Should Nintendo retcon the zero suit?

Remember they retconned the bikini from the first three games.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Skater Maid bro, we got another thread for you.


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is this really what you chose to dedicate your time to

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I wouldn't mind it, I never played Metroid though.

Keep in mind that on left shes standing on an angle to emphasize her butt.

This is a pathetic premise for a thread, find something else to do.

Both poses and angles are identical.

No, but they should remove Zero Suit Samus from Smash 6. Also, kill yourself, Sybb.

get your vision checked

It needs a significant redesign so that it doesn't look so damn boring. I mean, it was made for a GBA game where the character was like fifteen pixels tall, so simplicity was the name of the game, but all that unbroken teal is a bit much.

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No, you do. Pose is identical. Angle is identical. Look at the placement of the gun for example. It's exactly the same.

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Pic related is OP

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they should retcon Metroid: Other M instead

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>they should retcon Metroid: Other M instead

technically Other M's shitty plot makes it that either it happens or every other game in the series happened

and why is some moron spamming Skateboarding Maids?

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because he's saving this thread from Sybb's retarded horseshit.

Do you have any suggestion, then?

Because OP is a faggot. Also .

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ah, the boogieman

Hell no. ZSS is the only Metroid character I like to play as in Smash. The orange swimsuit alt is my favorite.

is Sybb acfag?

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no, Sybb is Bizarro world ACFag.

I don't think so.

If I recall the Sybb boogieman loves ZsS' ass. ACfag hates ANYTHING remotely related to ZSS

Some dude thinks that spamming is the key to backseat modding Yea Forums.

Not really a bogeyman when the Strawpoll's right there.


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On left her butt is twisten towards the “camera.” You can tell because of the curve of the ass crack.

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The Zero Suit ruined the character. It should only ever be seen in the end credits splash screen. Other than that, Samus should never leave her armor.

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Maybe. Whenever sybb is around, acfag is not far behind.

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because Sybb loves talking ZSS, and that triggers ACFag to appear.

Her butt is not "twisted", it's just bigger. A bigger butt naturally gets a different shape.

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In smash, yes. I'm tired of all the Samus with no helmet or power suit because shitty artists are too pussy more mech stuff

>acfag is not far behind.

the SJW is already here, see

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Keep doing your thing, I support you tonyhawk poster

Whoever is posting these skateboarding drawings is dare I say based

Loving these Tony Hawk maids, keep it up bro

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Jannie will be here shortly, this new hire hates T and A in equal measure.

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>Samefagging this hard

Where is your caretaker?

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Good meme.

>Retard can't see the split seconds between posts

That's not acfag. If that was acfag that post would be lamenting even the end credits rewards and the fact that Samus isn't a robot.

Sybb is Sweden, ACfag is Canadian.


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The coomskull meme seems more fitting the more I keep seeing these types of threads. I genuinely blame video games though. Why are there JJJ cup rabbit girls in XC2? Why is there a game with DD cup 14 year old ninja girls with DLC of them in bikinis/giant cups of dessert? Shit's getting peak degenerate desu senpai

so AIDS and HIV.

Pretty much

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Zero suit turned Samus into a joke. Just another slut to coom over.

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Retcon it for what ? Another Bikini suit ? Samus was always sexualised anyway. This would do basically nothing.

Retconning Other M, however, is a good idea.

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I'd rather Nintendo officially admit it was a fuck-up and then say they're removing it from the timeline. But that's never going to happen.

what's up with all the anime maids doing skateboard

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Sybb please kill yourself this isn't normal

based Skater Maid poster is salvaging Sybb's trash thread with some sick tricks.

Y'all niggas postin' in an ACfag thread

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I think they're pretty awesome, I've never seen anime drawings that actually have interesting & variety of poses

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Is skateboarding even a thing in Japan?
Were the Tony Hawk games ever popular there?

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Sybb thread*

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>Tony Hawk

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metroid prime 2 is the best metroid game

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I applaud the artist's passion for anime girls and skating. I wish I had that kinda passion in me

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Every time I see these maids it just reminds me of this

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these maids are really cool

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There is no way they can do all these sick ass tricks with those long dresses. They'd never be able to see the boards, their ankles would be Final Destination'd in no time.

>sybb's faggot autism spam defeated by skateboarding maids

Ride on maid-kun.

just like dobson and carnivale

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Believe in them because I believe in you.

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I don't think I've seen a single dobson thread in nearly a year now, it's just easier to bait people with stonetoss these days

user, please, watch vaati's lore videos before posting.

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You mean ACfag?

This thread has rejuvenated my soul. I feel slightly more complete now. Thank you, skateboarding anime maids.

No, Sybb and ACfag are two different people. Sybb is the autist who always uses that one picture of Samus from Zero Mission or Vanessa from PN03 and is almost always accompanied by a poll asking some inane question about if their ass is "flabby."

This is nice.

They should've retconned everything about Samus out of her suit and just focused on making her a badass bounty hunter. This waifu shit was totally unnecessary from day 1.

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And replaced by what?
Should she be nude under her Armor?

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This is out of the blue, not sure where I got it from, but, uh... a maid uniform?

Are skateboard maids some trend I just never knew about or is it just one artist and this is their thing?

Not yet.

Replace the Morph Ball with a skateboard and we'll talk.

I like the way you think.

but she is a badass bounty hunter, she's just very attractive

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oh hey it's samus!

what was this trick called again?

Why are there so many skate boarding maid pics? Is this a Japanese meme?

damn, that was the fastest i've ever seen a thread go from shit to great, thanks Skater Maid user, you've made at least one thread on this board not shit today. also now i have a new folder of images thanks to you.

Might as well give her a burka while we're at it.

There were a bunch a couple months ago.

It's one artist
A true visionary

He really is.

This was nice, thanks guys.

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Man, the zero suit in Zero Mission woke something in me as a kid, it was my first fap