Haha yeah this is pretty borderlands :)

Haha yeah this is pretty borderlands :)

Attached: Twitter.jpg (720x787, 248K)

More like Bore-derlands.

>heavy increase in twitter and leddit screencaps posting ever since BL3's release
Who would have guessed?

I hate this faggot so much. Still didn't stop me from buying the game though

This is pretty borderlands too haha xD

Attached: file.png (1050x788, 1.82M)

>Still didn't stop me from buying the game though
You fucking retard.


That's not very borderlands of you

More like Randy Pitchford is a fucking faggot, rite?

Spoken like a true cuck.


Attached: 1464748315535.jpg (225x225, 10K)

now THIS


This guy is so badass™

uuuuuugh I wish I was as borderlands as this

Yeah bro that is BorderlandsAF #BadAss

Does this cunt intentionally go out of his way to be as unlikable as possible?

someone reply with a pic with a lot of dead bodies
'so borderlands lol!'

Intentionally implies that he even thinks.

what's borderlands about it, shitpost-kun?

badass? get with the time gramps, it's all about being borderlands now

Attached: imperfections.jpg (1070x704, 181K)

yeah bl1 actually had resembling scenery. too bad the series went to shit after the first entry

>that twiiter avatar he chose to set

Based Randy Pitchford got you faggots really seething huh? Got Kotaku and Polygon writing screeds of shit salty about not receiving review copies huh? Noticing some parallels here.

It's borderlands.

His game, user. Randy owns Gearbox. All of your money goes directly to him.


OMG this. is. literally. borderlands. XDDD

Attached: 1559712218522.webm (480x360, 598K)

Randy has the biggest case of “fellow kids” syndrome I have ever seen.

Even 1 was padded and boring. How many quests were just about killing x number of skaggs? Too fucking many. I must hate myself because I did every side quest in the base game and I regret all of it.


>kills off 3 former PCs in the span of 1 game

>paying for a keylogger

>10 fps
this is so boredomlands XD

I did the same with a friend on splitscreen and at the time it was great fun. IMO the atmosphere, setting and writing in 1 was wonderful, wish the sequels were more similar in those aspects

A total of 3 social credits have been added to your account

epic and badass

Ha! I get it.

Can a badass confirm if this is Borderlands enough?

Attached: hnd.jpg (720x960, 210K)

Haha that looks like a penus

the paypig goes oink-oink

the fuck is going on

Do they really need to wear it everywhere?


LOL I Just baited you so hard!
Welcome to the big leagues kid!
You won't last two seconds out here.

Attached: BaseBaldLOL.jpg (424x546, 37K)

Looks like a reference photo for Borderlands environmental design

>I did the same with a friend on splitscreen and at the time it was great fun.
Because you had a friend with you, you fucking dipshit.

Okay, this is BADASS

>Still didn't stop me from buying the game though

Attached: 1567591710740m.jpg (1024x785, 49K)

>being a conzoomer

Attached: 1540146568634.jpg (640x561, 38K)

it's a condition where veins/arteries can swell up... that pic is a pretty serious case

Uhhhh... guys??

Attached: cfHw3rf.jpg (676x442, 161K)

You couldn't tell there were no jews on Pandora?

I didn't know varicose veins can get that extreme. I thought it was a misshapen radish.