are in really nice quality. The video I saw of the trailer didn't look this good.

By the time it comes out on PC, Guilty Gear will already be out and nobody will even want to play granblue anymore

Attached: D5z0PK_UYAE8grb.jpg (967x900, 156K)

ping go to sleep

Vira is not even popular. Where's Naru? What the fuck is this list?

two weeks ago

Was it a rerun or a new event? I quit the game, so I havent been keeping up.

>ignoring real fan favorites
>already announced dlc
>pandering to the west

i think gg will actually come out before granblue on pc

new event but technically she only showed up as a mention from the last event

Attached: 1558957466902.png (640x628, 569K)

what censorship?

Why does this look so graphically stunted? Don't these guys have gacha money? How is Guilty Gear so much better looking?

number 5 man it says right there

>muh fanfavorites
more like coomfavorites

GG is getting simultaneous release just like rev 2 and dragon ball
Meanwhile cygames are retards and have no idea how to actually make real games

between this and dbfz I think this looks better

gg2020 > this > dbfz = rev > xrd


>the only three popular cows are (you)sexuals
>no matter how much they shill Aliza no one cares about her because no one likes Stan
>all of her doujins are usually about her cheating on Stan, Stan cheating on her, or her getting raped while Stan watches

People are overreacting. It's just SF2 in an anime skin and only a few have problems with SF2 but do so for some reason with this game.

I'm really curious if the Cygames dudes are pissed at how much better GG looks compared to Gran.

yep thats why i think gg will come out before granblue on pc. i think they are cheaping out on the project to save money. delay netcode, small character count, reusing the same online system arcsys always has. they should have put a tiny bit more into the budget for day 1 pc crossplay, rollback, and 14 characters and the game would have been huge.

>why is a game that doesn't even have a release date and might have an even smaller roster size along with being arcsys actual flagship game better looking than a 3rd party game produced by them
I dunno why does bayonetta look better than legend of korra

>silva is ok

It does have a release date. Was in her trailer

>no one likes Stan
pretty sure fujos are just as obsessed with him as with sandal
>doujins are usually cheating/NTR
or oyakodon

Aliza is still better than all the humans and primals on the polls

>It's just SF2
It really is not. You are just saying that cause you think simple fighter = SF2. Even on the surface level you should be able to see how mechanically different they are.

No, otherwise they would have put actual effort into making the game with a good roster and advertising it properly

Silva is fucking hot and cute

idk I like Stan, he was pretty funny
Aliza got put on a bus though

Attached: 1564662545838.png (480x479, 465K)

ok cuck

So now we have fucking silvafags here too?

Just buy guilty gear instead desu

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Oh man, that Alicia oyakodon stuff is great.

Man, I wish characters like Silva and Sandal weren't so focused on yuri/yaoi pandering, I genuinely like them with some of their other scenes like Silva trying to be an aloof older sister only to get bullied by Cuc or Sandal trying to act like an edgelord only to be reduced to a barista by little girls.

well song is pretty hot too, so it all works out

I say that because my entire time with the beta and playing more than fifty matches on the gamescom build led me to this conclusion.
You'll know when you get your hands on the game. We haven't had a SF2 style game in ages whereas we had a bunch of simple fighters recently.
I'm glad it's SF2 though, don't get me wrong

2020 is not a defined release date for guilty gear user

song is ugly as fuck

This is how I know you don't play GBF and only see fanart
Songs face is literally melting or some shit in game it's fucking bad

song is still not hot even in fanart

You people miss the most crucial part.
This game has single player rpg content.
That alone puts it above all other fighting games. Because fighting games are shit.

>SF2 style game
So now we've gone from it's just SF2, to style game. What you really mean it is a grounded fighter, which we get all the time. No it isn't like SF2, autocombos, EX moves, spot dodge/rolls. block button that mitigates cross-ups, cooldowns, only 3 buttons, lack of command normals, how throws work, how meter works, unique action button, and so on. That isn't even going into SF2's meta like how strong projectiles are, or how in Super Turbo every character isn't stuck having 4 moves.

So no you were talking bullshit, you could say (any grounded fighter)-style game, you just wanted to attach it to SF2 to make it sound better.

>take a break from farming in Grubble by farming in Grubble Fighter

Silva is trash just like all the other yurishit characters

Attached: ED7j6QzU0AI6Z.png (725x550, 787K)

Silva 5* ruined her character unironically
now she's just a song yuri orbiter and the gun sisters event was shit because they had to force song in

Atleast the grind in grubble fighter has actual gameplay

as an old man who doesn't have time to play real fighting games anymore I'm glad this game is simple enough where I can play without spending weeks in training mode just learning combos

Her light version redeemed her. Her uncle fucked her brains out while she was drunk

it's still a real fighting game and you still have to hit the lab after you get double perfected with the standard fighting game bullshit.

she is meh
but vira and alex are pretty bad in comparison to her

This is some top tier slut. Is she for (You)s
>no news about platinum RPG

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Simple fighters tend to just see better players dominate harder. Especially when like here there isn't an easy comeback factor. You'll get stomped just as hard but have less to fall back on and help you.

I don't mind testing frame data and learning matchups I just don't have time for shit like BB and Guilty gear combos anymore

they are retarded and liek to stir shti up

they're all shit but vira should be removed from the game
shit causes more problems than it has fans

the new GG is dropping long combos tho

She's a slut so she's an onahole for everyone

we already knew there'd be no news for Relink until December. They apologized it's taking so long last time they talked about it and said their previous launch frame was too optimistic

also it depends on whether or not you value seasonal lines or not

Attached: OEedOXZ.jpg (3000x473, 384K)

She is for everyone. Its her sister that is (You)sexual

I'll believe it when I see it
They better be dropping weight and unique wake up times too or who cares

No Sutera isn't
Sutera doesn't even understand romance or romantic holidays. none of her seasonal lines are even affectionate towards the MC in a way that denotes she understands what's going on

>and said their previous launch frame was too optimistic
If anything Id say falling out with Plat also delayed the game a lot

Youre crazy if you think 70% of the people who watch guilty gear trailers or listen to their music in YouTube will actually follow through and buy and play the game on release.

They have like 50k views on their channel and every trailer for the game gets close to 200k plus the resposts. Theres also twitter getting a lot of engagements. There will be more when it's actually about time to start release. The game is also already going to be exposes by showing up at big tournaments for demos

draphs are such a perfection that it's a crime they not putting it on the game at least one
>b-but ladiva
i swear to fucking god i will find you and put piss in your mouth

Attached: 444848484.jpg (570x960, 59K)

Everyone is gransexual in one way or another, even dykes like Vira

but ladiva

The current rumor is that Platinum was taking advantage of the fact that cygames didn't know what certain prices were for basic shit (Compared to other companies that have contracted for console games) and was overbilling them so when cygames found out they said fuck it we'll just learn how to do this ourselves and that's why platinum was dismissed

DLC 1 or 2

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Imagine liking a slut who feels no remorse stealing other women's boyfriends.

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Um are you forgetting him?

Attached: Npc_zoom_3040146000_01.png (960x800, 176K)


But actual Metera gives Sutera tips on how to get a guy though and roots for her.

>More people watching GG doesn't count
>But less people watching GBV's all do, also all the twitter posts and shit at tournament only count for GBV!


Sword Autism Man from OTHER GAME
Based Rackam

There are two draphs getting in the final roster user

Attached: 1521860764374.png (136x173, 49K)

>no draphs
>no primals
>none of the popular human girls
>not even vira

that sounds retarded but hilarious, I dont believe it at all

Fuck you for posting this.

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Shame fighting games are total garbage

Attached: 20190125_123810.jpg (1080x1267, 862K)

>plays a mobile game
>thinks actual games are garbage
lmao shit taste

That sounds like bullshit justification from fanboys

so she can steal her sister man

beast gacha shit by a country mile

>Cygames getting scammed
considering the state of the mobage it sounds plausible, but we're talking about KMR here

Attached: 1556627867061.jpg (1102x1074, 123K)

Bold of you assume I play this regularly and not only when they give freeshit, arcshitter.

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can anyone give me a quick rundown?

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Yuel or Orchid

how do you scam the god of scams?

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What are you doing user? She's ready whenever you are.

Attached: don't keep me waiting.png (500x550, 190K)

>Platinum outsmarting the god of (5) Gachas

you mean those sentences?
It's a reference to the lyrics of Lucilius theme, the last end game raid.

Is there still no release date for this game?

The producer of Granblue who is memed on for a variety of reasons
The praise him for he has no equal line is from the current super boss in the mobage

no I meant a quick rundown in bogdanoff style, but alright I'll take it

Feb 6 2020

Attached: a5f65f81cd477975d7d60584fc22be12.jpg (724x1023, 497K)

>still no news about granblue fantasy project relink

>plays a mobile game
>thinks actual games are garbage
lmao shit taste

Ah crap, its give praise, my bad, sorry granbros

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Thanks? Nip or worldwide?

It sounds more plausible that Cygames just has no experience in actually making real games so they hit a brick wall after platinum was done making the structure of the game.

it came to my mind but did they show any draphs being playable on that too?
are they going to pull to great draph dlc scam of 2020
KMR you fucking bastard
i see how it is

Attached: 1553134379906.png (508x741, 162K)

Japan, worldwide is 2020 also but I don't know if it's the same. I can't remember if the EN beta had the release date

Currently the official site only has the JP date. I know XSEED is localizing so maybe their social media has something

and the best way to solve that is by getting rid of the guys who do know how to make games? makes no sense to me

You deserve to be nickel and dimed for your shit taste

Winter Granfest

>contract was that platinum made the base game and cygames finished the rest
>contract is over
>platinum leaves
>uhhh guys how do we actually finish this game
>6 months later
>still no news
It makes perfect sense

have sex

>contract was that platinum made the base game and cygames finished the rest
Congrats, you believed PR bullshit

>no draphs in a granblue fighting game



regardless of how it happened, what happened afterwards is still the same
Cygames have no idea what to do the with the project

I misunderstood the context , my b

>Cygames have no idea what to do the with the project
Pretty much, thats why they scrambled to form Cygames Osaka

Here's your final season pass characters.

Attached: 76135532_p0.jpg (3600x2400, 1.5M)


Attached: 1552535228027.png (320x316, 85K)

Hopefully the preorder character is a Draph

You got Ladiwa. Shut the fuck up. Its what the progressive west wanted.

Draphs aren't as popular as you think they are
Only Narmaya and Sheep really have popularity. Sheep isn't getting in because she's limited and thus has less visibility and Narmaya is probably DLC for season 1

>muh draphs
>your average coombrain
dead meme, everyone knows erune girls is where it's at

metera don't you have boyfriends to steal from your sister?
what are you doing here

>not "coombrains"

they are the most popular female characters

No I'd say draphs are fairly popular, but secondaries in the west vastly overestimate how popular they are, I'd like to see Naru and Razia in the DLC roster, but before that I want my wife Zoi

Attached: 1544874875793.png (711x690, 363K)

Wait a minute, Vira isn't that big

>all gbv discussion boils down to WHO DO U WANT BROS XD
What a awful fanbase.

Attached: 1475215731280.jpg (545x520, 202K)

wow it's almost like there is nothing else to discuss.

Two remaining reveals had better be female. There are already too many dudes in this game.

almost like some other fandom but not even close to being that shit
i can't put my finger on it

Attached: 1519592744863.png (259x224, 15K)

lol no, that would be primals

Razia is literally a flop character
Nobody fucking gives a shit about her, gets close to no fanart, is shit in game, etc.

XSEED is the publisher but Cygames are localizing it themselves.

It's close enough.

Attached: Npc_zoom_3030019000_02.png (960x800, 152K)

Relink fucking where and when?

to be very fair being shit in the game is the most impactful sin

So? I said who I'd want to see, not who's going to be in. I like Razia, she's fun and retarded like Bea, but compared to someone like Naru or hell, even Yaia, she has no chances

News in December at Granbluefes, we've known this since like March or February

>news is that it's cancelled

No, we have only know that since August when they literally announced the timeframe for the announcements.

Might have been funny shitpost but they briefly showed new art/assets when they said that so no


>spending weeks in training mode just learning combos
you're doing it wrong. difficult optimal combos are the last thing you need to learn in fighting games. all the time in the world spent perfecting combos will not help you in a real fight if you can't land the hits. that's why you should practice confirming into knockdowns and setting up okizeme instead, and the best place to practice that is a real match. so, in essence, by locking yourself into training mode you only get an illusion of improving, while actually being as much of a scrub you were when you started.

who is your under appreciated wife Yea Forums?

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I really don't see why people are so adamant about hating her.

yandere lesbian

Attached: Npc_zoom_3030013000_01[1].png (960x800, 99K)

>Character is literally nothing but DUDE CRAZY LESBIAN
>At one point it looked like they were going to make her an actual developed character
>Goes right back to DUDE CRAZY LESBIAN where she's stayed for 5 years
>Entire character centers on a one sided romance that has no chance of ever going anywhere or progressing one way or the other

How old is she? Give me an honest answer.

Attached: Rosetta.(Granblue.Fantasy).full.2200772.jpg (849x800, 338K)

Doesn't matter to me.

At least a few hundred


Attached: Z9788943.gif (128x115, 13K)

Does Katalina even like anyone or is she just the same fucking character she was in the early chapters?

So how did so many granbluefags in Yea Forums guess right and why is she so liked? I can't get into phone games for the life of me but art and character design is slick

only makes it hotter when she's inevitably broken

i mean this isn't like smash
almost everyone knew she was coming since the weapons told what characters would be in the game like day one

Should be going as far as the war with the Astrals, so...Ancient as fuck

>with those GOAT heiro doujins

No, she hasn't developed one bit. She's forever stuck as Lyria's adoptive mom.

wasn't the war only 500 years ago?

never happened never will she will aways be annoying and there is nothing you can do about it

>So how did so many granbluefags in Yea Forums guess right
The boxart shows everyone's weapons except for Ladiva. We are still awaiting Zeta and Vaseraga's trailers.
>why is she so liked
Metera is fun, she's a huge flirt but is also a nice character. She's very flirty and modern which clashes with her conservative and traditional sisters.

>guess right and why is she so liked?
Dude the entire roster with the exception of Ladiva was deciphered in 24 hours, the only suprise was that its only 11 characters
Also she's openly slutty, Yea Forums likes loose whores

Still a completely sexually unaware onna kishi who is mostly concerned with muh lyria defense force

oh yeah and she isn't ''so liked''
she is an ok character and basically a slut

Lowain needs to step up his game.

But she's not annoying to me so I've already done something.

cygames has dropped more hints that lowain would end up with vira than ever get with kat at this point

The versus logo has the gacha game weapons for all the characters in it
People were able to identify the 10 characters aside from ladiva that were probably in the game based off of it
Ignore the ??? in this image they were eventually found out

Attached: n0T0-FN9_vZjmZMZrtn-geqfCsbo0XyMsh_AdzUYG2s[1].jpg (1182x816, 147K)

it's called hitting your head in the table and pretending you are not retarded from it

i really hope this happens
i can already see the amout of butthurt with virafags

You mean Song's wife Silva?
She's one of the more popular characters so there's a chance she shows up in DLC. Would be nice if she could call in her sisters for assists too

It's the fujoshits
Yet, they go crazy over Belial

>i really hope this happens
So do you hate Vira for being a yandere lesbian or not?

It's kind of disappointing that 10/11 were known from announcement, kills any kind of surprise and speculation
I was hoping any new characters would've been added to the logo

wait there is actual males who like vira?
that is pathetic man

Attached: 009.png (172x205, 35K)

>i hate vira but don't know why

>i like vira but i don't know why

But I do

I may or may not have insider info on this game. Ask me for characters and I'll tell you if they're in the roster or not.

Is Djeeta in

any characters from the big tiddy race??

Is Gran in

How high a chance does my wishlist have? I don't play GBF, I'm just a fightanfag

Attached: Versus Wishlist 2.0.png (1357x1156, 2.15M)



Are either Sandalphon or Cagliostro getting in the dlc roster

They won't be in the game for day one. I'm unsure about any DLC.

cog is almost sure
aliza is possible
everything else 0 chance

Who the fuck cares then, we already know the launch roster you fake

i don't think anyone that likes vira could be called a male since liking vira is like getting castrated

Medium high if no other punchies like Ayer get in
Extremely low

Clearly not if you have people asking if Gran and Djeeta are in

all i care about is the big titty mage MILF and she's not in. why should i play the game if i can't play as a sexy zoner who is the very definition of "look but don't touch" with her gameplay and overall design?

>magisafags on Yea Forums

Attached: 1562356107319.png (625x469, 223K)

just play blazblue CF with nine
she has the same summon too

Attached: rri6mH2.jpg (700x700, 295K)

Lots of characters have pretty strong DP though, I could see it happening

her va voices my main in uni too

Attached: 1559344276547.jpg (1000x1500, 703K)

>Block button
Wtf really? Fuck it, this kills it for me, I'm out


Attached: purun.webm (480x480, 1.78M)

Zeta is in.

the wishlist is the bottom part

i mean yeah that's why the part you should look is the wishlist..

I think Zeta was already filled in for that pic.

You can block with back or the block button. Using the block button you can only soften throws, not break them but it also protects you from crossups. It's weird, I don't like it but it seems added for the RPG mode.

Yeah, everyone on top we already know they're in. No idea why the fuck people were asking if Gran was in.


the west can't handle them

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You have good taste user just came to say that
SSR soon for full light axe team meta

Jesus Christ

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let's be fair here you can't call yourself male if you like vira
you are in fact a tranny
now go dilate

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Is this is it, bros ? Is this is the only peak of so called love im gonna receive ?

Attached: 4bdf58f1efe7d187da13f2503f151f29.jpg (1600x900, 133K)

Post cug kissing gran

Attached: 015[1].png (1045x1482, 563K)

cogfags love trannies






post more


you seem to care enough to make that post
and I'd bet you'll still care enough to keep making posts saying how much you don't care

Bea is too dumb to be in a fighting game

It's because I want to care. I want to have a reason to be excited about this game and they're not giving it to me.

>fox girl
>no fluffy tail


>Rage of boomer shit not getting into a GB game

But there's only two so far

And I care.

Did they give a release date for this game yet?

Attached: 51504923_p0.jpg (739x1200, 593K)

Feb 6

Feb 6 2020

Attached: CZhMtDWUYAMvWh8.jpg large.jpg (1024x963, 198K)

It's coming for PC right?


not at launch, ps4 only for now

Attached: episode_454.jpg (630x2760, 576K)

>all these people who want cag
>trannies are ok when japan does it now

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>cag is tranny
Dumb user.

Gender bender is one thing.
Lolibaba is another.
Also, yes.

dumb newfag

Yikes! Go back plebbit.

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enjoy your stay tourist

This poll is for the characters who were voted to get the exclusive 5th anniversary costume. Naru is a bit lower because she already got a costume for the 3rd anniversary for the game. For non moon readers this is the list

Dark Angel Oliva

Okay I guess I will not get it then

Vira is fine. She has a nice design, I like her voice, and she gets a lot of decent fan service. Her character is underdeveloped but that's true of pretty much everyone in the game. She's not close to being my favorite though.

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I see you learned how to reply properly this time around, glad I could help. Thanks for the (You)! Just so you know it's the equivalent of an upvote on 4Channel, my good gamer friend!

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>they didn't just sell the game as a beatem up with FGC potential

Only reason people dislike her is because she's not for (You)

Full size where? How is the quality so good?

Cog is lolijiji

Samsho would be more up your alley if you want a fightan that isn't as reliant on combos.

that game is ugly af

um no it isn't sweetie

Needs more Harvins.

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Reminder to give your money to cog

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does metera fuck or does she just cocktease?


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I'm not Irish but I'd mash those potatoes

It's a scan from a poster but the poster is B3 and my scanner is A4.

damn, metera is a world class cum dumpster.

I like her even more now


Where was the poster sold at?

but user, noone's paying her

Granblue Extrafes originally but I bought it from a reseller through yahoo auction.

cute, but I feel like they had to censor themselves due to sony

She's tricking you. You are her target, she's molding you to be her ideal man.

Except she's always looking for anyone else that might also be her ideal man.

I would want to be the kind of man that gets to raw her every night

Then gets dejected because of her high requirement for male partner or just outright rejected because the male are not interested in her.

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dont pull this nigger meme to gbf


aaaaaaaa she's so smug

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Looks like they toned down her clothing to comply with the ethics department.

The only change is that they changed her slit shorts to bootyshorts unless you're referring to them using her fire design instead of her wind design

Attached: Metera3.png (1887x579, 1.4M)

Well, yeah. They changed her shorts. She's pretty much ruined now. I won't pay for games that tone down sexy women to not threaten 3D holes.

Her tits look way nicer here than in-game

It's funny because in /gbfg/ GBF metera's tits are referred to as banana tits while they like her GBVS tits

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Where is she?

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Lol what the fuck, banana tits are literally the ideal shape of women's breasts. They are perky and firm and perfectly shaped and do exist in real life albeit rarely. Gods like Raita understand this, not surprising the plebs who post on /vg/ do not.

In the trash where she belongs

They look much lewder compared to her GBVS generic baloon tits

>No Drang/Strum duo unit in versus
I hope that’s dlc


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My body is ready.

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wrong that skeleton will have bananas

already got you covered

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Here's your primal characters. Fuck Zoey

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Waste of a slot.

wtf raita used to be able to draw

Seems like your bother is the one with issues, not the game.

Sorry but I really don't like that choppy-on-purpose framerate.

Give me a REAL primal like Satyr.

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