Did you play any fun games today?

Did you play any fun games today?

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I played games, but none were fun.

I saw a lot of women, but she never did leave my mind, and it just grew
Tangled up in blue...

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I finished cave story and now I am doing true ending route plus no machine gun. I thought I was gonna have more trouble but its been fairly easy so far.

Then I plan to finish warhammer heretik, then finish my 120 shrine botw zelda playthrough and finally start playing octopath.

Played a round of LoL and lobotomy corp. All in all I think so.

I played Cuphead

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Played some For Honor.

>work from 11pm thursday, until 7am friday
>go to class from 8:45am friday to 2:45pm
>do homework from 2:45 to 3:45
>get home at around 4:30
>have to get up at 8pm to get dressed and get to work by 11pm
S-so much time for videogames... haha...
I shouldnt have gone back to college

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I never clicked with that game
Is it actually fun once you learn it decent? Is it even still alive on PS4?

I can't play fun games anymore because my roommates/friends always drag me away to spend time doing nothing with them.

>Great Sword Hunting all night with my crit/evade build on MHW

The good life.

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im bored

Junko a cute.

Yes, I'm playing Smite right now.

Yes, I emulated some ps2.

>tfw no games feel fun or interesting right now
i at least walked a lot, like over 11 miles & saw some friens today!

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I just looked on Yea Forums instead of playing any games again

no, give source of anime so I can masturbate to her

>working full time and taking a full load of courses

I played dark souls 3, I killed all the bosses including the DLC ones and I was just collecting all the Titanite Slabs, I don't know what else to do before starting NG+, maybe I will rearrange my stats before going in, I'm doing a second run because in the first one my friend insisted to do it co-op, so I rushed most of the game and most of the bosses, I want to do them solo now.

>have bills to pay so I cant take fewer hours
>because I went back to the same college after dropping out, im on "academic probation" and I need to take X amount of classes per semester

And it just so happens that friday is the absolute worst day that the schedules interact
But I cant be a retail cuck forever, theres a dude at my job who is in the same position as me but has been working here since like 1980. I refuse to be him

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I pirated octopath traveler and was bored to tears halfway through supposedly the best path then uninstalled. I'm going back to grinding fightan

>im on "academic probation"
have you explained to them you're working full time
why did you go back to the same college

I enjoyed playing tf2 and then my friends wanted to play other crap. The only game they play is a flash ripoff of worms. It's fun with them but the game is genuinely bad, we end up trash talking the mexicans we meet more than actually playing the game. Wish we could play tf2 together but they're stubborn about trying it.

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